Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1941, p. 5

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WMOMO”QO iMiik Th-e death of Mrs. Eli Hollinshead of Kinghorn on Friday, August 221 cam-e as a .shock to a host of friends and acquaintances. Having 1‘ecover-‘, ed fairly well from a recent illness her passing was more or less unex- Ipec‘ced although a condition of long standing was apt to prove fatal. Mrs. Hollins‘heald‘, in her 76th year, was ficrmerly Mary Elizabeth Ran-l som, and lrived all her life in King- horn. She attended Kinghorn school and after her marriage to her late husband, was deeply interested in 'his work and‘ in the family. While rMr. Hollimshead operated the gnist mill! for many years, she would rise eanly and spent long hours of lab- our in her home. Her industrious nature prevailed all through for only 'a few days ago she all but finished a beautiful hookedl rug. Mns. Holl- Mr. Lloydl Kersrwill is confined to bed! and will require several weeks’ Des-t. Miss Margaret K‘erswill will enter Business College next week. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin O‘Brien have returned from a three weeks' honeymoon trip to W'asaga Beach, Pl‘attsnvill-e and‘ other points. Their recent marriage is of much interest as both are well known in the localâ€" ity. The bride was the former Mns. Esther McCallum of King and Ml‘. O’Brien was born in Laskay vicinity, living for many years in Toronto. We trust their companion-ship will afford them much pleasure. Their friends join in wishing thvemuheal'th and happiness. Mr. Gtambrill who is giving excel- lent service in the mail‘ service of the locality will bring his bride to his home in King City. We con- gratulate them both and hope Mrs. Gambrill will find King a pleasamt pllac-e in which to live. For a motor trip to North Bay and other points in Northern Onl- tario the bride added} a blue wool coat to her ensemble. One hundred guests were present from Toronto, King", le‘oridge, Stouffville, Sutton, Bancroft, and Buffalo, N.Y. A reception was heldi at the Royal York HotelI following the ceremOny, Mrs. W. C'udlworth the bride’s d‘aughr- ter receiving with the bridal party and wearing a rose .s‘hneer gown, small black hat and black access- ories. She chose a corsage of gar- den‘ivas. GAMBRILL-BENTLEY A very' pretty wedding was sol- emn‘izecll at the church of St. Ed'- m{u‘z:d', thelMaityr, Toronto, at four o'clock Saturday afternoon, August 16th, when Mrs. Sarah Emily Bent- lvey became the bride of Frank Roub- EI't Gambrill of King. The altar was decorated with: choice blooms 0f salmon. pin-k double gladioli and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. S. Tippett, while Mr. Ever- ett Wiltshire of King sang “0, Love Divine”. Giwen: away' by her son- in-l'aw, Mr. William Reid‘ of TorOnto, the bride was becomineg attired! in an ensemble of navy blue and white silk dress andl navy blue triple sheer redingote; a small navy blue felt hat and matching accessories. She wore a corsage of Richmond) roses and! Bouvardia. The attendants were Mr. andl Mrs. Frederick Mac- Donald! of Toronto. As matron of honor MI'SL MacDonald wore light blue- with navy accessories and a conslage of pale pink res‘es. The ushers were 'Mr. Donald Cudlworth and Mr. Richard Chaplin, both of Toronto. The groom's gift to the bridle was a wrist watch. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Dependable Milk & Dairy Produce, MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplies Essential Elements. And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it from Is a Perfect Food for Fath- er, Mother and especially the Children. THURSDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1941. G. S. WIALWIN, Prop. Richmond Hill Dairy USE MORE MILK King City News Items DIED ' SANDERSON, Alice F. Boyntom â€" At her late r-esidezice, 25 Roseview Avenue, Richmond] Hm, on Tues- day, August 26th, 1941, Alice Fannrie Boynton, beloved wife of the late Charlie Sanderson, in her 74th year. Just here may we point out that the loyal workers of the local Red Cross Branch find that it is taking more and more of their time to meet the everâ€"growing demand‘ for supâ€" plies for the bomb victims of Brit- ain. It may not be generally known by the people of our the great work which is- being done by the Canadian Red‘ Cross Society for the homeless Britain. In a report issued by the National Headquarters of the Soci- ety it is notedI that during the month of September 1940, there were given for the relief of bOmb vic- tims of London over 22,000 articles of clothing, 1900 blankets and 19,- 300 quilts. S-ince organization King T0wnâ€" ship Branch has spent much time and money in making supplies! for people of Great‘ John Sanderson who on Tuesday, August 26th, celdbrated‘ her 94th birthday. Mrs. Sanderson was the recipient of .many beautiful flowers, gifts and congratulatory messages, and“ during the day1 received friends from Thornton, Torc‘nto, Hamilton, besides many local callers. ‘Mvasvter Hanry Hill who was a contestant in the public speaking contest at the C'.N.E. on Monday last was given 3rd] award in group B, losing by one point to Calvin Mofifat‘t of Woxeter who was award- ed 2nd place. R‘obert WePch of St. Catharines took lst place in the same group andi proved himself a worthy Ontario champion in the af- ternoon finals.- The competition was open to all public and separate schools in Ontario. Funeral was held! from the above address on Thursday, August 28, at 3 pm. (D“S.T.). Interment follow- edl in Victoria Square Cemetery. All Saints’ Anglican Church will be decorated with gladioli similar to last year by the Jarvis family this Sunday, August 315m. The service will“ 'be held at 11.30 am. D.S.T. September 10th is the date of the secondl edition of B.W.V. street dance, plus an auction sale of tre- mendous interest, to be held‘ at King City, sponsored by Lake Marie and King Athletic Association. All pro- ceeds for British War Victims" Fund’. $238.46 was turned in to the King Township Red» Cross Treasury as proceeds from Schomberg Big Town Night on August 20th. All the peo- ple who could‘ squeeze into the Town Hall for the Anny presentation of “Thumbs Up Review” saw a good show, had' plenty of fun at the auc- tion sale and danced the remainder of the night to Camp Borden dance band. The entire performance was very gratifying to the Schomberg Horticultural Society whose aim was to raise as much as possible for Civilian Relief in England through the local Red“ Cross branch. Since organization King T0wnl- ship Branch has spent much time ancl money in making supplies for the homeless victims of Britain. Aâ€" mong many other articles over 2'00 quilms have been made by this branch. It must lbe of great satis- faction to the women of our branch to realize that they have been able to die their part in providing the homeless with much needed comfort. Those in charge of the local work room located! at Schomberg' would! welcome any ladies who could help in this work. May we also adld that other surâ€" vivors are two stters, Mrs. John Culvl, Kin‘ghorn and Mrs. Ann Jame Wells of Aurora, one brother A1L fred‘ Ransom of Tottenham. Syim~ pathy is extended to the bereaved family. Church and Sunday School. Her support and devotion to her church was indeed an examlple of fidelity. While living a quiet busy home life her daily life was fill-edi with pur- pposve and goodwill, and her passing has indeed! caused“ a break in the entire life of Kinghorn. Mr. Holl- insvhiead p-aSSed away anout seven years ago. The strength of char- acter they both gave to the little hamlet of Kinig'h'orn should prove an enduring force and inspiration to (the rest of us. The funeral service held from All Saints" Church, on Sunday was largely attended, Rev. E. W. G. Wor- ra‘ll officiating. The floral tributes were mamy and the bearers were Messrs. George Hately, Crawford Wells, W. J. Badger, Wilb'ert Burns, Victor Cull and Clifford Douglas. A wide family connection was present including Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ransom, Mrs. V. Breed‘in of W‘est King; Mr. Sam Fraser and two children Evelyn and Leslie of Ottâ€" awa; Lyle and Aubrey McNertney of Newm‘arket; Harold! F‘enn of To- ronto; Donald and Iona Ransom, Merchant of St. Catharin-es; Mr. and Mrs. M. S-hrank of Newmarket; Several of the Williamson family of Aurora; Rev. T. L. and Mrs. Will- iams of lebri-dgie and' many others. 2 Surviving are four sons, Ernue'st, :AIlbert, Harold and Roy; sixteen grandchildren and fourteen great grandchildren. inshIead was kind, considerate and faithful in all things. For many years, during the teaching days of \W‘alter Rolling at 8.8. No. 23, she administered aid to bruised and‘ sick scholars who found a ready couch ‘to rest upon in her borne. In her girlhood days she would 'walk 1% miles three times on a Sunday to Alll Saints Anglican Heartiest congratulations from a licst of friends are extended to Mrs. John Sanderson who on Tuesday, August 26th, celebrated her 94th birthday. Mrs. Sanderson was the recipient of many beautiful flowers, gifts and congratulatory messages, and during the day1 received friends from Thornton, Torqnto, Hamilton, besides many local cal‘lerrs. WADE, Hanrna, Westlake â€" At the home or her daughter Mrs. Forbear, 31 Claxton' Blvd», Toronto, on Thursday, August 28th, 1941, Hanna Welsrtlake, beloved) wife of the late Phillip Wade and! mother of Mm. William Groomridge, Eldon T. Wade, Mrs. W. C. Monkmanr, and! MN. T. E. Forbear, and' sister of Mrs. T. Hancock. The funeral will be held from her late residence at Maple on Satur- day, August 30th at 2.30 p.m. D.S.T. Initerment at King Cemetery. Miss Sadrie Windbas, Wood'bridge, was a prize Winner in 'the apple pie contest at the C.N.E. Wednesday. RICHMOND HILL GOLF CHAMP- IONSHIP TO BE DECIDED THIS WEEK-END Keem interest centres round the Richmond Hill open: golf tournaâ€" ment which is scheduled for next Sunday morning. It is expecte<l that about twenty will tee off in this historic contest and) there is a marked diversity of opinion among experts who have scanned the field of entries in\ the ‘hope of picking the champion. Entries will be taken ’by- C. B. Maiblley any time before noon on Saturday. The entry fee is 500. ~ (Members of the staff of the Can- adians Bank of Commerce were guests: of Manager F. H00ver last Sunday at his summer cottage on Sturgeon Lake. Extensive prepar- ations made for transporting fish were quite unnecessary. Little Miss Eunice Abernathy Off. T.0ttuenham is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and‘ Mrs James Orr, Richmond‘ Street. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Robinson and family of Thornhill were Sun'day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson, Jefferson. Mfrs. W. R. Casement, Robert, Cliffordl and Phyllis. Casement of Richmond Hill and Miss Margaret Lee of Toronto returned Saturday after spending a week with friends in Ottawa. _ Mm and Mrs. Morley Hall of Or- illia are on holidays: and renewed acquaintances in the village this week. Mr. Rand Ph‘inney left Wednesday for Regina to report for duty with the R.C.M.P. Miss Katlhleen O’Doherty is: spendâ€" ing two weeks in the Lau-rentian Pl‘ateau. ‘Craigie’sL Stone is‘ the answer to your problem of outfitting your boy to go back to stelhool‘ next week. MT. and! Mrs. William Tyndall spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Rvalph‘ Tyndall and family of To- rcn‘to, at Pointe-Au-Baril, Parry Soumfl District. Mrs. L. W. Zuetfel't, Master Billy Zuefelt and Miss Jean Web’b spent last week at Wasaga., Beach. fiPte. Georg-e Paterson pany, Veteran‘s Guard, spent a few days at his Mr. Wes. Wel‘lman of Peterboro renewed acquaintances; in Richmond Hrill The local Red! Cross will sponsor the drive for Aluminum in this com- munity next week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard! Jackman and! son “Lyn” left Monday for a two week vacation at Lake Scugog. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolan and .M r. E. Shier}: are holidaying at T ob ermory tlhi 5 week. Social and Personal this week GOOD PIE MAKER DIED THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO of C Com- Espanola, home here. Pretty thirteenhyear-old‘ Slhirley Paris, of Richmond! Hill, w0uld- get on with the war effort a hundred per cent. She would have a great army and navy and air force in Canada; would have all war-'indusâ€" tries working together, doing away with all .strikes. She would have the women take charge of the sal- vage and she would} have women doing a lot of home canning to let oomtnerc‘ially canned products g0 overseas. Shirley wants home plan- ning now so that when men return there will be no slums, but modern homes. With 3; “Serve, save and sacrifice for victory,” the young Speakea- closed her address: “Three young speakers took the centre stage at the Women’s Com- mi’ttee luncheon yesterday and had somethingwto say on the subject, “What Would I Do If I Were Runn- ing Canada.” Two girls and a boy were the speakers. The Richmond Hill Red Cross Branch is anxious to co-operate in this effort and; will make a special appeal to everyone in the Richmond Hill RedI Cross area to have ready every available poundl of worn out, broken or other waste aluminum for Sept. 5 and 6. Watch the Liberal for further detail-s as to collection. RICHMOND HILL RED CROSS RECEIVES FOUR PRIZES AT THE C.N.E. First prize for boys’ flannelett-e pyjamas made by Mrs. Alex Cruick- shank; second prize for boys’ trous- ea‘s, age 6 years, made by Mrs. Henbert Cook; second: prize for girl’s woollen sikirt, age 12 years, madie by Mrs. Heleert Coo‘k; second prize for rboy’s shirt, age 6 yeans, made by Mrs. Jennie Burns. Shirley Paris and Phillip Mihorean represented Richmond Hill Public School at the Young Canada Lunch- eon which was a C.N.E. feature on Monday, Children's Day. Some three hundred boys and girls representing city and country schools were guests of the Exhibition. 0f the hundreds of guests two girls‘ and a boy were selected to speak to the luncheon on the subject “What I would do if I were running Canada,” and that honor fell to Shirley Paris of Rich- mlondi Hill, Donald Maynard of Un- i-onrville, and Hazel Burtch of To- ronto. The Evening Telegram re- ported the luncheon as follows: Hazel: Burbch, a Girl Guide from Hamilton, hadl outlined. her prOgram Lfior running Canada. Strikes would be albs‘olmely out; she would' cult!- vate more land and raise more live- stock, and she would provide spe- cial: education for childq'env of men in active service in case they would have to support themselves if their fathers returned una‘ble to do so.” At the request of National'War Services at Ottawa the Red Cross Society has placed; its organization at the disposal of the Government and will be responsible through. its bramihes for collection of aluminum scrap which is urgently needed now., .Three of these articles were made from the material used in: the Rich- mond! Hill Red! Cross room and the congratulations of the entire organ- ization is extended to the ladies whose workmanship was of such. high order to merit this recognition particularly this year When- the entry list was the largest in the history of the ONE. .work 071 the .St. Lawrence water- Ways un‘t'illt acftea- the war, and‘ he criticized- flhe method! of scatter-ed manufacturing of parts of war ma- terials, saying it was a. waste of thanslportat‘i‘on, 'time and Iabgr bringing them together for assemlbl- img. He thought there should' be definite gasolime rationing and no one should drive oven- for'ty miles an hour. Young Canada Guests at C.N.E. Donald Maynuand‘, Unionvme: said that every Canadian boy has a sec- ret ambition to {be leader of the country amd‘ that the duty of boys was to gnaw into the kind‘ of lead- ers Canada wouldl need! thirty or forty years from now. He prefaced his remarks by admitting that youth onlyha-di ideas and not exâ€" petrience. Donald» would) like an adjustment of soldiers’ pay to meet tlhat of the industrial workers’ pay; he would cut down governmental expenses; he would put the educational sys- tem under the federal ratther than 'the provincial government; hold off O‘N LY RED CROSS NOTES Shiriey Paris of Richmcmd Hill One of the Speakers collection» is {for aluminum UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the Richâ€" month Hill United] Church W.MJS. will be held’ in the Sunday School September 4th at 3 p.m. The new study book, “Serving With the Sons of Shuh,” a study of West China will be introduced and the first chapter reviewed. A cor- d-ial invitation is extended] to all ladies of the congregation to be present. “Come and bring a friend‘.” MWMNW “WWW “WOWMO 09”” “00990606009090.” Davies Dry Goods Store See our window display of new fall wools Star G10 Novelty Yarns . . . . . 39c. skein Silver Glow Silk Twist . . . . 20c. oz. ball Baby W001, 3 ply Botany . . 20c. oz. ball Iris 3 ply Andalusian . . . . . . 20c. oz. ball Peacock 4 ply Fingering . . . 20c. oz. ball Dunkirk 4 ply Fingering, 69c. 4 oz. ball gm MISS E. ORME YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL FRIDAY & SATURDAY,, AUGUST 29, 30 JEAN ARTHUR, \V'M. HOLDEN, \VARREN \VILLIAM “ ARIZONA ” Phone 10, The Elevator I. D. Ramer & Son ROLBRIK comes in two colour but! or red, with deepl embosse glepign of bricks in b ack mortar joini's. Ask about how little it would cost to improve the a penance and comfort of your uildings with ROLBRIK. MONDAY & TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 2 RAY MILLAND, WM. HOLDEN. VERONICA LAKE in “ THERE’S MAGIC IN MUSIC ” SHOWS START AT 7.30 P..\[. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. COOLED TO YOUR COMFORT ‘ . . . LOOKS LIKE BRICK ~ . . PROVIDES ALL-WEATHER PROTECTION . . . AT ROLL ROOFING PRICES “ HERE COMES HAPPINESS ” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 4 ALLAN JONES, SUSANNA FOSTER in _ _ â€" ALSO â€" â€" â€" MILDRED COLES, EDWARD NORRIS in TODAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 FREDERIC MARCH, BETTY FIELD in “ \IIIVI‘DDV ” “ I WANTED WINGS ” â€" ALSO LLOYD NOLAN. LYNN BARI in “ PIER 13 ” VICTORY ” MCDONALD, Sarah Thompsonâ€"0m Monday, August 25,~1941, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. Stone, 171 Carlton Street, Toronto, ‘Sarahl Thompson, widow of the late- Mu‘rd‘och McDonald, in: her 84th year. The funeral was held from the home of her son, Mr. Norman Mcâ€" Donald, of Thornxhil‘l, Wednesday, August 27 at 2 p.-m. Interment fol- lowedl in Thornhill Cemetery. Buy War Savings Stamps ROLBRIK is a new weatheré Proof, fire-resisting asphalt abric in roll form. It can be applied to your buildin to give a smart brick-1i e appearance at a very low cost. Richmond Hill PAGE FIVE DIED PHONE 119

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