“The editor is a student of community affairs. He has at his disposal records of public organizations in the community, and it is from his study of these records that he makes his editorial comment. He is not easily swayed by the hysterias which sway, and excite and mislead city people. Like the people he serves he uses good common- sense in his reasoning. If there wasn’t much news in his paper today, perhaps there wasn’t much happened in the community this week. Perhaps it could have been a more interesting paper had you told him of some interesting news story or personal item. The editors of Canada’s weekly newspapers, serving the rural areas, are a greater power than most people suspect, for it is a political fact that more members of the House of Commons and more members of Provincial Legislature are elected from the rural areas than from the cities. “It is the editor who decides what is fit and what is not fit to print. It is he who differentiates between news and propaganda. It is he who can, if he will, give the leadership that every energetic community must have. He is not hard to get along with, but he has a code of ethics which often cause him to refuse business rather than accept it against well grounded principles. He is not a super-human. He is a. hardâ€"working individual doing an important job in the community to the best of his ability, and if at times he fails in his task, it must be remembered that he is like every other human being in the community, heir to the frailties with which all man- kind is endowéd.†YONGE STREET SHOULD BE WIDENED It is nothing short of a calamity that the YOnge Street bottleneck from Richmond Hill to Steele’s corners has been allowed to continue all these years. The inquest held Monday evening concerning the death of a gallant soldier of Canada emphasizes the fact that this traffic hazard is costly in life and property. Military traffic makes ex- tensive use of this highway and We think even in war time the widening of this important artery of traffic would Beâ€"fullirjuétified. Hadï¬Yonge Street been a highway properly built to meet the needs of existing traffic Pte. Raymond would not have been killed. RIDE THE RADIALS AND SAVE GASOLINE It is a patriotic duty at this critical time to save gaso- line. Residents of the North Yonge Street district have an excellent opportunity to conserve fuel and still have modern and safe transportation to the city ‘of Toronto. More frequent use of the North Yonge Radials will not only cut down on gasoline consumption, but will mater- ially help in increasing the dividends of the publicly ownâ€" ed car line. The Commonwealth Air Training Plan has been in operation a little over fifteen months. No. 1 Initial Train- ing School, at Toronto, Canada, was opened April 29, 1940. A few months before that, Prime Minister King had an- nounced the plan in the House of Commons. Today flying fields dot the map of Canada, and wings, motors and men are being formed in patterns of victory. ï¬ecause they fly for freedom, the men of the Comâ€" monwealth Air Training Plan cannot be stopped. They have come from the four corners of the earth, from their homes on veldt, in valley and in apartment blocks. They have come from colleges, factories and farms, to step into the air, to turn oceans into mill ponds, to blot out time and space in their rendezvous with an enemy bent on the deâ€" struction of liberty. On the subject “The Functions of an Editorâ€, a gifted Canadian writer, familiar with Canadian Weekly News- papers, recently made the following observations: “Essentially the editor is a human being, writing and dealing with men, women and children. He may be young or old, lazy or energetic, bold or timid, superficial or deep, querulous or constructive, slovenly or business-like, graspâ€" ing or generous. He is certain to be human. He reacts to praise and criticism, to_good and evil in much the same Way as those who share community life with him. The editor, and this is true of 99 per cent of all weekly editors, recognizes the inherent decency of the countryside. He is still sufficiently old-fashioned to believe with his read»- ers that the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule have neither been repealed, improved upon or modified by mod- ern advances. As you read this week’s paper, the writer hopes to be in the historic city of Quebec attending the annual convention of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associa- tion. We will combine the opportunity of delightzful holi- day with the privilege of meeting with and talking to fellowâ€"publishers from all parts of Canada. In addition to the pleasure of going to these conventions we have found that meeting other editors and talking ShOp has been of great help in the conduct of our newspaper. Just as 1941 brought new methods in farming land and in every line of commercial enterprise, it has brought change and improvement in the newspaper publishing busi- ness. In this changing world there can be no such a thing as getting in a rut, so we are striving to keep abreast of the times and now we are on a hunting trip for new ideas. We are endeavouring at all times to give this fine section of York County the best newspaper possible, and we are going to take advantage of this opportunity to hear some of the finest speakers on newspaper problems. So we’ll be away from home for a few days enjoying a holiday with other progressive weekly publishers and at the same time studying how this paper can better serve its readers. And since we’re going to be a few hundred miles away when you read this we take the opportunity of in- dulging in a little discussion of the functions of an. editor. With all its trials and tribulations and worries we dearly love the work of serving a community with a home paper. It is interesting, never boring, and we derive a good deal of satisfaction if not great material gain from it. Al- though it never happened in the case of The Liberal, we know readers of some weekly papers sometimes complain that there isn’t much in them. Perhaps there would be more consideration in such criticism if the position of the editor could be better understood by the readers. Advertising Rates on Application Established 1878 ' AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0., LTD. Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Subscription $1.50 per year -â€" To the United States $2.00 J. Eachern Smith, Manager PAGE TWO THE FUNCTIONS OF AN EDITOR THEY FLY FOR FREEDOM THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1941. “THE LIBERAL†TELEPHONE 9 In conclusion, Mr. McTavish draws attention to another fuel waster. Don’t overfill the gasoline tank. The gas station attendant naturally wants to put all the gaso- line he possilbly can in- your tank, but quite often he willl spill some (for which: you pay) in trying to get that last quart in. And) remem- ber that gasoline expands with heat, and if you park your car in the sun with the tank full, that expanding gasoline has got to go somewhere and that will be out of the gas tank 3. Start to decelerate a swfficienit distance from your stopping- point to allow the momentum of the car to carry you along with a minimum use of gasoline. 4. Drive at moderate speeds. Re- memlber the best economy is obtain- ed at speeds 25 to 3'5 m.p.h. The faster you drive above this speed the greater the requirements of fuel and oil per mile. 5. Keep your engine tuned up for the besflc efficiency. Dirty spark plugs can waste one gallon of gas for every ten used. Tightly adjust- edJ valves not only cause burned valrves, but result in poor fuel econ- 8. Do not postpone a necessary engine overhaul. Worn rings drasâ€" tically reduce engine power, and’ re- sult in more oil and; gasoline being consumed. ' ' 10. Avoid pumping the accelerator up and down. This pumps a slug of gasoline out of the carburetor every time you make a downward motion. The following list of driving tips has been compiled by C. E. McTav- ish, Director of Parts and Service, General Motors Products of Canada Limited, after cowsultation with General Motors engineers and serâ€" vice experts. These hints are off- ered‘ by Mr. McTavish to the Can- ad’ian motoring public, with Mr. Mc- Taivish’s comment that a maximum of economy is built into the modern automobile but that there are cerâ€" tain things that the motorist him- self must do to eliminate avoidable waste of gasoline and oil. Here is Mr. M‘cTavish’s list: omy. Ignition points properly adâ€" justedl, and ignition properly timed, will give you the best performance and: greater fuel economy. 6. Keep your car well lubricated. Keep the tires inflated to the prop- er pressure. Make sure the park- ing Ibrake is in the completely re- leased position. In other words, let your car roll freely. ventt. 1. Acceleram gently. A fast get- away m:ay Ibe spectaculan, but it wastes gasoline. 2. Do not stay in second gear be- yond 210 m.|p.h. Roaring second gear speeds use large quantities of fuel. 9. Watch the choke, especially if it is manually operated. Don’t for- get to push it to the “off†position as quickly as possible after start- ing a cold‘ engine. Tips For Motorists 0n GasolineEconomy 7. Don’t let your engine id‘le more than- is necessary. Even an idling engine consumes gasoline. For the Canadian motorist who sincerely desires to save gasoline and oil in the operation of his car or truck, thus‘ co-operating in the Dominion Government fuel economy campaign, certain simple rules are campaign available. Automotive Experts offer hints to aid Government campaign THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO However, many municipal councils find it difficult to get help for this work at the proper time. This is particularly true this year. They quite realize their responsibility un- der the Weed Control Act, but are unable to obtain adequate labor. Sev- eral municipalities have made spe- cial appeals to ratepayers_ asking them to cut down roadside weeds in front of their property, so that no weed seeds will mature to blow over farm landis. “We have paid dearly for neglect of weeds on roadsides and on farms during ~Lhe last war,†said Mr. Mac- Leod, “and a similar situation must not be allowed to develop now. Loss to farm crops through weeds runs into millions of dollars every year. This enormous loss could be prevent- ed if everyone co-operated in a war of their own on weeds.†Cutting operations in the Mile- stone district were halted last week due to heavy rains. While early- sown grains are ready to cut, far- mers are unable to get on the land. If dry weather continues some will cut toward the end of this week. Tater-flown wheat will not be ready cut toward the end of this week. Later-sown wheat will not be ready to cut for at least another week. The‘ crop outlook is still good, al- though a few complain of slight damage by sawfly and cutworm. Re- cent rains have helped fill headed grains and should offset any dam- age from insects. Some farmers re- port having six-rowed wheat. Last year most of wheat was four-rowed. The wheat for the district should average about 20 bushels to the acre. Output should be a trifle high- er than last year’s crop, despite the reduction in wheat acreage, provid- ing fair weather prevails during harvestâ€"«Milestone ‘Mail, August 6, 1941. ' Substitutes for butter and rubber have been manufactured from coal by Germany’s chemists. In a recent week Britain spent $424,444,743, or just about $46,000 a minute. Rabbits multiply quickly; one pair can produce up to 200 rabbits in a year. Farmers who make special efforts to keep their land clean of weeds become discouraged when municipal and road authorities allow n0xious weeds to mature seed on roadsides adjoining their farms, states John D. MaeLeod, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. The Weed Contro‘; Act clearly states all weeds on roadsides must be de~ stroyed often enough to prevent the ripening of their seed. HARVEST STARTS IN THE WEST FACTS Making the modern bombing air- plane calls for three tons of alum- inum. Eire (Southern Ireland) has only twenty cargo ships, mostly of the small coasting type. John MacLeod suggests land owners aid mur’iicipalities where help is scarce â€"â€" Loss to crops through weeds totals millions of dollars every year. An expel dfraw and one second. Urge Roadside Weeds Be Cut expert American G-man can and fire his revolver in just 3=o=o=on 0:0] Dependable Cleaning Service How About a Smart Summer Suit You get results Phone 49 Buy War Savings Stamps Regularly An advertisement in The Liberal Will get what you have to sell or want to buy before the right people. Over 5000 people read The Liberal ev- ery week. Tell this vast audience about what you have to sell or want to buy. Telephone 9 RICHMOND TAILORS We have a choice iine of materials suitable for summer suits. Extra fine quality and moder- ately priced. Send your cleaning and pressing to us with the utmost confidence. Our years of satisfactory service are your guarantee. Just give us a phone call, and our driver will call at your home, or if you choose take advantage of our special cash and carry prices. York County’s Newsiest Newspaper and Best Advertising Medium Advertising in ‘The Liberal’ THE LIBERAL 24 Ycâ€"ng‘e St. 0:0 J. A. GREENE â€" with â€" THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1941. 0:0] 0:0 Richmond Hill Richmond Hill o=0==oa6 0:0] Richmond Hill