Summer Needs for Men and Boys Comple'te Stock of NEW AND USED PARTS, ACCESSORIES & TIRES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS RECONDXTIONED CARS AND TRUCKS CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Phone 86 Men’s and Boys‘ Wear â€" Boots and Shoes Yonge & Richmond Sis. Richmond Hill We have a complete stock of Men’s and Boys’ Furn- ishings, well known lines, the trademark of which is your guarantee of quality. We invite you to let us supply your needs in work shirts, overalls, socks, etc. PAGE SIX WALTER BONE & SON PARIS AUTO SUPPLY WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOMâ€"Tub on Legs. Toilet and Wall Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as ............. . (Soil and iron pipe and ï¬ttings extra) A DURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under pressure to all parts of you: home and farm. Without running water, sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and happi- ness, are not available io your family. The cost of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry ï¬xtures and ï¬ttings is very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under our Easy Payment Plan. EMCO products are modemly ï¬nished, of high quality. and will give years of satisfactory service. HAMILTON Frost Steel & Wire Co. Products We Giadly Quote Prices Running Water is an Evervéiav Neeagsitv AUTO WRECKERS EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Phone Maple 864 J. CRAIGIE TORONTO in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Barns SUDBURY Richmond Hill Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL WINNIPEG Phone 92-R The West's first greeting to Mr. King was a panade of men: and war machines which took nearly ninety minutes to pass the saluting base. That was at Calgary. Newsipa‘per- men from all parts of Canada who were on- hand! to see the show just shovedl back their hats and! whistled in downright admiration as the last of .the parade passed by. Next stop was Vancouver, where the Prime Minister salw ships of War take shape before his eyes as plates were sla-mmed‘ upon rilbs of steel with a rapidity that promised there would! [be plenty ofCanad’iian hulbs riding the seas before many months have passed. He chrattetf with work- men about ttheir jdbs. Each man was obviously proud to empl‘ain his part andl the Prime Minister seemed eager to listen. A significant aspect of this tour is the fact that ofï¬cial ceremonies have been cut to a minimum. This is a close-hand; inspection of what Camad‘a’s Western pnov‘inces are do- ing in the job of ensuring victory and the Prime Minister has person- ally talked- to twenty men in over- alls or .khaki for one in striped tir'ousers. Constantly, ‘he asks ques- tions. When was this keel' laid Wherever Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King has stopped) on his long journey .through Western Can- ada, he has seen. a zest and! an em- thusiasm for the job that has seem- ed as boundless as the mountains and‘ the prairies themselves. With ears and eyes focu‘ssed upon: the sounds and the sights of a vigorous nation: at war, he has toured ship- yards, air station's, naval bases, army camps and aircraft plants. One thing was common to every visit. The Prime Minister invariably e- merged’ from his inspection wearing a smile that reflected\ his satisfac- tion with and' confidence in: the things he had seen. rime Minister in West Sees Canada’s War Work 140 VANCOUVER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO $86.00 $84.50 At Victoria, where ships bid good-- bye to Canada as they nose out into the Pacific, the Navy held the spotlight during the Prime Miiis- ter’s visit. He inspected the big naval training station at Esquimalt and watched! while hundreds of bra'wny sailor lads swung smartly by to the tune of “Hearts of Oak.†It was Dominion Day. Speaking to the assembled sailors at the end 01' their display the Prime Minister said he had' lived! thnough sixtyâ€"six anniversaries of Canada’s «Confeder- ation without ever witnessing one quite so thrilling as this. Furom Esquimal't he journeyed' to the new naval college H.M.C.‘S. Roy» a1 Rzoads where he met the young men who will command! the vessels that are sliding down the ways' of Canada‘s; shipyards. down? How long before this class graduates? How many men: are be- ing trained to operate this gun or that type of airplane? “When I look upon' your faces,†said .Mr. King, “I see a vision that gives me confidence in the future of our country.†Straight as rammods stood the‘se young men as they listened! to the leader of their country bidl “God be With you in the task you have taken uupon your hands.†Sharing the honors in the Prime Minister’s busy day of inspection] at Victoria was the Officers} Training School at Gord‘on Head, just ou5t- sid‘e the city. The cad'ets put on ‘a realistic show that included! smdke screens, artillery drills, and the booming explosions of “bombs†placed at different points on the training ground-s. Canada is committed to lange quantities of food for Great Britain â€"-1i12,000,0'0lO pounds of cheese for 1941 and millions of pounds of ‘bacon as well :as vast quantities of powd- ered milk. This means that every wisp of hay must be placed in: barns Alvready thou-sands of High School boys have been placed) with! farmers ‘m various parts' of the Province. and’ the farmers are so pleased with the magnificent response of Youth and the efficiency shown that the Returning east, Mr. King Will make numerous stops to view war activity. Hins' visit to Victoria made the third‘ inspection: tour of his en;- til‘e journey to the Pacilfic Coast. Long days of travel have eaten! up the remaindc'r of the time, but at practically every station some mem- age has gone aboard! to be looked after by the Prime Minister in his “office on wheels.†With farm, hellpers few and: far between, Ontario farmers are in dnsperate need of immediate aid‘ to sabvage the hay crop, states A. Macâ€" iaren, Director, Farm Service Force, Ontario Department of Labour. in good condition. This cannot be done with the pi‘tiIf-ul' amount of man power qt present available on farms and calls for quick action on‘ the part of men‘ who could .spai'e at least one day a week on .a farm in the vicinity of his city, town or village. By enlisting for Farm Service, Ontario Youth is letting Prime Mm- ister Churchill know that “Here’s the Food to finish the Job.†Adults who are not engaged! in essential walr industry should follow the ex- ample set by youth and heed‘ the farmers? appeal by volunteering to Work one day a week to (helo garn- er the limited' hay crop. The 6,000 Farm Service Force ‘boys and girls who are doing such yeoman service have made a hit Wltll their employers and farmers. who originally were not sold on; the idea are new clamouring for them. Mr. {Matclaren has applications from 500 (farmers that heme not been filled. Adrul‘ts as well] as Collegiate boys and girls, who can step into this (agricultural breach, should write at once to the Farm Service Force, De- partment of Labour, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. YOur help will aivdl in Ontario going over the agri- cultural top in providing Britain with the food necessary to help Churchill finish the jdb. They also serve who feed the Empire! Farm Heï¬p Is I Scarce in Ontario Farm Service Force has been asked to supply an aididitiontar 500‘ boys. Woman to friend: My huslband and I share equally the financial ar- rangements of the family. Friend: That’s fin-e. Woman: Isn’t it? I hand! him the ‘bills and he foots them! Poison Ivy is: being dealt with this week, not because it is a weed in cultivated fields but because it is a mien-ace to children and adults. Everyone should know this weed. It is seen along roadsides, woods and thickets in‘ many parts of Ontario and is also found in the neighbor- h’OOld' of many summer resorts and' bathing beaches. Poison Ivy can be eradica‘teifl 100 per cent, says John D. MacLeod) of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, by spray- ing with chemicals. Cottagers might spare their families a lot of grief andi'misery by writing the Ont.‘ Dept. of Agriculture for an: illus- trated pamphlet on Poison Ivy. It has a large coloredl picture of the weed and full directions as to the 'best methods of erad’flcation. The bulletin also gives methods of treat- ment for poisoning. Watch for leaves iw groups of three, smooth glossy and) firm. Hand! pulling is often: the simplest way to get rid' of small patches of Poison Ivy. Trailing parts should be pulled or grulblbed out. Gloves should be worn and rulblber boots too. They should) be washed! after each period of work. Personsl sus- ceptible of poisoning should leave the work to others. If spraying, use either of the fol- lowing two chemical mixtures: 1. Dissolve 1 11b. of Sodium Chlorate and 1 lb. of Elephant Brandl Amâ€" monium Sullphuate in 1 gallon of water andl spray to saturation anry time after the middle of June using a fine nozzle sprayer with as much pressure as possilble. Each ingredi- enlt should be put separately into the water immediately before spraying. 2. Spray with Atlacide W‘eed‘ KillL er 2 lbs. per gallon of water. Arpply in the form of a fine srpray any time during the growing season. If new growth appears late in: the fall, a second spraying will «be necessary. Consult your Weed! Inspector re- garding where these chemicals may be obtained. Southern Omtario, Toronto, and Woodlb‘rid‘ge would now be Within range of *bomfbers from a new Nazi naval base established in Green-land by the Bismarck if that battleship had not first been intercepted and destroyed by the British Navy. This was the opinion expressed by Lieut. Commander Gordon B. Jackson. of the Royal Canadian Navy, speaking at a municipal Vctory Loan rally in Fun: Dale ParkL Woodlbrindlge, last Saturday evening. Another speaker was Mr. Burgess of Port Credit, or- ganizer for the district loan cam- paign. Both men were introduced by Major A. A. Mackenzie, chairman of the Woodiba'idge committee. Films depicting scenes in the present war, vpll'us music and drill displays by the Port Credit Bugle Bland entertained the large crowd prior to the core- monies. Earlier, a parade through the town, headed by Reeve A. B. Cousinus, included the visiting band. and cubs and scouts from the lst Woodlbridige troop and pack. Guaranteew Workmanship Phone SW The We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar or Asphalt, & we invite your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given without obligation. ALTERATIONS and INSULATING NOMWMWW Weed of the Week Poison Ivy “960606000066†MNOOWW FAIR’BANK FEEDS York Auto Parts 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12 RE-ROOFING If it’s for a car or truckâ€"We have it “ TONY SAVES YOU MONEY †2385 Dufferin Street’, Toronto, KEnwood 6805, or Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 If you want the best use FAIRBANK PIG STARTER and HOG CONCENTRATE C. Riddell If you don’t care it doesn’t matter. FAIRBANK FEED CO. Thornhill THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1941. Seed Corn, Different Varieties Fair Prices Feeds for Farm Stock, Poultry and Hogs We will buy Wheat, Oats, Barley and Mixed Grain ROBB DALE CARBERT (15692) The property of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple. This horse is black anti weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season from 6 p.111. D.S.T. Terms to insure foal $1.00, service $10.00, payable on or before lst March 1942. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at own- er’s risk. SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R 82w ‘STOCK REGISTER WE WANT TO TEKLV‘I'OU EN THJS RYHME ~- OUR LUHBER STANDS THE {WEST OF TIME Yerex’s Electrical RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY 26 Yonge St. Harold W. Mortson 11 CENTRE ST. WEST THE MILL CHARLES GRAHAM MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Fam melements, Machinery and Repairs Beatty Farm Equipment Telephone Richmond Hill 93 COMPANY RADIO SERVICE Purebred Percheron Stallion RICHMOND HILL Successor to Phones: Zone 8-218 Phone 242 139