Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jul 1941, p. 1

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-â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€" THE COMMUN ITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€" THE LIBERAL odor W “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity”. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1941. WANT ADS VOL. LXIII. PHONE "I a” - Y t MO- 2172 CAPITOL THEATR 300 Seats All Evening 25c. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 17 - 18 - 19 SPENCER TRACY, MICKEY ROONEY in “ MEN OF BOYS TOWN ” WATCH THE BIRDIE AND THE HOMELESS FLEA ADDED CARTOONS & SERIAL SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY MONDAY & TUESDAY. BING CROSBY, DOROTHY LAMOUR, BOB HOPE in “ ROAD TO ZANZIBAR ” â€"â€" ALSO -â€" KENT TAYLOR. WENDY BARRIE in “ REPENT AT LEISURE ” CHURCHILL’S ISLAND c.c.o. WED., THURS., FRI., SAT” RAY MILLAND, WAYNE MORRIS, CONSTANCE MOORE in “ I WANT WINGS ” â€"â€" -- â€"â€" AND â€"- â€"- -â€" ROSCOE KARNS, RUTH DONNELLY in “ GAY VAGABOND ” JULY 21 - 22 JULY 23. 24, 25, 26 Memorial Service in Tribute To Sgt. Donald Graham of the R. A. F. “The tragedy of the twentieth century- is the loss of so many of the finest of our young men who started out on life with high ideals, only to find that there were men and influences in the world who would use the good things of the earth for evil purposes,” said Flightâ€" Lieutenan-t Hedley, RIC-A.F. Chap- lain at the memorial service held in Richmond Hill United Church Sun- dlay afternoon for Sergeant-Gunner “Don!” Graham. “Don” Graham is Richmond Hill’s first casualty of the war, and Sunday the community expressed its tribute to his heroic sacrifice and sympathy for the be-/ rea-ved‘ family. It was last Wednesday the tele- gram was received tdllfilg the sad news, and Friday a second oable ar- rived advising that “Don’s” funeral would be held Saturday at 12.30 British Standard Time, and that he would be buried in the Churchyard, at Ford in Sussex. The Memorial Service was then arranged for Sun- dlay afternoon, to coincide as nearly as possible with the service in Brit- ain. The United Church was filled to capacity for the service and was attended by a group of R.C.A.F. men from I‘oronto. The local Veterans and. the Trumpet band of which Don was once a member attended in a body. The impressive service was in charge of Rev. C. B. Brethen, Mir.- ister of the Church, and the sermon was delivered! by Lieut. Hadley. Capt. John Wilson and Airrcraftsmen Harry Sayers, “Mac” Cooper and Norman Mabley of the R.C.A.F. acted as ulshers. Rev. Brethen who recently assum- ed his work as Minister here, said as practically a stranger in the com- munity be was impressed by the feeling of sorrow which permeated the entire district as a. result of ti e sad ne-WS contained in Wednesday’s telegram. Visiting at the Graham home, reading Don’s letters, talking to his friends he had caught at least something of the radiant sunshine of Don’s personality and he under- stood why the passing of such a fin-c example of young Canadian manhood meant so much to this community. He referred to Don's pleasing per- sonality, his prowess on the athletic field as a High School student, as a member of Trail Rangers and Tuxis groups, as a cheerful lead-er at summer camps. In 1988, long be- fore the outbreak of hostilities he went overseas, probably said MI‘. Brethen, inspired by some intuition that the call of duty for him lay in the service there, and that the time was coming when he could render service to_ his country. Trained and ready at the outbreak of war he had with courage, skill and daring taken a prominent part in the air defence of Britain, in the very critical days of the past summer. To the mem- bers of Don’s family he extend-ed the most sincere sympathy of the com- munity. “There are ideals in life worth fighting for. and worth dying for.” said Lieut Hedley of the R.C.A.F.. “and we of the Air Force are hon- ored to have this opportunity of pay- ing tribute to our brother, who has given his life for his country.” The speaker whose duty it is to bring comfort and consolation to many of those who suffer the loss of loved ones in the war said that it was the highest and finest thing in life Vtv; give one’s life for others. It was high and noble and not in vain as long as we don"t break faith with those who die. Their sacrifice chal- lenges us to go on and build the finer and better world for which they make the supreme sacrifice. He quoted the great Cecil Rhodes who on his deathbed said, “So much to doâ€"so little done.’ He commended these words to the people of Cant- ada today. So much we could do in the way of helping the boys in the Navy, the Army and the Air Force, and we are doing so little in the way of real sacrifice. We go on thoughtlessly he said wasting our time and spending our means on our- selves. Men dlown through the ages in all walks of life and hum-an en deavour had thought ideals and causes worth giving their lives for, and today brave men are doing it to preserve our way of life, our freedom to live our individual lives our freed-om to worship God as we choose. The service opened with the sing- ing of the Hymn, “Unto the Hills Around do I Lift Up My Longing Eyes”, followed by a scripture read- ing by Lieut. Hedley, the hymn “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”, prayer by Rev. Brethen, the sermon by thz Air Force Chaplain, a period of silent prayer and the clear heart-touching notes of the Last Post sounded by a member of the R.'C.A.F. The Na- tional Anthem brought to a close the impressive service. ORANGE CELEBRATION AT FAIRBANK Empire Ladies’ Lodge Win Trophy Ideal weather and a carefully planned route made the celebration of the 251st anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne at Fairbank, sponsored by L.O.L. 2261, an out- standing success. Children of the L.T.B. and 0. Home, as guests of the local Lodges, travelled by spe- cial car and after the walk enjoyed the generous meal and treats proâ€" vided for them. Bro. Lance Zuerfelt on guard duty in Northern Ontario left a vacancy in the Pipe Band that could not be overlooked. Empire Lad-ies’ Lodge again brought home the trophy awarded best Lodge on parade for marching and appearance. In sports events the Beatty family won 5 prizes: Tots race, Frances Beatty; single ladies’ race, 2nd, June Beatty; three-legged race, June and Jim Beatty; married man’s race, Lloyd Beatty. KING CITY STREET DANCE \VEDNESDAY, JULY 30 Reserve Wednesday, July 30th for the big Street Dance at King City in aid of the British War Victims’ Fund. “Rus” Creighton and his pop- ular orchestra will be on hand to provide music for the dance and there will be features and novelty numbers galore. Ken Soble and “Doc” Linsey will be on hand with their radio feature “Did I Say That” and a number of King City people will be on the air for the first time. Offered By Lions For Ticket Sales “Victory” the Lion Horse has made a real hit throughout the district and from far and near have come requests for tickets on this horse which is going to work for the Lions British Child’s War Victims‘ Fund. “Victory”, a four year old 'bay geld- ing. donated to the War Victims' cause by Mr. George McNair of Vaughan Township will go to the holder of a lucky number ticket on August 13th, the night of Richmond Hill Lions‘ Club Street Dance. Tic- kets are now on sale by members of the Lions Club, at practically all Richmond Hill business places and by scores of volunteer workers who are helping in this good cause. If you want to buy a ticket on “Vic- tory" eral Office. If you want to help along the fund for British Child War Victims by selling tickets a book may be secured here or from: J. A. Greene, chairman of the Street Dance committee. A letter was received from a lady in Toronto this week who sent a dollar and said: “Send me four tic- kets on ‘Victory’. I am an elderly lady and I don't know what I’ll do with the horse, but it's a wonderful cause and I want to help.” A Dib- eral subscriber in Western Ontario sent a half dollar with the request, “send me two tickets on that Lion horse. If I win him have Reeve Trench feed him for me until I get down for him. Hundreds of others are buying tickets with the hope not only of winning a fine horse which should be worth at least $100 in cash. but also in helping along a worthy cause. Lucky number admission tickets, and tickets on the doll and wardrobe also are in big demand and present indications are that this year’s Lions Carnival will be the biggest and best in the history of the event. “We have so much more to do this year that we are hopeful a record amount will be realized for community wel- fare and war work,” stated Lion John A. Greene, chairman of the ac- tivities committee. At the same time the committee chairman announced three cash awards to persons selling the m0st tickets. The Lions Club will give three prizes for ticket selling. The first will be $5.00 cash, second $3.00 cash and third $2.00. The competition is open to everyone and it doesn’t mat- ter what kind of tickets are sold. Sale of the regular lucky number ad- mission tickets, on the doll’s ward- robe and on “Victory” the Lion Horse all count. Three cash prizes to those selling the largest number of tickets. Boys and gills this is [your chance to earn some extra cash I and at the same time boost a worthy cause. Books of tickets may be se- cured from J. A. Greene, chairman of the committee at Richmond Tail- ors, Yonge Street. The committee met this week and are planning other features and at- tractions In addition to those an- nounced last week. Reserve the date now, invite your friend's wherever they are to come to Richmond Hill on the night of August 13th, and buy trickets which are now on sale. 1 GOOD NEWS FOR THE PHEASANT HUNTERS One hundred and fifty pheasants were let loose in Vaughan Township last Wtek. The birds were supplied by the Ontario Department of Cam. and Fisheries and were let loose in various parts of the Township by Constable DeFerrari and Constable Ireland. With the exception of a- bout 25, all were hen birds. MASONS ELECT NEW D.D.G.M. At Grand Lodge A.F. & AsM. ses- sion in Toronto Wednesday W. Bro. George Varty of Golden Fleece Lodge. Toronto, was elected D.D.G. M. for Toronto district “C” and W. Bro. William Cannon of Caledon East D.D.G.M. for Toronto district “D”. CLOSE ENOUGH Lightning struck the large elm tree close to the residence of Mr. J. Gilbert, Mark-ham Road, Wednes- day afternoon. ,years the problem of be postponed no longer. ! l Three Casi] Prizes Village Seeks More Abundant Water Supply The International Water Supply Company of London, Ontario have their equipment set up and today start drilling a. test well at Richmond Hill waterworks property in an e’f- fort to locate additional water sup ply for the municipality. For many augmenting the present water supply has been considered and. this year the mem- bers of council felt that action could Richmond Hill's main industries. the green- houses, are large consumers of wat- er and are very dependent on an adequate and satisfactory supply. In the dry weather-this year the sup- ply was so threatened that house- holders were requested to refrain and you live out of town you from using water for lawns and may secure one by writing The Lib- ‘ gardens- Thieves Break in Maple Garages Scared Away Before Loot Lowded Thieves who broke into Frank Robson’s garage and Les Laver's garage at Maple early Monday morning were caught and arrested in Toronto a few hours after the alarm was given. Mr. Laver was awakened by the noise and his ris- ing scared the thieves away before they had time to load their loot. Mr. Laver fortunately secured the car license number which was tele- phoned to neighbouring and city po- lice by Constable DeFerrari and in less than two hours three men were arrested in Toronto charged with the theft. When apprehended the accused were in a Dundas Street garage starting to du-co the car which it is claimed was used in- the robbâ€" ery. The three appear in court to- day. At Franlk Robson’s a number of spark plugs and some small equipment wasI taken, and were found with a pile of albOut $200 worth of tires which had been reâ€" moved from. Laver’s but which were left in the thieves hurried escape. It is thought the same gang were re- sponsible for an attempted breakâ€"in at Cainfs garage, Nobleton the same morning. County Constable Sergt. ‘S. A. Barraclough and Constables DeFerrari and Ireland of Vaughan Township answered the alarm and took part in the early morning chase. MAPLE Union church services will be held on Sunday, July 20th at St. Paul’s Presbyterian at 10.30 a.m. S.T. Edgeley United at 2.30 p.m. ST. and‘ at Maple United at 7.30 pm. D.S.T. Mr. Geo. Matheson cut the first wheat of the season in this locality on Saturday, July 5th. Rev. and Mrs. E. Huenergard left on Monday to spend several weeks at their cottage on Manitoulin Is- land. St. Andrew’s G‘ll'lS‘ Club held their annual picnic on Tuesday af- ternoon at Niagara Falls. St. Stephen’s W..A. met at the home of Mrs. Harry Cunningham on Thursday afternoon, July 10th. Mrs. R. F. Marritt returned home from hospital on Tuesday and is progressing favorably after her re- cent operation. The July meeting of Hope W.A. was held in the Sunday School room with group 1, Mrs. W. Burns, Mrs. E. Orr and Mrs. F. Jones in charge. A Red Cross quilt was quilted at this meeting. Table collection a- mounted to $5.60. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNaughton and the latter’s brother, Mr. Smelt- zer motored to Northern Ontario on Sunday and called for Audrey who spent last week with friends in Col- lingwood. Mrs. Geo. Lloyd and baby son of Toronto are spending several days at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, Albert Bowcs. Thieves broke into Les. Layer".s garage early Monday morning. They succeeded in making a getaway but were captured by Toronto police later in the day. funeral. ‘--_lt-l)-0-l-(.0.0.l>.0.0-I1-0-0-0.ih-o-u-n-l).v-0.0.10:C 0 Jersey Breeders Tour York County About 125 members and friends of the York County Jersey Club had their annual outing on Wednesday of last week when a tour was made of some of the outstanding places of interest in the county. The day‘s program proved a welcome change from the usual picnic and everyone including several Jersey breeders from Peel County as well as the editor of the Times Padket of Orillia remarked it was one of the most enjoyable days experienced. Meeting at Eaton Hall Farm, Evy ersley at 9.30 the group was shown through the very frine barns, dairy and greenhouses by the Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Bruce Beer, be- fore driving through the woods to Lady Eaton’s gorgeous villa which overlooks her forty-five acre lake and the rest of her 780 acre estate. The stroll through the beautiful grounds including the Japanese gar- den will be remembered for some time. The procession of cars then proceeded up the third to Mulock’s sideroad stopping at the look-out point overlooking the marsh and Lake Simcoe before continuing east through the Muloek orchards and on ‘to Vivian. At the County Forest trucks were used to drive the guests through about five miles of the 1400 refor- ested area under the direction of Mr. Fred Holledge, the caretaker. The cars then continued east through the tunnel of trees in the McCor- mack forest and down to Cedar Beach Park at Musselman’s Lake for lunch. Going by way of Ringwoodx, Gorm- ley and Victoria Square the party arrived at Donalda Farm just at milking time. Here was to be seen the last word in cleanliness in the of America. Dr. Jenkins, the genial manager, very kindly escorted those interested (and who wasn’t) through the magnificent grounds surround- ing the home of Mrs. Dunlap over- looking the Don. Many a youngster went home with his nose flat from peeking through the greenhouse wrin- dows at the huge bunches of lus- cious grapes while others were tempted to dive into the artificial swimming pool without the conven- tional attire. Men and women alike commented on the wonderful setting for the rock garden, the sunken rose garden and spacious laiwns. Presi- dent W. L. Clark, of Gormley was overheard remarking to his secre- tary, Mo-ff Cookburn, that this was the best outing the club ever staged. PAY DOG TAX OR GO TO COURT Summons were issued this week to about 7‘5 Vaughan ’l‘ownship ratepayers who have neglected to pay the required (log tax. Those takâ€" en to court are liable for a fine and costs as well as payment of the an- nual levy for the privilege of keepâ€" ing a dog. TORONTO MILK PURCHASES Total purchases of milk and cream by commercial dairies in Toronto during May of this year totalled 29,561,923 pounds, the average price per cwt. was $2.20, cost $649,635.63. stables, calf pens, piggery and .poul-_ try houses â€" truly the show farmf U.‘"‘.<-V.U.(_4I-‘i-‘.fll-‘.‘l-'U.(I.0.0-(>.l Yonge St. at Glenforesl Rd. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, “ STRAWBERRY BLONDE ” With JAMES CAGNEY. OLIVIA De HAVILAND ALSO â€"- “ GOLDEN HOOFS ” With JANE WITHERS, CHARLES ROGERS NOVELTY â€" PORKY'S BEAR FACTS MONDAY & TUESDAY, “ MR. AND MRS. SMITH ” With CAROLE LOMBARD, ROBT. MONTGOMERY â€" ALSO â€"â€" “ TOBACCO ROAD ” W'i‘lh GENE TIERNEY. CHARLEY GRAPEWIN MARCH OF TIME No. 4 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 23 - 24 “ BACK STREET ” With M. SULLIVAN, C. BOYER, R. CARLSON â€" â€" â€" AND _â€" â€" _ “ PETTICOAT POLITICS ” With ROSCOE KARNS, RUTH DONNELLY NEWS .(D---_--_o.-u.i -r--- 5.0 -tuoi _. .0.--- SINGLE COPIES 51:. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE N0. * llUdson 5437 JULY 18 - 19 JULY 21 - 22 I l l l l l l. BOWLING NOTES Skip A, E. Glass who has won many trophies and honors on the bowling green, probably never had better success than last week, when 'he won three trOphies in three starts. A Win at Withrow Park, and another at Agincourt was followed by the winning of the Trophy at the Dovercourt tournament in To- ronto last Saturday afternoon. The rink Saturday was: Walker Hall, E. T. Stephens, Garfield Yerex, A. E. Glass skip. Individual prizes Sat- urday were blankets. We’d like some day to see a collection of prizes won by Skip Glass since he started bowl- ing “away back in the Liberal files" Sometime he might be persuaded to put on such a display, and while it hardly could be called a trousseau tea, an admission fee might be charged and proceeds donated to the Red Cross. Rain held the crowd down to eight entries at the men’s doubles tournament here last Friday even- ing. There were six local entries and two from Newmarket. Prize Winners were: list, G. Yerex and J. ‘E. Smith; 2nd, W. Trench and R. Casement; 3rd, Norman Chatterley and Russell Lynett. Weather was ideal for the regu- lar mixed games Monday evemfg and forty players participated]. The winners: R. W. Hall, Ross Casement, Mrs. Chatterley, George Fuller skip. ‘Mimico Bowling Club members will pay a visit to Richmond- Hill Club tonight, Thursday, and join in the mixed games. President Norm Chatterley urges that local members turn out in large numbers to extend a welcome to the visitors. Games start at 7.30 p.m. Richmond Hill annual Tournament for the Hon. W. P. Mulook Trophy will be held Wednesday, July 30th. The competition will be for men's rinks, and the entry fee will be $5.00 per rink. VICTORIA SQUARE Prof. Leonard Klinck, President of the Agricultural College in British Columbia and Mrs. Klindk, who are on their honeymoon, took part in the service on Sunday. (Mr. Kllinck is a brother of Mr. R. Klinck of this community. A few from here attended the Centre North Presbytery Baseball Tournament at Musselman’s Lake on Wednesday. Mr. Marritt of Keswick is SDBI'Ddr ing a few days with his bl‘Other-in- law, Mr. Bert Sanderson. About one hundred attended the Sunday School picnic held at Wood- land Pank, Markham, last week. A number of pupils received prizes for regular attendance at Sunday School last year at the regular ses- sion on Sunday. Rev. McKay will take holid‘ays ‘ during the month of August for which time Victoria Square and Headford will unite, two Sun-days at Victoria Square and two Sundays at Heaclford. ' NEW SIDEWALK BUILT The village has completed a sec- tion of new sidewalk on the north side of Richmond Street. just west of Yonge Street. The new walk will .fill a long-felt need in the district. 1 l and the total l§The work was carried out under the supervision of Mr. Wilfrid Booth.

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