Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jul 1941, p. 5

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After the reception the bride and groom left on a. wedding trim to the Thousand Islands and on their rc~ tum will take up residence in To- ronto. For travelling the ’bride wore a suit of black and| white check with white sheer blouse and: white accessv cries and a corsage of sweet peas. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a charming gown of white satin: with a short train and fingerâ€"tip veil caught with orange iblossoms. She carried pink roseâ€" buds and forget-me-nots. Mrs. G Mitchell was matron of honor wear- inlg' sky blue net with full skirt and bolero and carrying- a bouquet of roses and forget-me-n‘ots. Miss Joyce Madden, sister of the bride, was junior bridesmaid. .She wore pink net with ruffles and carried] a quaint msegay. Both wore small flowered hats with matching veils. The groom’s brother, Charles Caner was best man and Alex Humphries and Jack Hoey were ushers. The recepâ€" tion was held‘ on the lawn at the home of the bride’s, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryant of Thorn- hiLl. The bride's mother wore a gown of powder blue chiffon with a corsage .of mixed sweet PGas and white accessories and the groom's mother wore blue flowered chiffon with white accessories and a cor- sage of pink rOses. CARTER-MADDEN A very pretty wedidinlg took place in Trinity Church, Thornhill, June 28th, when Miss Marjorie Mad’delr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mad- dlen, Brookdale Ave.7 Toronto was married to Mr. Walter (Wally) Car- ter, son of Mr. and’ Mrs. L. G. Car- ter, Wolburn Ave., Toronto. Rev. J. 'Collclough officiated andI Mrs. Chas. Harding of Richmond‘ Hill‘ played the wedding music. The church was decorated with blue delphiniums, roses and snapdragons. The mecep¢ion was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mrs. Reynolds received! in: a blue and white ensemble with white accessh cries :and consage ocf Reulbuna lillies. Mrs. Percy Poole, sister of the groom, assisted/ in pale (blue sheer with white accessories and cons‘age of American Beauty roses. For tnavell'in-g the bride changed 'to a redingote dress of navy sheer with white accessories and1 consage cvf tiny pinxk carnations. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wans charming in a, gown of heavenly blue lace over taffeta with matching net halo and’ finger- tip veil. She carriedl a bouquet of token roses. Her attendants were Mrs. FWed Slater as matron» of hen- our in peach and‘ Miss B. Golodifellow as bridesmaid! in prairie rose. Their gowns were of lace over taffeta and they wore matching lace mitJtevs with shoulder vei‘ls caught with flower caps. Bo'th carried a sheaf of blue delphinium. Mr. FredV Slater was best man and‘ the ushers were Mr. Geo. Reynolds and Mr. Edrwin Ban-ks. Trinity Church, Thornhill, beauti- fully decorated with white lillies and blue dtelphiniums, was the scene of a. pretty wedding July 3 when Ruth Marjory, only daughter of Mr. am: Mrs. Geo. Reynolds, May Ave, Rich: mondI Hill, became the bride of William Bamks, son of the late Mr. and! Mrs. Chas. Banlks, Langstaff. The Rev. Colclough officiated ani Miss Muriel Simpson was at the organ. Mrs. Ball in a twin print redl- ingote ensemble of .pale green: and white with corsage of Better Time roses, and' Mrs. Burl'tom in; a rblue and pink dress with dusty pink sheer coat and cots-age of pink and blue sweet peasl, received“ with the bridal party at the reception which followed at the home of the bride’s parents, “Blackwell Farm”, Thorn-- hill. The bridal couple left on a trip east. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a pale pink crepe dress with na'vy accessories and hm flowers were Briarclizt‘f roses and bany’s breath. She was atte'ndied‘ by Miss Irene Rod‘mell in a pale blue crepe dress with white accessories and! corsage of pink roses and blue delphiniums. Sapper Kenneth Mc- Quarrie was the best man, and the ushers were Mr. Benkel-ey Ball and Mr. Nelles Ball. Trinity Church, Thornhill, was the setting- for a summer wedding on Monday evening when Amy Isabel, daughter of Mr. and1 Mrs. W. C. L. Bail, became the bride of Sapp-nr Vincent Burlton, RC-E, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Burlton. Rev. J. H. Colclough officiated at the cereâ€" mony and' Miss Lucy Yerex played‘ the wedding music. The church was beautifully decorated: with white madonma lillies and! white delphin: iums. THURSDAY, JULY 10th, T941. BANKS-REYNOLDS WEDDINGS BURLTON-BALL TURNER-PALMER Historic old Trinity Church, Thomhill, was the setting for a pretty wedding, when Margaret Edith, daughter of Mrs. Palmer and The reception was held! at Amines- liey Hall. Later the couple left for Ottawa. For ‘travelling the bride wore a printed sheer flock of blue, grey and vi'olet, coat; of romance blue, large matching hat and or- chids. On their return they will live in Petenborough. Both- are graduates of the University of To- ronto. Given in marriage by her' father, the bride wore a gown 'of gardenia white lace and marquisevtte, the skirrt sweeping into a fullll circular train. Her finger-tip veil’ of [illuâ€" sicm was held by a coronefi of white camel‘lias, and she carried a bou- quet of white glad'i‘o‘li Vandl bo-uvardia, She was attended) ’by Mrs. R. I.. Edrwards, matron of honour, Miss Helen Marshall and Miss Lois Mum» r0, sister of the bridegroom, brides- maids. They were g‘olwnved' in misty coral. and cabana blue with match- ing shoulder veil-s caught with flow- ersl. They carried: Iblue .andl mauve delphiniums. Mr. Ralph Munro was his 'brother’s groomsman, and the ushers were Mr. Glen Munro, Mr. Douglas Ferguson; Mr. John Murray an<l Mr. Douglas Mars‘hall. MUNRO-PATRICK Blue and white del‘phiniumsw decor- ated Knox College ChapelI for the marriage of Miss Audrey Agnie" Patrick to James Stewalt Munro Friday evening. “The ceremony was conducted ‘by Rev. A‘. E. Mar- shall, and Mr. W. Powel‘i wasI at the organ. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson Patrick of Richmond HM and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Munroi and' the late Mr. James‘ Stew- art Munro of Toronto. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Irene Beswick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Beswiclk, Toronto, 30 Private Hughie Roy Lunau, son of er. and'Mrs. W. Luniau, Richmond iHill, took place on Saturday, July ‘5th, at St. Columlbas United‘ Church, Toronto, Rev. W. A. Mc‘Tagg‘art orfâ€" ficiating. The bride, given in mar- riage by her brother, James Bes- wick, wore a dress of heavenly ‘blue with white accessories and carried a nosegay of roses, carnations and sweet peas. She was attended by Miss Mabel Sacklfieldilas bridiesmald in a navy blue and! whlte dress and gardenias. Th-e groomsman was ‘Mr. Halver Lun-au of Maiikhiam and ush- ers were Mr. Douglas BeSIwick and Mr. Ronald Lunau.. Mr. H. Snedd'on presided at the organ and Mrs. Hl'l sang. A reception was held! at thv: home of the bride’s parents when the bride’s mother received in a gown of navy blue with white ac- cessories and wore a corsage or roses anti sweet peas. Th-e groom’s mother were a blue dress with whit!- trim and White accessories and wore a corsage of roses: and sweet peas. Later the happy couple left on a short motor trip. For the receptiom at “Willow- banks Farm'”, the bride’s mother wore azure blue sheer with white accessories and corsage of Butterfly roses, and the fbridegroomk’s mother was gowned irv dusky rose crepe, white accessories and corsage of Joanna Hill roses. For their short wedding trip the [bride wore a beige wool coat over her wedding dress. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gocwnedv in» heaven. blue chiffon, street length, with beige accessories ariaI corsage of Queen Mary roses and heather from Scot- IanvdV. She also wore a very old’ cameo brooch, gift from a. relative in Scotland. GLYNN-DALZIEL “Willp-wibanks Farm”, Ed‘geley, was the scene of the wedding todiav of Miss Jessie ‘Maokenxzie DalzieF, daughter of Mr. and! Mrs. J. W. Dalziel, Edge‘ley (Maple RE. No. 1), and Mr. John Richard Glynn, To- ronto, son of MT: and1 Mrs. N. J. Glynn, Sal'nia. Rev. J. C. Davies, Burns‘ Manse, Wallkers, officiath and Miss Isalbel Brownlee played» the wedding music. ATKINSON-URBEN The marriage took place at the home of Rev. Thomas Rand White and Mrs. White, Aurcrra, last Fri- dlay, of Miss Helen Marie Urlben daughter of Mr. and! Mrs. Frederick James Unbem Richmond Hill, to Mr. Jack Clarence Atkinson, also of' Richmond Hill. Mr. White offici- ated. Miss Margaret Smith attendâ€" ed- the bride, who was gowned: in d/el‘phinium blue chiflfon, with white hat and‘ accessories. Mr. Frederick J. Ur'ben was groomsman-. A recep- tion for immediate rel'a'tifves was held. at the home of the bride’s par- ents. After a trip to Lake Huron, the couple will live on Winona Road‘, Toronto. LL'NAU-BESWICK The bridle, given in: marriage by her brother, wore a graceful gown of white embroidered voile, with shoulder length veil and headdress of lily of the valley. She carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. Her bridesmaid was Miss Ed’ith Young, who wore a gown of pimx sheer with white accessories and carried roses and" cal-nations. Mr. William J. Lampard was the rbest man, and the ushers were Mr. Clif- ford Turner and Mr. Arthur Palmer. The church was decorate<l with diel- phiniums and' mad‘ocrma lilies. A reception followed' in the Law- rence Memorial Hall. The couple will live in: Midland. the late Mr. W. G. Palmer, became the {bride of Mr. Arthur Le‘silie Tur- ner, son of Mr. .and Mrs. A. C. Turner, of Bay‘view. Rev. J. H. Colclough officiated at the ceremony and Mrs. Ud‘all played} the wedding music. A car l-oad arrived] of Lykins Va]- ley Red Ash Buckwheat Coal sui‘t- alble for Mowers. This is a good substitute for Welsh; fbl’ower and cheaper. It is a good! clinkerinlg c0?! and very clean. Order your supply now at the elevator. I. D. Ramer & Son, phone 10. Members of the local OrangTe Lodge-s will take paint in July 12th celebration at Fairibanlk this Satur- day afternoon. A special car will leave Richmond H'ill at 1 o’clock travelling right, to Failibamk P‘ark. Any person wishing to take adrva‘n‘t- age of this direct car service at re- duced) fare may do 90. Several seats are .still availalble. Fpr in- formation see any member of com- mittee, Miss G. Lever, Mrs. L. B. Stong, Mr. R. H. Kane, Mr. William Tyndall. LOCAL ORANGE LODGES CELEBRATE 12TH AT FAIRBANK Fire destroyed the large harm of James Stephenson, second concession of Vaughan, Wednesday afternoon. Along with the barn which is a total. loss the season’s hay crop, 5 cal'ves, 1 horse, a new milking machine and other equipment were ’burned. The Fire started shortly aLfter noon, and the Maple and Riahmond‘ Hill Fire Brigades answered] the alarm and did excellent work in saving- other buildings. The cause of the fire is unknown. It has‘ been {brought to the atten- tion of the Yofik County Veterans’ Association that mew are canvvaSS- ing in their name for scrap metals. They wish the public to know that no authority has (been granted for this. “Bill‘” Macdxonald was taken to the Toronto General Hospital in‘ a cnfiâ€" ical co-ndition last Saturday. We are pleased to report that word from the Hospital at press time is that he is. progressing faJvoralbly. Mr. and' Mrs. Ch‘e‘sdmr Laird of Palmerston, 0nt., a. bride and' groom of July 2nd, are spending their h-on‘leymoon- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mich-e11, Bathurst St. Mrs. Charles Edgar, Mill Road, suffered a stroke on the Radial Sh.- tion platform last Saturday while waiting for a car. She is in the Toronto General Hospita1 in a seri- ous condition. Mr. Jack Cotton, nephew of Mr. William Cotton, of this village, and Mr. Eddie Slweger of Bridgeport. Conn, spent the past week at the home of Mrs. Lyneth, Arnold! Street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doughty, MiSs Nellie Doughty, of Elmsthorpe Ave- nue, Toronto, visitedl Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding and‘ aliso Mr. WiI't- shine of Thornhill, on! Sunday. Mrs. R. Hill’alby and Eric, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bun‘d‘y of Toronto, visit- ed' over the week-end with relatirves in; Elmira. Dr. F. W. Harrison of Tisd'ale, Sask., is spending a few days with his sisters, the Misses Harrison Richmond Street. Mrs. H. F. Austin, Nancy anvdtMEFS Bernice Paxton are hlolid’aying‘ at Mid'land’. Mr. Charles Harding with the R;C.A.F. at Camp Borden spent the weekâ€"end at his home here. Mrs. R. D. Little, Donald; and Marion are holidaying at their cot tage at Burnt River. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hoover are at their cottage on Sturgeon Lake. JAMES STEPHENSON’S BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE Social and Personal USING VETERANS’ NAME I‘HE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Hellp<fu1 services are being con- ducted in Richvalre Public School on Sunday evenings at 8.15 by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon of Richmond) Hill. The basement is the coolest spot in town. Have you attend-ed one of these serâ€" vices? Come andl bring along the visitors. HOME BAKING SALE The Woman’s Association of the United‘ Church is holding a baking sale in the school roam on Sa‘tur- day, July 12th at 3 pm. Proceeds in aid? of the Evening Telegvaim’s British War Victims’ Fund. A car load' of No. 3 Siam Crozer Pocahontas stove coal, a mighty de- pendable fuel. Ask for Crozer Poca- hontasx at the Elevator. I. D. Ramez & Son, phone 10. “TURK” DOYLE DIES ’ SUDDENLY Word‘ was received this morning of the sudden death of Ernie “Turk” Doyle of Newmarket, well‘ known sports figure of Yonk County. He died‘ suddenly at Sutton. Barrie . . . . . . Military Camp Richmond Hill Aurora . . . . . . CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. George Jarrett anw daughter of Maple wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their many kimf expressions of sympathy and! comd‘OI- ence during their recent berealve- mle‘nt. The i‘tmainder of the schedule is as follows: Thurs., July 10-â€" Rihhmond Hill at Military Camp Aurora at Barrie Tues, July 15â€" Military Camp at Aurora Barrie at Richmond) Hi'll Thur.s., July 17â€" Military Camp at Barrie Richmond‘ Hill at Aurora The final home game of the s‘che- dule will be played next Tuesday night against Barrie. These two teams are playing in top form a? present and the fans are sure to witness -a good game, so turn out and support the boys. The seventh was the big inning for Aurora when» with two men on Bill Buchanan pound‘ed‘ out a. homer to tie the game at 545. In their half of the seventh the Hill suZo- stituted H. Young for Steve Young and he was safe on- am incfielldl error ‘by the shortstop. Cummings was sent in» to pinch hit for Annette but popped‘ up to the infield. Young ad- vanced to second on a. pass: ball at the plate and seemed] on a texas leaguer by Jimmy Creanv to win tle game 6-5. On Tuesday night of this week the Hill played‘ hosts to Aurora and came out on the long‘ end of a. 6-5 score. The first two innings were scoreless but Richmond Hill took a three run lead“ in: the third’ and add- ed two more in the fifth. Aurora pushed across two runs in their half of the fifth with 'the- sixth inn- ing scoreless. The remainder of the game develâ€" oped1 into a pitcher’s battle between Bennett and Cowse, the two ace hurlers of the league. Barrie col- lected 3 hits' and‘v hadl four men lerft on rbase. The Hill were less fortunâ€" ate and went down in order for six imnings. La-dy luck favoredl the Barrie crew in the eighth inning when with a man: on third base a low «ball got past Annette, the Hill catcher, al- lowing the runner to score, Baxrrie winning the game 4â€"3. The visitors were afble to get two hits in the second! with one runner being trapped at second} and the other left on rbase. Barrie came [back strong in their 11an of the second frame and out of four hits were able to score two runs and! tie up the game at 3 all. Having had a week's lay-off the Richmond Hill So-ftlbal‘l Clulb took on the Barrie Collegianrs in a. league fixture in Barrie last Thursday nighrt in what pro'vedl to be the best game of the season to date. It was a di‘n‘g-d‘ong‘ battle all the way with the northerners having a slight edge over the Hill. Richmond Hill started} off with a hang in the first inning and) p0u\nd'~ ed the offerings ocf pitcher Harry Couse for three runs on four hits. Barrie in their half managedl to get one of these runs back on: a single and! a double. d'onla Hill fund RED CROSS NOTES 1 ,- The Richmond Hill Red’ Cross 'atefully acknowledges receipt of a mation of $50 from the Richmond ill Pulblic Sch-001 Teachers” concert SOFTBALL NOTES League RICHVALE at Barrie at Aurora Standing W LP*s 1 16 ‘8 6:01 Dependable Cleaning Service How About a Smart Summer Suit WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. JULY 167-7717 ERROL FLYNN. BRENDA MARSHALL, ALLAN JENKINS in “ anfafnna in nuulr ” Children’s Printed Cotton Dresses, 2 to 14 29c. to $1.25 Ladies’ Silk Panties, White and Tea Rose 25c. to 49C. Ladies’ and Misses’ Wash Silks: 14 to 44 $2.25 to $4.25 Phone 49 Buy WfiIASfiihé‘SfifiE AAA‘A‘AA‘A RICHMOND TAILORS We have a choice iine of materials suitable for summer suits. Extra fine quality and moder- ately priced. Send your cleaning and pressing to us with the utmost confidence. Our years of satisfactory service are your guarantee. Just give us a phone call, and our driver will call at your home, or if you choose take advantage of our special cash and carry prices. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 11 - 12 GENE AUTRY, SMJLIE BURNETTE, MARY LEE “ Back in the Saddle ” ROBERT STIRLING, JEAN ROGERS in “ Yesterday’s Heroes ” snows START AT 7.30 PM. AND 9.30 PM. 715.31. (‘OOLED TO YOUR COMFORT “ The Trialbeéfi-‘Dfié‘gé-h ” MONDAY & TUESDAY, JULY 14 - 15 JJISIMEVS STEWART, HEDY LAMARR in 10:0] TODA), THURSDAY. JULY 10 BpBEgT AYQUNG, LARAINE DAY 10:0 Footsteps’in {BEâ€",ljéfii Come IJiVeWWitlâ€"lâ€"“Mé J. A. GREENE 0:0] 0:0] o=o=o=§ 10:0] Richmond Hill PAGE FIVE

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