THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JUL} 3rd. 1941. PAGE FOUR MARRIAGE i HOilTICL‘LTURAL NOTES h d P l ' WEDDINGS . . GIBSONâ€"OGLE â€"â€" At the parsonage, The annual district picnic will take I u _ Thornhill, on Thursday evening, place on Wednesday, July 9th af‘ STANSBI'RYâ€"ROBERTSON l ‘ V S. Midhurst. A very interesting proâ€" gram is arranged and all members June 26. 1941. by Rev. E. A. Cur- rey, B.A., B.D.. Miss Margaret Ogle Victoria Square L'nite.’ Cnurch, was the setting for a pretty cere- ‘ School Promotions THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT of Toronto, daughter of the late of the Richmond Hill Society are in» A‘ _ V V A - ~ ., ~,_ RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and. 15 cents John and. Mr; Ogle to M, W J_ Vith to attend Take mm. mm ROOM 1 "low “he†“15“ 3mm? Irene R03 for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra . i w ' A ' i - - . h ‘ ‘ Passed to Grade VIIIâ€"Catherine elth‘m'i daughter 0f M" “mi Mb'l each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Glbson Of Toronto' Emcmc ‘unc ' Ellis, Carson Houghton‘ Shirley B. Robertson of VictOiia Square was' _ *_"F' ’ "F W i , .. r . married to Mr. Charles W. Stans- Mrs. Beverle Redditt. who died Heeley. Bert Hunt, Mal} Rennedy. ‘ ‘Nf Friday, June gmh at Newmarket,,‘ B 1 F h A†C ,Q 1Q“ Fred Kozak, Reta Mallory, Elinor bur-V 0f Torrom’o o'n‘J‘me 38th- Re‘“ ______________.l was buried Sunday afternoon in: Oton “’5' n amp" “ Pattenden. Kathleen Rowlandson, H" J' MChay Offl‘mated ‘Vhlle m' SMALL REFRIGERATOR, in googlMAN WANTED for 8.0.0 famlly iseason was officially opened on Fri- !day of last week when Lady Eaton learried out the formal ceremonies. King cemetery. The former Char- lotte Hollingshead. deceased was in her 85th year. She was predeceas- ed by her husband. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY TIRE . . .SEE US 0 We’ll show you the tire that will save you money. It’s the low-priced ï¬nder . : . built to give you your tire dollar! Goodyear qualities t . trouble-free, low-cost servrce. Goodyear Path- honest value for Pathï¬nder has the essential hat give you long, See W6 0R6 SAWAW ‘, AMMRISIS MOI/£7 j WIâ€! III/S 8/6 ’ EXMIO Mil/E 71126 4 Hall’ 3 Service Station YONGE STREET OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME Public Notice This is the time of year to put in your next winter supply of Blue Coal Lowest Prices Cleaner Coal Adequate Supply Blue Coal mined by the largest coal Mining 00., D. L. & W. COAL Co. I. D. Ramer & Son Phone 10, The Elevator Richmond Hill These Noxious Sow Thistles-â€"-0x-eye Daisyâ€"Wild Mustardâ€"Bind Weedl~Blue Weedâ€"Pepper Grassesâ€"Bladder Campionâ€"Halwdaweeds-aStink- weedâ€"Canada Thistleâ€"Common Milkweedâ€"White Cookieâ€"Wild Carrotâ€"Wild Lennonâ€"Common» Ragweedâ€"Dod‘denâ€"Comlmoni Burdock-â€"Poison Ivy'aChicoryâ€"Docksâ€"Russian Thistle Tumbling Mustal‘dâ€"CinquefoiIsâ€"Spurges. The Weed Control Act, States Clause 5â€".Every occupant of land, or if the land is unoccupied, the owner shall destroy all weeds designated noxious by the regulations as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds. Clause 23â€"Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order of an Inspector given under authority of this Act, shall incur a penalty of not less than $10 now more than $50 for every such offence. Weeds NOT CUT by JULY 10 will be destroyed by Order" of the Inspector and costs charged to occupant of the land and if not paid will be charged against the property. Weeds have no place in a progressive municipality â€" do your share to prevent their spreadâ€"Please Top Thistles in Grain Fields. J. w. WARRINER,.Weed Inspector, East Half ROBERT srlvER. Weed Inspector, West Half Municipality of MARKHAM TOWNSHIP “â€" Jack Stapley, Stanley White. ROOiM II To Grade 8, passed on year's workâ€"Nancy Austin, Mack Clement, Harry Hill. Don Little, Douglas Manstbridge, Henbert Rose, Helen Rowlandson, Eleanor Young. Passed on final exams Charles. Albert Clarke, Durrant, Shirley Joyce, Taylor. Rec-Cmmendedâ€"James Baikel‘. T0 Grade 7. passed on year‘s- work ~Ileen Joyce, Marion Little. Violet Mihorean, Norman Stunden. Florence Gordon dery, Jalnts Burton, Keith Doherty, Laura Hislop, Norma JOyCO. Jack Keen, Jessie Keen, Bill McIntyre, James Mo-nkman, Kathleen Stundcn. To be given a trial in Grade 7“ John Atkinson. 0 Passed to Grade Gâ€"John Irwin. ROOM III Grade V to V1. passed on year's workâ€"Eric Fish, Isinlbc] Mat-Far- lane. Hazel Miles, Sandy Neal. Male. garet, Palmer. Passed from Grade V to VI written testsâ€"Marie \Allen, Baker, John Bowen. Dorothy Bmvvs. Winnie Butler (Rec). Aline Madeline Evelyn, Ilelcn Linstead, Joan Murphy, Shirley Myllks, Victor Parisi, Stanley Ransom. Lolu San- ders, Ronald Sanders, Albert Tay- lor, May \Vhite. Passed Grade IV to V on written testsâ€"«Janet. Andcrsml, Jack (ill hert Hull, Eugene Hilliai'dl. Shirley Linstea'l. Muriel Mallory, Kenneth Moore, Barbara Murphy. ROOM IV Grade V to V'I. promoted on year's workâ€"B e tty B er 0 sfo rd , Allan Hill. Douglas Moore. Caroline Munroe, Margaret Scott. Madeline Stephenson, Keith Teetzel. Promoted on final tests Osborne, Jane Little. Grade IV to V, promoted year's workâ€"Peter Curzon, Walter Joyce, Gerald Paris, Ellen Warring- ton. Promoted on final rests â€"â€" Ivan B0wen, Gordon Cooper, George Coo~ per (Rec), Betty Clulbinie, Jean Mc- Fa-rlane, Gloria Parisi, Paul R-câ€"arâ€" Mona don, Ruth Sanders (Rec.), Sheila Sanders, Verna Stewart, Ronald Warwick, Mary DeiSante, Jim Mans- bridge, Lorne Sheardown, Willis Stephenson, Lois Bourne. Grade III to IVâ€"Donald Chedzoy, Eunice Sanders, Ray Stundien. ROOM V Passed from Grad-e III to IV on year’s workâ€"Bruce Chamney, Bev- erley Charles, Marvin Foote, Doreen Horner, Jack Kidld, Elva McFarlanc, Barbara Reard-on, Bobby Smith. Passed from Grade III to I'v' on’ final examsâ€"Michael Armstrong, Kenneth Bennett, Billy Crulbin-e, Marlene Cooper, Jean Cooper, Lois Doherty, Arthur Gaud'ie‘i‘, Leonard Hill, Eric Houghton, Doreen Kenn- edy, “Clarence Kozak, Kathleen Little Joyce Monroe, Betty Rose, Bobby Rowlandsoni, Davidl Simisel', Eur-.h Stapley, Beverley Tice, Ral'ph Palm- er. Recommended from Gradle III to IVâ€"â€"Jein Abbott, James Allen. Passed from Grade II to III on final examsâ€"Audrey Allen, Douglas Allen, Patsy DelSante, Eric Hilla‘by, Billy Lumbers, Lucy Mihorean, Rich- ard Upton. ROOM V1 Promotion list, Cradle 2 to 3â€" Dale Agar, Howard Bennet, Stanley Buttler, Joan Boume, Shirley Bowen Shirley Brillinlger, Olive Brock, Patricia Devins, Allbert Hetenyi, Douglas Hill, De Voe Jernigan, Bar- baira Jones, Betty Jones, Patricia Joyce, Joan Kennedy, Alex Kerr, Ethel Layzelle, Ruth Layzelle, Bev- erley Leech, Donnie Leno, Mary MacDonald, Boblby Moore, Archie Rowland‘son, Kenneth Sackfield‘, Douglas Snell, Betty Taylor, Allbert Titshall, Daphne Titshall, Harold Van Dyke, Edith Warrington, Jean Welbbe, Billy Zuefelt, Gordon Leece ( ROOM VII Grade I to Grade IIâ€"Edna Alb- bott, Ray Agar, Marie Balker, Joan Bowen, Charles Close, Joyce Coop- er, Richard Edmunds, Roy Espey, James Galloway, Donald‘ Hilep (re- commended), Charles Kerr, Doris Linstead, Gary Lumbers, Katherine MacDonald, John Marshall, Reta Millorean, Ronald Miller, Janet Paris, Gerald Paxton, Ronald Pullen, Dennis Stapley, Marion Stapley, Barbara Wainman, Joyce Wilde, Bert Young. Ray . Everet . Bow- ‘ dery. Shirley Deferrari (Red). Delâ€"1 Phyllis j Casement, Vera Hetenyi, Sally Hogg, i hat- uankle length white crepe dress with Oil- English of Buttonville was at tne organ. Mr. B. Robertson gave his daugh- ter in marriage and she Wore a giactful white chiffon gown with a slight train and tulle veil and car- ried a beautiful bouquet of white roses. Miss Peggy Avison of Vic- toria Square acted as maid of honor wearing a beautiful blue chiffon gown and a pink flowered hat. Miss Irene Beatty and Miss Claire Wat- son who were bridesmaids wore flowing pink not gowns and blue flowered hats. Mr. George Morgan Passed on final examsï¬Bill Bow-10f Tor‘mto “'35 be“ mam Mr. and Mrs. Stansl‘mry will re- lsidc in Toronto after their honey- ‘ moon to points south. The bride II‘ZIV(llt“i in an cutrt‘it of Queens blue with white accessories. SKII’I’ON-BOITON Thornhill United (,hurch, dig-oratâ€" ed with palms and pink. white and bllic sumnter flowers. unis the sett- ing for a late June wedding on Satâ€" urday afternoon when Mi‘s Hilda May Bolton became the bride of Mr. Graydon John Skippon. The ‘briilc is the daughter of Mr. and Davis“ Mrs. Thos. Bolton of Tliornhill and the groom the son of Mr. land Mrs. E. E. Skippon. Rev. E. A. Currey. RA†BI)†performul‘ the ceremony and Mr. S. F. Davies. church organâ€" ist, played the wedding music. The bride. who was giYHi in mar- riage by her father, wore a long gown of white satin with full length veil of embroidered tulle. and car- ried an arm bouquet of Better Time roses and farn. Her Mrs. Arthur J. Luischner, was her matron of honour. wearing a long gown of shrimp pink crepe with white felt Her little flower girl wore an sister, blue flowered doll's hat. Both at- tendants carried red roses. Mr. Nor- man Brewer was best man. Following a short motor trip the bride and groom will live in Thorn- hill. WOODS-WHITE A very pretty summer weddng took place on Saturday evening last in the Church of the Messiah. TO- ronto, when Miss Agnes Elisabeth White, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. White. became the bride of Sergeant Bruce Roy Woods. Flying Instructor at No. 9 F.'I‘.S. St. Catharines, and only son of Mr. Ont. Rev. W. R. Sproule officiated against a setting of white carna- tions, peonies, baby's breath and dellphiniiuml; and the organist. Mr. Findley, played softly throughout the ceremony and’ rendered several selections during the signing of the register. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a gown of white chiffon, made with sweet- heart neckline, full hish-Op sleeves, and very full skirt falling from a lowered waistline into a short train. 'She also wore a set of pearls, the gift of the groom. Her headdress was a. matching turlban from which »fell a shoulder-length veil of tulle, and she carried a cascade bouquet of white gardenias. Mrs. Gordon Gloster, sister of the groom, as matron of honour, was ifrocked in Tide Blue Sheer fashionâ€" cdl after the bride's gown, with matching offâ€"the-face hat trimmed with yellow velvet ribbon and «ar- rie-d a cascade bouquet of yellow roses and fern. l The groom-smart was Mr. Gordon GIOSter, brother-inâ€"larw of the groom, and the ushers were Mr. Bob Greer and Mr. Tom Greer. A reception was held following the ceremony for the memlbers of the immediate flamilies at .the‘ Diet Kitchen, Bloor Street, where th-elUNF’URNISHElD ROOM l ‘cheap; 1 Guernsey cow, 6 years old, l l l and “11.5. Roy Woods) Newtonbrook’:J. Gaudier, Elgin sidleoad east, order. Apply 38 Arnold St. FIVE PIGS weighing about 60 lbs. Apply Telephone Maple 281'11. ‘LATE CABBAGE PLANTS. Mrs. H. 'Davis, 88 Mill Street, Richmond Hill. HORSE 6 years old, sell or trade for milk cow. Apply K. Olsen, phone Richmond Hill 4522. HOUSEHOLD Fuhfvlrurua. Appi} Mrs. Walker MacKay, 12 Lucas St., Richmond Hill, phone 190W. H‘OLSTEIN COW, fresh, 8 pigs, good chunks; 1 sow due; 1 silo 14x28. Herman Mortson, phone Stouffville 4013. FOUR young registered Yorfshire Boars, 3% months old. Jas. Cross- land, RR. 2 Claremont, phone 81122 Markham. BUSINESS PROPERTY in Rich- mond Hill, known as the Sims Gl'oc- ery. Apply F. E. Sims, 5? Yongei Street. Richmond Hill. PURE WHITE Saanen Goats, good milkel's, also young stock, hornless. Apply E. G. McKcan, John Street. Thoi‘nhill, phone 36â€"11. MOWER. practically now, Oil-lbath Cockshutt; 1 horse drawn disc plow almost new. Apply L. C. Burton, (,lal'rville Road. Stop 23 Yonge St., phone Maple 76-1. AYRSHIRE BULLS, all ages, from R.O.P. Dams, registered, at farlnel‘s’ prices. George Spring, Thornhill. John F. Stevenson, herdsman. ROOM SUITE. 9 piece solid walnut, in excellent Will sell pieces separate- Apply phone 28 Richâ€" DINING Gilbbard, condition. 1y if desired. mond Hill. GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, Chickensl 2 Police Dogs, Pigeons, Heater. Kit- chen Stove, Coal Oil Lamps, Grain Box. Apply Oblnycki, Kozak Road, Richmond Hill. I l HORSES, heavy and light, will sell, due to freshen; a number of young cattle. Apply Edgar Thompson, Oak Ridges, phone King 391‘13. i 2 MARES, 10 and 11 years old, good strong work horses, for sale or QX‘ change for cow or heifers. Apply first brick house past railroad. FIVE RO-OlM FRAill/LE COTTAGE in Richmond Hill, Hydro, furnace, hard and soft water inside, garage, chic- ken house, and garden. Cash or terms. Apply at The Liberal Off- ice. I TWO M.-H. 7 ft. binders; 1 M.â€"H. 6 ft. binder; 1 Deering 7 ft. binder; 1 McCormick-Doering No. 2 Cream Separator; fonks, slings and ropes. Apply M. A. Wilson, phone King 4-800. HORSES, Clydes, Percherons and saddle horses, various sizes, ages & prices, bargains for quick sale. Leechwood Farm, 2% miles east of Yonge St., 1 mile south Of No. 7 Highway. AIR CONDITIONED Ice Refriger- ator, McClary heavy wine electric stove, with oven, cheap; Dominion washer $69.96; 3 burner Perfection stove $3.00; latest war map regular 25c., while they last 10c. Yerex Electric, Richmond Hill. TO RENT AiPAlR'I‘MElNT, 6 rooms, all conven- iences, heated. Apply T. H. Trench, Richmond Hill. suitalble bride’s mother received wearing a for office or living quarters. Aplply dress of Queen’s Blue crepe, navy 117 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 'hat, and corsage of white roses and' lbouvardia. The groom‘r's mother al- so received, and wore beige crepe, llarge white hat and a corsage of ‘Pink Delight roses and ‘bou'vardia. ' For an aeroplane trip .to North- ern Ontario, the bride wore a Navy Sheer retlingote ensemlble with printed dress and matching draped turban. On their return they will reside at Niagara-onwtheâ€"Lake. LASKAY Laskay Dramatic Club will preâ€" sent “Yiminiy Yomson's Yo-b" Friday, July 11th under the auspices Las‘kay United Church IV.M.S. of Vaughan Council The regular July meeting of the Vaughan Township Council ' will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore Monday, July 7th 1 PM. for the transaction of General BusineSS Dated at Maple this 3rd day of July, 1941. Are you a War Saver? why not? If not, RICHMOND HILL Rarwlcigh route. Permanent if you're a hustler. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. IlIlLâ€"351123â€"F, Montreal Canada. UNEM‘PLOYED SA‘LES LADIES for beauty product, full or part time work. Splendid commission. Apply to Mrs. Stevenson today, telephone 108w Richmond Hill. M 100-125 ACRES with good buildings and running water preferred. Near good road. Good cash payment. Re- ply giving particulars to Box 92, The Liberal. H WANTED LIVE STOCK, GRAIN or whlat have you to trade on a new DeLaval Milking Machine, Frigidaire MiLk Cooler, Electnic Refrigerators, Ranges. Washers, and Radio Receiv- ers. Write B. R. Leech for cata- logue, and save money. Cash or easy terms. TORONTO RADIO & SPORTS. 241 Yonge St., Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. kt ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholsiei‘ing. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. \DRESSMAKING and general se'w- ing. ladies‘ coats and suits a spe- ciality. Any kind of repair work. Apply Mrs. C. H‘Ouston, Yongehurst Ave., Stop 24 Yonge St., phone Richmond Hill 1371‘6. tif. FOUND TRUCK TIRE on Rim round on Dufferin Street last Friday. Phone Maple 1068. ANNOUNCEMENT Having accepted a commission as Medical Officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force, I hereby give notice that, as from this date, I am withdrawing from private practice. I wish to ex- press my appreciation Of the consideration given me during the past two years and trust that at some future date our pleasant relations may be re- sumed. W. J. WILSON, M.D. E R.&G. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars $1025.00 1940 DODGE DeLUXE COACH â€"- Heater, small mileage, exqeflent dondition. $925.00 1939 MERCURY TOWN SEDANâ€", Grey With whitewall tires. Ford Radio, Heater. Nice. $775.06 1939 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€" Heater. Very nice. $450.00 1937 DODGE SEDAN DELIVERYâ€" Thlolrfoughly WW. $32500 1933 FORD V-8 TUDOR Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 174