Richmond Hill at Barrie Tues., July 8â€" Barrie at Military Camp Aurora at Richmond Hill‘ Thurs,, July 10â€"- Richmond Hill at Military Camp Aurora at Barrie Tues., July 15â€" Military Camp at Aurora Barrie at Richmond Hi'll Thuns., July 17â€" Military Camrp at Barrie Richmond‘ Hill at Aurora The remainder of the schedule is as follows: Thurs., June 26â€" Military Camp at Richmond Hill Barrie at Aurora - Wed., July 2â€"- Aurora at Military Camp Thurs., July 3â€"â€" The standing of the teams to date shows Barrie in first place, the Military Camp in second place, Rich- mond Hill third with Aurora in last place. The Military Camp from) New- market will be the oppOS‘ing team tonight and judging from- their last appearance here fans will} be Wise to come out and enjoy this game as they brought their band’ along and} put on a. short dis‘pliay before and; after the last game. Come out andJ give the lboys- your support. On Wednesday night the locals had another field day at the ex- pense of Scaï¬boro in an exhilbiti‘on game. The game was never in doubt after the first inmng whenl Rich- mond Hill poundedl out seven runs and added nine more to this total in the second frame. From here on the game was a rather dull aszair except for the last three innings when Bennett came to the rescue of the Scanboro team after the locals had counted 25 runs off two pitch- ers. “Benny†allowed] only two runs in the remaining three innings. Scarboro were only able to collect two runs, one in the fourth and one in the eighth. Final score was‘ 27-2. Nugget Shore started on‘ the mound for the Aurora squad but was yanked! out after the fourth inning in favor of Bone who was unable to hold) the visitors at bat. Bennett went the route for Rich- mond Hill and received plenty of support as the team played their ‘besxt game of the year both offenlsu- ively and defensively. Richmond Hill Apple to Have Gained Their Last Year Form After having lost three straight games to Barrie, Newmarket and Barrie respectively Richmond Hill snapped out of their slump when ati Aurora Tuesday night the boys trounced the home crew by the one-‘ sided score of 14-2 in a game that included four home runs and! seveml extra-base hits by the visitors. Richmond Hill took a oneâ€"run lead‘ in the first inning on a. circuit clout by Brown. This lead was short lived when VanZant, last year with Newmarket, scored to tie the count in the second“ frame for Aurora. In. the third inning the Hill went out; in front again on- runs by J. Cream and Brown» which eventually proved to be enough to win the game as Aurora failed to score after click- ing for one run in the third. In the fourth inning the Hill pushedl across two more runs by Bennett and Ma - ley. The fifth inning was the big. one when the Hill lboys garneredr‘ -six runs. In the sixth inning they scored once andI ended the game by scoring two in the seventh. Municipality of MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Weeds NOT CUT by JULY 10 will be destroyed by Order of the Inspector and costs charged to occupant of the land and if not paid will be charged against the property. Weeds have no place in a progressive municipality â€" do your share to prevent their spreadâ€"Please Top Thistles in Grain Fields. These Noxious DESTROY THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1941. SOFTBALL NOTES Clause 5â€"Every occupant of land, or if the land ‘is unoccupied, the owner shall destroy all weeds designated noxious by the regulations as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds. Clause 23â€"Any person who contravenes any of the proViSion‘S of this Act or refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order of an Inspector given under authority of this Act, shall incur a penalty of not less than $10 now more than $50 for every such offence. .Sow Thistles-â€"Ox-eye Daisyâ€"Wilki- Mustardâ€"Bind! WeedLâ€"Blue Weed-«Pepper Grasu-sâ€"Blad‘der 'Campionâ€"Hamflaweews~8tink- weedâ€"Canada Thistieâ€"JCommon Milkweedâ€"White C‘ookI-eâ€"Wil‘d Carrotâ€"Wild Lettucczâ€"Commonu RagweedTâ€"Dod‘derâ€"Commonl Burdock~â€"â€"Poison lvvâ€"Chicoryâ€"Docksâ€"Rus‘sian Thistle â€" Tumbling Mustardâ€"CinquefoilisaSpurg‘es. J. W. WARRINER, Weed Inspector, East Half ROBERT STIVER. Weed Inspector, West Half The Weed Control Act States REV. DAN NORMAN, D.D. Rev. C. W. Follett and Miss Fol- lett attended‘ the funlerar service of Rev. Dr. Dan Norman in Victoria College Chapel, Toronto, on Satur- d‘ay afternoon last. Dr. Norman was an old‘ Temperanceville boy 'who went to Japan soon after his ord‘inâ€" ation to the ministry and spent all of his active life in that land. He retiled a few years ago, owing to failing health, and expected to end his days in- the landI of the Rising .Sun but war conditions fonced him aml his family to return to Canada a few months ago, since which time his health has been gradually fail- ing. He was one of Japan‘s .hest loved'and most successful mission- aries. Interment was at Maple cemetery. STOREYâ€"On Saturday, June 21 at New Toronto Private Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Storey, (nee Kay Ash), 3. son. I should like to acknowledge through The Lilberal a contribution ,to Miss Sealey‘s fund to which you ‘gaxve such prominence in your issue rof June 12. The sum of seven dolâ€" lars, earmarked for the washing ma- chine, was contrilbuted by five girls of Grade XI, R.HJI.S., Bernice Cook, Sheila Manley, Rhoda Pollock, Shirley Sanderson. and Jean Scott. As I had already received) five dol- lars and have promises of several more, I shall be able to send in from 'Richmond Hill the totaD cost price of the above-mentioned) machine. Money will, of course, be continually needed to maintain the home for those unfortunate little children. It may seem that in helping to keep a home for eight of the thousands of homeless children, one is mlalking only a negligible contrilbution. But :does not the peculiar strength of the English lie in just this: the recogni- tion of the worth of little things and the refusal to be fascinated» by the efficiency of large scale organiza- tion. England will not be conquered when a “sy-stem'†collapses, but when 410,000,000 stulblborn indii'vid‘uallsts have been individually suppressed. I leave again Miss Sealey‘ls address, 7 Moss'om Place, Toronto. I would like also to personally thank the peotple for the very kind- ly reception accorded| me in my can- vass. A goodly numlber who did‘ not buy had' bought bonds of the previ- ous loans and‘ others are buying War Savings Certificates regularly. To all we say “Thank youâ€. Sincerely yours, J. R. Henington. Mr. J. E. Smith, Editor, The Liberal, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Dear Mr. Smith: Permit me on behalf of the Vic- tory Loan Committee through the columns of The Lilberal to thank the citizens of Richmond Hill‘ for their very generous response to the ap- peal of the Minister 01 Finance to buy Victory Bonds. The results were very satisfactory totalling nearly three times our objective. Weeds Richmond Hill, June 215, 19411 Dear Mr. Editor:â€" ACKNOWLEDGES DONATIONS Letters From lhe People THANKS TO CITIZENS 0F RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill, 0nt., June 26th, 1941 BIRTH Edna W. Izzard As the hour you passed away. Safe in ‘the arms of Jesus. â€"Sad1y missed by mother, dad, brother and sister. 8.03 a.m., y 10.28 a.m., x 1.43 p.m., 6.25 p.m., bx 8.48 p.m. x - t0 Orillia; y to Huntsville b - Friday, Sat, Sun. & H01. Leave RICHMOND HILL LEAVE RICHMOND HILL IN MEMORIAM SHIELDSâ€"In: loving memory of our darling little son Jackie (John Robert) who passed away 12 yeals ago June 28, 1929, aged! 8 years. He was a little roselbud, Just bursting inrto bloom When God1 called him home to Hea- We miss you more each day, Your memory is as dear to us' Effective Saturday, June 28th NEW CARETAKER FOR UNITED CHURCH George Masters has ’been select- ed :for the position of caretaker of Richmond Hill United: Chrunch and assumes his new duties July lst. ven And left us‘ in deepest gloom. As years go by dear Jackie The United‘ Church Evening Aux- iliary held a pleasant social evening at the home of Miss Irene Anderson, Richmond Hill, on Monday and to honour two of its members, Miss Mabel Sims. a bride of this week, and Miss Evelyn Follett who is leaving shortly 1/01 reside in Toron- to. Mrs. W. Sayers presented Miss Sims with two beautiful white Delft Vases and‘ Mrs. B. Coolk presented’ Miss Follett with a desk set. Both’ memfbers thanked the Auxiliary in a few well chosen words expressing pleasure in the part they had taken in the branch. Dainty Lunch was served' by the hostess. Connections at North Bay for Sudbury, Blind River and intermediate points A delightful social event was heir‘l Wednesday evening when a miscel- laneous shower was held at the home of Miss Margaret Trench in honor of Miss Aud‘rey Patrick, a bride of next month. The arrange- ments were) in charge of Miss Trench and Miss Jean- Middleton. Miss OIiVe Wilson was honoured at a miscellaneous shov‘ver held Werlh nlesd‘ay evening at the home ocf Miss Patricia and‘ Miss Sella Smith. The honored guest recei'ved many beau- ticful gitfts and the best wishes of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark and nbalby daughter Jane of Vin‘el‘and visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark. Mrs. S. Cum- mer of Toronto was a .guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clank on Thursday. Rev. C. W. Follett and family close their six year term at Rich- mond Hill United Church on Sunday morning next. They are taking in) residence in Toronto, and: will live at 11 Roseneath Gardens in the Oakwood district. Tickets and information at A. HISLOP - Phone 177 :RAY COACH LINES _ Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick have anâ€" nounced the engagement of their daughter, Audlrey, to Mr. Stewart Munro of Toronto, the wedding to take place at Knox College Chapel, Friday, July 4th. We extend‘ congratulations to Miss Marion Little who was successful in olbtaining first class honours in Grade 1 Theory examlnau‘onrs at T0- ron-to Conservatory of Music. Mrs. W. Sayers entertained] mem- bers of the Ladies†Auxiliary of Royal Black Pr-ece-ptory No. 96 of Toromto, at dinner and! a social ev- ening at her home on: Tuesday. Alex Patterson left Tuesday duty on. the East ‘Coast with Royal Canadian; Navy. Mr. and Mrs; James Young lecft this morning on! a motor trip to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. B. Chambers of T0â€" ronto visited Mr.. and' Mrs. James Grainger on Sunday. Mrs. J. Pollard and Mrs. W. Sayâ€" ers visited; Mr. andl Ma's. stl-ey Wellman at Omemee on Wednesday of last week. A successful Strawaben-y Tea was held! Monday evening 'by the W0- men’s Association of the Presibyter ian Church. Social and Personal To North Bay I‘HE LIBERAL, RICh’MONb HILL, ONTARIO for the The annual meeting of York County Veterans Association is to be held at Stouffvil-le Friday evenâ€" ing, June 27th. It is expected Hon. W. P. Mulock, president of the or- ganization, will attend. The Women's Auxiliary of Vaughan and‘ Richmondl Hill Veter- anus will hold their regular meeting in the Municipal Hall on Monday, June 30th- at 2.30 o’clock. Please note change in date. DONATED DECORATION PRIZE T0 WAR VICTIMS Mr. William Davies stated to The Lifberal’ today that he is donating to the British War Victims» Fu‘ndJ the amount of the prize received for decorations in the recent Victory Loan campaign. Dvring the afternoon Mrs. Atkinâ€" son drew Miss LiLl‘ian Smi‘thl's name (UnioanLe) as the winner of the water color painting done by Miss Clara Mason. The sale of tickets from» this draw amounted! to $20.30. The June business meeting will be .held in the Work Room Friday af- ternoon, June 27, at 3 o’clock. Semi- annual reports will be gixven; and a good attendance is hoped for. In spite of the high temperature on Saturday afternoon last, the Red Cross report a very .successful tea and' baking sale. Total receipts to date $106.35. The society is very grateful to Mrs. Atkinson: and Reeve T. H. Trench for their hospitality on this; occasion. Thanks: is also due to the many who patronized the event, as well as all those who help- ed in the preparations. Tea. Wlas served‘ in the beautiful garden while in: the decorated garage took place the sale of home cooking. Mr. Dug-ald McLean wishes to ex- press his sincere thanks to his friends and neighlboars who have been so kind‘ and thoughtful at the time of the recent death of his bro- ther. Don’t forget the business meeting on; Iriday afternoon, June 27th at 3 o’clock in the work room. RED CROSS NOTES V ETERANS’ MEETING AUXILIARY MEETING YONGE STREET Now you can get the famous “TONII †Wheat Germ in your most essential daily food â€" BR FAD. Used and Recommended by Local Medical Doctors Telephone and have Our Driver call ‘TONIK’ “2%? BREAD A NEW Kind of Bread AT LAST â€" EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND (‘IHLD (‘AN ENJOY ONE OF MOTHER CARD OF THANKS WHITE BREAD WITH THE LONG-LOST FLAVOR- GIVING WHEAT GERM, RESTORING V I T A M I N S AND MINERAL SALTS FOR M A N ’ S EVERY - DAY NEEDS KERR BROTHERS HERE IT IS NATURE’S GREATEST GIFTS! MONDAY 81 TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - JULY 1 MICKEY ROONEY. LEWIS STONE, ANN RUTHERFORD in TODAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 26 ROBERT MONTGOMERY - CONSTANCE CUMMINGS i “ Haunted Honeymoon †EAST SIDE KIDS in TELEPHONE 77 SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. COOLED TO YOUR COMFORT Andy Hardy’s Private Secretary WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 2 - 3 ('LIVE BROOK - JUDY CAMPBELL in FRIDAY & SATURDAY. JUNE 27 - 28 TYRONE POWER - LINDA DARNELL in “ Pride of the Bowery †‘6 The Mark of Zorra †“ Convoy †RICHMOND HILL PAGE FIVE