Summer Needs for Men and Boys These offers are good for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon today. This Newspaper and Your Choice ONE Other Publication at Price Listed. [1 Maclean’s Magazine, 1 yr . . . . . . . . $200 [1 Chatelaine, 1 yr , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 2.00 [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr.... 2.00 [] National Home Monthly, 1 yr..... 2.00 [1 McCall’s, 1 2.50 [1 True Story. 1 yr................. 2.25 [LSilver Screen, 1 2125 [J Red'Book, 1 yr . . . . . . . . . ......... 3.50 I] Parents' Magazine, 1 yr........... 3.00 [1 Magazine Digest, 1 yr............ 3,50 [] American Boy. 1 yr.............. 2.50 [1 American Gir1,1 2.25 [J Child L11e.1 yr . . . . . . . . . . . 8.25 [1 American Magazine, 1 yr......... 3.50 [] Screenland, 1 .225 [1 Christian Herald, 1 yr... 3.00 PAGE SIX W$Wi<ߴ<>’xa‘ï¬â€˜fï¬â€˜fxï¬ï¬‚‘S‘MYMYWSQQ‘fSQW g The World’s News Seen Through We have a complete stock of Men’s and Boys’ Furn- ishings, well known lines, the trademark of which is your guarantee of quality. We invite you to let us supply your needs in work shirts, overalls, socks, etc. Men’s and Boys’ W Yonge & Richmond Sis. [J Maclean’s Magazine, 1 yr. [1 Chatelaine. 1_yr. [J Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. [1 National Home Monthly. 1 yr. [] Canadian Horticulture and Home. 1 yr. "A" I] Magazine Digest. 6 mot. [] True Storyyl yr. [1 Silver Screen. 1 yr. [1 Christian Herald. 6 mos. [1 Fact Digest. 1 yr. [1 Science and Discovery, 1 yr. [1 McCall’s Magazine, 1 yr. [] Parents’ Magazine. 6 mos. [1 Open Road for Boys. 1 yr. [] Home Arts (Needlecraft). 1 yr. [1 Screenhnd, 1 yr. Phone 86 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY An Intm'natzunal Daily Nat-SIMIij is Truthfulâ€"Constructiveâ€"Unbiasedâ€"«Free from Sensational- ism~Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the W’eekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Idea! Newspaper for the Home. The Chrierxan Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street. Boston, Massachusetts Price Sl2.00 Yearlvv or $100 a Month. Saturday Issue. includmg Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year ' Introductorv Offer. 6 Issues 25 Cents Complete Stock of V AND USED PARTS, ACCESSORIES & TIRES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS RI‘ICONDITIONED CARS AND TRUCKS CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice Any Three of These Publications CHECK THREE MAGAZINESâ€"ENCLOSE WITH ORDER ALL FOUR ONLY Iaclean’s Magazine, 1 yr. ['1 Rod and Gun. 1 yr. 1n»,n‘n:»l~ 1 u. -. . - u n,, .A . .u Address _______ Subscriptions This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice of ONE Magazine in Group A and TWO Magazines in Group 3 MARK AN "x" BEFORE THE MAGAZINES YOU DESIRE AUTO WRECKERS SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST . . ‘ . . . . . . n ~...-- aMU ‘ . . . . . 2.26 2.25 . . . . . . 3.50 ».1yr........... 3.00 1 yr............ 3.50 2.50 yr.............. 2.25 . . . . . . . . 3.25 18, 1 yr......... 3.50 2.25 1 yr... 3.00 J. CRAIGIE SUPER-VALUE OFFER ALL-FAMILY OFFER Wear â€"â€" Boots and Shoes g_ RiChmond Hill Taken at The Liberal $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.25 2.25 3.50 3.00 3.50 2.50 2.25 3.25 3.50 mmwvww'xï¬a [1 Rod and Gun. 1 yr. (1 Amerxcan Fruit Grower, 1 yr‘ [ ] Canada Poultry Review. 1 yr. [1 American Girl. 8 mos. [1 American Boy. 6 mos. [J American Girl, 8 mos. [1 Maclean‘s Magazine. 1 yr. [] Chatelaine. 1 yr. [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. [1 National Home Monthly. 1 yr. [1 Canadian Horticulture and Home, 1 yr. [1 Rod and Gun, 1 yr. [1 American Fruit Grower. 1 yr. [1 Canada Poultry Review. 1 yr. [1 American Boy, 6 mos. Richmond Hill Gentlemen: 1 males. 3 . . . . . . . . l um chucking below the otter dusted with a you": lubIcz-lptlon to your papa" l I All-Family I ] Super-VIA“. l I Mum. Inning Please clip list of magazines me: checking one- deshed. Fill out coupon carefully and man to your local paper. \' 00.0.50 PM MG. u.aono-conooooouon:looooooOCOOQIooloctototo. GROUP "B" u"... Provinco .n-uuouuunon The Weedofthe Week Dx-Eye Daisy The Ox-eye Daisy, sometimes call- ed White Daisy, White Weed, 02' Poverty Weed. is another of those perennial weeds that first came from Europe and is very closely related to the Chrysanthemum or national flower 0f Japan. It is on the in- crease in Ontario and most trouble- some in pastures, says John! A. Mac- Leod, Crops, Seeds and! Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. It is hardly necessary to describe the Ox-é-rye Daisy. It is in full bloom right now and will flower until Au- gust. Most city dlwellers refer to it as a flower but the farmer has other ideas. He looks upon: it as a pest that can only be controlled by plowing and cultivation. If the field‘ is in pasture. plow shallow (not more than four inches) towards the end- ocf August and har- row at once. Let the field stand for a couple of weeks, advises Mr. MaoLeod, and then» cultivate it the same way it was plowe<t two or three inches deep. If possible, culti- vate a third" or fourth time, going a little deeper each time. In the spring, cultivate the field often enough to keep the Daisy from making any growth albov-e ground until it is time to put in potatoes. corn, roots or rape. It must be re- membered that Daisies have short, thicvk root-stalks of tremendous vi- tality andl the hoed‘» crop must be repeatedly and thoroughly cul'tivat‘ ed in order to be effective, Mr. Mac; Leod‘ states. A chemical weed killer can be used to advantage to destroy this weed' in meadows andl pastures. Write the Crops, Seeds andl Weed Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, for Circular No. 60 “Weedl Eradica- tion by Chemicalsâ€. You can heLp win the war by buy- \V ar 53 THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ALL FOUR ONLY avings stamps .00 .50 With a threatened decrease in summer milk production owing to acute pasture conditions in. many counties of Ontario due to near drought conditions, The Feed! Board of the Ontario Department of Agriâ€" cul‘ture is advising farmers to re- sort to heavier grain: feeding to keep up the milk flow. Thisk is deemed ial‘osolutely necessary if Ontario is to [do its 70 per cent share in provid'- ing 112,000,000 pounds; of Canadian cheese for Britain. Grain Mixtures Aid Milk Flow In Dry Season Statistics show that Ontario is down 330,000 pounds of cheese this year as compared with last year’s production for the first firve month‘s. Officials have been hoping the fig- ures for June will show this defimt wiped out. Reports received by the Ont. Dept. of Agriculture from the heavy cheese-producing counties of Eastern Ontario state that many cheese fac- tory patron‘s have materially increasâ€" ed production per cow thy jud‘ic‘ious grain feeding. While farmers can.- not control pastures owing to w-ea- th-er conditions, they can control sup- plemental grain feeding, Feed’ Board officials point out. Grain mixtures for cows on: good pasture are recommended by the Board as folloWS: (1) oats 200 Nos. and barley 100 pounds; (2) oats 200 pounds, barley 100 pounds and wheat 100 pounds; (3) oats 100 pounds, barley .700 pounds, wheat 100 pounds, and soybean oil'meal 50 pounds. ows wust be kept in full produc- tion if Canada to meet cheese outâ€" put promised Britain. Ott-awa, June 3 â€"â€" Thomas Gray, who lived nearly 200 years ago, had a vision of Britain as “sovereign of the conquered| air†and Prime Min- ister Mackenzie King, in a radio ad- dress to Britain last night, used the poet’s lines to express his confidence 1n the outcome of the present war. The words, which came from the 006m Luna Habitabilis (The Habitâ€" 200 YEARS OLD POEM I’REDICTS BRITISH AIR RULE The words, which came from the poem Luna Habitabilis (The Habitâ€" able Moon), were: “England, so long the mistress of the sea, Where winds and, waves confess her sovereignty, Her ancient triumlphs yet on high shall bear, And reign, the Sovereign of the conquered air.†These prophetic words of a longâ€" dead poet have been used more than once in recent months, library offi- cials said. and there appeared to be considerafble public interest in the verse just as there was constant sur- prise at Tennyson’s vision of skies filled with commerce and the an- cient Mother Shiptonï¬s prophecy of “carriages†in the sky. ~m.-.v,3v_ __ Gray’s poem use& by Mr. King last night originally was written in Latin. It was a short poem, the Parliamentary Library officials said, and Mr. King’s excerpt was a mod- ern translatign. An. emergent meeting of Black- wood Lodge, A.F. and A.M., Woodl- brld‘ge, was held and‘ omen/ed as Cameron night, the event being the initiation of Mr. Donald Rosa Camâ€" eron, son of Mr. Alex Cameron. The chair was occupied ‘by the ruling master, Wor. Bro. Cameron Mc- Clure, and during the exemplifica- tlcn of the first degree the officers of the lodge were assisted 'by Wor. Bros. Archie and Jas: A. Cameronu of Vaughan Lodge; W-or. Bro. Rolb- ert Cameron of Huron-Bruce Lodge; Hector Cameron of Antiquity; and Wot. Bro. Cameron Waikinygton of Robertson Lodge. There was a goodly array of visitors from Vaughan, Antiquity, Huron-Bruce, Robertson, University, Duffel'in, Re- membrance, Alpha, Wellington, Cathedral and Tuscan Lodges. Wor. Bro. Hilliard Legard of Cathedral Lodge gave a talk on Masonic edu- cation andi took as his subject, “Ourâ€" selvesâ€. The Spaniard said he would build a. bull ring. The Amenican saidI he would go travelling all'around the country and have a good time. A Spaniard, an American and a Scotsman were discussing what they would 00 if they a-woke one inorn- ing to dismver that they were mill- ionadres. The Scotsman said he would g0 to sleep again to see if he could make another million. NATTRESS FAMILY HOLD PICNIC ON SATURDAY The sixth reunion picnic of the N attres-s family was heid at ï¬he home of the president, Herbert Nattress, No. '50 Highway, op; Saturday, Jun: ’7. There was a large tumom; of members and among those from a distance were Mr. William Hensley, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nat- tress, Detroit and) Mrs. Ray Lati- mer, Detroit. ‘ The following officers were elect- ‘ed': Hon. Pl‘esident, William Nat- ;tress, West Brookl‘in, 11.1.; Passt Pres- idents, Jas. W. Nattress, Wm. R. _Nattress, Heï¬bert Nattress; Presi- ldenlt, George Nattress La/wson, To- lronto; Vice-President, David‘ Irvirug lNattress, Toronrto; Secretary, Eva W. Nattress, Weston; Treasurer, 'Mrs. J.-H. Woods, Weston; sports cornMenerls, Kenneth Nattress, Torâ€" onto; Clarence Robinson. Bolton: re- Ifreshmen‘t committee, Mrs. W. Flemâ€" ing, Woodbridlge, Mrs.‘ A. Robinson, Bolton, Mrs. A. Dobson, Weston. A sports program was directed by George N. Lawson. T113 rize win- ners follow: Boys and gi'rjis race, 6 years and under, Billie Castator, Ronral‘d» Agar; children», 6 to 8 years. Betty Thomas, Allan Robll); girls' race, 6 to 12 years], Evelyn Tihomas, Dorotth Thomas; boys" race, 6 to 12 yeans, Robert Reid, Irving Nattress; giï¬l‘s’ race, 12 to 16 years, Helen Castator, Marjorie Thomas; boys‘ race, 12 to 16 years, Glen Nix, Reg- inakfl Thomas; single ladies, Rowena Kell‘a‘m, Bessie Nattreiss; single men, Glen Nix, Reginald Thomas; mar- ried ladiles, Mrs. Ed Castator, Mrs. Kenm-eth Nattres-sz married men, Glen Nix, Reginald Thomas; tied ladiles, Mrs. Ed Castator, Kenm-eth Nattres-S); married James Reid, Kenneth Nattres_s. Special prime were awarded to the oldest lady, Mrs. F. Lansdellp Toronito, aged 79; the oldest gentle~ man, Mr. William Horsley, Montreal, age 78; the youngest child, Paul Egan, Bolton, age 5 weeks, and the person: coming the greatest distance, Mr. William Horsfley, Montreal. A photo guessing contest was won by Mrs. James Reid of Hamilton. A travelling- rug' donated‘ by Mr. Geonge N. Latw-son, Toronto, was d‘rawn for and realized $16.00 for the Telegram War Victims†Fund. Miss Bessie Nattress was the holder of the lucky ticket and carried! off the rug. - -_. 1 Rev. T. B. Butler of St. Phillip’s. lWeston, Rural Dean, was celebrant for opening corporate communion service at which the Rev. Mr. Powâ€" ell, of Sutton, preached. Speakers ,at business sessions included‘ Miss F. Kingston», Toronto, Diocesan treasâ€" urer of the W.A., and Mrs. W. C. ‘White, returned missionary from China. Illustrating her remarks on )Oriental‘ custom-s Mrs. White intro- ]d‘ucedl a parade of 9 models, all local residents. attired! in typical Chinese! and Japanese costumes. The models were Mrs. J. H. Kensey, Mrs. T. Buttemvorth, Mrs. Walter Rymill, Miss Mary Thompson, Mrs. R. Livâ€" ingston, Miss Mae Kelsey, Miss Ann-ie Kersey, Mrs. S. A. Stratford, and Mrs. Alf. Thompson. Mrs. Austin Haineis, Sharon; a member of the Newlmar'ket branch, drew double honours by reâ€"eI-e-ction, as Deanery Officer for the Auxiliany and" installation as life member of the organization. Her election» l'e-i turned her to an: office she has. held! for many years. While iw business session the delegates also voted‘ to holdb their annual convention at Oak Ridges in 1942. Branches represented last week in- cluded! Sch:o«mfberg, Gastlemore, Woodfbriï¬g'e, Maple, King, Newmar- ket, Aurora, Wes'bmount, Thornhill, Oa'k Ridges, Richmond] Hilh, Roche's: Point. Sutton, HODand‘ Landing, Bradlfordv and Coulsonf‘s Hil‘l. At the neaï¬by rectory separate sessions of the Deanery Chapter were attended by men‘ from thl‘Ough- out the deanery. PROPOSES EACH COUNTY CONTRIBUTE SPITFIRE Sarn‘ia, June 3â€"Warden George E. Jones in his inaugural address to the L-amlbton County Council’s June ses- sion yesterday proposed that each of the 77 counties in Ontario and Que- bec purchase a Spitï¬re fighter for overseas war service. Warden Jones said that the cost of $40,000 per plane would impose a levy of less than 1 1/3 mills an‘ the tax rates; and would do much to lessen the burden upon the na- tional administration. His plan will be reviewed later this week. WONOOOWMWOWMâ€W BEST BY TEST EAIRBANK FEEDS A COMPLETE LINE OF POULTRY, DAIRY AND HOG FEEDS AND CONCENTRATES 2385 Dufferin Street, Toronto, KEnwood 6805, or Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 FAIRBAN K FEED CO. THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1941. Seed Corn, Different Varieties Fair Prices Feeds for Farm Stock, Poultry and Hogs We will buy Wheat, Oats, Barley and Mixed Grain Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynch ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 82w l ELUMBER STANDS THE W?“ 0F The property of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple. This horse is black and» weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season from 6 pm. D.S.T. Terms to insure foal $1.00, service $10.00, payable on or before lst March 1942. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at 'own- er’s risk. - RICHMOND HILL, ONT. SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R Purebred Percheron Stallion ROBE DALE CARBERT (15692) we WANT TO TELL v65 ,[N "rng mer: -' OUR. ll- nâ€"n A_-_..A- .â€"..._ ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY Yerex’s Electrical 26 Yonge St. THE MILL 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Harold W. Mortson STOCK REGISTER RADIO SERVICE CHARLES GRAHAM MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Fanm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Beatty Farm Equipment Telephone Richmond Hill 93 COMPANY 11 CENTRE ST. WEST RICHMOND HILL Successor to Phones : Phone 242 139