Amen (/2 MADE BY CANADIANS FOR CANADIANS We Deliver WITH TOOLS FROM BRATHWAITE’S Garden Spades . . . . . . . . 850. to $1.35 ea. Garden Forks . . . . . . . . . . 850. to $1.75 Garden Hoes, all sizes Taylor-Forbes Lawn Mowers Grass Catchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95c. ea. 50 Ft. Corrugated Hose, couplings at- tached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 Bulk Seeds â€" Fertilizers, Etc. F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE PAGE EIGHT SuppOrt the Victory Loan To the Citizens of Vaughan Twp. Groom Your Garden Resolute and fired with the true spirit of patri- otic endeavour men and women throughout the length and breadth of Canada welcome the Vic- tory Loan as a personal opportunity to do some- thing in this war to preserve our “way of lifeâ€. As a demonstration of our patriotism, loyalty and our determination that this Loan will be fully subscribed, we ask that citizens of Vaughan Township co-operate by decorating their homes and'places of business for the duration of this campaign. ‘ 'v' Let us all ,take this opportunity of speeding Vic- tory by getting behind the Victory Loan cam- paign. BIG! RUGGED! ECONOMICAL! It’s the roomiest car in its ï¬eldâ€"greatest inside length and seating width. New frame, 5 rings, ride stabilizer and wheelbase len h com ine to set a new standard of riding com ort. Again this year, the Ford has set new oflicial records, in its class, for gasoline economy. 0 See what extra value Ford offers this year. Richmond Hill HARDWARE R. W. SCOTT, Reeve of Vaughan. Ford and Mercury Sales and Service ittle Brothers Phone 18 The Ford has hydraulic brakes larger than those of any other car near its price, giving fast, smooth stops with extra-long brake-lining wear. Get in touch with a Ford dealer, and see what an attractive deal he has to offer. $35 a month with a reasonable down payment buys any Ford V-8. GWWWW†« mo Citizens of Richmond Hill] and v1- cinity I am writing this: on behalf of the staff and scholars of the Public School all of whom are very appreciative of the support render- ed: us by so many of the people. We trust our small" contribution will [bring at least a. measure of relief to a few people in that neble but war ravaged land fighting alone the lbattle of freedom for all mankind. WALTER. SCOTT- I might also mention that over and above the sum alread‘y stated the “School†War Fund is gradually climlbing and we have hop-es that another hundred dollars will 'be rais- ed by the end‘ of the school year, namely, June 30th. I feel the pulblic will be glah to know that we are able to send to the Toronto Evening Telegram's War Victims’ Fund a cheque for one hun- dred and ten dollars. It is the sec- ond donation forwarded during the school year making a grand total at one hundred and sixty-two dtollals for this worthy cause. Money donations were offered' and received as well as a large box of roses. Several outside finms gave donations and others gave us spe- cial consideration as regards; sup- plies. We also wish to extend' our thanks to those who so considerately took charge of the transportation of said supplies. While the names of those who helped: are too numerous to mention I nevertheless feel constrained] to refer to the many donations of home-made candy, sandwiches and cake as well as the loan of coal oil stoves and other necessities. not an mention the free use of lumber and the help given in construvgting- the booth. The Richmond Hill- Pulblic School staff and pupils are exceedingly grateful to all those citizens of Rich- mond Hill and vicinity who so gen- erously gave their support towards our effort in connection with the “Toronto Evening Telegram’s‘ Brit- ish War Victims)’ Fund†Ibooth which was put in operation at the Fair Grounds on May 24th last. Public School Raises $ll0. ForWar Victims Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO As a slight token of the very high esteem in which you are held by the members of Thornhilk Young People’s Union as a Christian gen- tleman and friend, we ask you to accept this' smal'} gixft. Trus‘ing that its acceptance will afford you We have always found that you have tried to rend-er yOurselrf both agreeable and! useful to your fellow men. You are deserving of all non- our at our hands for the manly, straightforward and' upright conduct that has governed all your actions. Deeply regretting that our connec- tion must be severed, we shall gratefully remember our associa- tion in the past, and hope always to be held in pleasant remembrance by you. We trust that this Will only be a temporary parting. We shall endeavour to continue our fel- lowship through correspondence. Though you may be far away we will rememlber you in prayer. The' success of a Young People‘s Union is in the hands of the Presiâ€" dent. You h-ave performed‘ the dvut- ies appertaining to this office in a manner which deserves our warmest thanks. I feel happy to be one of the mem- bers of a Young People’s Union presided over by yourself. At each Young People’s meeting like the present, it is essential for the well being and order of the evening’s program that a good chairman s‘hould' presidie, so that order, har- mony and good temper are main- tained, and so that the business of the evening may 'be conducted in such a manner as will! give us credit and respect with the rest of the church. At the regular meeting- of the Y.P.U. held on Monday evening the president, Mr. Gordon Weedon, who has been called for service in the Air Force, was presented with a lovely black and gold pen and per.- cil set on which his name was en- grawed. The presentation was made by Miss Mary Morton and the ac- companying address, read by Miss Geraldine Wesley was as follows»: Mr. Gordon Weedon, President of Thiornhill United Church Young People’s Union. Dear Sir:â€" om Thornhill News Items Ang again ton Tuesday evening Evelyn Dean entertained at a linen shower at which Mary received an assortment of useful gifts. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess who was assisted by Jean Hicks. for the transaction of General Business Dated at Maple this 29th day May, 1941. Owners of dogs in the Village of Richmond: Hill are hereby warned that it is contrary to Village By- Law to allow dogs to run at large from May lst to September 30th. A11 dog owners are hereby asked to take notice and observe the con- ditions of the said! by-Iarw. Notice to Dog Owners of Richmond Hill Village Anglican Church, Tuesday, June 3rd at 8 pm. “We love the place, 0 God, Wherein Thine honour dwells; The joy of Thine albode All earthly joy excels." Rev. Eldridge A. Currey, B.A., B.D. minister Sunday, June lst, 1941. 10 a.m â€"Sunday School. Lesson topic. Broadening Christian Horizons: The Antioch Movement. Golden Text, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation." Mark 16:15. 11 a.mâ€"Morning worship. Serv1ce to be conducted and sermOn given by Miss Harris, Missionary to China, now on furlough; an inter- esting speaker with a vital mess- age. 7 p.m.â€"Evening worship. Service to be conducted by members of the Young Ladies? Guild. Sermon to 'be given by Mrs. Robertson, Girls' Class Leader of Runnymede Unit- ed‘ Church, Toronto. YOung Ladies‘ Choir. This semce will be con- ducted in its entirety by the mcm< bers of our own Young Ladies’l Guild; you are cordially invited toi come and worship with us on this] special occasion. During the last two weeks, Miss Mary Morton, who will be married on June 7th in Th‘ornhvill United Church, was entertained at two die- lightful showers. The ifrst of these occasions was held at the home of Lorraine Davidson where the bride and! many friendls were entertained at a. lovely supper and later attendâ€" ed an interesting radio prOgram in Toronto. The bride was the recipi- ent of a. sandwich toaster. On Friday last the following were guests at a birthday party given by Master Gl-en Jamvieson: John Ed- wards, Leonard C'amrplbell, Marilyn C'lapham, John Wesley and. Marlyn Wesley. Excitement ran high for the youngsters and after an afternoon of fun and games, topped by a love- ly supper the little folk made their way home, happy but oh so tired. Mr. Alex Henderson of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hen- derson of Orangeviflle were Sunday visitors of Mr. and‘ Mrs. A. C. Hend- erson. We are sorry to report that M155 Lorraine Davidsron has been‘ill and wish, for her a speedy recovery. On Monday evening last a meet ing of the Trinity‘ Women’s Club was held at the Parish Hall. There was a good attendance anl plans were made for a baking sale on Sat- urd'ay, May 3151; at the home of Mn. W. Fitzgerald. as much pleasure as it has given us in the presentation. The Women’s Institute are very pleased to be in receipt of a letter from Mrs. W. R. Willard of West; Toronto Kiwanis Club, in which she on behalf of her club, expresses sin- cere appreciation for the four beau- tiful layettes completed by the In- stitute memlbers to .be forwarded to Great Britain where they; will serve a very useful purpose: The letter is high in. its praise of the lovely work done by the ladies and' will no doubt be an inspiration to them in their future work. The many Thomhill friends of Ro’bt. Scott extend their most cere sympathy in the 1055 of father Mr. W. D. Scott. ‘2nd Lieut. F. O. Classey, now 5125\- tioned at Brockville, spent the week- end! with his parents. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Vaughan Council SERVICE OF INTERCESSION The regular June meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township 7 Hall, Vellore Monday, June 2nd A. J. HUME, Clerk. sin- his M r THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1941 All persons having claims against the esmte of Andrew James Acey, late of the Towns-hip of York in the County of York, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1941, are hereby notified to forward to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of June, 194-1, full parti- culars of their claims against the said estate verified by affidavit. Af- ter the said date the Executor of the said estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased- having regard only to claims of which he will then have notice, to the exclu- sion of all others, and he will not 'be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Richmond Hill in the County of York, this 12th day of May, 1941. In the Estate of AN‘DREW JAMES A‘OEY, late of the Township of Yank: in the County of York, de- ceased. at 11 o’clock a.m. S.T. to hear and‘ adjudicate upon any complalnts against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Town- ship of Vaughan for the said year 1941. All parties Interested are re- quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. We specialize in re-I‘oofing', Cedar or Asphalt, & we invite your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given without obligation. ALTERATIONS and INSULATING Guaranteed Workmanship Phone SW The Clerk of the saidl Municipality. Maple, May 22, 1941. TENDERS will be received for the painting of woodwork on the inter- ior of the Richmond Hill Public School. All tenders must be deliv- ered to the secretary R. Lynett by 12 o’clock noon on June 12, 194-1. Lowest or any bender not necessarily accepted. Information and tender forms may be obtained from the un- dersigned Trustees. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given‘ that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Townshi‘) of Vaughan will be held in the Town- ship Hall, Vellore, on RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett. B.D. Pastor Sunday, June 1le 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 11 a.m.â€"Pulb1ic Worship and Holy Communion. 7 p.m.â€"V~esper service. One hocr only. Choice musical selections by the choir at all’ services, and a cordial invitation to memlbers and friends. The pastOr at both ser- vices. Come and‘ worship. Sunday, June lst. Whit Sunday 10 a.m.â€"Sund|ay School. 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 7 p.m.-â€"Evening Prayer. All cordially invited». Confirmation Class Friday at 8 pm. ASSESSMENT ROLL COURT OF REVISION The following- is an extract from a letter received in Richmond Hill from England this Week: “Our little island is getting pretty well Ibatter- ed, but every- one is marvellous. How the men do their own job by day and fire watch by night and‘ still keep fit beats me. To go to Liver- pool or Birken'head is a tonic â€" people just go on and] that is what we shall all do â€" go on to the bit- ter end. Days are Clark just now, but ahead there is the sunshine»â€" just as in 19f14-19I18â€"0nly it seems pretty grim notw.†Sunday, June 151: 10.30 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday Sch-001. 11.45 a_m. D.S.T.â€"Morning Service. Rev. Stevenson, preacher. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Notice to Creditors MONDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1941 RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY'S CHURCH RE-ROOFING “ON TO THE END" Municipality of Vaughan COUNTY OF YORK C. Riddell TENDERS Elwood Murray McLean By his Solicitor, B. Bloomfield Jordan, 84 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario J. M. MCDONALD, (Anglican) L. H. CLEMENT, R. PARIS. Thornhill