MAPLE Elizabeth Barton, Christena Del- brocco (hon), Mary Green, Ronald Grieve, Betty7 Hoiles, Russell Ho-ovâ€" er, Mary Keffer, William: Lawrie, Aulbrey Marwovod, J‘e‘an Marwood, Eulalin-e Newton, Aud‘rey Oliver, Sydlney Palm-er, George Read, Eliza- beth Seed, Fred Sharpe (h'on.), Id'a Smith, Clair Stevens, Henry Thomas SCHOLMEBIERG Aileen Blackburn. Audsrey Buck- mas-ter (hon.), William Chrom'oshiuk, Re'ta Cull, Peter Dushko, Bruce Gra- ham, Peter Greyn, Clif‘fondi Mabee, Gwenmeth Mai-chant, Russ Mocdy, Irvine Nayior, Lama ,Sloan, Erla Stonehcuse, Leis Stoneheuse, Joyce Henrietta Terry, Elmer Thomp-sop. Beverley Weed'on, Gordon Wild-er, James Wilson, JOSephin'e Wos’tyn. N‘OBLETO‘N Viola Ascott, Sylvia Douglas, Lorne Fuller, Lawrie Kaake. Isa- bella MacDiar'mid, Mae MtcCluskie, James Shortt, Thomas Smith, Ade- line Sullivan. Ross; Bovair, Marion B'oys, Mary Christina Brown, Shirley Campbell. Lois Crossley, Donald Dixon (h-on.). Archie Fadden, Isobel Folliott, James Ruston Folliott, William Ham Eileen Jewitt, James. Kemwil‘l, Ger- ry McDonald, Doris Mustard, Deug- las Patrick, James Henry Rcl‘ninson John Rolfe (hon.), Norman Teas- dale, Norman Wade. Entrance Examination Results RICHMOND HILL Ferris J. Allen, Loma Baken', Elve- Iyn- Ballber, James Boynrtom, Walter Brillinger (hon.), Violet Brown (hon), Shirley Burt (hon.), Jamea Byers, John Clax‘ke, Eric Cruiokâ€" shank (hon.), Marjorie Dew, Mil- berge Gibbons (hon.), Dell Glover. Lois Heis‘e, Allan Horwood. Jexwe! Hyatt, George Hyslop, Paul Jones (hon), Rolbert Kidd (lion), Carola Leistn'er (hon.), Alma- Marinioff. Peggy McKenzie (hon.), Phili’p Miâ€" horean (hon.), Lorne MuSS‘om, Shir- ley Paris (hon.), Margaret Ransom (ham), Hazel Reesor, Douglas Scotchmer, William Sheard'own (hon.), Norma Simpson. Jack Sim- ser, Alverna Smith, Charles Srigle'y, Bruce Steckley, Clydle Ste‘ckley Hazel Steckley, Donald Stephenson, Fred Wise. PAGE EIGHT KING Miss Kay Stamford of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mrs. J. Baker. We are glad? to report Mr. Jim War‘k is nicely recoveredI after his: recentioperationl in/ the General Hos- pital far appendicitis. Mr. E. Hancock of Buffalo i° spending some holidays with M“. and Mrs. C. Clarke. .Mr. Ernie Durie, the local Walt- .kins agent, won a beautiful golf wrist watch for being champion for Canada in hisl fly spray sales. Doreen Andrews, Annie Baker, Billy Bevwick, Bunny Braid, Patricia Butch-er. Patricia Carr, Joyce Carter, Muriel Charlesworth, Aud‘rey Clarke (hon.), Lloyd Clarke (hon.), Glen Croutch, Agnes Ethel Delf (hon.). Betty Dinner, Barlbara Fisher, Dor- een Gordon (hon.), Betty Hall, Maly Howard! (hon.), Mary Kertland (hon.), Vera Koranyi, LaVirgne Larivey (hon.), Gordon McKinley, Patricia Michell (hon.), Jack Mit- chell (hon.), William Moore, Doug-â€" las Morton, Norman Patrick (hon.), Doris Pratt, Vera Pratt, William Pritchai'd, Douglas Rae, Howard Rae, Robert Ray‘burn (hon.), Irene Simipkinis, LymanI Smith, James Spring; Donald Stephens, John Ste- phens, James Tooley (hon.), Evelyn Trus‘s‘el, Billy Vennlard, Irene Ven- n‘ard‘, Phyllis W‘atterson,’ Harvey Wice, Stanley Wood‘s, Ann Wylie (hon.), Pauline Young (hon.). The W.A. of Carrville church aw. holding an ice cream social on- Wed- nesday evenlin‘g, July 23rd. (hon.), Don Williamson, Annie Wood. WOODBRIDGE Joan Blackwell (hon.), Vonne H. Card (hon), Vrerna Davvis, Lorne W. Goodrwill (hon.), Wanda Goodlwill. Irene Hollingshlead‘, Raymond Ire- land) (hon), Ruth Jensen (hon), Irene Kellam (hon), Russell King (hem), Bernice Kinnlee, Beatrice M. LaJChance, Rolberta Lindsay, Ed‘i‘th Mackinnon, Garnet MoCalbe (hon), Jean McLean, Lillian McILean (hon.) Florence Palmer, Joyce Pinder, Pearl Pona, Jae-k F. Stark, Margaret Watson (hon‘.), Joyce A. White, Ivan Wilcox. CARRVILLE TH OxRN'H‘I LL Tw.o Trophies Wom By Richmomd Hill This Week Richmond Hill rinfks won two fire trophies this week, the McCord Cup at Withrow Park, Toronto last Sat- urday and the Walton Cup at Ag- invcourt Wednesday. At Toronto the rink was: Dr. R. K. Young. R. Mood‘ie, E. T. Stephens, A. E. Glass skip. In competition with thirtyâ€" tiwo rinks they won the top honors and! received satin. comforters as inâ€" dividual prizes. Wednesday the Walton Trophy became the permanâ€" ent property of Richmond Hill Club, the A. E. Glass rink with the same personnel having won it three years in succession. The rimk was: Walk- er Hall‘, E. T. Stephens, A. A. Eden, A. E. Glass skip. At Agin-couvt the winners received war savings stamps. Miss‘ A. Cooper of Toronto 1“ visiting at the home of Misses‘ Aq- n‘es and Marguerite BOyl‘e. Aircraftsman Normam Maud‘ of Trenton spent last week-end! with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Maud. We are very sorry to report thet Miss Jean Brillinger is ill with blood poisoning and extend; our sincere wish-es for a speedy recovery. Mr. Aleck Henderson of Owen Sound and his friend Mr. Stanley Moorehouse visited om the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson. \Mr. Ed. Francis left on Wednes- day last for Balm Beach, Georgian Bay where heï¬vill visit with :his daughter Lillian. We are very sorry to report that Miss Je‘anl Brilli‘nger is ill‘ with blood poisoning and extend! our sincere wishes for a speedy recovery. We are pletsed‘ to say that Mr. W. T. Pritch‘al‘d‘ who has been! ill for the past week and a half is feeling considerably [better. The usual mixed‘ games wil‘, be held at the green-s tonight at 7.30, and tomorrow night there will be an open Menl’s Douib1~es tournament. Malke entries as early as possï¬lble. July Residents of Thornhill anti d are urged: not to forget the ti‘c service to ’be held on: S THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THORNHILL Miss Elizabeth Smelli-e and Miw netta Dean are spending 2 week:’ .cati-on‘ at Gilâ€"Mar Lodge, Sturgeon XIkE. \Mr. Ed. Francis left on Wedn<es~ BOWLING NOTES Z‘Oth istric Partri- undtay Rem-Mr. Mathers delivered: the charge to the minister and* the. conâ€" gregation leaving no doubt as to the cl-eamessI of the honour and duty imposed' upon each. “And all things are of God, who hath reconciled! us to hilmseltf by Jesus Christ, and hath given» to us the ministry of reconciliation,†as the text chosen. “The ministry of reconciliation implies that as we live in brotherhood we set am: example before the world'. In social and business life; our attitude towards education; in political actions, we Skimmer-McBriéJe Tuesday, July 191;, the United Church parsonage at King was the S‘cene of a lawn weddlinig‘ when Miss ‘Agnes Bessie McBride, dJaughter of Mrs. McBride and! the late James ‘McBrid‘e of Torcmto became the bride of Mr. David! Skinner, son. of Mrs. Skinner and) the late Davidson Skinner of Udora, ant. Rev. D. G. Davis performedI the ceremony. The bride waus atitired in] a blue Swiss em- broidered street length dress, cor- sage of pink roses and accessories of blue and white. Miss Margaret McBride of Toromto wials her sister’s bridesmaid, wearing flowered sheer. corrsage of pink roses amd‘ white ac- cessories. The groom was support ed} by his brorth-er, Mr. John Slkinner of Toronto. The reception was held‘ at Humt’s, Dundas West, the bride’s mother wearing mauve and black and acreage of Gardenias. Mrs. Skinner, the groom‘s mother, ash sietedr wearing printed .silk crepe and The congregations of King, Las- kay and Teston United“ Churches were well represented‘ at King on Friday evening when the Rev. Har- 01dI Anderson was inducted) as the minister of the circuit.» Mr. Andier son succeeds Rev. ‘D. G. Davis; and comes with a wide experience in the north ccuntry and is» highly recom- mended to film this vacancy. Rev. Dr. W. J. MaIcTaggart, chairman of the Toronto Centre Pre-sibytery presided, assisted b] Rev. Alex. Halbert o<f Nwtonbrook and Rev. S. J. Mathers of St. James< Bond, Toronto.. Mr. Hallbert gave the message from Isaiah, Chap. 40, with the text thought, “They that wait upon» the Lord' shall renew their strength.†Thinking of Canuadla, Just now, we are called‘ to c‘Iwell upon a higher patriotism, which places God‘ at the centre of the nation‘s mind' and heart. God is the best thing for Canada and the Empire, the preach- er emphatically pointed out. With a new vision of patriotism and su-c- cess, and with Chrisrt a& the centre of that vision, we would‘ be able to realize peace, righrbeousrness and the Kingdom of God‘ in the world. “The chief place in: the nation belongs to God,†he concluded'. Dr. .MacTag‘gart then, performed the induction ceremony. manifest the principle of reconcili- ation; so much so that the life of the church and even; the qMasrter’ is judged. The minister, said] Mri Mathers, does the work of the chunch, he is responsible to the church of God', and' he has certain d‘uties to penform in the church at large. Schomberg citizens were impress- ed) seriously when the Proclamation of “‘Call to Arms†was\ read1 from the Town Hall steps by D. B. Davis. chairman of the village cOmmisrs'i‘onâ€" ers on» Thursday, July 3rd. An off- icer in. charge of a‘ detachment of the Perth Regiment presented. the unopened Proclamation. Soldiers, full battle dress, d‘ismiounrtedn ï¬rom army lorries and military order and precision marked the clccasiOn. King City Street Dance in‘ aid of the Telegram British War Victims' Fund slated for Wednesday, July 30, has a super-interesting program Russ Creighton and! his group, and Alika Seltzer feature “Didi I Say Tha â€. Valuarble prizes: will be giv- em out also. You may see “Yirmmie Yomls‘onl’s Yob‘" by Lask‘ay Dlramatic Group at L-aSIkay Hall‘ on Friday, July 11th, under auspices of LaSLkay W.M.S. Drr. MacTaggart escorted! Rev. Mr. Anderson to his place in the pulpit and, the newly inducted minister an- nounced the closing hymns and pro- nounced the benediction. A reception was then heldl in th9 church basement and] a social hour followed. Mr. Anderson occupied the circuit puipits on Sunday, July 6th. Miss June Wesley is recovering from an operation at York County Hospital. The Township Orangemen will march; at Mount Albert on July 19.. There is a memoriali grounds th-ere where a good‘ parade and demon~ stration may be held. During the evening Laskay ch03? afbly re‘ndveredi anthems with Mari- orie Ma.cMux‘chy at the argan‘. King City News Items Mr. .and‘ Mrs. Jas. Hunter, Marvin 7 find 1191911, My 31mm MI'S- 3011‘ an imlplessive ‘but quiet service was mg, Mr. G. Brown, Mrs. E. Sullwan participated in by 300 people_ The Were among those from the viCini't.‘ flowers adorning the graves were attending the memorial service held plentiful and beautifub’ d‘emphslniums at Kettlefny cemetery on Sunday and madonna lilies adding the lRev. F. V. Albibott, Rev. J. Gallowayi greatest dignity to the colorful me- land Rev. W. J. Burton; were the'nml.ia1gifts_ lavtrte‘nd‘ant minius'te’rs. Aurora BOY-V] Miss Mildred Folliott is: the new lBand’ led in music. The avenues of‘ operator at King telephone ex- trees im the hillsidte cemetery ancâ€" changï¬ we hope she finds us all .forded shade from the hot sun andlh‘elpfull and considerrajte_ V Gardenia ccrslnge. For travelling: the bride wore navy blue, silver fox fur and blue and‘ white accessories. The couple spent their honeymoon at Northern Ontario points andI on returning will live in Toronto. A large gathering of Lraskay. Kinghorn and King friend's honored the bride with a shower prior to her marriage at Kingh-orn sch-001 where she has been a successful tea- cher for the past five years. The class room was decorateé in pink and' white for ‘the occasion With suggestive wedding bell id‘eas hand drawn on the black boards. A pink crepe wagon drawn by pink frocked scholars was laden with an albund- ance of gifts for the teacher and friend. Ruth Finch, Margaret Scott and' Mary Riddel’l, clclse' friend‘s of the bride, assisted Bessie and’ Bud in the opening of gifts. Entertain- ing were Merald‘a: Campbell in instru- mental and song numlbers at the piano; Doris Hollinlsheladl with: a reading. and Aubrey Campbell as host and chairman. Miss Sarah Groombrid'ge of min/ch line was feted‘ by a hundred friend‘s Last: week when previous to her marriage on Saturday many gifts were showered upon her at her home. On Saturday, July 51th a quiet Marriage was heldl at the home of Mr. and‘ Mrs. Silaus Groombridge, ninth concession, when their second daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, was united in marriage to George Rus- sell Wilder of Strange, son of M1 Edlward Wilder and the late Mrs. Wilder of Huntsville, Ont. T‘he bridl- al couple were supported) by the bride’s sister and lbrother, ers. Leonard Evans and Mr. William Grocmbridge. The bride wore pea- cock blue satin 'bavck crepe, and black and white access-cries. For a wedding trip they left for Orillia. Huntsville and other northern points. Returning they will live 'at Pottageville. The bride is well known in Presbyterian and Baptist circles and the groom has resided at Mr. Brydon Ross)’ for some time and' has many friends in Strange and‘ Laskay communities. The Western family and Miss Dorothy A‘rmstronug' are holidaying at Lafke Simcoe. The rain on Monday af-ternoor made a welcome sweep across the south part of the township but spent itself slightly above the Aurora silfle‘road. Kettlelby, Gle‘nvil‘le, Lloydâ€" tovwm and S‘chomherg got little or no rain. Nothing- is more welcome for parched ground, crops and fruit than showers. Misses Aniah and Beth Baldrwin accompanied? by Mrs. (Dr.) W. W. Baldiwin of Brookl‘in: are visiting their sister, Mrs. McDonald of Syd- e.nham, Ont. MiSS Ruth Wells and) friend of Toronto are visiting at M'rs. Ewart Patton’s, Laszkay. Jimmie Patton is hrovlidlaying at Ruth’s home in TM- onto. Misses Louilse Lockhart amd Bethl McDonald and Mr. Randolph “Lock-I hart are on a motOr trip through the Maritime provinces. We are pleased to report the re- covery to better health of Rev. G L. Atkinson, Presbyterian minister. He has been quite in at Mrs. Gellr- atly’sv home. HARVEST TIME NEEDS We Deliver F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE Plymouth Binder Twine 600 f t. 5 or 8 1b. ball 7-8†Pure Manila Draw Rope Hay Fork Pulleys, Floor Hooks, etc. Maple Leaf Hay Forks & Extra Tines Best Quality Machine Oil Richmond Hill HARDWARE THURSD Last Monday evening a large number of friends of Mr. and» Mrs Frank Collins (nee Annie Avisonil gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Brumwell to shower the newly married couple with gifts. The quality of the gifts shows the esteem the community have for the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Collins are returning to New Brunswick where they are living until Mr. Collins is taken overseas. He is a4 member of the Jueen’s Own!" and2 was just. home on six days lea've. Those who are now classed‘ as outsiders that. were present at the shower are Pte. and“ Mrs. Meryl Morris of Bradtforfl, Mr. Morris is also a memlb-er of the “Queen’s Own’â€, Mr. andl Mrs. C- Stong of Ed'geley, Mr. and] Mrs. F. Constable of Vellore, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson» of Richmond Hill Dr. and Mrs. James Langstafsf of Richmond Hill, Mr. and‘ Mrs. Harold Well‘man of Toronto. After the shower refreshments were served and' the friends left wishing the happy couple much happiness and a safe return to Fraflk. On Wednesday evening the WA. had- a special gathering in the Sun'- d‘ay School room to hear and see an illustrated address given» by Miss Knight, a dietitian; from Oshlatwa, whose theme was stressing the use of vegetalble juices for 'better health. She and‘ her helper, Mr. Newmar. are still in the community sell‘inug waterless cookers, andl a juicer for extracting the juice from the vege~ tables. At the close out the meeting on Wednesday evening Rev. McKay took the floor and called on Mr. and Mrs. T-ed' Brown» of Dunbartori (n-ee Dorothy Val‘liere) and] Miss Marion Boynton. On arriving at the front of the room Marion read an address signed on behalf of the Sun- d‘ay School while Mrs. Cecil Nichols presented them with a lovely floor lamp along with the best of wishes for a happy and prosperous mar- riedI life. ‘ On Saturday evening“ Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sanderson: andl daughter Muriel of Buffalo, Mr. and) Mrs. S. Atkinson of Richmond Hill' called' on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson haa" d-innér with Mrs. Harvey Quantz on. Tuesd‘av. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle and| two daughtels of Long Branch called' to see their son Donald' Boyl-e om Tues- day. Tuesday evening found! the uswal nurrlb-er out to the Farmers" club meetings. After two interesting meetinga those who were present decided! to have a little fun» as we have a few nerwlvaed‘s. in our com- munity, so they visited Mr. and Mrs. James Smith. (nee Hazel Ful"- er) and‘ then back to see Mr. and! Mrs. Collins. A very pleas-and: ev- ening for all. an innpiessive ‘but quiet service was participated in by 300 people. The flowers adorning the graves we're plentiful and beautiful, dellplliniums and! mad‘onna lilies adtling‘ the greatest dignity to the colorful me- morial gifts. VICTORIA SQUARE On Tuesday, July 15 the Toronto Centre North Presbytery are hold~ ing their annual softlball tournament at Musselman‘s Latke this" year, the games to start at 12.30, so be sure to bring your lunch basket and“ be on time. Cars will have to leaVe Victoria Square corner around 12 o’clock. For further infonmation- get in touch with Miss' Marion Smith or Mr. Alvin Caseley. at the home of Mrs. Clarence Storm: on July 17th. V bon“t forget the VV.A. are asked to meet with the WA. off Ed'geley ULY 10th, 1941. Phone 18