Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jul 1941, p. 5

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Mrs. Davis’ ministry has been one of a mother’s devotion» to her family and a steady power fbehind her hus- bandfs active life. It would; seem as if the children had grown] up among us here, and we look forwardl to fine and: ndee lives in the family. The Presbytery, Toronto Centre North, Y.P.U. picnic wilb be held' at Ahshunyoong Camp site on August 27th. A miscellaneous shower was held for Miss Frances Ross at her home on Thursday last. Frances has been a favorite in the community. HeI‘i musical talent, her efficient servicesl as an operator in the telephone ex- change for two years, and her read-I iness to take part whenever or wherever her services were needed won her many friends. I Holman-Ross A quiet wedding took plue at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan M. .Ross, King, on Saturday afternoon. June 28th, when their daughter Frances Eliza became the bride of Albert Kenneth Holman, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holman of Aurora. The ceremony was per- formed amidst floral decorations of delphiniums and pink peonies by Rev. G. L. Atkinson. Given in mar- riage by her father the bride was prettily dressed’ in an afternoon frock of light blue sillk jersey made with fretted bodice, long waistline and full skirt. She wore a corsage of red roses. The attending wit- nesses were the groom’s sister, Lina Holman and» the bride’s brother, Donald) McCallum. The Presbytery Publicity Conven- er, Hilda Patton, announced} the Presbytery Ball Tournament at Mus- selman’s Lake on July 15th. Large congregations in- each of the churches at Las'kay, King and Teston were present on Sunday for the farewell sermon of Rev. Doug- las G. Davis of the Uniitedi Church. Not only have his congregations gained much from his ministry dur- ing the past eleven years‘, but many in} other denominations over a wide area have also know his good‘ works and kindly influence. Mr. Davis has [been in and[ out of so many homes in the district and has ministered in so many ways thrOughout the en- tire community that his departure calls forth appreciation for his ser- vices and‘ sincere wishes for his fuâ€" ture health and success. To the in-comin‘g' minister, Rev. Harold Anderson, the community extends a most hearty welcome. We wish them all God‘ speed and every happiness a't Stoufl‘ville. Miss McClure was also the guesrt of Laskay Y.P.U. at Mr. James Watson"s last week. After the wedding breakfast the couple left for a trip to Northern we are grateful for the enrichment of the child life of this community. We, your friends, Miss McClure. wish you success and happiness in your future life. In appreciation, we- present you with this gift of crystal. you have endeavoredI to develop While teacher of this School, will re- main to bless‘ ‘the young lives. Truly At the close of six successful years as teacher of S. S. No. 11 Vaughan. we, your pupils and friends, have gathered here this ev- ening to express our appreciation of your splendid: services and‘ bid' you adieu. Your wholehearted interest in- each chiLd, your untiring eff’orts and the fairness of your discipline have won for you the high regard and the sincere affection» of the pupils. The fine standard of teach- ing that you have achieved) has been appreciatedl by the parents and friends of the children as well as meriting the commendation of the Inspector. The appreciation of beau- .ty and the love of good! music that Miss Jean McClure who has been teacher of s.s. 11 Vaughan was tend» ered a social evening and presentaâ€"‘-1 tion at Purrpleville school' on Friday evening by the .pupils, parents and. section residents. The secretary, Mr. Peterman, was chairman and a. very fine program was given by the pwpils, including a treasure frail con-test. Mr. Walter Rolling spoke of the ability ancl srucceststful‘ teachâ€" ing of Miss McClure as he had1 do~' served’ in her as a pupil of his at, 8.8. 23, King, and) from frequent' visits to her school, The school board expressed appreciation of her] work and’ good‘ influence at all times. The following presentation address was’ read: Of special interest to SS. 4 King is the purchase of $161.11 of War Savings Stamps since Jan. 20, 1941 by the pupils wh0.a150 brought in regulaer and collec-ted' from house 1:0 house magazines and books that were sent to the Military Hospital at Camp Borden. Kinghorn School No. 23 also added ~to the mag inne collection. THURSDAY, JULY 8rd, 1941. King City News Items i On Saturday afternoon, Reeve ‘Thomas MacMurchy and his sisters. Misses Mary and! Kate received 1more than 100 guests on the spa- ‘cious cool lawns of the MadMurchy [pioneer farm, 8th concession, King Township, this being the celebration Ireâ€"union of the 1015't anniversary of ‘the coming of the MactMurchys to Canada. LLOYDâ€"On Sunday, June 29th at Women‘s College Hospital, Toronto to Mr. and Mrs. George Lloyd, ee Marjorie Bowes, a son. CARRIE, Jamesâ€"At Yoz‘k Count} Hospital, Newmarket, Thursday. June 26th, 1941, James Carrie, late of Markham and Vaughan) To'wn- ships. BIRTHS KONINrGâ€"Mi‘. and Mrs. J. Konimg" Roseview Avenue, Richmond H111 am happy to announce the arrival of a baby brothqr for Sandra, at Burn- side Pavilion, Toronto, on Monday, June 30th, 1941. DIED BOADWIN, Ellen -â€" At the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Pratt, Lang- staff, on Sunday, June 29, 19mm, af- ter a brief illness, Ellen‘ Boadrwin, widow of the late Jolm Boadwin, in her 90th year. The funeral was held from the above address Wednesday, July 2nd at 2.30 (D.S.T.. Service in the Bap- tist Church, 5th Line, King Tomvn- ship, at 3.30 (D.S.T,. Interment fol- lowed in Kettle‘by Cemetery. The funeral was held on Sunday. June 29th. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. MiSS‘ B. MaoMurchy, Toronto, was historical narrator who very albly andI attractively presented' the story as nearly as could be found from 1840-1941. ROBINSON, Henry Charles â€" Sudh denly, on Monday, June 30th, 1941, Henry Charles Robinson, beloved husband; of Mary McCor’t, 1556 Queen Street East, Toronto, and dear fathâ€" er of Georgina (Mrs. H. Morris), Toronto; AJbbie (Mrs. 0. Steele), West Hill; Libby (Mrs. H. Breck), Toronto; Lillian, Toronrto; Malbel (Mrs. H. Winger), Maple, and' Jerry Robinson, Toronto, in his 78th year. Mr. Andrrew McClure represent- ed another neighbouring homestead for 70 years past. Others taking part were Miss Sarah Mac-Murchy, Collingwo‘od; R-uth MaoMurchy, Col~ ling'wood; Mrs. Felix Smeltzer, Archibald MacMurchy, Toronto; Dr. Helen IvIaclMurchy, O.B.E., Toronto: Norman MacMurchw, Regina; Nor- man: MacMurchy, King. Thlos. MaoMurchy and Mary Blue of Argylshire, Scotland hadt‘ 11 sons, one daughter deceased. Archibald and Donald came to Canada in 183‘! and the mother and father and 9 sons came to King Township in 1840. FLAVELLE, Mary Anniâ€"At Toron- to, Thursday, June 26, 1941, Mary Ann: Fl‘avelle, late of Victoria Square, Ont, dear mother of E. May Flavelle of 376A Bloor Street West. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon, 2.30 o’clock. Interment Victoria Square Cemetery. was the youngest “Mary” hearing her great-great grandmother’s name. Mr. Chas. Archilbaldv of King, 88, and Mr. George Archilbald, nephew, represented that family who have been neighbours to the MacMurchys for 101 years, since 1840. Mr. Bishop and his .son Leonard of the R.‘C.A.F. came im honour of the first MacIMurchy 100 acres which Bishops now ocqupy. Reeve MaclMurchy welcomed the gathering very warmly and presided m er a very interesting program fol- lowing the afternoon. tea served on. the Lawn. The anniversary cake was cut by senior members, Mrs. M. Currie and Mrs. Smeltzer of Brad» ford. There were clam memlbers from Regina. Colling'wood‘, Thorrfbury, Erin, Hillsburg, Cl'arkdburg, Hamil- ton, Egbert, Markham, Nashville, Nobleton, King, Bradford, Weston. ‘The oldest was Mrs. Margaret Currie, 88 years. The youngest was Ethel MacMurchy of Collingwood‘, aged 15 months. The sixth genera- tion was represented and three gen- erations in one family were present. Little Mary MacMurchy of Hills- :buerg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacMurchy (Mae Folliott) The funeral was held on Wednes- day, July 2nd, at 2 p.m. Interment followeé in Richmond Hill Ceme- tery. Ontario, the bride travelling in a two-tone luggage tanv dress and jacket with white accessories. They will live at Aurora on‘ their return. Norman Mac-Murchy, B.A., of Re- gina came the farthest to be pre- sent. Miss» Eileen Broad, for the past athree years a member of the local High School staff, has resigned' to accept a position as pemnanship in- structor at Central High School of Commerce, Hamilton. Miss Broad left Wednesday for Columlbus, Ohio, where she will take a special course at the Zanerian College of Penman- ship. Miss Broady has: been an effi- cient teacher and‘ a popular memiber of the community. Her many friends here wish her every success in her new position. Mr. George Carr of Langstaff commenced duties as a member of the Bank of Commerce starff here this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yerex, Mr. Hugh Yerex, Mr. C. Ball, Miss Lucy Yerex and‘ Mrs. A. A. Eden spent the Do»- minion Day holiday at Dorset. Dr. W. J. Wilson who has accept- ed a commission with the Royal Canadian Air Force reported fer duty at Manning Pool, Toromo, to- day. . Mr. J. A. Greene was a business visitor to Montreal over the week- end. Harry Mack, ‘78 year old cyclist, whio'se cycling feats have won him widespread publicity, is now a res-i- dent of the Richmondl Hill district, living on Yongehurst Avenue. 'For years Mr. Mack has celeibrated his birthday by bicycling from Toron’to to Hamilton and return, andi plans to repeat the performance on his next birthday. July 11th, 12th to Muskoka Huntsville, Parry Sound, North "Bay, and’ Nipigon district. Also to Lind- say, Haliburton and other points in those districts. Particulars from C.N.R. ticket agents. IN MEMORIAM HJORLNERâ€"In loving memory of Ada. Homer of Head‘ford‘ who pass- e<fl away July 4th, 1940. Oh, how patient in thy suffering When no hand could give thee ease, God, the helper of the helpless Sarw thy pain and gave thee peace. â€"â€"Sad1y missed by sister Mrs. Celia Homer and family. Mrs. L. W. Zuefelvt and Miss Jean are holidaying with friends at Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clement and Mac spent the holiday wee'k-c'nd’ at Lake Bernard, near Su‘ndridge. Mr. “Mao” Cooper has joined the Dental Corp of the Royal Canadvian Air Force and is stationed at Mann- ing Pool, Toronto. The stop sign: at the corner of Lorne Avenue and Church Streets has been moved~, making Lorne Ave. the stop street. July 4th and 5th to Muskoka and! Lake of Bays and fParry Sound, also to Believille, Smiths Fall‘s, Peter- boro, Kingston, Brodkvillle and dis- tricts named. Mr. Rand Phinney who has ‘been with the Bell Telephone Company at London and Chatham the past month spent the holiday alt his! home here on his way to Sault Ste. Marie. .Mr. Walter Scott Sr. of St. Cath- arines was a visitor in RichmOmd Hill Saturday. He was on his way to his summer cottage and) was looking forward to some goodv rbass fishing. Mrs. H. A. Nicholls and Miss Rusvâ€" sell of Richmond Hill, Miss F, Jose- phinle Russell, Brantford and’ Miss Beverley Nan Ru.SSell, Lancaster, N.Y., are guests at the Windsor Arms, Toronto. July 4th; 5th, 6th| ‘to Niagara points, and‘ points in Bruce and Grey Counties. Swnday, July 6 4th after Trinity 11 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. 7 p.m.-â€"â€"Evening Prayer and- Ser- mon. No Sunday School during JuLy and August.â€" Richvale Public School Service 8.15 A11 cordially invited RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, July 6th 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11.45 a.m.â€"Moming Service. Rev Stevenson will preach. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. 4 Markham Road Social and Personal RAIL BARGAIN FARES ST. MARY'S CHURCH STOP SIGN MOVED RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO On Saturday, June 28th, 1941 in High River, Alberta, there occurred, after a. lingering illness, the death of Mrs. Arthur H. Rowe (nee Nora Marion McMahon), beloved wife of Rev. Arthur H. Rowe of High River, Alberta and elder daughter~of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mc- Mahon of Richmond Hill. Nora, as she was familiarly known was born in Richmond Hill June 1st, 1890, received her education here in Public and- High Schools an-dl lived the earlier years of her life! in the village. In 1914 she was malrri-eul to Rev. Arthur H. Rowe, then of Broolks, Alberta. For the twenty- seven years of her married life she with her husband, gave faithful and earnest service to the United! Church of Canada in several towns in All-- berta. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn the loss of a de- voted mother five children, Mrs. Gordon Blair (Dorcas) of Granum, Alta; J'ohn, Ruth, Mary and Ar- thur L. at home; two grandchildren, Michael and Barbara Blair, and one sister, Mrs. W. H. Thomson of Port Credit. Michael John Rain and Bavbara Jane Bain, t'wini banies of Donald and Marguerite Bain, were christen- edl at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond' Hill on Sunday last, be- ing the firsrt anniversary of the marriage of Donald and Marguerite. The Rev. W. F. Wrixon who offici- ated at the wedding christened the babies. For Camp Ahsh-unyoong opening- Monday, July 7th for a ten. day per- iod‘ for boys 9 to _14. Located at S.ilbbald"s Porint, Lake Somcoe, Camp Ahshunyoong commences its twelrfth consecutive season with a competent staff and improved camp facilities under the auspices of the North York Boys’ Work Board. Communi- cate with Mr. W. R. Stephens, New- market or for local convenience phone 169. LATE MRS. ARTHUR H. RO‘VE CHRISTENING AT ST. MARY’S CHURCH “.She resrts from her laibours." BOY Sâ€"REGISTER NOW Children Love This New Kind of Bread Now you can get the famous “TONIK” Wheat Germ in your most essential daily food â€" BREAD. Used and Recommended by Local. Medical Doctors Telephone and have Our Driver call ‘TONIK’ YEW BREAD YONGE STREET OBITUARY WHITE BREAD WITH THE LONG-LOST FLAVOR- GIVING WHEAT GERM, RESTORING V I T A M I N S AND MINERAL SALTS FOR M A N ’ S EVERY - DAY NEEDS KERR BROTHERS TELEPHONE 77 SHOWS START AT 7.30 RM. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. COOLED TO YOUR COMFORT ‘5 7‘ MONDAY & TUESDAY, JULY 7 - 8 MADELINE CARROLL, FRED MacMURRAY in WEDNESDAY 8; THURSDAY, JULY 9 - 10 ROBERT YOUNG, LARAINE DAY in FRIDAY 6; SATURDAY, JULY 4 - 5 JACKIE COOPER. BONITA GRANVILLE in “ Gallant Sons ” ARTHUR LAKE, PENNY SINGLETON in “ Biondie Plays Cupid ” The Trial of Mary Duggan TODAY. THURSDAY, JULY 3 (‘LIVE BROOK. JUDY CAMPBELL in 66 :W Virginia Convoy ” PAGE FIVE RICHMOND HILL

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