SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R TAKE HEED WHEN IT 13° COMES TIME TO BUILD-- COME HERE TO HAVE YOUR ORDER FILLED A WWW WW "roG'Rluï¬'XBER YARUD faultsâ€"Socrates Each entrant wilh receive $2 whe~ ther or not prize winners. The quilts are to be the property of the C.N.E. and forwarded to the shelters in England. If you have something to sell, a classilfied “ad†in The Liberal will do the job. Advertising in The Lib- eral’ gets results. Seek Entries for Quilting Project Red Cross work activities continue throughout Markham Township and many groups are already planning to join in the mammoth quilting pro- ject to be held' at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. To the groups that perhaps have not heard of this venture, Mrs. Aitken has given out information that there is no Speci- fied size of quilt. The main request is that it must be made out of clippings from Red‘ Cross sewing that has been .made Iby the group. A pass for one car and six quilters will 'be given each group. The quilt is to be at least three quarters made before going to the Exhibition and to be finishedl there. The C.N.E. will be host to the quilters, supplying a picnic supper. It is desired that as many groups as possible get in line for this event. Perhaps the prize may come to Markham Township. 82w COMPANY Seed Corn, Different Varieties Fair Prices Markham Township Red Cross has already realize-d $386 from the sale of salrvage, and’ the end is not yet. There is still a huge pile in the Township yard and there is more to come in. Crops through-out Markham town- s-hip look promising, but moisture is needed. Th-ink n 0t those faithful wh o )raisle all thy words and actions. tut“ thos_~‘e who kind‘ly reprove thy THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1941. Feeds for Farm Stock, Poultry and Hogs We will buy Wheat, Oats, Barley and Mixed Grain RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL RICHMOND HILL UN IONVILLE Phones: 139 F. and Mrs. Wooley. The groom, now working at Grannby, Quebec, is a former Woodbridge resident, and the bride is a sister of Mrs. Andtrew COSsar of Woodibridge. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Philip Duncan; weddin music was played by Mrs. H. Me rose, and' an aunt of the bride, Miss Isdbel Wilkie, sang during the signing of the reg- ister. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attended' by Miss Beatrice Wright. Andrrew Cossar was best man and George Eldriglgethe usher. Following a reception at the bride’s home the couple left fer a wedding trip to the maritime prov- inces. They will take up residence in Gran'by. \VOOLEY-WILKIE A wedding of local interest took place in Erskine United: Church, Toâ€" ronto, on May 23rd when Miss Gladys Evelyn Wilkie1 daughter of Mr. and! Mrs. David‘ M. Wilkie, To- ronto, became the bride of Desmond Barton: Wooley, _son of th_e late Rev. HAINES-WESTLAKE At the home of the bride’s parents in Altbion township on May 24th, Eleanor Margaret Westlake, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson West- lake. became the bride of Al‘vin Ray- mond Haines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haines of King. Miss Elsie Proctor was bridesmaid and Mr. Douglas Harris of Aurora was groomsman. Rev. Alfred Laycock of Mono Road performed the ceremony. They will reside near Aurora. WEDDING FOR EVERY CANADIAN who sails the deep, for every the darkest hours the emergence of great inspiring airman who flashes through the skies, and for every ï¬gures to steady the ranks of Democracy and ï¬re other man in the ï¬ghting forces, the prayers of its courage and conï¬dence. the nation “rise like a fountain, night and day.†In times of crisis our people stand steadfast. In daily devotions they renew the flame of faith and arm with unseen powers their warriors in the ï¬eld. Oftentimes they discern the Unseen Hand. Witness the miracle of Dunkirk. Witness, too, in We, your friends and relatives, are gathered here this evening, to ex- press in a small way, our sentiments at this great milestone of life. Al- though we fervently hope that you will not go far away, we feel that a small remembrance of our pleasant relationships during the past yan‘s would be fitting at this time. We all wish you the very best of good luck and a very happy home in the future. As a token of our esteem we would like you to accept these gifts. On Saturday evening, May 24, re- latives and friends, numbering about forty, held a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thomson and Kate at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Col‘ton. Mr. Thomson was present- ed with a mahogany smoking stand, Mrs. Thomson with a beautiful handâ€" made Twscany lace dinner cloth, and Kate with a Morocco leather hand bag. The following address was read:â€" Dear Friends: Our bravest and best lessons are not learned through success, but through misadventure. â€"â€" A. Bronson Alcott. The North York Victory Loan Committee announced this morning that a $10 War Savings Certificate will be awarded to the best decor- ated building in Richmond Hill, dur- ing the Victory Loan drive. Signed on behalf of those presem Prize for Decorations THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Although in his 81st year, John Longmore of Woodbridge, this we:k lent a helping hand in the existing farm labour shortage by planting William Brownlee’s potato crop on the outskirts of the village. Mr. Longmore is still enjoying good health and‘ is very active. He took a keen pleasure in assisting with the farm’s spring work. Honours in 9 subjects Oct of 10 were won by Miss Patricia Harris, of Wood-bridge, in her first year ex- aminations at the Ontario College of Art. Miss Harris, who headed the list of students in the first year, carriecl off the Mrs. John M. Lyle scholarship. She also was awarded a special prize in the form of a valuable book. Previous to entering the Art College she attended St. Mildred’s College, Toronto. Some years ago she livecfl in the WOOd- ibridge business area with her moth- er and uncle, J. Richards, who oper- ated a business here. The family now reside north of the village. A vote will be polled in Newmar- ket in the near future on the quesâ€" tion of whether or not that town wiiI have 'beverage rooms; Honours in were won by of Wood-bridge, am-inations at of Art. Miss Allen H. Baker, son of Morgan Baker, M.P.P. for North York, is now a qubâ€"lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Navy. Allen Baker is :1 graduate of S.P.S. (School of Prac- tical Science) Toronto University and has joined the Navy as a marine engineer. WOODBRIDGE Church bells are ringing throughout Canada calling men and women to worship and sacriï¬ce in defence of our freedom, the sanctity of our homes and the future of our children. Translate your faith into works by buying Victory Bonds. Jim Wilson, Ed'geley, last week headed‘ his class when he succeSS- fully passed his Intermediate exam- inations at an R.-C.A.F'. training centre in Ontario. He reportedly tqok highest credits in a class of mnety. Phone 10, The BIGâ€"{rater Lowest Prices This is the time of year to put in your National Committee, Vicfory Loan 1941, Oflawu, Canada Adequate Supply Blue Coal mined by the largest coal Mining Co., D. L. & W. COAL Co. Buy your Seed Corn at the Elevator I. D. Ramer & Son Public Notice next winter supply of Blue Coal Cleaner Coal PAGE SEVEN Richmond Hill