Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1941, p. 1

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Mrs. J. Bureau and daughter Laur- ain of Cobalt are spending several days visiting friends and relatives in the community. Union church services will be held on Sunday, August 17 as follows: St. Paul's Presbyterian at 10.30 a.m. S.T.; Edgeley United Church at 2.30 p.m. ST. and at Maple United Church at 7.30 pm. D.,S.T. Mr. and- Mrs. Wilfred Manning, their daughter and two sons and Miss Mills all of Hamilton were Mr. and! Mrs. Spencer Bowenand :hildren Julia and Richard left on [‘uesd‘ay evening to spend a short roliday at the homes of Mrs.Bowen's rrothers, Mr. Richard Fry and Mr. Ben Fry at Haliburtoneand Carn- rvon. St. Andrew’s W.M.S. met at the me of Mrs. Shropshire on Wed- sday evening, August 6. Mrs. cNaughton, Vice-Pres, was in arge of the meeting. The scrip- ‘e lesson was read by Mrs. E. ffer and Mrs. McCullough and: rs.‘ Robinson led in prayer. The opic was taken by Mrs. C. Snider. Ve were favored with a reading by Irs. E. Harris and a solo by Mrs. '. Orr also instrumental music by tharlie and Ivy Shropshire. Cur- ent events were given by Mrs. M. [cDonald and the meeting was clos- d by repeating the Lord's Prayer 1 unison. Mrs. Melville White and Kenneth pent last week with friends in Pal- rave. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, [‘apI-e, decorated with baskets of (Mr. and .Mrs. A. H. Gale and Margaret spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M” Thompson in Markham. Miss Evelyn Pollock of Toronto is spending the month of August at her home here. A delightful miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mathewson on Thursday evening in honour of Miss Evelyn Forrest, a popular bridie-toâ€"be of Saturday. Many useful and beautiful gifts were received. Harvey Wilson, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, has been successful in passing his examination and has been transferred to Uplands, Ottawa. ;heir daughter and two sons and Vfiss MiHs all of Hamilton were Eunday visitors at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. J. Manning. 'Mrs. J. R. McC‘rimmon of Beams- 'ili1e spent last-week at the home >f her daughter, Mrs. Bruce Mc- )onald'. Mrs. George Bailey, Marjorie and 'reorge left on Sunday to spend a .oliday in Rochester, NY. Mrs. Roy FierhelI-er and two daughters of Aurora spent a few days last week with Mrs. Fierhell- er’s parents Mr. and Mrs J. Mann- ing. 1 L.A.C. Norman W. Manning, R.C. A.F., visited his grandparents, M1“. and Mrs. J. A. .Manning over the week-end. He is stationed at Mac- Donald, Manitoba and is the young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mann- ing of Hamilton who were also home for a visit along with the other members of their family. He will return to Manitoba this week. BARRIE PLAY HERE TUES., AUG. 19 VOL. LXIII. PHONE M0. 2172 MON., TUES., WED., THURS», AUGUST 18, 19, 20, 21 GARY COOPER, BARBARA STANWYCK in (é ADDED CARTOONS FOR SATURDAY MATINEE â€"â€" ALSO â€" BRODERICK CRAWFORD. ANNE GWYNNE in “ Tight Shoes ” ‘6 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST 15. 16 HUMPl-IREY BOGART, SYLVIA SIDNEY in ‘ The Wagons R011 at Night ” â€" â€" â€" AND â€" â€" â€" ARTHUR KENNEDY, JOAN PERRY in MAPLE NEWSY NOTES CAPITOL THEATRE z “ MEET JOHN DOE ” 300 Seats All Evening 25c. 6‘ Strange Alibi LATE AUCTIONEER LEFT LARGE ESTATE Probate has been granted of the will of the late John Henry Prent- ice, widely known auctioneer in these parts over the last half century or more, who died! in Toronto this spring. The late Mr. Prentice left an estate totalling $78,598. The will provides that Abbie Georgina Prent- ice receives a legacy of $1,000 and a life interest in the $78598 estate of her husband who died last April 27. Aaron A. G. Prentice, John H. ‘Prentice, Fred Victor Prentice and Ernest M. L. Prentice, sons and A1- mira P. Robinson, Ina R. Stump and Eveline M. A. Lea, daughters, each receives $1,000 and an equal share in the residue of the estate. The estate comprises clothing and jew- elry, $25; household goods, $200; car, $375; book debts, $903; money on mortgage, $12,120; bank and oth- er stock, $50,747; bonds, $3,731; cash in bank, $4,293; other personal prop- erty, $1,600. The bridal pair left laber for Mus- koka, the bride going away in a cerise and brown crepe ensemble with white and brown accessories. On- their return Mr. and Mrs. Shore will reside in Kleinburg, Ont. Miss Margery Grant of Toronto and- Miss Isobel Oliver are holidayâ€" ing at the latter’s home here. gladioli was the setting for a pretty summer wedding on Saturday afâ€" ternoon, August 9th, 1941 when Mary Margaret, daughter of Mr. Wm. J. Johnson and the late Mrs. Johnson became the bride of Mr. Kelvin» Fraser Shore, son of Mrs. G. W. Shore and the late Mr. Shore of Woodibridge. Rev. C. H. Bowman officiated at the ceremony. The wedding music was played by Mrs. C. Graham and during the signing of the register Miss Mildred Shore sang. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white1 organza covered with silver sprinkled tufted chenille flowers. Her fingerâ€" tip veil fell from a heart shaped halo and she carried an old‘ fashion- ed nosegay of white baby mums and marguerites. Mrs. Wm. J. Johnson Jr. was matron of honour gowned in pale pink point di‘esprit with pale blue bonnet and accessories. She carried a nosegay of baby pink mums. Little Joanne Johnson, niece of the bride, as flower girl, was frocked‘ in pale blue organza and‘ carried a nosegay of pink and white.‘ baby mums. Mr. Albert Shore, broâ€" ther of the groom, was best man and the ushers were Mr. Wm. John- ‘son, brother of the bride and Mr. Harry Allen. After the ceremony Rev. C. H. Bowman presented a biblel to the bride and groom on behalf of the members of the church session. The reception was held: at the home of the bride‘s father with Miss Margaret Johnson, aunt of the bride receiving in a flowered silk dress with blue hat and accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses and fern. Mrs. Shore, mother of the groom assisted, wearing a printed silk dress with black sheer redingote and corsage of sweet peas. Yonge at Castlefield “In Egsentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials A portion of the Street Dance re- ceipts will be used by the club for local welfare work. Mil‘k for the The fund is specially des-ignedt to ‘rend-er relief and assistance to the children of Britain who are victims of the Nazi bombings. Observers have related that possibly the most pitiful of all the sad features of the bomlbing of Britain has been the suffering of the little dgfience‘less children. Maimed, shell shoeked, orphaned and homeless as a result of Hitler’s cruel warfare on the British Isles these children are cared for in hospitals and homes by the Lions’ Fund. The Lions’ British Child War Vic- tims' Fund which will so materialbr benefit from last night’s event is one which is supported by all Lions Clubs in Canada and‘ many in the United States. Every cent donated to the fund is sent direct to Britain, all administration charges and ex- penses being taken care of by the Lions Clubs. In the Old Land‘ it is administered by a volunteer com- mittee headed by Her Majesty the Queen. President R. D. Little on behalf of the Lions wishes to take this- op- ‘portunity of expressing thanks to 'Mr. George McN’air who donated) the horse to the British Child; War Vic- ‘tims’ Fund, to all who helped' with the work of the evening, to the mer- hhants who co-operated by closing Itheir places of business, and to all the people who so generously pat- monized the games and booths. . Receipts for the big night have not been completely check-ed so we are not able to state the amount realized on Vi‘ctory or from the dance but it will :be a substantial] amount and the Lions are very well please-d with the result of the even- mg. ‘ Miss Toronto of 1941 won the hearts of the great crowd and was given a rousing reception. She drew the tickets for the lucky number prizes and the winners are: 1st, Vic- tor Mesley, RR. 3 King, $25.00 or- der on any store, ticket number 3067; ‘2nd prize of $15.00 in War Savings Certificates, ticket No. 2563‘ remains unclaimed; 3rd prize of $10.00 in War Savings Certificates was won by! Mrs. Jas. Arsenault, BR. 2 Gom- ley, No. 2446; 4th prize of $5 in War Savings Certificates, E. L. McLean, ‘Toronto, No. 1710; 5th prize of $5.00 Certificate, Mrs. J. Fisher, Thorn- ‘hili, No. 2179; 6th prize of $5.00 ‘Certificate, Miss Jean Carlisle, Oak Ridges, No. 1941. The doll and wardrobe was won by little Jean Cooper, Lurqs Stree’c, ‘Richmond Hill. Favored with fair, though cool weather, Richmond Hill Lions’ Club Street Dance attracted a large crowd Wednesday evening and a "large sum was realized for the Lions’ British Child War Victims‘ Fund and the welfare work of the organization. Russ Creighton ‘ and ‘his orchestra delighted the large crowd with music for modern and old time dancing and the variety of gamers in the midway did a rushing business. Refreshment booths with hot dogs, sandwich-es, soft drinks, coffee and confectionery were well patronized and the business in this department was much increased over other years due to the co-op- eration of local eating places in closing for the evening. Keen interest centred around Vic- tory, the Lion Horseyanld sitting in state in a truck at the south end of the dance enclosure he was the centre of all eyes. The lucky ticket was drawn by Miss Mary McNair, daughter of the donor, and the lucky winner is Mrs. L. Raham, Richmond Hill. “Victory” The Lion Horse Won By Mrs. L. Raham. Richmond Hillâ€" $25 StOre Order \Vent to Victor Mesley. King â€" Jevam Cooper, Ri‘chmond Hill, \Vo‘n the D011 RECORD CROWD ENJOYS LIONS’ STREET DANCE RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY. ‘AUGUSTthh, 1941 undernourished, medical and surgical care for those in need, glasses for those With! failing visiOn, are only a few examples of the ways in which the Lions extend a helping hand to those in need. All money raised! by the Lions is used in public sex- vice. Local club expenses all are taken care of by dues paid yearly by the individual members. i NEIGHBOR COMES TO RESCUE WITH SHOT GUN A Carrville Road resident was a- wakened about 2 am. last Sunday morning by the screams of a woman and: taking his trusty shot gun he ordered away an intruder who was threatening two women neighbours. According to Mrs. Mary Trofemchuk, Ukranian, a resident of the Carl'- vili‘e district since early this sumâ€" mer the man came to the door and threatened to take her life. Police are investigating the case. Bert Sherman of Aurora, formerly of Richmond Hillvl'aippeared in New- manket Police Court Tuesday charg- ed with theft of $40 from the office of Dr. W. S. Mason, Richmond Hill last March, and- on a charge of forg- ery. He was remanded for a week. Sgt. S. A. Barraclough has been in- vestigating the case. There were three calves, last year’s crops and a large part of 'this year's harvest in the barn, which was destroyed before anything could be removed from it. FACES CHARGE OF‘ THEFT AND FORGERY The fire spread from the barn to the grass and ran for more than 3'0 rods into the adjoining farm before it could be checked. After a two-hour fight, the Au- rora Fire Brigade saved the house and driving shed1 on the property. In aiding in fighting the fire, Roth- well suffered serious burns about his face and arms. Friction from a belt on the thresh- ing machine operating at Fennel Rothwell’s farm on the Third Conâ€" cession of King township was blam- ed for the disastrous $12,000 fire that swept through the barn, Out- buildings and’ fields last Friday. Fennel Rmhweil Suffers Severe Loss North Yonge Radials continue to pile up operating profits and it is now assured that the line will this year for the first time since pur- chased by the municipalities of Rich- mond Hill, Vaughan, Markham and North York pay all operating ex- penses and debenture charges. The report from the T.T.C. on the oper- ation of the line for the second' quarter of the current year shewed' an operating profit of $3¢013.81, an’ increase of $2623.21 over the same' period in 1940. Of this amountI Richmond Hill received a cheque for $693.17, Vaughan $331.52, Markham 8331152 and North York $1,657.60. Passenger revenue for the three month period was $22,687.63 com- pared with' $18,693.86 last year. In June alone the passenger revenue increased over June of last year by $1,079.54. 21 jump of 16.88 per cent. The improved showing of the line is attributed to improved employ- ment conditions and the growth of the district served. Hundreds of new homes have been built in the transportation area during the past two years. The campaign to con- serve gasoline is likely to further popularize traffic on the radial line. Fire Destroys King Twp. am and Crop Liberty; In All Things, Charity” Line Will More Than M‘eet All De- benture Charges This Year â€" People Save Gas and Use The Cars North Yonge Si. Radials Show A Handsome Profit Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Perkins spent Sunday with friends at New Lowell and Creemore. ‘he was hale andI hearty and: only ‘two weeks ago spent a week with his brother-in-law Mr. B. Sanderson. He was feeling fine and had already secured a room in Toronto for the Exhibition, but it wasn't to be. The late Mr. Marritt married Hannah Sanderson who predeceased him 21 years ago. He leaves to mourn one son Herbie of Victoria Square and two daughters, Miss Bell Marritt of Toronto and Mrs. Severt Vogel of Saskatchewan, and four sisters, all of Keswick. The funeral was held at Queensville cemetery on Wednes- day afternoon. The old friends and neighbours of the 5th line were very sorry to hear of the death of a kind and helpful neighbour last week, Mr. Albert Lehman. of Stouffville. who for years farmed the places now occupied by Mr. Valliere and Mr. Evans. As years rolled by he found farming too heavy work but yet refused to be idle and so learned the trade of harness maker and for several years past spent his days in his shop on main street, Stouf-fville, working busily away yet always had time for a friendly chat and thereby won for himself a. host of friends. The fun- eral was held on Wednesday of last week with a short service in the house, then the remains moved to the Baptist church for public ser- vice. The interment took place at Pine Orchard cemetery. He leaves to mourn a. loving wife, one brother and a number of nephews and nieces. Last Saturday evening while Mr. Will Marritt of Keswick was pre- paring for bed he suffered a stroke, followed by a hemorrhage and pass- edv away on Sunday evening. While Mr. Marritt was in his 85th year President. Mrs. Redpath’s address was much enjoyed by all those pre- sent when she told of some of the itrying times her English friends had Iwritte'n to friends on this side of the Atlantic, also she gave. several suggestions that the Institute mem- bers might be interesting themselves in. One item she stressed was a St. John’s First Aid Course, some- thing our own local doctors could help us with. After the meeting- was over we met with the J.F.A. in the aud‘itorlum of the hall where two young couples were presented with gifts from the community. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson received an occa- sional chair and! side table, while Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith were pre- sented with a reading table and table lamps. Both couples thanked those present for the gifts, and in- vited: them to visit them whenever possible. We then had. a half hour program consisting of musical num- bers, contests and stunts at the close‘i‘of which lunch was served and another happy evening ended. Don’t forget the Headford folk There was an, excellent attendance to J.W.I. last Tuesday evening at the home of the president Mrs. Styrmo when over 30 were present to hear Mrs. Red4path our District VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES The lawns around the house are nicely landscaped and there is an ornamental fish~pond. A large or- chard contains apple, pear, cherry trees and grapevines. There are about five acres of bush. The prop- erty, it is reported, was bought for investment purposes, with $215,000 mentioned as the asking price. DURHAM FARM 0N YONGE STREET SOLD . An important sale of Yonge St. property at Bond Lake was complet- ed last week by J. A. Willoughby when the 95â€"acre farm belonging to J. H. C. Durham was sold to Ozard Farms Ltd. The property is located on the east side of No. 11 Highway, directly north of Bond Lake, and abuts the country estate of Robt. C. Gamble. On the farm is a lovely old brick house of 10 rooms with tiled bathâ€" room, hot water heating, hardwood floors throughout and fireplaces. In addition to the main residence there is a stone lodge at the gate with all modern conveniences. Other build- ings on the farm consist of a bank barny 94x40 feet, fitted with box stalls. There is also a driving house and garage. Many friends will remember the helpful address delivered by Mr. Coleman at the United Service of Prayer on Ash Wednesday in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. Mr. Coleman has kindly off- ered to preach at the evening ser- vice during the next three Sundays. As this is the only evening service in Richmond Hill, it is expected that many people will want to hear this sincere young man. Mr. Coleman is a graduate of the University of To- ronto, and is continuing his studies at Wycliffe College in preparation for Medical Missionary work. A short service commencing at 7 p.m. MR. \V. COLEMAN AT MARY’S CHURCH SUNDAY EVENINGS IN AUGUST On Tuesday morning fire com- pletely destroyed the house belong- ing to Mr. Durie, corner of Avenue Road and Lot 40 sideroad, Richvale. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade was called but were handicapped by lack of water in the cistern. Chem- icals were used to protect the two houses nearest the fire. We are very sorry to hear that Mrs. Glover has had another stroke and hope she will soon be much im- proved. Word has been received from U. S.A. that Mrs. Reynard, a former resident of the 4th line, has also been stricken with a stroke and is quite helpless. The sympathy of the community goes to Mr. Edgar Stecklry in the loss of his father. are asked to meet with us on Sun- day, August 17. Sunday School will be at the usual hour of 1 o’clock while church service will follow at 2.15 standard time. Miss Mae Flavell of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr. and- Mrs. Pickering. FIRE AT RICHVALE No. 7.

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