Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jun 1941, p. 2

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gBEST BY TEST; FAIRBANK FEEDS , MORE THAN AN INVESTMENT G. W. Spinney, Executive Chairman of the Victory Loan Organization, is a top executive of one of Canada’s great banks. As such, he might have been expected to discuss the big loan from the angle of an investment, in terms of security and interest. . But when addressing a large gathering of Victory Loan workers in Toronto the other evening he said this: “I met a young man a few nights ago in the Chateau Laurier at Ottawa. He was just about to go overseas as a pilot officer and was referring quite frankly to the fact that the life of a combat pilot in actual warfare is num- bered only in hours. I asked him how he felt about it. His anSWer shows the spirit of the youth of this country. He Wasn’t considering his own life at all; he was consid- ering only what he must do for Canada. He said: ‘the Government now has a 825,000 investment in me, and I certainly must get a couple of J erries for that before they get me.’ Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India and Canada have béen left alone to fight the Nazi monster. The challenge, undoubtedly the most stupendous in world history, demands the active help of every Canâ€" adian. Those with money, be it fifty dollars or two hunâ€" dred and fifty thousand dollars, must loan their cash to the government if Canada is to carry on with her present share in the big battle. The battle against Germany can be viewed in part as a battle in behalf of Canadian cash in hand. Let Germany win and assets of Canadians will dry up almost to the vanishing point._ Nova however, Canadians are faced with the realiza- tion that no matter how highly they regard that personal cash reserves, they must loan it in orderrto keep it. There are few Canadians who do not treasure money, either for the protection it affords the individual against unforeseen calamity or for the value it represents in terms of goods which it will buy. Some treasure money because of goods which it will buy. Some treasure money becauSe it is the concrete result of years of hard work. Others are reluctant to part with money because to them it is a sheltering arm around the family. “Can Canadians withhold money in the face of a spirit like that? I leave the answer to you.” Mr. Spinney set a splendid example in this manner of approaching the public to enlist wholehearted support for the Loan. If citizens at home are as unselfish as the young man to whom Mr. Spinney spoke, the Loan Win be we]] over- subscribed. FACING REALITY There comes a time in the lives of most men when they come face to face with reality and cannot dodge it.‘ Such a time has arrived for every man and woman in Canada who has a sum of money over and above that needed for ordinary expenditures. Every appeal made to York County in this war as in the last has been met with patriotic and wholeâ€"hearted support. We are sure our citizens will not fail in the present war effort, but once more will go well over the objective. This cannot be accomplished unless every citizen does a part. We feel it is almost superfluous to call on the citizens of York County to do what is obviously a duty. Never in history have we faced such a critical moment as the pre- sent. To fail now would mean the end of our freedom and civilization, and bondage for our children. _ a large amount, but what is at stake is beyond financial calculation. If as Canadians we fail to respond gener- ously to this appeal, the money necessary to equip our forces probably will be raised by taxation. If We are unâ€" willing to place our money behind the men who are risk- ing their lives for democracy, we are not worth defending. The Canadian people are now going through a testing time. They have been asked to invest $600,000,000 from their savings in Dominion of Canada bonds to provide the armed forces with the sinews of war, with the tools to defeat Hitlerism and preserve the nation’s liberty. It_is Always Sure Geod Value J. Eachern Smith, Manager Advertising Rates on Application. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING (30., LTD Men’s and Boys’ Wearâ€"â€"Men's, Boys’ and Children’s Shoes and Rubbers Phone 218w YORK COUNTY MUST DO ITS FULL SHARE PAGE TWO You are assured of good value for your money when you deal with us. We handle only stand~ atd lines, and we stand behind what we sell. BUY HERE WITH CONFIDENCE THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1941. R. J. CRAIGIE “THE LIBERAL” TELEPHONE 9 Richmond Hill I can borrow from my bankers, isI being investedk in Victory Loan Bond‘s‘. ‘ I was in fiemany and Italy two years ago. I know both countries weld. I‘ve seen what it means to men to be deprived of fl‘eedom...’ sometimes I wonder whether we i ‘ Canada prize freedom as we shoukl} Yours very truly, } H such men as these. are not waz‘th l banking to the limit, when it comes} to investing in Canada’s Victory‘ Loan], there’s something tragically wrong with the spirit of Canada. At any rate, my last dollar, and all that “No,” he answered, “I’m not going to wait for a commission. If I earn it, an; r'xg-h-t, but I‘m eniisting as a Private." Which he dlid‘: He is now a Sergeant. sion '.’” 1 as ifications.” “_God knows, Dad,” he said, “I hate wa'r. . .I have read and heard of what the last war meant to you and oth- ex‘s». But there’s a job to be dKone and my job is to help to do it." “How about trying for a commisâ€" sion?" I asked. “You ‘have the qual- The following is a copy of an ac- tual letter written by a prominent business man in Toronto. His sigma~ ture is withheld for devious reasons: Honourable J. L. Ilsley, Minister of Finance, Ottawa. Dear Sir: My son has gone to war. In that he is no difierent from thousands of other young men; but naturally, his mother and) I are proud of him. Be~ fore he enlisted‘ we talked it over. . . for he was at the threshold of his career -â€"~ a junior partner in this business â€"â€" with “all the flare of his briglm’; youth unspent." Buy Victory Bonds The Right Spirit 1 NEWTQEBROOK THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO AUDITORS’ REPORT, RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL FOR YEAR 1940 To the Council, _ To the Board of Education of the Village of Richmond Hm, High School, Richmond! Hill, Ont. Gentlemen: Jones Coal Co., Fuel . . . . . . I. D. Ramer & Son, Fuel .. J. Sheardown, Fuel . . . . . . . Village Treasurer, Lighting Village Treasurer, Water . . F. Y. W. Brathwaite, Hardware Bell Telephone Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. H. Wood, Soap and Dish etc. Mrs. Glenn, Toilets Supplies .. National Stationers, Paper and» Mrs. Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central Scientific Co. . . . . . . . . Ryerson Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. M. Dent C0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Longman Green» . . . . . . . . . . . . . Austin Drug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copp Clank Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letter Supply Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . W. J. Gage Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Specialty Co. . . . . . . . . . . G. McDonald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaac Pitman & Co. . . . l . . . . . . Lauer & Blossom . . . . . . . . l . . . Grenville Book . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Moyer School Supplies . . . . , . . . Underwood Elliott . . . . . . . In accordance with instructions received, I have completed an audit of the Books and Accounts of the Treasurer of the High School Board of Education for the year ended Decenrilher 3t. 1940, and attach herewith schedule showing statement of Receipts and Expenditures for the year 1940. All explanations and information required by me have been H. Stamford, Caretaker . . All explanations cheerfully given. Cash in Bank Jan. 1, 1940 York County Grant . . . . . Ontario Legislative Grant Village Lev'jr' . . . . . . . . . . . Provincial Grant, Music Rentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Stewart . Miss Shoe’botham Miss Jones Miss Izzard . Miss Smith . Miss Broad , A, TeaIe . . . . . . ‘ Supply Teacher . Shoe’botham J ones Izzard . Smith . Mme: s, 9 c ). ..- to. . titfic Co. by Co. [dyt'f H.110.“ & (30. mm 1 . . Suppkies . . liott .-........-. .<~... .....- owyy: 11:: ~ RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL RECEIPTS FUEL, EXPENDITURES COST OF INSTRUCTION TEACHERS SALARIES COST EQUIPMENT SURPLIE‘S OF' OPERATION WAGES I Among the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wells, last Sun- day were Miss Lillian Jackson, Mr. and- Mrs‘ Colin Amott, Miss Eva Stevenson, Miss Gladys Serimlgeour and Mr. Ralph Scrimgeour, all of Toronto; Master Barrie Inghamx, a war guest: from England, and Flight ISJie‘it». Dona’ld Amott, of Yorkton, ; as' . “Mile-.OVSaundrers is critiwDy m in the Generai HOSpita‘x. We wish for her a spegdy recovery, H ‘ 1 Next Sunday morning the service in the United1 Church will be under the direction of the Woman's Misâ€" sionary Society. The special speak- er will be Rev. L. S. Aflbright, B.A., B.D.. a returned- missionary from Japan. Mf. Raymond! Round spent the week-end with friends here. Ray- mon}! belongs to the RAF. in Mon- treal M13. and Mrs. W. T. Wells and‘ Miss B. Stevenson attended khe fun- eral of Mrs. Wm. Ward at; Exeter last Saturday afternoon. The annual Sunday School picnic of Newtombrook United Church will ge 1Belt! on June 28th to Woodland‘ ar . Mr. and Mrs. Webster of Toronto have purchased the home of ‘the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Danby on Yonge Street. We welcome them to our midst. Mrs. J. R. Smith and Mr. Harold Smith attended a. shower of the for- mer‘s neice in Toronto last Tuesday evening. A Sunday evening church service was conducted by the Woman’s As- sociation with the pres‘dent Mrs. A. W. Stephenson in charge« Mrs. Bonâ€" ter of Toronto Centre Presbytery W.A. conducted the devotional and Mrs. R. T. Tanner, president of the Woman’s Section of the League of Nations Society gave a very inform- ative address. A vocal duet was given by Mrs. Harold Moore and Mrs. Gien Shaw. The Woman’s Assoeiation intend bowing a Birthday Tea in the Unit- ed Church School room next Thurs- day. June 12th from: 2.30 to 5 pm. An cordial invitation is extended to a . Yours faithfully, Supplies MES. Wyman A. Hanna of Barrie . . , . . . . . $ 1600.00 ALLA-N W. WALKER Accountant and Auditor 3 1304365 3254.03 6500.00 58.94 17.00! $ 136.150 47.26 48.26 19 .46 24.64 27.68 February 12, 1941 2849.97 1833.79 1885.27 1793.39 1793.39 1597.30 1697.30 “50.92 451.33? 246 303 212.54 1 70% 26.98 102.78 48 .41 92.60 1 .87 24 .12 15.74 12.35 1.451 11.75 18.10 6.18 $ 1340«1.33 22947.55 22876.62 1106.46 332 .77 435.45 70.93 A native of Vaughan township, Mrs. Margaret Lehman on Saturday, May 24th Celebrated her 93rd‘ birth- day at the Toronto home of a daugh- ter, Mrs. Herman Lageer, Mrs. Leh- man, who was before marriage Mar- garet Mason, hag lived- in Toronto more than 20 years». She has four grandchildren and three great: grandchildren. At the age of 84 she spanned the continent, from the Pacific coast to Toronto, travelling alone. Twice she has visited the West coast, and rates travel as a major interest ‘in lrife. Despite many years residence in the city she preâ€" fers life on the farm. The Misaiion Band had) a very fine display of hand‘ work at the Domin~ ion Board W.‘M'.S. which was he‘ki in Emmanuel College last week. Much credit was given a little nineâ€"year- old girl for her knitting of bae‘oy’s stocking‘s and bootees which were exceptidnal'ly we“ done. ” fie}. A. H. and Mrs.. Halibel‘t at- tended the Stungâ€"Newton Wedding at Wood'brid-ge last Saturday, a cent quilt, 17 picture books, 4 dol‘lies, several scrap books, a mum ber of toys, 9th and knitted‘ ood5. The Mission Band- has raised amost an of its allmation already. was a guest at the Parsomage Last The Mission Band held its closing meeting last Saturdfay afternoon until the autumn. The president, Reta Hurd, presided. The study book chapter was reviewea by Mrs. E. Pearson. There was a shower for the missiqnary ‘balq which ingluded week. York Auto Parts 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12 COST OF MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS Sheppard & Gill, Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 17.59 W. J. Scrivener, Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 Jones .& Moore, Rep-airs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.16 Lecuyer Co. Elect. Fixt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.31 A. Mills, Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.65 Jerry Smith, Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 G, Mabley, Labour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 F. Beatty, Labour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 18.30 Pearson‘s Electric, Bulbs . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Auxiliary . . . . . . . . . (hpital Charges . Administration , H. Thomson, Rep-airs . . . . . . . . . . . . . Village of Richmond Hill, Supplies Yale & Towns, Keys . . . , . , . . . . . . . Little Bros., Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. Eaton Co., Mats and Shades . H. A. Sample, A.H.S. Bd. . . . . . . . Mrs. F. Davis, Flowers . . . . . . . . . . Globe & Mail, Adeertising . . . . . . J. H. Knowles, Entrance Exams E. Webster, Entrance Exams M. J. Ledd‘y, Entrance Exams .. W. Scott, Entrance Exams; . . . . . . 0. R. Stalker, Entrance Exams . J. G. McDonald». Entrance Exams W. H. Mooney, Entrance Exams Jas. Stewart, Entrame Exams» . J. B. Bamedo, Entrance Exams .. H. A, Jackson, Entrance Exams H. Thomson, Sec.â€"Treas. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Wigmore, Flowers . . . l . . . . Balance on Hand: Jan. 1, 1940 . . Receipts as per scheduie . . . . . . Cost. of Maintenance Supplies and Repairs Insurance . . . . . . . . . Cash in Bank Dec‘ 31, 1940 . If it’s for a car or truckâ€"~â€"We have it “ TONY SAVES YOU MONEY ” J. Stewart, AthX/etic Grant M. HaI‘binson, Scholarsmp .. J. Stewart, Scholarship Books Stamps, Excise and Postage H. Thomson, Cartage . . . . , . . . . , Liberal Printing (30., Printing & H. A. Sample, A.H.S. Bd. . . . . . Mrs. F. Davis, Flowers . . . . . . . . i Cost of InstructiOn Teachers’ Salaries . Equipment . N. J. Glass J. R. Herrington A. G. Savage Village Treasurer, Dabenture Intefest Cost of Operations Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fuel, Light and) Water . Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . Savage, Treasurer’s Bond' CAPITAL CHARGES ADMINISTRATION EXPEN DITU RES INSURANCE AUXILIARY ABSTRACT RECEIPTS . . . . . . . . . . $1000.60 . . . . . . . . . . 1106.46 . . . . . . . . . 313401.33 ......... 435.415 THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1941. o . . - . . . u x 8.18 a.m. 5.48 p.121. a 1.43 pm. 1) 8.48 pm. xâ€"Throu-gh to North Bay aâ€"Daily except Sat, Sun. & H01. b~â€"Fri., Sat, Sun. & Ho]. Yerex’s Electrical ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS BY CERTXFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY 26 Yonge Sh RADIO SERVICE BUS “AVE. INFORMATION AT A. HISLOP, Telephone 177 BUSES LEAVE FOR DRILLIA 332.77 Zone 8-218 $ 5411.00 313836.78 22252.07 695.48 5411.00 214 .62 18.58 150.00 26.45 15.45 1.85 .50 16.81 12 :00 18 .3'0 8 .010 50.00 5 .100 1 O . 0'0 .60 29 .88 10.00 5.00 8 .64 4.75 4553 4.25 4.17 4.78 Phone 242 W755 $2947.55 5411.00 160.517 5411 65.00

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