To the Citizens of Richmond Hill Next Wednesday, June 11th, enumerators will com- mence the task of taking the Census in Canada, and we make this appeal to all our people to extend a full measure of co-operation. We ask all citizens to answer completely and accur- ately all questions put to them by the census enum- erators, who are sworn to secrecy as regards the facts given them by any individual. It is provided by law that information given to the census enum- erator may in no case be used against the individual who supplies it, either as a basis of taxation or as evidence in a court of law. We ask all to give every possible assistance in facili- tating this important national undertaking. PAGE FOUR 24 Yonge St. ‘. H. TRENCH. Reeve Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill Rev. Douglas G. Davis, minister of King-LaskaynTeston United Church circuit for eleven years has accepted a call to Stouffville. The location. of one appointment is quite desirable after eleven very busy years in a 3-point charge. But the community regret his removal, nevertheless. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and family have made a worthwhile ancl lasting con- tribution to the United' Church and the. community life, the results of which are evident in n‘umenous ways. During his ministry here Mr. Davis had held responsible offices in the Presbytery, which fits him for richâ€" er andi wid‘er experiences to come. Realizing a happy ministry at King, we trust that the new appointment will :be complete in another term of continued excellent service. Mr. Davis will leave King the latter part or June. On May 29th, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gillham, (nee Florence Dutcher), of Winnipeg. Ml‘. Gillham was transferred in Felbruary from Nobel to Winnipeg as a steam fitter in a war plant. Another miscellaneous shower of interest was held at Maple Avenue farm for Miss Annie Fergus-0n on Wednesday evening. Eversley con- gregation and community were re- presented in_ many lovely gifts. I. A large crowd attended the Mrs. J. Watson auction sale on Wallace St., Woodibridge last Saturday. The .property was sold to Ralph Darker for 331925 and good prices were real- ized for the furniture and household goods“ J. O.~ Saigeon, auctioneer of Maple, conducted the sale. More than forty family relatives were entertained at the home of Mrs. Pearce, Miss Mary Walkington and Mr. Alex Walkingtom Hillsdale Ave., Toronto, for their niece, Miss Annie Walkington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walkington of King“. Many beautiful shower gifts were received by the prospective bride. The Walkingâ€"hon family of King, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rolling, Mrs. Ed. Kyle, the Misses Walvkin'gton and- Miss Laidlaw of Maple were present‘ from this district. 7 ST. PAUL’S VAUGHAN ANNIVERSARY The anniversary services orf St. Pau‘P‘s Presbyterian Church, 7th con. of Vaughan will be held! June 29th, with a Strawberry Festival on July lsrt. Watch for further narticulars. On Tuesday evening a large gath- ering of local friends attended a shower for Miss Walkington at her parents? home. w ‘ p WOOD BRIDGE HOI‘SE BRINGS S3925 KING CITY THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Lively interest was shown in the welfare of those serving for the first time in the present conflict, considering them: already members if they 5,0 dte‘sire. A letter was receiv- ed from Col. Mufock asking for names and detail information of reâ€" cruits and veterans on active service in order that they may be helpew im the matter of re-establi-shment upon their return; Vaughan and Richmond Hill bl‘a’mh of the York County Veterans Ass“- ciation of which Hon. W. P. Mulock, Postmaster General is the president, held their annual meeting in the municipal hall, Richmond Hill, Tues- day night. A goodby number were in attendance, including Major A. G. Candie and! Capt. Ben Cox, past president. and general secretary re- spectively of the Central organiza~ tion. Mr. James Butler, retiring presi- dent, and all\ officers who served during the past and} previous years, received a hearty vote of thanks for their untirin'g efforts. The thanks of the meeting was also expressed for the interest and loyalty of the citizens in general. The annual general meeting of the Association will‘ be held in Stouff- ville on June 27 at which a full at- tendvance‘ is! requested, all members Ibeing: invited. The regular monthly meeting of the local branch will be held» on Tuesday, July 8 on account of Dominion Day falling- on Tuesday, July 1. Foll-o-wing is a list of officers elected for the coming one year term: President, Bill Adams. Richâ€" monid‘ Hill; Vice-Pres., Jack Vai'ley, Maple R.R. 2; Sec., Fred‘ Sloan. Richmond‘ Hill; Trea-s-., Jack Sander§, Richmond Hill; Popny Fund: Com., G. Masters, convener, T. Heeley, W. Ed- munds, E. Marwood; Entertainment Com., W. Edmund‘s, conrvener, J. Varley, P. Waters, A. Jones; Sick Com.. A. Jones, convener, E. Heely. W. Edmundsi, J. Jarvis: Auditors. W. PollardLP.» Waters: Chaplain, Rev. Intformal (Tiscusvsions toak place on matters: of interest to veterans and solidifers- and_ the geIf-eral public, _ Bill Adams is President Local Veterans’ Assoc. W. F.- Wrixon; Sgt.-atâ€"Arm-s, Com. Giles; Standard Bearer, W. Pollard: Rep. to Centrab Executive, Vice- Pres. Fred Thetford. A Victory Loan Demonstration will be held in Fun Dale Park, Wood'- ‘bridge Saturday evening, June 7th» Lieut.-Com. Jackson- of the Rayol- Canadian Navy will speak. Port Credit Boys’ Band in attendance. LOAN RALLY AT \VOODBRIDGE Owners of dogs in the Village of Richmond Hill are hereby warned that it is contrary to Village By- Law to allow dogs to run at large from May lst to September 30th. FARMS and suburban property. Building lot/s. R. H. Kane, Rich:- mond- Hill. QUEBEC HEAT’ElR, large size; di- vanette; a quantity of men's clothâ€" ing. Apply Box 81, The Liberal Ofcf- 7 TUBE SO'NORA Cabinet Radio, electric, cheap. Apply to The Lib- eral or Willfred‘ Nolan, Hunt Lane. All dog:- owners are hereby aSked to take notice and; observe the con- ditions of the said by-laxw. Tenders will be received at the Clerk‘s office, Richmond Hill up to 12 o’clock noon on June 16 next for the building of ap- proximately 550 feet of cement sidewalk on the south side of Richmond Street. TOMATOES, annuals and used bee supplies. Anderson, 92 Richmond Street, phone 204. ice. 50 FOOT LOT on east side of Church St., 2nd) lot north of Markham Rd. Desirable location. Apply Box 3%, Liberal Office. HJORSES AND COWS usually for sale at bargain prices. Leechwood Farm, 21/2 miles- east of Yonge EL, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. Notice to Dog Owners of Richmond Hill Village Specifications and other in- formation may be had by apply- ing to Councillor William Neal, Chairman. of othe Streets and Sidewalks Commission. ' AYRSHIRE BULLS, all ages, fmm R.O.P. Dams, registered, at farmers’ prices. George Spring, Thornhill. John F. Stevenson, herdsman. BIG-4 PULLETS, SPECIALS. Get the usual Big-4 Quatity at these low prices. Ple-e'tsi, Barredj Rocks, 2 ,weeks $19.90 per 100, 3 weeks $24.90. Leghorns 2 weeks $22.90, 3 weeks $27.90. “Premium!†Grade $2 mzore. ALso, pullets, day01d>s from $13.76. Dayold chicks from $7.75. Buy Big- 4 with confidence. See our agent, ask him for what you want. Wesley Clark, Gormfley. Phone Richmond Hill 47r4. ‘MIAN’S BICYCLE, excellent condi- tion with new Dunloyp tires, dynamo and headlight, $15.00 gash. Se? Jag-‘15 p.631" 161" V ' pLBVIié V Richmond Hil'l 45133. apartment size; Moffat cook stove, large size with water front. Both: in excellent condition. Wilton Rug, 9x101/2, small pattern. Private, apâ€" pl‘y Box 74, Liberal. “Yrâ€"hewldwést, or any tender, not necessarily accepted. Richmond Hill June 5, 1941. ROAN HlO'RSE 5 years old; Deering Ideal Gian-t Mower, 6 ft. cut; Deer- in-g New Ideal Mower, 5 ft. cut; Mc- Cormick Deering Mower, 5 ft. cut; Eureaka potato planter. M. A. Will- smn, King, phone King 4800. VIO‘LIN, bow, cvase, complete, excell- ent condition, $115; ga‘amophone, good as new with records, $5; pile of pig manure, bargain, $6; young Spruce trees, cheap. H. Ovrvis, half a mile east of Stop 14A Yonge St., Thom» hill. SATURDAY, JUNE 14th â€" Auction sale of ham and implement shed', the property of Mrs. Horace Rumlble, Richmond St., Village of Maple, just west of C.N.R. Barn 35 by 60 ft. with steel roof; implement shed’ 20 (by 36 ft. in good condition. Sale at 8.15 pm. D.S.T. Terms cash. Will ‘be sold subject to reserve bid. For full particulars apply J. C. Sai‘geon, Auctioneer, Maple. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 centl for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE, Cash Customers waiting For quick, satisfactory sales and rentals Hst your property “dth us. R. C. NELLES 011 can Tenders Wanted REAL ESTATE Sale Register FOR SALE ’A. J. HUME, Clerk. hare A. J. HUME, Clerk. ransing n the effort THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1941. TWO GIRLS for housework and cooking. Apply Mrs. B. H. Pringle, Bayview Ave. Phone Thornhill 119. for housework, must be good pla'inp cook. Good wages. Telep one May- fair 2J88 or apply 180 Keewatm Avenue, Toronto. s SCI-FOOL GIRL WANTED, ahout 17 years of age, for about’ 8 weeks work. Apply Mrs. S. Smith Jr., Dufferin Street, Concord. GIRL or MIDDLEâ€"AGED WOIM'AN APPLICATIONS will be received for a Sexton for the United Church, Richmond Hill, duties to commence July 1, 1941. Apply to W. A. Wright, chairman of committee. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route. Peal opportunity for right man. We help you get started. Write Raw- l-eigWs Dept. ML-351-O-F, Montreal, Canada. MIDDLE AGED LADY wants a position in county as helper with house work. Will accept a small wage for a good home. Apply Box 240, Liberal Office. WANTED LIVE STOCEK, GRAIN or whhn have you to trade on. a new DeLavai Milking Machine, Frigidaire Milk Cooler, Electric Refrigerators, Ranges, Washers, and Radio Receiv- ers. Write B. R. Leech for cata- logue, and save money. Cash or easy terms. TORONTO RADIO & SPORTS, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. 'I'YPEWRITER, Underwood, $1.50 per month. Apply Archie Bull, Brathwaite Hardlware, Richmond H111. SMALL APARTMENT, heated, wat- er supplied. Apply H. Trench, Richmond Hill. GOOD PAS’I‘URE with Splendid water. Apply S. B. Thompson, tele- phone 18111 Thornhill. Used Cars HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t1 ion Douglas, Highland Creek, Ont, Canadian winner New York radio program, entertains on concert grand xylophone, cathedral chimes and or- chestra bells, accompanied by Whit- ney Leach, pianist and singer. Addi- tional talent provided upon request. Book early. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) EGG GRADINGâ€"Gordon Mortson has an egg grading station at his store, Victoria Square, and will pay highest prices: for eggs. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. ENTE RTAINMEENT TALENT, Mar- 1939 MERCURY TOWN SEDANâ€" 1940 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€" Black with White-wall Tires â€" Very Small Mileage â€" Heater. 1939 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€"â€" Heater. 1938 FORD Vâ€"8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€" Excellent condition. USED FORDSON TRACTOR, good Little Brothers Grey with whitewall tires. Ford Radio, Heater. Nice. condition. MISCELLANEOUS Very nice. WANTED $995.00 $925.00 $150.00 $660.00 $775.00 T0 RENT