Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Aug 1941, p. 6

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WWWOMW This Newspaper and Your Choice ONE Other Publication at Price Listed. [1 Maclean's Magazine, 1 yr....'...i$2.00 [] Chatelaine, 1 yr . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 2.00. [] Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr.... 2.00 [1 National Home Monthly, 1 yr.. 2.00 [] McCall's. 1 yr . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 [] True Story, 1 yr . . . . . . 2.25 [1 Silver Screen, 1 yr.............. 2.25 [] Red Book. 1 yr . . . . . . . . . ......... 3.50 [] Parents' Magazine, 1 yr........... 3.00 [] Magazine Digest, 1 yr............ 3.50 [] American Boy. 1 yr.............. 2.50 ‘11 American Girl, 1 yr ...... 2.25 [] Child Life, 1 yr . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 8.25 [1 American Magazine, 1 yr......... 3.50 [] Screeniand, 1 yr . . . . . . . . . ........ 2.25 [] Christian Herald. 1 yr...‘........ 3.00 York Auto Parts These offers are good for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon today. 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12 PAGE SIX [J Maclean's Magazine, 1 yr. [] Chatelaine, 1 yr. [] Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. [] National Home Monthly. 1 yr. [] Canadian Horticulture and Home. 1 yr. GROUP "A" [1 Magazine Digest, 0 mos. [1 True Story. 1 yr. [1 Silver Screen, 1 yr. [1 Christian Herald, 6 mom [1 Fact Digest. 1 yr. [] Science and Discovery, 1 yr. [] McCall’s Magazine, 1 yr. [] Parents' Magazine, 6 mos. [1 Open Road for Boys. 1 yr. [] Home Arts (Needlecraft). 1 yr. [1 Screenland, 1 yr. WALTER BONE & SON Cars and Trucks Wanted For Late Models, Lien paid off If it’s for a car or truckâ€"We have it “ TONY SAVES YOU MONEY ” WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CQNSTRUCTION This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice Any Three of These Publications CHECK THREE MAGAZINESâ€"ENCLOSE WITH ORDER ALL FOUR [aclean's Magazine, 1 yr. [] Rod and Gun, 1 yr. InnoA‘ln'nn 1 u; -< A ,,,. _, .A an, . 7, Frost Steel & Wire Co. Products We Giadly Quote Prices Subscriptions This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice of ONE Magazine in Group A and TWO Magazines in Group B MARK AN “X” BEFORE THE MAGAZINES YOU DEsm L . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . luuu Journal, 1 2.00 Monthly, 1 yr..... 2.00 71' . . . . . . ........... 2.25 1 2.25 r . . . . . . . . . ......... 3.50 ne, 1 yr........... 3.00 t, 1 yr............ 3.50 1 2.50 1 yr ..... ......... 2.25 3.25 zine, 1 yr......... 3.50 71' . . . . . . . . . ........ 2.25 1. 1 yr...‘........ 3.00 Phone Maple 864 SUPER-VALUE OFFER ALL-FAMILY OFFER Taken at The Liberal [] Rod and Gun. 1 yr. [] American Frult Grower. 1 yr. [1 Canada Poultry Review, 1 yr. [1 American Girl, 8 mos. [] American Boy, 6 mos. Home, 1 yr. [1 Rod and Gun, 1 yr. [] American Fruit Grower, 1 yr. [1 Canada Poultry Review. 1 yr. [1 American Boy, 6 mos. [1 Algerican Girl, 8 mos. GROUP “B” [1 Maclean’s Magazine, 1 yr. [1 Chatelaine. 1 yr. [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. [1 National Home Monthly, 1 yr. [1 Canadian Horticulture and' Gentlemen: I onclosg . . . . . . . . . ......... I an checkinl below the offer desired with I year's lublcrlpdon w your paper. l I All-Family l l lunar-VIM l I Mull. mum Nam anuI. 3-3... uoou-uounoa-u- PTOVLDOC- .o-ouauuouooouo-u Please clip list of magazine: after checking on" desired. nu out coupon carefully md mail to your local paper. Zone 8-218 Remember reading about a dog in New York which was arrested and charged with murdering a boy by dragging him- under the water while he was swimming, the dog being sentenced to two yearsP imprison- ment? The dog has been released after serving just half of its sent- ence, on the grounds of good behav- iour. This Strange World Darwin, Australia seems to be al~ ways in trouble with its white ants! Telegraph lines-men investigating a breakdown found that ants had- eat- en their way through an inch of earthenware and a generous coating of arsenic and vaseline, pierced a lead cable a quarter .of an inch thick, eaten the insulation off the wires, and sIhort-circuited them. “I can stay awake any length of time simply by forcing myself to it.” “Oh, I see; the triumph of mind over mattress!” Coufessing that in 1901 he trav- elled without a ticket, 3 passenger has sent his fare to the secretary of the Ind-ism RaiIWay Board. The amount was two annas â€" abOut four cents. A turtle has returned to Danbury, Conn., after wandering for 33 years. In 1907, Ernest Taylor captured the turtle and carved the year on its shell, then released it. . Taylor's young daughter recently caught the same turtle. Taylor has now carv- ed] the present year on it and let it go again. He says he expects one of his grandchildren to catch it next! In Topeka, Kan., a lawyer sneezed. His new false teeth: popped out of his mouth andâ€"skidded across th". floor. Two stenographers took the plate for a mouse, jumpeds up on their chairs and screamed. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ALL FOUR ONLY .00 .50 Metals are in demand. If we can make use of the waste metals which are lying around, we can conserve our supply of raw material. Alum- inum is particularly valuable, so if vou have any old aluminum pots or pans. root ’em out. Scrap meta'ls of all kinds, except tin cans, can all go into the “pot”. From nuts and bolts to ancient iron stoves, they can all be used. Copper screens make gOOd scrap too. More valuable metals, such as old gold or silver are na- turally real treasure since their sale may bring quite a bit of money in for war work. Bottles of all kinds can. be used. Medicine bottles can be put right back to their original work; jam jars, wine bottles, etc. can be sold. Don’t rob yourselVes of your pre- serving jars, though, since you will want to preserve everything you can this summer. None of Canada’s crop can be wasted this year, and' we should make a special effort with our canning before sugar gets scarce. The question of saving has now become a national affair, andl the question of salvage most important. There is almost nothing which the housewife uses, or discard-s which cannot be turned into cash for the great emergency that faces us. Can- adians must learn to save in the way the people of England are sav- ing, and must do it willing and with a. glad! heart. Even in a land so rich as ours, nothing must now be wast- ed». Your local mayor, your local branch of the Salvation Army, your church organizations, Home and School organizations, the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides are all calling for the materials that are usually thrown out or are stored] in an attic “in case they come in handy". So let us look to our garbage cans, our cellars and our garrets and give everything we can spare to help the one cause that is nearest our hearts. The housewives can make this efâ€" fort for the home front now, and the Budgets-ers, who are expert sa'V- ers can lead! the effort. Old clothes (which must be clean. of course) can be handled] in so many ways. Many organizations are making them over in clever ways for use for the bombed! victims in Britain. Others are sorting out the special soft linens for bandages. The garments which cannot be saved in any way are baled and sold for rags, when they can bring in quite a sum. So don't think that any garment or even any rag bag is too small 01‘ too worn to use. Everything in the way of material can be made use of. Papers and magazines are anothr er thing which we must hang on to and donate to the Cause. Conserv- ing our pulp supply wil‘b enable us to export it and bring need‘ed' money into the country. Burn them or use them up slparingly. Even old furniture can be turned into cash by enterprising people. With a few repairs, furniture can be sold: for something anyway, and does more good in the home of a person who has little to buy with than in your cellar or attic. Even the small sum you might get for an old chair will help. Mattresses can be sold for their stuffing or their The most unexpected things are demanded. Metal coat hangers are being collected by Scout and Guide groups and' resold. Fruit baskets should ‘be carefully saved and don- ated. Your old bones will make ex- cellent fertilizer to grow a crop which this year must be more than average. ON HIS RIGHTS Coming home on his first leave, the young Scotfish sokfier was get thug a lecture fronm his father be- cause he hadn’t written home often enough. “You promised tae write every week, didna’ ye?” said the old man» sternly. “Yes, father.” “An’ even when I wrote tae ye, enclosing a stamp for a reply, ye didna’ write?” “No, father; I hadna" the time.” “Then,” snapped father, whit did ye diae wi’ the stamp?"’â€"â€"Answers. Answers to selected questions of general interest will appear in the column, or personally upon receipt of a .sel‘fâ€"addressed‘ envelope. springs A candiid‘ate in the course of a long speech, dramatically asked’ the audience: “My friends, do you ever stop to thinkâ€"” And a weary voice from the audi- ence interrupted: “My friend, do you ever think to stop?” The Budgeteer By Lois Moore The secvet of getting along with people, just getting along in a. nor- mal' everyday fashiom has been dis- cussed and hashed over for centurâ€" ies. Making friends, keeping friend‘s, making people like you â€" these are the aims of a good many sterling souls who struggle along, worrying anw stewinvg, wondering why so-and- so gets promoted and they don’t, why this one gets to parties, and no one thinks of them, why the other one has more dates than she knows what to do with, and “poor m-e” sits at home night after night. No one can make your friends for you, but maybe we can give you a few tips to help you along. ‘For instance, you wonder why you are left out of things. Maybe you leave yourself out. Maybe ‘you haven’t time to listen when Anne tells you about her new heart-throb. Perhaps you get bored when Jane 'asks your advice about her new job. Maybe there is some dirty-work to do in organizing, or phoning people or working in the kitchen when your club or sewing grOup is planning a “do”, and because you can't receive the guests at the front door, you are “too busy”. Maybe people aren’t interested in] people. Make it real. too. Don’t just be waiting till they finish to aap their stories with a better tale of your own. Be inter- ested, and you will be interesting. How about a little happiness there? Maybe you have troubles. but you don’t have to wear a con- stant sign on your face. No one likes an old" sourpus's around all‘ the time. If you stop talking and think- ing trouble, you’d' be surprised at how fast you stop worrying about trouble. Try this too. Don’t be a knockexudown-er. Mary might come in with a new hat that looks like nothing on earth, but after all, she bought it, she likes it and she is stuck with it. Tell her it is smart, cute, individual; tell her it does things for her and Mary will do almost anything for you. Praise instead of blaming. If you don’t like something, tell a person how well she looks in! something else, not how terrible she looks in that one thing. DON’T greet people with the remark that they are putting on a li-ttJle weight, or aven’t looking so well today. Don’t be cliquey. Don't just stick to a few people and' let the rest g0. You find good! friends in strange places, so you don't have to be snooty about whom you associate with. The people themselves, those lucky ones you choose as friends. may not be so enthusiastic as you are, and you might be left without anyone. Don’t know everything. If some one offers to help you, be grateful and show it. A little humility is good for the smartest of us, and even if you know you could do it better. it makes: people feel good‘ to ’help someone. Your job is to make people feel]! goodl, and they can’t help but like you. AUC’I‘IONEER REAL ESTATE Licensed Auctioneer County of York Farms and village property for sale and exchange I Richmond Hill Phone 92-R Be a greeter. Say a cheery “Good Morning” to the people who serVe you. T‘he Postman, the elevator boy, the girl who sells you stockings. Maybe your face will get set in a happy line, and people will say as you go by, “There is a girl I like.” Don’t know everything. If some one offers to help you, be grateful and show it. A little humility is good for the smartest of us, and Answers to selected questions of general interest will appear in the column or personally upon receipt of a self-adldressed' envelope. AUCTIONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctionerr for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIGEON & SON Licensed Wuctioneer for the counties ‘ r" York and Ontario Successo" for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.F F. and of the late J. H. Prentice. formerly (Prentice & Prentice) Farm and Fr‘rm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair 5 Milliken Phi AUCTIONEER INSURANCE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Insuranceâ€"Life. Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary; Guarantee Bonds. Accident Etc. KING cifi"?.0i"1>home KING 42w Personal Problems FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE C. E. Walkington AUCTIONEERS Clarke Prentice J. Carl Saigeon R. H. KANE By Anne Thompson r and reasonable rate‘s. Phone Agmcourt 52w3 Insurancp THURSDAY, AUGUST let, 1941. Service Station YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynch ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District ROBB DALE CARBERT (1569-2) The property of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 79r3 Maple. This horse is black and weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season from 6 pm. D.S.T. Terms to insure foal $1.90, service $10.00, payable on or before lst March 1942. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at own- er’s risk. MARATHON IS SEE YOUR LOCAL COMMITTEE 0 Marathon is causing plenty of excitement among enthusiastic motorists. It's a fully guaranteed Goodyear and it's a mileage maker that’s grand news for any tire buyer. Get top service from your new tires . . . add new low-cost Goodyear tubes. (At'St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 STOCK REGISTER 2518 YONGE STREET Purebred Percheron Stallion are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. The cost no more than ordinary books and always give (‘1' p... We are and will be pleas-ed to quote you on any style or quantit required. See Your Home Printer First YOUNG’S OUR LOWEST PRICED TIRE WITH THE POPULAR DIAMOND TREAD @éf @f/ Sales Books ORDERS TAKEN AT- THE LIBERAL OFFICE «Iv LéUJ. I.

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