These offers are good for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon today. This Newspaper and Your Choice ONE Other Publication at Price Listed. [1 Ma‘ciean's Magazine, 1 yr ........ $2.00 [] Chatelaine, 1 yr . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 2.00 [] Canadian Home Journal, 1 yin... 2.00 [] National Home Monthly, 1 yr..... 2.00 [] McCall‘s, 1 2.50 [] True Story. 1 yr . . . . . . ........... 2.25 [1 Silver Screen, 1 2.25 [] Red Book, 1 yr . , . . . . . . , 3.50 [] Parents' Magazine, 1 yr.. ......... 8.00 [] Magazine Digest, 1 yr............ 8.50 [] American Boy, 1 yr.............. 2.50 [] American Girl. 1 yr . . . . . . ........ 2.25 [] Child Life, 1 yr . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25 [J American Magazine, 1 yr,........ 3-50 _[]Screenland,1 2‘25 [] Christian Herald. 1 yr... ........ 3‘00 NE PAGE SIX [] Maclean’s Magazine, 1 yr. [] Chatelaine. 1 yr. [] Canadian Home Journal. 1 yr. [] National Home Monthly, 1 yr. [] Canadian Horticulture and Home. 1 yr. [1 [1 [1 [J [J [1 [1 I] I] I] [J GROUP "A" Magazine Digest. 6 mol. True Story, 1 yr. Silvér Screen. 1 yr. Christian Hergld, 0 mos. Fact Digest. lxyr. Science and Discovery, 1 yr. McCall‘s Magazine. 1 yr. Parents' Magazine. 6 mos. Open Road for Boys. 1 yr. Home Arts (Needlecraft). 1 yr. Screenland, 1 yr. Phone 86 Men’s and Boys' Wear â€" Boots and Shoes Yonge & Richmond Ste. Richmond Hill We have a complete stock of Men’s and Boys’ Furn- ishings, well known lines, the trademark of which is your guarantee of quality. We invite you to let us supply your needs in work shirts, overalls, socks, etc. PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Complete Stock of W AND USED PARTS, ACCESSORIES & TIRES FOR ALL MAKES 0F CARS AND TRUCKS RECONDITIONED CARS AND TRUCKS CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING 7 An International Daily Newspaper is Truthfulâ€"Constructiveâ€"Unbiasedâ€"Free from Sensational- ismâ€"Edimrials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Featuxes, Together with th‘ W’cekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Idea! Newspaper for the Home. WWWKWW‘W THEEHRIâ€"STIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Wynwxxwms wwmrrxxgxxxxw This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice Any Three of These Publications CHECK THREE MAGAZINESâ€"ENCLOSE WITH ORDER [J‘Rod and Gun, 1 yr. Iaclean’s Magazine 1 yr. WM“. 1 ' .. ,, _, . __ ONLY Name Address _____ The Christian Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street. Boston. Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly. or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 Introductory Offer. 6 Issues 25 Cents‘ The This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice of ONE Magazine in Group A and TWO Magazines in Group B MARK AN "x" BEFORE THE MAGAZINES YOU DESIRE AUTO WRECKERS World’s News Seen Through SAMPLE 'COPY ON REQUEST uuuuq, J. in. ... an": 2.50 2.25 yr.............. 2.25 3.50 E. 1 yr........... 1 yr............ 8.50 yr.............. 2.50 yr.............. 2.25 . . . . . . . . ........ 3.25 1e, 1 yr,........ 3.50 . . . . . . . . ........ 2.25 1 yr... 3.00 J. CRAIGIE SUPER-VALUE OFFER ALL-FAMILY OFFER Subscriptions Taken at The Liberal 2.50 2.25 2.25 3.50 3.00 8.50 2.50 2.25 3.25 350 []'Rod and Gun. 1 yr. [] Amerlcan Frth Grower. 1 yr. [] Canada Poultry Review, 1 yr. [] American Girl, 8 mos. [1 American Boy, 6 mos. Home, 1 yr. [] Rod and Gun, 1 yr. [] American Fruit Grower. 1 yr. [] Canada Poultry Review, 1 yr. [] American Boy, 6 mos. [] American Girl, 8 mos. GROUP “B†[] Maclean's Magazine, 1 yr. [] Chatelaine, 1 yr. [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. [] National Home Monthly. 1 yr. [] Canadian Horticulture and Richmond Hill Gentlemen: X onclos. 1 . . . . . . . . I m checking below the otter desired with I youâ€. lubacflption to you: papor. l I All-Finn), ( l Burr-Value I I Hull. mum Nam. n-InIOOOIQOOOOOOOOUIIIOIIOOOOOODOOIOOUOOOOOOOOIDIO motile. . Please clip llst of magazlne: after checkm; one- desired. Fill out coupon carefully and man to your local paper. a Year ......... Province ...... Carcass Grading Improves Hog Quality In general, the tendency in East- ern Canada is toward light hogs andI in Western Canada toward heavy hogs. The swing to over- weight carcasses is particularly noticeable in Manitoba and Saskat- chewan, while many light hogs are still marketed1 in Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. The two prov- inces producing the most hogs are also producing the best hogs name- l‘y Alberta and‘ Ontario. Hogs in these provinces are now grading from 33 to 37 per cent A grade with a low volume in lights and? heavies. Canada nee-dis more than- twice the present volume of A grade hogsr in order to improve the quality of ex- port bacon to equal that supplied‘ to Great Britain previous to the war by foreign countries. Since the inception of carcass grading as the official system in Canada on Septemlber 30, 1940, there has been “a marked improvement in hog quality in all parts of the Do- minion. The percemtage of A Grade is still increasing but the propor- tion: 0f “out weigh " hogs is not deâ€" creasing pro ratio, the figures for April and May, 1941, being A Grade, April 31.3 per ceth; May 32.2 per cent; B1 Grade, April 44.4 per cent; May 43.1 per cent. As may be noted, recent improvements in the top grade has ‘beenl at the expense of the second grade The propor- tion of undesirable hogs is actually increasing. I‘ We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar or Asphalt, & we invite your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given \without obligation. Guaranteed Workmanship Phone 5W Tho ALTERATIONS and INSULATING RE-ROOFING THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ALL FOUR ONLY C. Riddell .00 .50 Thornhil] New Farmers Show Resourcefulness 30 Acres of Peppermint Planted by Polish Farmer a second still will be constructed. His' father was a. veterinary surgeon who used to grow and distill pepper- mint for his own medicines. That’s how the son got the notion. The crop, for which the fertilizer with high- potash content‘ was applied, was nicely up at the Ibeginmng of May. Four crops» will be taken be- fore the field is plowed again. Muskrats and Ducks The other story is of a man whose farm grew bumper crops of corn and] alfalfa prior to 1929 and had been tile-drained at great cost. Then Lake St. Clair ovenfl‘owed in a tre- mendous floods which: submerged the farm land. Efforts to reclaim the land from the waters proved un- availing, so this man decided; it was futile to 1buck nature and‘ he would co-operate with her. The once fer- tile farm is now a swamp, growing bullrushes instead of alifalfa, but stocked with muskrats andl wild duakis. The revenue from! this back- toâ€"nature area is represented by sales of pelts and fees which hunt- ers pay for the privilege of shootâ€" ing at wild‘ fowl. Thus was disaster turned to profit. Two striking examples of re- sourcefulness were encountered re- cemly on farms: in south-western Ontario. A farmer of Polish origin is growing 30 acres of peppermint and. has already installed‘ equipment for distillation of the oil. Next year the crop will extend' to 85 acres, and Besides the swamp area of 12100 ' 'V" acres. there are others that escaped the flood and are still producing wheat. corn, alfalfa and" onions. Here about 25 tons of fertilizer are used annually, which gives some idea of‘heavy the extent of the regular farming the 130‘ operations. bliaCk l Pota A crop of large potato-es isI al-lwhen held up to the light have the ready belng hlarves'ted‘ 'by Po-stmlaslâ€" appearance of being fun of small ter Alf‘md Thompson m his W00d- perforations between the veins. Later I ' - ~ ‘ grudge galden. NW9) before1 has he | th b H I t h f d arvested a map so ear y, Mnl 6 ea es punc ure t e velng an Thompson declaï¬gs. R t cause the tips of the leaves to die. .‘PIVefldlmli “1 lam (mm tee preâ€" The fleta beetle like the leaf hop- LL. “V--.m_..:.1._.. Unh- President William Rowntree pre- sided when the Woodlbridige Fail“ Board's annual June meeting was held Saturday, June 2191: .at the home of George Brownlee. Business included revision of prize lists and receipt 0d: the official treasurel"s 11e- lpogt. .. .. «w m .v , 11,-, vrvâ€"â€"~ Results of the Woodbridge Vic- tory Loan Campaign Deconating contest, announced at Newmarket headquarters Wednesday. show that Miss Norma Ositrander's “Village Beauty Shoppe†cam‘ied off the $5 award for business places. A $5 prize for the best decorated resi- dence went to Wilfrid R. Scott. head of the local canvassVng commflttee. “What the Ten Commandments would be under Hitler’s rule†was the subJect of a reading presented on Thursday of Last week rbefore the Wood‘bridge Unitecfl Church Women’s Association meeting loy‘ Mrs. C. W. Barrett. The meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Stanley Watson, also featured instrumental selections» by Miss Agnes Watson, songs by :1 quarrtette composed of Mrs. L. Ell- iott, Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. G. Shore, and Mrs. J. Kellam, and a contest, won by Mrs. G. Kellam, conducted by Mrs. R. Watson and‘ Mrs. Kit- chener. Prrayers were led‘ by Rev. C. W. Barrett who also gave a very inrteresting talk on the topic. Investigating the death of Roy Devins, 10 year old‘ son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Devins, of Pine Ridge, 21 coroner’s jury at Weston this week returned a verdict of accidental death Investigating the death of Roy Devins, 10 year old‘ son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Devins, of Pine Ridge, 21 coroner’s jury at Weston this week returned a verdict of accidental death with no blame attached to anyone. The lad’s death followed a highway mishap near his home, about 2Y2 miles south of Woodlbridge, on May 64t . Rev. Dr. James Wilson, fetired Pre‘flbyterian minister, died in Toâ€" ronto last week. He waS‘ minister at Doverrcourt Road Presbyterian Church for 20 years and at Bramp- ton Presbyterian Church from 1925 to 1930. King township council last week approved an issue of $4,000.00 de- bentures for the erection of a schooï¬ to serve School Section 4, Strange A grant of $50 was made to the Au- rora Horse Show. Action was post- poned on the Holland Marsh area’s request for a $14,000 road develop- ment program. Ontario government men are scheduled to investigate the area's needs this week. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lyneh ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145â€"6 WOODBRIDGE ed Potato growers are reporting of heavy damage to young plants from ng the potato Flea Beetle, a very small black beetle that works onl both the upper and lower surface of the leaves. At a distance the plants for Britain May Require Large Supply of Eggs Indications are that Great Brit- ain will require an increasingly l’ange supply of eggs from Canada during the third year of the war. The Dominion Department of Agri- culture believes it is now too late to prepare for this d’emand‘ through the purchase of baby chicks, burn a great deal can be done by a careful selection and carrying over of all availalble laying stock. There is a noticeable tendency at the present time on the part of poultry pro- d'ucers to reduce laying flocks, the marketing of fowl being quite heavy during the first two wedks in June. While systematic culling is desir- able at, all times, the present situ- ation would not appear to warrant heavy reductions. There has been no break in. the price of eggs and all indications point to a. particu- larly strong egg market during the summer and' fall of this year. While it is true that a. great many yearlings were kept over last fall and: in the ordinary course of events now is the time when two year ol'dls, and 'birds that have completed their lay, should go to market. Poultry producers, however, would be well adlvisedi to look over their yearling stock (are'fully and' to retain: for laying purposes all ‘birds which: are physically fit and! in such: condi- tion- as to insure a maximum egg production: during the next twelve months. Flea Beetle Damaging Potatoes The flea beetle like the leaf hop- per can be controlled1 by spraying or dusting with Bordeaux Mixture ' which acts as a repellant rather than- a poison. Ordinary poisons having no effect, agricultural representa- ltiv-e W. M. Cockiburn, is most em- phatic in advising growers to dust or spray at once and both surfaces of the leaves must. ‘be thoroughly Icoveredt as fully hallf of the beetles work on the under side of the leaves. The Bordeaux Mixture used‘ for the flea beetles is the same pre- paration as is used for’prevenition of late blight, adding poison only when the oldl familiar potato bug is present. a time look fairly normal, but; on close examination and especially The interest aroused 'm potato growing by the government demont- stration» plots hast year induced Gor- d‘on Rynardi, of Zephyr, to purchase a large 6-1‘o-w tractor duster to (10 custom work for growers who lack equipment or lalbor to do a. thorough spray or dust job when it should be applied. He already has contracts with a number of growers inv Zephyr, Mount Allbert and: Ballantrae ddsâ€" tri‘cts. WWWW i FAIRBANK FEEDS wmoowomwmwomw York Auto Part 8 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12 If it’s for a car or truckâ€"We have it “ TONY SAVES YOU MONEY †2385 Dufferin Street, Toronto, KEnwood 6805, or Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 If you don’t care it doesn’t matter. If you want the best use FAIRBANK PIG STARTER and HOG CONCENTRATE FAIRBANK FEED CO. THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1941. Seed Corn, Different Varieties Fair Prices , Feeds for Farm Stock, Poultry and Hogs We will buy Wheat, Oats, Barley and Mixed Grain ROBB DALE CARBERT (15692) The property of William Glass, Lat 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple. This horse is black anti weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season from 6 pm. D.S.T. Terms to insure foal $1.00, service $10.00, payable on or before lst March 1942. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at own- 82w er’s ris‘k SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R {WE WANT To Hm. van m was RYHME -- OUR. ;LUM5EK STANDS THE LATEST OF “NEWS. Yerex’s Electrical RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ON ALL MAKES 0F RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY 26 Yonge St. Harold W. Mortson STOCK REGISTER THE MILL CHARLES GRAHAM MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Fanm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Beatty Farm Equipment Telephone Richmond Hill 93 RADIO SERVICE COMPANY Purebred Percheron Stallion 11 CENTRE ST. WEST Successor to RICHMOND HILL Phones: Zone 8-218 Phone 242 139