Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jun 1941, p. 4

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YONGE STREET DOMINION DAY GREETINGS TO THE MOTHERLAND On Jul) lst, Dominion .Day, Prime Minister Churchill will receive this Torch, sym- bolical of an over-subscribed Victory Loan, and Canada’s practical demonstration of a determination to give “the tools to flnish the job". ‘ FOR YOUR BEST BUY IN TIRES . . . SEE Hall’s Service Station Phone 10, The Elevator This is the time of year to put in your Lowest Prices ' Adequate Supply Blue Coal mined by the largest coal Mining (10., D. L. & W. COAL Co. I. D. Ramer & Son Public Notice PAGE FOUR next winter supply of Blue Coal OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME Cleaner Coal Richmond Hill mm: [Miss Margaret Fooklan left Tues- day to spend severa} days at. Brock- vflle. A number of members of Zion Lutheran congregation attended the joint congregational social) .hour in Unionvilie on Wednesday evening in recognition of Rev. E. Huenewrgardi’s‘ 25th anniversary of his ordination when he was presented with a silk ver tray .manking twenty-five years of service in the Lutheman pastorate. Friends from Weli‘and' and! other points and. the President of synod and members of Trinity Lutheran congregation, Hamilton, Onrtarlo, the first Congregation Rev. Huvenergard‘ served upon his ordiin‘ation, were al- so present. A special Red Cross event of last Saturday was the Silver Tea and sale of novelties and baked goods held at the home of Mr. and1 Mrs. E. Needrha'm. There were guests £10m Toronto, Maple, Woodlbridge, Thornâ€" hill, Humlber Summit and Edgeley. Although the weather was diamp evâ€" eryone seemed to enjoy a fine time. Most of the articles for sale were disposed orf and the sum of $57.00 was realized. We wish to thank all ‘tlhose who in any way helped to make the afternoon: a success. Those in charge (If tables were: Dry goodls, Mrs. C. Agnew; Baking, Mrs. A. Bagg and Mrs. Wm. Dalziel; Pour- ing teal, Mrs. H .Wliitmore, Mrs. W. ‘Anderson and Mrs. J. Aird. of Maple. These serving Lunch: were: Mrs. H. Morden, Mrs. G. Keffer, Miss E. Wlhitmore, Mrs. E. Needham, Mrs. G. Rowntree, Mrs. A. Peelar. Edgeley Women’s Institute are having a shower of soap for Mrs. Aitlkens “Box for Britain” at their regular meeting on Thursday after- noon. MARRIAGE RUMBLE-BURCH â€" At the United Church Parsonage, Richmond Hill, on Saturday, June 211, Willa E. Burch of Thornhill, to William: E.. Rumlble, Richmond Hill. EDGELEY THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MAPLE Rev. W. L. and Mrs. Atkinson of Toronto have Ibeen guests of Mrs. R. Gellatly. ‘Mr. Charles Archibald, 87, was an- ‘honvoured guest at the 4th Archi- bald Reunion picnic held‘» at Woo-dL bridge (n June 2151.. His wife was- unable to be present. Most of the township members Were present. The Webster reunion was held] for the 17th year at Thomas Black- burn’s farm, Poplar Lodge, Kettle- by, on- June let. Sixteen of these picnics have taken place at Poplar Lodge and June) 13, 1942 is the date set for next year. Nearly 150 were in attendance. 'lhe youngest was Five hundred were present at Teston Strawberry Festival. It must be time for the third generation to be eating strawberries at “this an- nrual! party, so long has it been established. LaSikay play was good too. It will be heard at St. An- drew’s Presbyterian: Festival at Strange on June 27th. Lorraine Johns, 4% months, of To- ronto and‘ the old-est, F'redl Webster of Glenville. Officers appointed were Thomas Blackburn, presidlent; Vicâ€" tor Smith, Toronto, Sec.-Tr-eas., and a committee of six members. $104,000 was the objective set for King Township Victory Loan quota, but reports show that the: amount was far exceeded. Severai outstand- ing subscriptions were contributed. The canvass committee, Rev. J. Gal'â€" loway, E. G. Lloyd, H. Pring‘le, A. Doame and W. E. Banker, express their appreciation of ‘ahe reception accorded them by township citizens. Their mission was given serious and willing consideration every where they went. lMiss Jessi-e Gellatly was a guest at Miss Mary Wilson’s wedding held in Snowball church on Saturday Last. Mrs. McVittie of Toronto visited Miss Tin‘lin‘e this week. On July 30th a street dance will be held at King City in aid of the British War Victims Fund, sponsor- edl (by Lake Marie and King Ath- letic Association of which officers are: President, Councillor Cameron E. Walkington; Secretary, A. Well- esrlley; Treasurer, D. M. ROSS, and an energetic committee. :More than two. hundred: from the congregation-s of King, Laskay and Testonv Unitedl churches gathered at a picnic at Wilcox Lake on June 211 to honour Rev. D. G. and Mrs. Darvis before their departure for StouiffVille on July 2nd. Mr. H. E. Ross, E. Carson and‘ Margaret Kers- will representing the three congre- gations expressed the circuit’s am- preaciationl of Mr. and Mrs. Davis’ 11-year service in this charge and presented their minister with a sub- s'tanrtial purse of money and Mrs. Davis with a. bouquet of flowers. ‘Lady Eaton recently made a fine contribution to King Township Red Cross Branch, the proceeds: from a music-halls held at her home. War Worik Committee of Town- sihip Red Cross met at Schomberg last week to discuss plans for dis- trilbuti'm of new quota of supplies. It is considerably heavier and more varied this time as can) be expect- ed, aml- so greater time and‘ effort wilt be required to make up the various articles. Mrs. Blake Skinâ€" ner, chairman of the Township Wonk Units, explaine<f the anota. Excellent anniversary services were held" at St. Mary’s Magd‘ral‘ene Church, Schomfberg, and‘ at St. John’s, Oak Rid‘ges. Both celebrat- edl the 98th anniversary. On» Sunday, June 29th, Kettlelby Emanuel Baptist Church will cele- brate its 98th anniversary. Rev. J. Galloway will preach at 11 am. and Rev. E. C. Gosrwell‘ of Brampton will preach at 7.30 pm. Maple mixed quartette will assist at both ser- vices. July val. Divine Service will be heldi in the Pulblic School, Richvale on. Sunday next at 8.15 p.m. By proclamation of the Prime Minister, Sumd‘ay has been set aside as a (lay of Special Ded‘icatlon to National Service and Sacrifice. All citizens are urged to pray for our just cause. The Rev. W. F. Wrixon of St. Mary’s Angli- can Church, Richmond Hill, will con- duct the service. July KING CITY 4th 2nd, RICHVALE Snowball Tamp-erancerville Le will be Richvale .m. By 5 Minister, Garden Party. 3 heldJ in the 2 on: Sunday proclamation Sum-day has Festi- ‘LA’I‘E CABBAGE PLANTS. Mrs. H. ‘Davis, 88 Mill Street, Richmond Hill. E’PONTIAC BUSINESS COUPE, 8 cylinders, in good) condition. Phone Thornhill 76. ‘ HOUSTEIN COW, 0 years old, drue to freshen); 10 pigs ten weeks old. Apply Giles Kerswili, phone King 3312. N‘EW COCKSHUTT MOWER; Mast- seyâ€"Harris cultivator, 17 tooth; In- ternrationa} disc .pluw. Langstafif Supply, Lan‘gstaff. CHEAPâ€"Extension Table, Chairs, Singlet Beds, other articles. Mrs. George Reynolds, May Avenue, Stop 24A Yonge Street. PURE WHITE Saanen Goats; gomfi milkers, also young stock, hornless. Apply E. G. McKean, John Street, Thornhill, phone 36-11. 13 ACRES of standing mixe<fl hay on the Thomas Thomson Estate, Headiford, $60.00. Apply David T. Rumble, lot 23, con. 2, Vaughan. ‘Cocvk-shmtt; 1 horse drawn disc plrow almost new. Apply L. C. Burton, Oarrville Road, Stop 23 Yonge St, phone Maple 764. MOWER, ' practically new, oil-{bath AYRSHIRE BULLS, all ages, from R.O.P. Dams, registered, at farmers’ prices. George Spring, Thornhill. John F. Stevenson, herdsman. HJOLSTEIN COW, Francy Korndyxke Paladin. 3131239, fresh June 20, now milking 6‘0 libs. a day, also her heitfer calf sired by Rag Apple Kin-g Bessie Alhbekerk 135062. Apply David T. Rumble, lot 23, con. 2, Vaughan. 1929 HUDSON SEDAN, 6 cylinder roomy dependable car, must seLl. Bargain, $65400 cash. E. K. JO-hn' son, south-east corner Yonxge and Mamkham Streets, Richmond Hill. HORSES, Clydes, Percherons apd saddle horses, various sizes, ages & prices, bargains for quick sale. Leechwood Farm, 2% miles east of Yemge St., 1 mile south: of No. 7 Highway. NEW & USED MOIWERS of many makes, 1 McConmick-Deering reaper, good as new; 1 McCormickâ€"Deering rake; 1 McCormick-Deering No. 3 cream separator; 1 Ma5sey-Harris separator No. 7; McCormick-Deering milkers. Floyd’ R. Perkins; 10 Church Street. 2 M.-H. BINDERS, 1 M.-H. Disc Harrow, 1 M.-H. scuffler; 1 M.â€"H. corn cultivator, 1 M.â€"H. and 1 In- ternational 2-fu1‘r0w tractor plows, 1 Fords‘on tractor, 1 hay ted‘dter, 1 razke. Beatty “Quality” Trip, Sling and! Draw Rope, land pulleys. Apply H. W. Morts‘on, 11 Centre St. W., Richmond Hill. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev} C. W. Foilett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, J un-e 2'9th 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 11 a.m.â€"walic Worship. The pastor closes his ministry at Richmond Hill with the morning service. The choir will} render special musi- cal selections and _a hearty wel- ‘ come is extend-em to the friends and families of the congregation to worship with us. N.B.â€"Tlivere will be no evening ser- | vice. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"AWAKE MO$'I_‘_OF RATESâ€"Five lines or, less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cent: for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Sunday, June 29 3rd after Trinity Day of Special Dedication to Nation Service and Sacrifice 8 a.m.â€"â€"-Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Litany and Sermon. 7 p.m.â€"Patriotic Service to be a't- tended by Scouts, Guides, Cubs and’ Brownies. Veterans, Orangeâ€" men and others invited to attend. “We, therefore, give expression to our desire that ourr people of Canâ€" ada should' set apart Sund'av, tne twenty-ninth day Of Junie next, as a day of special dedication: to Na- tional Service and Sacrifice, in or- der to safeguard the continued existence of our civilization and! to invoke the blessing of Almighty God' upon our just cause and to seek Divine Guidance by Humble Prayer and IntercessionNâ€"Prime Minister of Canada. FOR SALE ST. MARY’S CHURCH THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1941. GOOD HOME on farm for dog, part“ Collie and P-oliclc, 1 year old‘, fontfl of children. Apply 391/2 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. M'JAN WANTED for 800 family waleigh route. Permanent if you‘re a hustler. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. MIL-351 123â€"F, Montreal Canada. WOMAN or experienced > girl for general housework on farm. State wages. Apply 1. B. Gray, Tod‘mor- den, RE. 1, or phone Agincourt 3j2- 100-125 ACRES with good! buildings and running water preferred. Near good‘ road. Good cash payment. Re ply giving particulars to Box 92,. The Liberal. YOUNG LADY to assist with housework on farm, July, August, September. Good cook. Capable of talking fun change one day a week. Every Sunday off. Apply Box 413 Liberal Office. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- MIO‘ND HILL 7 0R KING 241‘4 OR MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT-I ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636. WANTED LIVE STOCK, GRAIN or whlat have you to trade on a new DeLaval Milking Machine, Ffigidaire- Milk Cooler, Electric Refrigerators, Ranges, Washers, and: Radio Receiv- ers. Write B. R. Leech for cata- logue, and save money. Cash or easy terms. TORONTO RADIO 6': SPORTS, 241 Yonge St, Toronto. \DRE‘SSMLAKING and general sew- img, ladies’ coats and suits a spe. ciaLty. Any kind of repair work. Apply Mrs. C. Houston, Yongehurst Ave., Stop 24 Yonge St., phone Richmond Hill 137115. tf. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone- Thornhill 73. t1 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. uphols‘uering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. EGG GRADINGâ€"Gordon Mortson has an egg grading station at his store, Victoria Square, and‘ will pay highest prices for eggs. HOUSE corner Yonrge and’ Wright. Streets. Apply 97 Yonge Street or 4 Wright Street, Richmond Hill. APARTMENT, 6 rooms, all iences, heated. Apply T. H. Richmond Hill. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1940 DODGE DeLUXE COACH â€" Heater, small mileage, exuellbnt cpndition. 1939 MERCURY TOWN SEDANâ€" Grey with whitewall tires. Ford Radio, Heater. Nice. 1939 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€" Heater. 1934 FORD V-8 ROADSTER â€" A Sporty Car. Little Brothers MISCELLANEOUS FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 Very nice. For free pickâ€"up phone RIC’H- 1929 FORD TUDOR -â€" “As Is” 1933 FORD V-8 TUDOR WANTED $1025.00 $925.00 TO RENT $775.00 $350.00 $32500 $60.00 conven- Tremh,

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