Outside pumps and toilets belong to the past. In every home running water should be available at the turn of a faucet. Likewise, a modern Emco Bathroom is necessary for the health and happiness of your family. A modern will furnish the -water and make it possible Emco Bathroom. The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals. per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only .................................. For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory with trimmings cost§_thy.._..: ......... : ......... Duro Water Supply Systems are styled for dependable life~long service. Thousands of satisï¬ed users prove their worth. They can be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation. Can be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan. PAGE SIX We have a complete stock of Men’s and Boys’ Furn- ishings, well k'nowu lines, the trademark of which is your guarantee of quality. We invite you to let us sypply your needs in work shirts, overalls, socks, etc. Men’s and B0ys',Wear â€"â€" Yonge & Richmond Sts. Phone 10, The Elevator next winter supply of Blue Coal Lowest Prices Cleaner Coal This is the time of year to put in your Adequate Supply Blue Coal mined by the largest coal Mining Co., D. L. & W. COAL Co. Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as Duro Water Supply System I. D. Ramer & Son R. H. KANE ublic Notice (Soil a'nd iran pipe and ï¬ttings extra) J. CRAIGIE EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. Boots and Shoes Richmond Hill Phone 92-R Yonge Street Richmond Hi] Richmond Hill $137.00 $84.50 $86.00 to install ari LIMITED Hill Sudbury Every Gallon of Gas Saved Is One More Gallon of Gas For the British Bombers How to make a gallon Olf gasoline stretch a mile farther is what Mr. John Motorist wants to know these days when every gallon of gasoline s‘avezdl means an extra gallon for the British bomber. Do you know that you can effect a regular saving of from L0 to 15 per cent in fuel consumption! by hav- ing: the vehicle given that periodic cheek-up the “doctor†ordered? In fact, a wellHknown Canadian distri- buting house which has specialized' for many years in autOmotive car- buretion and ignition and which has turned over the results of its vast research work to the Oil Controll- er’s office, say it is not uncommon to findI that the periodic examina- tion effects an increasedl saving of from 20 to 2J5 per cent in the con- sumtption of gasoline.‘ Years of investigation have .shown that for economy of Operation and pick-up in‘ performance, every motor should be restored to “the pink of condlition" every 5,000 miles at least, and' preferably, adjustments should be made at not less than 3,000 miles, the distributing house advises), In its “keep fit†program for the motor Vehicle, officials of the com- pany point out that periodic examâ€" ination should restore the car to the car manufacturer's specifications as far as possible. The A1 condition which Wilfl give greatest mileage per gallon and therefore lowest con- sumption of gasoline, can be achiev: ed in three major ways. With per- iodic inspection the ignition timing should be restored to original fac- tory standardt. There is a tendency for it to become off-standard! through the normal wear of moving parts: in 6,000 miles distributor points open and close 90 million times. And thirdly, the carburetor should be adjusted to provide the c°orrect mixture â€" for low speed range, for high speed range and for float level. An improper gasoline mixture alone can cause a ten per cent waste in gasoline. Either too high a float or too low a one will decrease the op- erating economy. Research work shows, too, that the motorist canâ€" not get gas economy ’by using lean jets. Good' carlbureclon depends on the proper mixture of gasoline and air. In 5,000 miles the callbure-tor should mix 200 gallons of gas (2'50 U..S.A.) with 300,000 cubic feet of air, or in other words, for every pound of gasoline the carburetor should take in something more thavn 13 pounds of air. Secondly, spark plugs need clean- ing and firing gaps adjusted to car factory standards: every spark plug fires 7,500,000 times in 5,000 miles. The distributing house proposes the following other ways of cur- tailinrg gas (by “keeping fitâ€: . If you live in the country or a town it’s likely you have a plum tree on your property. Plum trees are so prolific there always seem to be lots of this delicious fruit left for jam and jelly after the children have made drastic inroads on the fresh crop. But even if you don't have your own trees, modern transh portation rushes this hardly Canad- ian- fruit to city markets fresh from country orchards, so that we can all enjoy homeâ€"made pfllum jam and jelly. They’re such universal favorites it would 'be hard to imagine getting along without jams and jellies with their variety of uses. The children love them with bread‘ and butter, and} of course jam sandwiches are a11- ways “tops†with the youngsters. Put a dash of jelly on some of these puddings that occasionally a child eats under compulsion and you won’t? have to tell him‘ “it’s good for you". P‘LUM JAM 4 cups (2 lbs.) crush-ed fruit 1/2 cup water Cut into small pieces and! crush thor- oughly. Measure fruit, solidly pack- edb and water into a lange kettle. Stir until mixture boils, cover and simmer 15 minutes. Add sugar, mix well, and bring to a full rolling boil over hottest fire. Stir constantly before and‘ while boiling. Boil hard‘ 71/2 cups (31/; lbs.) sugar 1/2 bottle fruit pectin To prepare fruit, pit about 2-1/2 poundls- fulfly ripe fruit. Do not peel. 1 minute. Remove from fire and' stir in» fruit pectin. Skim; pourrquick- THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO PLUM JAM KEEP YOUR MOTOR FIT AND KEEP DOWN GAS CONSUMPTION By Katharine Baker At the time of check-up, adjust valrve clearance to factory stand- ards. (In 5,000 miles of travel a valve opens and closes 7,500,000 times). Tighten ai’l' manifoldl bolts and nuts to prevent air leakage into the intake manifold anfl make sure the manifold heat control‘ valve is free acting Have the generator charging rate adjusted to individuau drivimg re- quirements. A high charging rate is requiredj 'by the medical practi- tioner who uses the starter many times a day but not -by the com- mercial traveller who only starts his car once in. 100 or 200 miles. A high charging rate requires more engine power and therefore more gasoline to drive the generator. Have the cooling system reverse flushed three times! a year to en- sure proper dissipation of engine heat. Somehow grease gets into the cooling system- and] coats it with a thin film â€" and as the marathon swimmers will tell you, grease is the best insulation known. Grease one-hundredth of an inch in thick- ness is equivalent in insulating quality to a piece of armor plate ten inches thick. The thermostat, it should! be added, should‘ be suitable to the season of the year. Check the fuel-pump pressure; ex- cessive pressure wastes fuel. Clean the air filter often. When it is- dirty and clogged the caflbur< etor may not get enough air, the mixture gets too rich 'and mileage falls. Keep those front wheels in bal- ance. Front wheels out of align- ment are not only a hazardl but de- mand more driving power andl there- fore more gasoline to overcome their resistance. It is conceded that pro- per balance of the front wheels will make a gallon of gasoline stretch a mile farther. Don’t let the brakes dTag. Dragg- ing brakes demand more engine power and more engine ‘power means more gasoline. And keep tires correctly inflated. A low tire offers more resistance to pulling. Bumrps on tires an-dl casings that are not put so that that little line is even with the valve, also offer re- sistance. The battery, of courseâ€, should be in good condition and the battery calble connections clean and tight. Gas drawn into the cylinders while trying to start with a weak battery or poor connections is merely wast- In these wayS‘ the driver can a- chieve not only economy in the use of gasoline and‘ therelby help Can- ada’s war effort 'but keep down- the \big “doctor†bil‘ls amfl secure a higher standard’ of performance, it is: found. AND JELLY 1y. Paraffin and cover at; once. Makes about 11 glasses (6 fluid ounces each). 4 cupsl (2 libs.) juice 7W2 cup; (31/; Ifbs.) sugar 1,43 bottle fruit pectin To prepare juice, crush thorough- ly 4 pounds fully ripe fruit. Do not peel or pit. Add 1 cup water. Bring to a boil, cover andl s-immed‘ 10 min- utes. Place in jelly cloth or bag; squeeze out juice. Measure sugar and> juice into large saucepan and‘ mix. Bring to a boil over hottest fire and at once adld‘ fruit _pe.ctin, stirring- constantly. Then bring to a full 101\1ing boil amfl boil hard 1/2 minute. Remove from fire, skim, pour quickly. Paraffin and cover at once’. Makes about 1‘1 glasses (6 fluid ounces each). During 1940, the marriage rate for Great Britain was 22.6 per 1,000. For the four years previous to 1939 the annual average was 17.4 per thou-sand. Harold W. Mortson CHARLES GRAHAM MASSEYâ€"HARRIS AGENT Farm _Imp1ements, Machinery and Repairs Beatty Farm Equipment Telephone Richmond Hill 93 11 CENTRE ST. WEST Successor to PLUM JELLY Weed of the Week Perennial Sow'l‘histle tario. A menace to Untano agn- culture, it is found in every county and district, says John D. MacLeodq Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. In certain sections this weed‘ has made profitable crop production ex- tremely difficult. It thrives in culti- vated and uncultivated land, in grain field‘s, newly seeded meadows, roadl- sides, ditches and ulncleared land. Sow Thistle grows most vigorously and’ spreads most rapidly in heavy, lamp soils. The Perennial Sow Thi-s-tle has deep yellow flowers; is tall, coarse- qrowing, deepâ€"rooted“, with large vig- orous run’ning root stalks. The leaves are 4 to 12 inches long, deep< ‘ly cut, with the segments pointed backwards. The stem is smooth and hollow and the whole plant is filled with a bitter milky juice. Farmers have found the “dry cleaning method†the best means of control, Mr. MacLeod states. This is what you do. Immediately after the crop has lbeen harvested the in- fested area shoufld be plowed deep, the object being to get below the underground root stalks. It should: be left like this as long as the wea- ther remains dry, after which the cultivator should’ be used at regular intervals. This plan is not recom- mended in wet seasons when] cultivaâ€" tion willl be necessary immediately after plowing. Perennial Sow Thistle â€" another of those European. weedl pests â€" is still one of the worst weeds in On- mrio. A menace to Ontario agri- The disc barrow Is not satisfac‘ tory for control of the Sow Thistle, as root stalks are cut up, and! any portion with a bud on in will start a new plant. The average Sow Thistle plant will produce several thousand seeds and: may be carried] long distances by the wind. Do not permit one plant to mature on your property. cautions Mr. MaoLeodl. Planrts in blossom should be burn‘ed' immediately and not left lying about the field- or fence corner. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynch ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District W000ONWWWW (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 2518 YONGE STREET York Auto Parts 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12 Cars and Trucks Wanted For Late Models, Lien paid off If it’s for a car or truckâ€"We have it “ TONY 'SAVES YOU MONEY †THURSDAY, JULY 24th, 1941. Purebred Percheron Stallion ROBB DALE CARBERT (1569-2) The property of William Glass, L01: 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple. This horse is black and weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season from 6 pm. D.S.T. Terms to insure foal $1.00, service $10.00, payable on or before 15!; March 1942. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at own- er’s risk. Seed Corn, Different Varieties Fair Prices Feeds for Farm Stock, Poultry and Hogs We will buy Wheat, Oats, Barley and Mixed Grain SHEPPARD & GILL L U M E E R 82W RICHMOND HILL, ONT. STOCK REGISTER THE MILL COMPANY RICHMOND HILL Phones: Zone 8-218 139