Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jun 1941, p. 2

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Launysusu, uauuu u. in the knowledge that they responded to a challenge and- supplied $600,000,000 as “part of the tools”. There will be much deeper satisfaction, however, if by the time the Torch leaves Halifax for number 10 Downing Street, the Loan shall have been over-subscribed by many millions of dollars, and if thousands more of Canadian citizens are represented in the subscription lists. One of the primary motives in sending the Torch to Great Britain was to do something unusual that would demonstrate to those living on the British Isles that they are not alone in this struggle. The larger the number of Canadians who buy bonds, the more impressive will that symbol be when it is landed on old country soil. nun My buy“ By M. A._-._A. Ami" “"“qufiyWa'v'iélio}353363é'~ Eire'fi' if you Vcan invest only fifty dollars â€"â€" and be actively identified with the ambi- tious plan to provide help for the soldiers and civilians now in the front line. RED CROSS MULTIPLIES YOUR WAR~WORK DOLLAR In last Week’s issue of The Liberal an appeal was made by the local Red Cross for women to sew. It is an appeal which must not go unheeded. The war is gather- ing momentum and the need for Red Cross supplies in Britain’s bombed areas is so great that there must not be any slackening of war work during the summer months. The women of this community, in common with the women in all communities in Canada, are doing a wonder- ful job in war work. In fact We think when it comes to real work and sacrifice they put the men folks to shame. However the appeal is made for more workers. Surely it is not too much to ask of us to give a few hours work each day to a job we can still accomplish in the safety and comfort of our York County homes. Warm clothing for bomb victims, quilts, knitted com- forts for civilians and sailors, sweaters, gloves and mitts all are needed and the ruthless hun over England takes no summer holidays. An appeal for workers for the Red Cross must not go unheeded, and we are confident volun- teers in abundant numbers will be found. Canada’s {lictory Loan Torch is speeding closer and closer to Prime Minister Winston Churchill, a symbol that expresses the determination of Canadian people to finish the job. ..- - . -.. . ' 1n‘1 n-..L A: uLLC Jvu. The sentence, “Canada’s Victory Loan 1941. Part of Judging the tools", is carved on the base of the symbol. by the flow of subscriptions during the first half of the campaign, Canadians will be proud to send along the Torch _ . 1 . . 1, \‘_,A_A_ A...) en.-.” ..- ~.._-.....- The women of Canada are making a worthy contribu- tion through the work of the Red Cross. In planning a dOnation to war work, don’t overlook the Red Cross Society. Your dollar given to your local branch of this organiza- tion is multiplied many times by the devoted work of a band of noble women who toil long hours in work rooms and in their homes, knitting and sewing, all for the cause of Empire. There has been a commendable response to many very worthy war funds, but deSpite the much over- puxblicized “administration costs” We know of no better opportunity for your war-work-dollar than through the Red Cross. Money donated to your local Red Cross branch goes to purchase material for the sewing and knitting of needed supplies. When planning a war-work donation, don’t Overlook the Red Cross branch in your own com- munity. PROTECTION FOR THE CHILDREN Richmond Hill Council is to be commended for heed- ing the appeal of the Public School Trustees for added pro- tection for children crossing Yonge Street. To cross this busy highway is a hazardous venture even for an adult, and it was too much to expect children to negotiate this crossing without assistance. It is a healthy sign in a municipality when those in authority are ever on the alert to afford protection to its children. We trust parents will co-operate with the efforts of the council and school board and urge on the youngsters the necessity of using theYonge Street crossing protected by the police officer. THE CHALLENGING RECORD OF CONQUEST Poland surrendered uncenditionally twenty-six days after she was invaded. Norway was evacuated by British troops twenty- three days after the Germans first landed. Twenty~four days after Belgium and Holland were at- gckled the British Expeditionary force had evacuated via un irk. . Thirteen days later France fell. The Yugoslav army gave in after ten days of fight- ing, and eleven days later the Germans entered Athens. It took thirteen days to conquer Crete. And the end is not yet in sight. Never in the history of conquest has such a tempo been maintained by an aggressor nation. In the face of these facts it is the wonder of the age that some people in Canada still look lightly on the war situation, and appear to have a poor realization of the plight, of human freedom. .- 3 This is a life and death struggle. To win will take the best effort of every man and woman in the British Empige. If B_r_itain should‘losez nothing else_ woulgl ma‘t-tc‘er. ‘Nd Possible opportunity for warfiservice should be neglected by any Canadian. WAR ON SPEEDERS Tell your friends it is no longer permissable to break the speed limit in Richmond Hill. This paper has for a long time advocated steps to strictly enforce the traffic regulations here, and we welcome the police action which is now bringing scores of offenders to justice. Richmond Hill does not want the revenue for fines. The only hope of the authorities is that everyone will obey the speed limit, but apparently the only way to make some people do this is to fine them. We hope those summonsed for‘ infractions of the traffic laws will be severely dealt with and that the penalties will be heavy enough to make the motoring public realize that Richmond Hill intends to make the streets safe for those who use them. We have no sympathy with the argument of those who say it will hurt business if you fine speeders. A speed limit, like any law or byâ€"law should either be enforced or rescinded. Advertising Rates on Applicat Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO.. LTD Member Canadxan Weekly NPWSpapet Association Covering Canada’s Best Suburban Dismct Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€" To the United States $2.00 J. Eachem Smith, Manager PAGE TWO THUESEAY, JUNE 19th, 1941. IT IS YOUR TORCH YET? “THE LIBERAL” 10 n TELEPHONE 9 Hon. The United States of America was invaded on Saturday, June 14th by a large army, but it was an army Olf goodwill, headed! ‘by Col. the Hon. W. P. Mul‘ook, KaC., M.P., Postmas- ter General of Canada. Five Spe- cial trains pulled into Niagara Falls; three from Toronto, one from I-Lam- ilton, one from London, Ontario, and,‘ in addition, thousands came by auto- mobile, the occasion being the 1941 International Magna Charta celebraâ€" tiion. Passport Regulaltions were lifted for the benefit of those par- ticipating in the great event. ‘ As the Postmaster General and his Party stepped from the special train they were met by General Comman- der Phillip A. Case of the Americani Legion and Col. Chats. Braden. Thei Party then proceeded across the border to be melt by His! Worship, Mayor Ernest W. Mirning'ton of Niagara Falls. New York, Mayor George Inglis, Niagara Falls, Ont” Col. F. D. Garloc-k, Commandant of Fort Niagara, Assemblyman G. Suitor representing the Government of New Yorlk Sitate. Headed by a large detachment of New York State Polime with sirens wide open they drove through the dense crowds to the Font Niagara Hotel where a re- ceipti'on committee headed» by Mrs. Hamilton Washlburn Wrighrt awaited the arrival of the distinguished gueslt. After Mrs. Wright introduc- ed! the many prominent people pres- ent, a: civic reception was tendered to the Postmaster General. Said Mayor MirrinigwtOneâ€"“It falls to the lot of the chief elected; representa- tive of the people of this Munici- pality as one of his many duties to function at the reception of promâ€" inent visitors to this our great city, but this afternoon I dlo not; consider this. in the mere line of duty be- cause I can assure you, Sir, it gives me personal and genuine pleasure to welcome a distinguished member of the Government of the great De- ‘mocralcy next door to us, who to- day-is lending every etflfort to help that Brave little Isle across the sea to defend those principles so dear to us all.” Following the reception the party adjourned to the Radio Studios, where the Postmaster General spoke to a Radio hook-up ov-er station W.H.L.D. After introductory re- marks by His W-orsh-i‘p the Mayor, Col. Mul‘o‘ck addressed) his great A- merican audience as follows: “Mr. Chairman, comrades, ladies and gentlemen. May I first express \to your Mayor, Ernest W. Mining- 't.on:, my thanks for rthe kindness of \the welcome that he has- extended to me this afternoon. {it was my ipLeaisure severai years ago to be present at a. similar oefleibration and \I deeply appreciate your kindness in asking me to be with you again to- day. \ “We hear from day to day of the brutality and- cruelty of the dictat‘ ‘ors of Europe. It is hard) for us to really understand when we hmve 'l‘ived side by side with unguarded borders from coast to coast for over a. hundred years as neighbors and personal friends how greed and envy could rise to such heights, how the will for world! dlomin'a‘tioir could: be- come so strong that as measure of war bombing of open cities and killr- mg and! ma‘imling of innocent women and children could be carried out as a means to destroy the moral re sistance of peace loving people. \ “I express the thanks of all Can- adians to the people of the United States of America: for their help when we are defending ourselves and freedom. from those who destroy it especially to your great president Franklin D. Roosevelt who has fear- lessly stood for democracy and also Iin great measure to that man who after being defeated) for president \has shown that he puts the good of his country and! freedom of the de- mocratic nations of the world before rpersonal advantage â€"â€" Wendell L. \Wilukie. “I wish also to express my con- gratulations to the joint commitfrics in charge of the arrangements for this: Magma. Charm celebration. In ‘olb‘servimg this, we as- freedom lov- ing peoples» again give visible signs of our determination that those principles shall endure and! that 'freed‘orm shall‘ not perish from the with “May I again: thank the peevple of Ithe City of Niagara Fans for the heartfelt welcome they have and are extending to all who are your grate- lful‘ visitors today.” The Postmaster General was fol- lowed by Hon. Gordon. D. Conant, Attorney General of Ontario, who reâ€" presented the Provincial Government. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO m. W. P. Mulock Represented Canada at International Magna Charta Celebration at Niagara ‘Phitlip Case of the US. Army, Mrs. W. Richards, Commanding Oszieer off the Canadian Women’s Service Force 'W. Unthanflf, President of the Do- minion Civil Service Veterans of Canada, Claprt. W. Mesley, C01. Meade, State Commander of the American Legion; B. F. Cox, Secreâ€" tary of the York County Veterans Association, Hon. G. D. Conanm, Atâ€" ‘torn-ey- General of the Province of Ontario, J. Innes‘, Aldlerman‘ of the 'City of Toronto, Jas. Bu’oier, Treasv urer of the York County Veterans Association, Lt. Col. W. J. Heman, Mayor of London» Ontario, Mayor Ernest Mirringtonx of Niagara Falls. lNew York, and Mayor G. R. Inlglis iof Niagara Falfls, Ontario. Mr. Conant said he was glad of the opportunity w voice to the people of the United States the feeling of the citizens of his province to the people of the American Citadel of Democracy. Their help at this time of cnisis was “but a vtsilble sign of a fouling of mutual understanding and goodwill to our cause just when it was needed) most. The streets of the city with its gay decoration took on a carnival air for the great Parade held‘ in the evening when 21,000 people took part, accompanied by 57 (bands. The Postmaster General, and Col. F. D. Garlock, Commandant of the United States Army, took the salute. On the reviewing stand: Wilth the dis» vtimguis-h‘ed' guest was Commander Among the Canadian Organiza- tions hawking part were the Canadâ€" ian Nationa} Railway Veterans, the 20th Battalion, the Canadian Woâ€" men’s Auxiliary Forces, the C.A.T.S., the Canadian Red Cross Transport Drivers, the Dominion Civil Service Veterans, the Canadian Legion, the :Pamde took 2% hours to pass- the reviewing stand where Col. Mu-loc‘k, C.A.S.F. Veterans, the Sappersx As~ sociation of Toronto with the W0- men‘s Forces of Hamilton, London, Milton and Bramrpmnu pumtinig on- a splendid? show. Then there were large detachments of the regular U.,S. Army and! Navy, various Amer- ican Legions and' Veterans Organ- izations, the Legion of Frontiers- men) and many others to make, acâ€" cording to the Commissioner of P0â€" lice of Niagara Falls, New York, the largest and best demonstration to ever be held' in the border city. Col. W. P. Mulock was accompâ€" anied‘ by his staff Secretary, Capt, F. M‘esiley, whflsrt B. F. Cox and‘ Jas. Butler, executive officers of thfi; COI'oneI‘fls own Veterans Organization of North Yonk, were the official aidxes-deâ€"camp to the Postmaster General during- the American Visit. KATHLEEN KIDD Kathleen. Kidd, a daughter of the Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Kidd of Wood- bridge, died‘ Friday, June 6th, at the Royal Victoria HospitaL Montreal. Miss Kiddi, a registered nurse, was a graduate of the Montreal hose pital’s training school. She- attend~ ed] Weston High School and the Uniâ€" versity of Toronto before entepirfg- the nursing profession. Since gradu- ating she has worked chiefly in Mon- treaI‘ and Bermuda. Taken in many manths ago, she came home to Wooderidlge and spent most of the past year resting at the Rectory, her father being Rec- tor of Christ Chumh. Last spring she returned to Montreal for treat- ment; bynspeciafiists. IMissr Kidd first came to Wood» [bridge about 15 years ago when the family moved here from Canning- ton, her father’s former parish. While living in_W90d«1:_rri<ige _she “(an a wide circle of friends by her will- 'ing- and. energetic parfici ationv in church work, Young Peop e’s work, and community activities. She is sur- vived by her parents, three sisters and four brothers, Dorothy and Mar- jorie, both» teachers at Orangeville; Frances, of Toronto; Arthur, of To- ronto; George, of Toronto; Kenneth and Gordon, both: of woodbridge. Funeral services at; the chumh on Monday afternoon were conducted| by the Very Rev. A. R. Beverly, Suf- fragan Bishop of Toronto Diocese; the Rev. T. B. Butler, of Weston, Ruralf Dean of West York, and the Rev W. F. Wrixon of Richmond Hill. Many clemg'ymen: from other par- ish-es were in the large congrega- tion which filled: the church. Inter- mend: was in the church cemetery with the four brothers and two cou- sins, Alex Ingram, Midland, and Ar- thur McLean, Barrie, acting as' pall- bearers. We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar or A'sphalt, & we invite your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given without obligation. ABTERATIONS and INSULATING Guaranteed Workmanship Phone SW The RE-ROOFING OBITUA RY C. Riddell Th ornhill 8189 Yonge St. Stop 12, Zone 8-218 Y ORK Auto Parts “Tony Saves You Money ” THOMPSON PRODUCTS PISTON PINS â€" KING PINS â€"- VALVES SPRINGS AND GUIDES EXCHANGE REBUILT MOTORS WATER PUMP REPAIR KITS STARTERS, GENERATORS, CARBURETORS AND FUEL PUMPS EXCHANGE WILLARD AND NATIONAL BATTERIES Firestone Tires â€"- also good used ones, all sizes Clutch Plates, Clutch Facings and Clutch Parts BEARINGS AND BEARINGS INSERTS COMPLETE IGNITION SERVICE WALTER BONE & SON PROAQSE. E W i m . - . 1 un‘ ‘ .\l. | M“ “L .. ‘ -\ .‘ "“ "ES Mufflers, Tail Pipes and Exhaust Pipes for every Car and Truck on road “IF IT’S FOR CAR OR TRUCKâ€"WE HAVE IT” Outside pumps and toilets belong to the past. In every home running water should be available at the turn of a faucet. Likewise, a modem Emco Bathroom is necessary for the health and happiness of your family. A modern will furnish the water and make it possible Emco Bathroom. (Soil a'nd iron pipe and fittings evil-Va) VVVVV Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as.... Duro Water Supply Systems are styled for dependable life-long service. Thousands of satisfied users prove their worth. They can be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation. Can be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan. WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION W W?“ The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals; per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or ()0 cycle Motor casts only ................................. . For a lovely bathroom, as iflustrated. the EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory with trimmings cost§_q?ly..:.._ . . . . . . , ...... Frost Steel & Wire C0. Products We Giadly Quote Prices Duro Water Supply System R. H. KANE 241 Phone Maple 864 We Deliver Anywhere London EMPIRE BRASS MFG. 00.. LIMITED THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1941. Hamilion Winnipeg Phone 92-R Yonge Street Richmond Hill Toronl’o Vancouver iff.‘$137.00 $84.50 $86.00 to install an Sudbury

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