Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Aug 1941, p. 3

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$1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES 5c. VOL. LXIII. LEGAL Cook & Gibson Barristers. Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook. K. C. J. A. Gibson Ralph B. Gib-on, K. C. Mnto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate 8. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephones Office 229 Residence 148 A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER McKinnOn Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ontario Alexander MacGregor K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 814 Confede‘ation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. MO. 2866 T. C. Newman BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 Richmond Hill Toronto Office -- 18~'l'oronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Walter S. Jenkins Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Room 66. 18 Toronto St.. Toronto Phone Adelaide 5877 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 #:5- MUSICAL Adelmo M elecci From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils b Piano, Organ and Theory. . Richmond Hill~Tuesday and Friday MRS. MYLKS _ George W. Cross Piano Tuner Thirty Years Experience Formerly with Heintzman Company Leave Orders at Austin’s Drug Store Richmond Hill INSURANCE INSURANCE LIFE. FIRE, ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE .BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S A. G. Savage 01d Postfi‘Office Richmond Hill WWW! INSURANCE Policies issued through this ‘ office covering Farm Property â€"-Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. Claims Settled Promptly J. R. HERRINGTON General Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone 87 MO“OOOOOOO”O”OM RADIO SERVICE _ ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY Yerex’s Electrical 26 Yonge St. Phone 242 Harold W. Mortson 11 CENTRE ST. WEST Successor to CHARLES GRAHAM MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Beatty Farm Equipment Telephone Richmond Hill 93 WAY BACK IN RICHMOND HI LIBERAL FILES FORTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of August 22, 1901 Reeve Savage in compliance with a requisition of citizens, having pro- claimed Thursday, August 29, 3 Civic Holiday for the Village of Richm-0nd Hill, a grand excursion under the auspices of the Fire Brigade will be run on that day to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. The Public Library Board met in the council chamber on Monday ev- ening, August 19th. Members pre- sent: Messrs. P. G. Savage (chair- man), W. A. Sanderson, J. H. Bry- d-on, H. A. Nicholls and T. F. Mc- Mahon. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. A motion was passed that the Village council be requested to levy a tax on munici- pality of $80.00, to meet the running expenses of the Public Library for the year. Brydon~Savageâ€"That the Book Committee be authorized to expend $100 on books for the Pub- lic Library, and $60 on magazines, newspapers, etc. for the Reading room. Carried. The Board adjourn- ed after a request that citizens hand' the names, to the secretary or Book Committee, of any suitable books they wish to have placed in the Public Library, to be purchased if approved of by the committee. Mr. G. V. McLean, late Mathematic Master in the Markham High School has been appointed Principal of the High School at Harriston. THIRTY YEARS AGO From Our Issue of August 17, 1911 Mr. George Smith has purchased Mr. C. Mason’s two houses on Rich- mond Street, and intends moving into one of them soon. Mr. A.\J. Hume is acting as Lib- rarian at the Public Library in the absence of Mr. George Cowie who is taking a trip through the Canad- ian West. er. P. Bassingthwaite north of this Village has sold his property for a good figure. Private Wm. J. Clifford of the 10th Roy-a1 Grenadiers was accorded an enthusiastic welcome Monday ev- ening on his arrival from England where he won the King’s Prize and the Prince of Wales Prize, compet- ing against the best shots in the British Empire. At the CPR. sta- tion, North Toronto, he was met by Colonel Pellatt and other members of the Regiment, and escmted by a decorated carriage to a point where a procession was formed. The pro- cession was down Yonge Street and then to Queen’s Park. Bands played , bers. taken charge of | and a general good time followed. to _the winners, Richmond Hill were up against some of the fastest Fire Brigades in the Province it must be admitted our boys did remarkably well. They brought home $70, $40 being for hose reel race, $20 for hook and ladder race, and $10 for taking the band with them. In the first race they were only 2 and 1/15 seconds behind Paris who won first money, and in the hook and ladder their time was only 2 and 9/10 seconds more than Niagara Falls who" won first prize. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From our Issue of August 19, 1926 Among the many enjoyable little affairs arranged in honor of Mrs. Stewart Williams who is leaving for her home in Winnipeg on Thursday were a bridge party by Mrs. Mc- Donald and a verand‘ah tea at the home of Mrs. A. J. McLatchy with Mrs. McLatchy and MiSs Bertha Palmer as hostesses. Four tables of bridge were played on the verandah with its beautiful southern exposure and a rumber of ladies dropped in during the afternoon for a cup of tea. Miss Helen Williams delighted the guests with three piano num- Miss M. Denby of Toronto has the hairdreSSing parlor at the Davies' Dry Goods store. Miss Denby has had several years experience and comes highly recommended. Miss Lavina Mortley of Durham» Ontario has been appointed to the public school staff to fill the vac- ancy caused by‘ the resignation of Miss Martin. Mrs. Anne Anderson Perry has been attending the Canadian Auth- ors‘ Convention in Vancouver. A despatch to the Toronto Globe lists her name among the guests at a delightful garden party given by MI‘. and Mrs. R. P. Butchard of Victoria in honor of the Canadian Authors’ Association. Mr. Thomas Cousins of Maple has been threshing during the week and ‘ is well pleased with a yield of fiftyl bushels to the acre of his field of Golden Chaff wheat which won first prize in the field competition. A very successful doubles tourna- ment was held at the local green on Wednesday afternoon. Thirty-four rinks took part in the games in- cluding representatives from Stouff- ville, Newmarket, Unionville, North Toronto, Lawrence Park as well as several local entries. Three games were played by each rink and sevâ€" eral handsome prizes were awarded Mrs. J. A. Greene Mal/01‘ Geal‘y addressed the CTOWd and George Gee won the first prize across the ocean by one of their cit- izens. Mayor Geary pointed out that this was the first time on record that one man had carried off in the same season both the King’s Prize and the Prince of Wales’ Prize. He then made the presentation on beâ€" half of the city. It consisted of a handsome case of silver, standing about four feet high. A plate on the case bears the following inscription: Presented by the Mayor and Coun- cil of tne Corporation of Toronto to lWilliam J. Clifford, winner of the lKing’s prize and the Prince of Wales’ 'prize at-Bisley. Mr. Clifford mod- estly replied, returning his sincere thanks. A number of Richmond Hill boys went to the city Monday even- ing to join in the welcome to their former townsmen, Mr. W. J. Clif- ford. A special meeting of the Village Council was held in the Clerk’s Off- ice Tuesday eyening. In the ab- sence of the Reeve Mr. J. H. Sande erson presided. Other councillors present were J. Palmer, J. Tyndall and G. Sims. Mr. Pratt, president of the Ratepayers Association, ad- dressed the council relative to ex- penses in connection with the Old Boys Reunion in September. By re- solution the council agreed to pay $20.00 to the Treasurer of the Rate- payers Association to meet current and referred to the honour broughti I for three wins, beautiful silver gob- lets suitably engraved donated by Mr. W. Ward Price and an addition- al prize of fountain pens; second prize for three wins Miss I. Wiley and Wes. Wellman, cut glass vase and carving set; first prize for two wins, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stephens, silk umbrellas; first prize for one win, Mrs. J. E. Smith and F. Sims, cake plates; first prize for the highâ€" est score with no wins, Miss Hard- ing and George Glenn, silver egg cups and stand. Extensive preparations are being made for the annual international ‘plowing match which will be held this year at Niagara on the Lake on the site of Lundy's Lane battle field. ‘That this district will be well re- presented is evidenced by the num- ber of trophies presented by prom- inent men of this district as well as the interest which is being taken by local plowmen. Colonel Deacon. of Unionville has offered a hand- some silver cup for boys under eighteen years of age plowing in sod. ‘Mr. Bowman has also given a hand some silver trophy which will be. placed by the Association in one of the sod events. Mr. E. T. Stephens has very generously donated a fOI'ty dollar silver trophy to be awarded to the best team and equipment on the grounds at the match. Mrs. Stewart Williams 21 gave expensesy and to be “35110050319 for farewell bridge party of three tables any other legitimate expense in con- nection with the reunion. The Brampton Banner and TimES gives an interesting account of the 12th convention of the Provincial Volunteer Firemen’s Association held in Brampton last week. In the street parade there were 10 brass bands land 14 fire brigades. The town was 'appropriately decorated, and the whole performance went off without a hitch. prior to her departure for her home in Winnipeg. We are sorry to lose from our midst Miss Helen Williams, her gifted young daughter whose playing has delighted those fortunate enough to hear her during her three years in Richmond Hill. Music lovers in the Village will watch her career with interest. Liberal classified “ads” pay good Considering the fact that dividends, LL, ON'IARIU THURSDAY, AUGUST let, 1 941. “liberal. WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS V for Victory. I Motorists should keep in mind that the new regulations for the pur- Allied forces need gasolineâ€"save chase of gasoline are designed to cut as much as possible for them. Strict rationing of gas is very likely to come in Canada before very long. Britain is collecting weekly 150,- 000 tons of kitchen waste for pig and. poultry feed. “Run on Ladies‘ Stockings,” says a United States newspaper heading. There’s been “runs” on ladies’ stock- ings for a long time. To laugh is easy, so they say, So don't but be glum...instead be gay. And practise laughing every day For humour is a habit. Harvest operations throughout York County are pretty well com- pleted. In the main the grain crops in this district have been good. Crops were much easier to handle than last year. A boy had fallen into a river and the kind old lady stopped until he was safely on the bank. “How did you come to fall in?" she asked. “I didn’t come to fall in," he said, “I came to fish.” North York Township is consider- ing the change of building restric- tions. It was felt that more smallâ€" er-sized homes were needed in the North York area to house low-wage earners. Bicycle sales have increased away beyond normal expectations in To- ronto. The request of the Federal Government that gasoline be con- served, has been the cause of the increased demand. Education and military training will be linked together at the Uni- versity of Toronto when the fall term opens. Some of the students will be trained for the various posts and duties in the R.C.A.F. Dates for the agricultural societ- ics’ fairs and exhibitions for this year in this section of Ontario are: Al'liston, Sept. 18-18; Barrie, Sept. 15-17; Caledon, Sept. 19â€"20; Schom>- berg, Sept. 26-27; Beeton, Sept. 30- Oct. 1; Bolton, Oct. 3-4; Cooksville, Sept. 30-Oct. 1; Markham, Oct. 2-4; Woodbridge, Oct. 10-13; Beaver-ton, Sept. 19-20; Udora, Oct. 1. That four-yearâ€"old story about the Japanese and Chinese might be told now about the Russians and the Ger- mans. Remember it? A Chinese general wrote a letter to a friend about the Sine-Japanese war: J- “vao years ago 1,000,000 Chinese died, and 500,000 Japs are killed in this war. Last year 1,500,000 Chin- ese die and 1,,50E‘L0010 J'aps. This year maybe 2,000,000 Chinese die and 1,500,000 Japs. Pretty soon war overâ€"No more Japanese.” â€"â€" Sud- bury Star. Greater Ukraine, toward which Hitler has long looked with eager eyes, annually produces 600,000,000 tons of coal, 14,000,000 tons of iron .ore, 1,500,000 tons of petroleum, 6,- 000,000 tons of pig iron, 5,300,000 tons of steel, 1,100,000 tons of mang- anese orc. It is the world's largest producer of hydro-electric energy and fourth largest of sugar. It pro- duccs a surplus of flax, cotton, wheat, maize, potatoes, rye, barley, oats and sugar beets. It is the centre of the aluminum industry and other important Seviet war indus- tries. A dcnizcn of the hills of East Tennessee, who was appearing as a witness in a law suit, was being questiomd as to his educational qualifications by the plaintiff’s law- yer. “Can you write?" asked the law- yer. “Nope. “Can you read?" “Wa‘al, I kin read figgers pretty well. but I don’t. do so good with writin’.” “How is that?” “Va’al, take these here signs a- long the road when I want to go somers; I kin read how fur, but not whurto.” u down consumption by fifty per cent, not just to change gas buying hours. A “bareleg beauty bar” was open- ed in London last week for women who wish to save clothing coupons. For threepence a leg, they can have artificial stockings of rainproof sunâ€" tan lotion sprayed on. A certain editor in an obituary of a man who died in the commun- ity said: “A long procession follow- ed the remains to their last roast- ing place.” Of course the family rushed to the newspaper office to have the error corrected. The editor explained he could not do it until the back subscription the deceased owed had been paid. Prices of most farm products have been gradually increasing states the Current Review on Agricultural Con- ditions in Canada, and in June, 1941, were considerably above those of a year ago. Most rapid increases have been in animal produce prices, particularly cheese, butter, hogs, beef cattle and eggs. Several of these products alâ€" so receive price bonuses from either the Dominion or Provincial govern- ments, or from both. Grain prices generally have shown little change, the market beinlg dominated by the wheat situation. The shepherd's daughter was go- ing to marry a town~dweller. Wishing to make her father look smart at the ceremony, she got him to agree to wear a hat. The shepherd went into a store. Clerkâ€"“What size please?" Shepherdâ€"“I don’t know.” Clerkâ€"“We’ll try a six and a half first.” Shepherd â€" “Six and a half be hanged. I wear a 16 collar, and I know my head is bigger than. my neck.” Muskcka Herald: One interesting fact gleaned from the Patrolman’s| Conference in Bracebridge recently was that all these men, who patrol the roads of Muskoka under direc- tion of the Department of Highways are qualified to give first-aid in case of highway accidents. All of them have passed St. John Ambulance tests, and have taken the various re- fresher courses. The safety of the motorist as far as the road condi- tion itself is concerned is in their hands, and beyond that they are prepared to give extra service when, any of the travelling public get into trouble through accident. Credit is due to the men and their superiors who have brought into effect this feature of the Highways Depart- ment services. Teacher: You all know what a mirror is for. Now, Jackie, where do you look if you want to know that you're clean? Jackie: At the towel, miss. No. 8. MEDICAL Dr. R. A. Bigford Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 pm. and by appointment MAPLE Phone 3 Drs. Langstaf f 122 Yonge St. Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF Office Hours 10 â€" 12 am. DR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF, Office Hours 9 - 11 a.m.: 6 - 8 pm. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF. (Women and Children) . Office Hours 1 - 3 p.m. Appomtments made Phone 100 Dr. J. P. Wilson Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Office Hours â€"- 1 - 4 pm. daily 6 - 8 pm. daily except Wednesday Telephone 24 __V_ETERINARY Dr. S. W. Armitage M.D.V.V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Ontario Veterinary College and McKilly'rs Veterinary College, Chicago KING & MAPLE - Tel. King 2300 G. I. Roberts V.S., B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON MAPLE, ONT. Tel. Maple 82 Willowdale 418 DENTAL Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST PHONE 70 . YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Bank of Commerce Building Telephone 80 THORN I-IILl. BUSINESS Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"~15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVI‘LLE Ernest W. Hunter CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloo-r St. West, Toronto, Ont. Phones: Residence Hargrave 0795 Office Kingsdale 4812 RE-ROOFING We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar or Asphalt, & we invite your enquiries Estimates will be cheerfully given without obligation. ALTERATIONS and INSULATDIG C. Riddell Guaranteed Workmanship Phone 5W Thornhill T F OUR BOSS SURE LIKES TO FEED QUAKER LIVE‘ STOCK FEEDS ON FUL-O-PEP WE GROW BIGGER.LIVE LONGER AND LAY MORE BIG EGGS! ‘ J‘Kz‘wgm . 4L1 OOQMO 0000000.0wmeWOOOMOWOOOOONOWMMWO .I \I ') flfifi‘ll » “VJ/CIA /‘ ‘ ‘ I. D. Ramer & Son PHONE 10, THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL g HERE'S A BETTER QUAKER E‘IED FOR EVERY NEED... we LIKE 'EM,Too YEH! THE Boss {’7 lull-5 I LIKES QUAKER / AS we DO â€" . 3 THEY MAKE HIM _ ,', A NICE pROFlT! ;" ' A \ I/fl‘ u; ‘ l, - \) ~ . ‘ , . A «mind - 9W0

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