Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1941, p. 6

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46 Classes below are all judged 37. ~(-38. 89. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. . tainer On arrangement, quality and variety. Collection of nerennials. named. in a basket. prizes donated by Endean Nurseries. First valued at $2.50; 2nd $1.50. Gladioli. 12 named‘ (at least 3 varieties). lst prize $1.25; 2ndl 15c. Asters. vase of 12 blooms. 1st prize $1.25; 2nd 75c. Zinnias, basket of Small Flowered colors). 1st prize $1.25: 2nd 750. Zin‘nias, 10 giants. any colour in bowl or has»â€" ket. ’Jst prize 8.1.25: 2nd 7I5c. Bouquet of White FloWers in a white con- (may use (foliage). ‘lst prize $1.25; 2nd 75c. Bouquet of flowers of 2 colours only. with foliage. arranged: in a container that will be judged, as part of the exhibit, the whole to be not more than 18” high. 151: prize. 2nd and 3rd. flower vases. donated by R. D. Little. Table decoration, 6 to 1‘0 roses with green for informal dinner or supper table. 1st prize silver plated rose bowl donated bv Robt. Simp- son C0,: 2nd $1.25: 3rd 75c.; 4th 50c. Table decoration, other than roses for infor- mal dinner or supper table (not more than 12 in. high). 1st prize $2.00: 2nd $1.25: 3rd (mixed 36. Prize List Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Fall Show Saturday, September 6th. 32. 33. 34. 29. 30. 81. 25. 273 23 21 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 11. 12. 13. The Hall will be open to exhibitors at 9 am. and all exhibits mus-t be in position not later than 11.30 am. No exhibit may be removed before 9.30 p.m. Doors open to the public at 7.30 pm. 5°.°°.“‘.°°P‘ :55” 5° 2" Asters, singleâ€"6 blooms, alike, or different, long stems Asters, (ioubleâ€"G Iblooms, alike or different, long stems Sweet Peas, collectionâ€"12 sprays. long stems Dahliasâ€"G 'blooms, alike or different, long stems Petunias, singleâ€"12 blooms with foliage Petunias, doubleâ€"12 blooms with foliage Stocksâ€"6 spikes, alike or different, long stem Mignonetteâ€"G spikes, long stems Venbenasâ€"12 trusses with foliage on stems Snapdragonsâ€"6 spikes. Nasturtiumsâ€"15 blooms with foliage Helleniumâ€"f’; stalks Phlox, annualâ€"6 trusses with, foliage, long stems Gladioliâ€"6 spikes, alike or different Larkspur, annualâ€"6 spikes. alike or different Salpiglossisâ€"â€"3 sprays, long stems Marigolds, Frenchâ€"6 stalks Staged in the Richmond Hill Arena Positively no exhibits will be received after 11.30 WOWM”OQ“MO OMOWOW 75c.: 4th 50¢. Basket of flowers for Iivine‘ room table. 154: nrizp $1.60; 2nd $1.25; 3rdl 750.: 4th 50c. Bowl 01- vas'e of flowers for living- room table. 151: prize $1.50; 2nd! $1.25; 3rdl 75c.; 4th 50c. York Auto Parts Marigolds, Scotch (Calendula)â€"6 blOOms, long stems ‘Marigolds, Africanâ€"4 blooms, long stems Gaillardiaâ€"Annual’. 12 blooms Gaillardiaâ€"«Perennial, 12 blooms Zinnias, largeâ€"6 blooms with foliage, long stems Zinnias, smallâ€"12 blooms with foliage Zinmia, Scarbiosa or Fantasy or both â€" 12 blooms with foliage Scabiosaâ€"IZ 'blooms with foliage Celosia or Coxcom'bâ€"‘3 srpikes LiatriSâ€"3 stalks, l‘ong stems Caliopsis»â€"4 sprays Blackeyed Susanâ€"4 staka vHeli0psisâ€"4 stalks Helichrysum (straw flower)â€"1-0 assorted var rieties, l-ong stems Clarkiaâ€"-6 Sprays, l‘on'g stems Staticeâ€"3 srp'rays, alike or different Heuchera or Coral‘ Bellsâ€"3 sprays Phlox--â€"4 stal’ks', an‘v variety Delphiniumsâ€"4 spikes, any variety 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12 PAGE SIX WALTER BONE & SON Cars and Trucks Wanted For Late Models, Lien paid off If it’s for a car or truckâ€"We have it “ TONY SAVES YOU MONEY ” 2385 Dufferin Street, Toronto, KEnwood 6805, or Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION FAIRBANK F EEDS FAIRBANK PIG STARTER and HOG CONCENTRATE If yOu don’t care it doesn’t matter. If you want the best use Frost Steel & Wire 00. Products We madly Quote Prices FALL FLOWER SHOW FAIRBANK FEED CO. SPECIALS Phone Maple 864 Zone 8-218 16. SPECIALS (Open to any pupil of Public School) (11 and 12 must be from seeds obtained at school) 10. Gardenâ€"Not smaller than 75 square feet. In form round, oval or oblong, planted with flow- ers and vegetables. lst prize $1.00; 2nd 75c.; 3rd 60c.; 4th 50's.; 5th 40o; 6th 25c. Donated by Drs. R. L. and L. C. Langstaff. 11. Collection of 4 Annuals (grown by exhibitor) in separate containers each named. lst prize 75c.; 2nd 6'0c.; 3rd 40c.; 4th 25c. 12. Collection of Vegetables, (grown by exhibitor) (3Hof each); lst_ prize7775c.; 72nd 60c.; 3rd 13 All work must he done by exhibitor except plough- ing and spading in gardens. Exhibits in general list must be grown from seeds given at school. Prizes: 1st 350., 2nd 30c” 3rd 20c., 4th 150. Two Tomatoes Three Carrots Three Beets Twelve Wax Beans Three Ears of Corn (Golden Bantam) Six Scabiosa Six Zinnias, large Six Spikes Larkspur Six Salpiglossis. 99°99?P9°5°3‘ 52. 53. Mills Ltd. ‘ An arrangement of fruit or vegetables or both in a wooden container, any shape, surface measurement not more than 2 sq. ft. lst prize, value $1.00; 2nd 75c.; 3rd 50c. An original unique or novel display of flow- ers in a small container arranged and exhib4 ited by a man, lst prize 500.; 2nd 25c. Display of cut flowers from amateur garden covering at least 6 ft. in length of tahle. lst prize $5.00; 2nd $3.00; 3rd $2.00. Exhibitor winning the highest number of points in flower section. Prize, Flower Bowl, sterling silver deposit on crystal, value $7.50, donated by T. Eaton Co. Ltd. Other contributors in cash to the prize list: Bedrford Park Floral Co., Mr. J. E. Smith, Mr. W. A. Wright, Mr. J. A. Greene, Mr. W. W. A. Trench, Mr. T. H. Trench, Dr. J. P. Wilson, Misses L. and I. Anderson, 40c.; 4th 25c. Donated by C. R. James. Bouquet made from flowers grown by exhib- itor artistically arranged in vase or jar. The arrangement to be made on the morning of the show ‘before the committee. lst prize 75c.; 2nd 60c.; 3rd 40o; 4th 25c. Donated‘ by Mrs. T. H. Anderson and Mrs. Wm. Cock. Bird. House or Garden Ornaments (made by exhibitor). lst prize 7-5c.; 2nd 600.; 3rd 4‘0c.; 4th 25c. Donated by J. A. Bales. Any type of garden in miniature approxi- mately 15” by 18” in size, may be oblong, oval, round, square or polygon in shape. lst prize 750.; 2nd 60c.; 3rd 40c.; 4th 250. Don- ated by Jas. Ellis. Flower naming contest. lst prize T5c.; 2nd 50c.; 3rd 250. Bird Bath (made by exhibitor), size 2’ 6” in height, by 15'” across. Prizes, lst for boy and lst for girl, donated by Mr. and Miss Moyle. Vas-e of flowers for sick room table. lst prize $1.50; 2nd $1.25; 3rd 75c.; 4th 50¢; d‘on- ated by Mrs. Wm. Cook. Collection of annuals from seeds arranged in a container (not fewer than 8 varieties) cut flowers, named. lst prize $1.50; 2nd donated by Endean Nurseries valued $1.00. Individual blooms (in suitable container that will contribute to the value of the exhibit) (a) Rose, (1)) Aster, (c) Giant Zinnia, (d) Gladiolus, (e) Dahlia, cactus, (f) Dahlia, de- corative, (g) Snapdragon, (vh) Delphinium, (i) Monkshood. (Exhibitor may enter any or all of individual blooms). lst prize 3 Rose Trees; 2nd 2 Rose Trees, donated by H. J. “(-11 JUVENILE GENERAL LIST Leafy Spurge produces a great quantity of seed and’ therefore should] never be allowed to go to seed. The extensive root system stores enormous quantities of food and this makes it difficult to de- stroy either by cultivation or chem- icals. Do not cultivate through small patches for fear of spreading pieces of the underground! root- 5130ka over the rest of the field. Small patches should; be heavily sprayed with weed1 killer, while large infested areas should‘ be taken out of crop production at once and given a bare, black summer fallow for at least two years. This should be followedI by a smother crop or by grain .heavil‘y seedyedi to clover. Weed of the Week Leafy Spurge is undoubtedly the hardlest of all weeds to control, states John. D. MacLeod, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. This is because the root system goes deep into the soilâ€"sometimes ten feet. In addition to the deep, vertical roots, there are numerous later root- stocks with budls from which new plants may grow. Patches of this weed are now found im practically every county in Ontario. It is con- sidered so dangerous to Canadian Agriculture that no seed of any kind may be sold! f0r seeding purposes that contains even a ,single seed! of Leafy Spurge. In Ontario, Leafy Spurge grows so vigonously that it soon crowds out all other vegetation. The stems are from one to three feet high. The leaves are long, narrow, and smooth to the touch, bluishugreen in color and turning meddlish in. the fall. The flowers are greenish yellow in flat-topped clusn ters with a ring of leafâ€"like bracts at the base of each cluster. The {Feds are borne in threeâ€"lobed fruits or capsules. They are smooth, light_ gray in color with brownish spots. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO LE AFY SPURGE Guaranteed Workmanship Phone 5W Thvo‘ “Left the bottle on the kitchen table and‘ my wife thinking it was a new kind of furniture polish sitartedi to use it," he said. “How much do you charge to shave a sideboard.” The customer bought a bottle. A week later he return-ed to the shop. “Well,” asked! the barb-er, “how did you find the new hair restor- or?” e 1‘ We specialize in reâ€"roofing, Cedar or Asphalt, & we invite your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given without obligation. A man entered a. banb-er’s shop for a haircut. The barber m-entioned‘ that his client‘s hair was getting thin on top. “Why not try a little of my wonderful hiair restorer?” he urged. “It’s only a shilling.” 9 onions 1% pints cider vinegar 3 pounds brown sugar 3/4 pound seeded raisins 1 ounce ginger 2 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon: cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon Chop the vegetables and" fruits. adtd spice-s, sugar and‘ vinegar, and boil for one hour. Yield 10 pints. Referring to foods, the sunâ€"rip- ened- tomato grown in this country is a general favourite among Can- adians. Its greater popularity dur- ing the past few years, evidenced by the large increase in consump- tion of tomato products, is due in part: to an awakened appreciation of the food‘ value of the tomato, as wzl‘l as to the fact that its uses have become more varied. The tomato season is now at its height, and while the hot Weather continues tomatoes will be served for the most part in salads, and a Little later hot tomato dishes will grace the supper table. ALTERATIONS and INSULATING The spicy aroma of tomato relish from the kitchen is one of the first signs of early fall, and with the many recipes available housewives will [be busy putting away. the garâ€" den vegetables in the form of pickles and relishes for winter use. Here are some of the favourite tomato recipes of the Consumer Section, Marketing Service, Domin~ ion Department of Agriculture. Oven Canned Tomatoes Select firm tomatoes of medium: or small size. Wash. Using- Wire basket or cheesecloth bag, immerse in boiling water 1 to 3 minutes or umtil skins» will slip off easily. Plunge at once into coldl water. Pack carefully in hot sterilized jars. Add 1 teaspoon salt for each quart jar. Fill jars with boiling water or boil- ing strained tomato juice to within 1/2 inch of top. Run sterilized knife down side of jar several times to allow air bubbles to escape. Place new sterilized’ rubber in position and screw top on tightly, thenr 100s- eru Lack one-half turn. Put on rack in oven having jars about 1% inches apart. Process at 275 degrees F. for 35 minutes for pint jars and 4-5 minutes for quart jars. When cool enough to handle remov‘e from oven and complete seal. Invert jars. Tomato Cocktail 18 ripe tomatoes 1 cup chopped} cel’ery 1/2 cup chopped! onions 3 sweet green peppers 1 sweet red pepper 2 tablespoons salt 2 tablespoons vinegar 1/4 cup sugar Wash and cut tomatoes, but do not .peel. Chop the peppers finely. Mix tOmatoes, celery, onions, pep- pers and salt together. Boil for one- half hour. Strain through a coarse sieve. Add the vinegar and' sugar. Boil 3 minutes. Seal in- sterilized jars Brloiled Tonvltnlrs with Frqnch Dnessring 6 firm mediumrslized ripe tomatoes 1/2 cup French dressing 2 tablespoons cracker crumbs 2 tablespoons melted‘ butter Cut a. thin: slice from the top of each tomato. Theni hollow them. out slightly. Place 1 teaspoon-ful French dressing in the hollow of each to- mato. Combine cracker crumbs and melted' butter andl spninkle a little on each tomato. Arrange on a bak- invg pan andl broil about 10 minutes, or until the tomatoes are tender. They may be baked at 375 degrees F. for 20 minutes if desired. Chutney 1% dozen tomatoes 11/2 dozen apples 2 red peppers Tested Recipes THE LUSCIOUS TOMATO RE-ROOFING C. Riddell Thvornhill I “We fully appreciate that many :farm homes are extra busy this year because of lack of help and we knew lthat many women who had; a great deal of free time a year ago are ‘now devoting many hours to war 'wovk; yet we do feel that there are 'a great many homes in the country, 'at summer resorts, or in the subâ€" ‘urbs of Toronto where one or two ichild’ren would be welcome for two [weeksY vacation if the womenfolk only knew how urgent the need is” ‘Miss Colllver stated. More Homes Needed By Neighborhaud Workers Licensed A~uctioneer for the counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A..Q F. and of the late J. H. Prentxce, formerly (Prentice & Prentice) Farm and F'n'm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair and reasonable rates. Milliken Phone Agincourt 52w3. Three hundred less invitations than this time last summer and five hundred children yet on the wait- ing-list! These facts are causing grave concern to the Country Homes Department of the Neighborhood Workers Association in Toronto. Ac- cording to Miss Mildred; Collver, director of the scheme whereby needy city children are sent for free vacations to the homes of country folk, only 6412 children have been sent away to date as against 921 a year ago. Unfortunately the need for holidays for many children is greater than ever this year, espeâ€" cially in srold-iers’ homes where the father is overseas and the mother is tired and‘ worried from the strain of having to carry on alone. Send- ing the children to the country means a holiday for them and a rest for her and eases thevtension all round, Miss Collver points out. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Insuranceâ€"Life. Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Guarantee Bonds. Accident Etc. KING CITY no, Phone KING 421-3 SEE YOUR LOCAL COMMITTEE AUCTIONEER. MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest not’ce and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIGEON & SON AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE LiCensed Auctioneer County of York Farms and village property for sale and exchange Richmond Hill Phone 92-R C. E. Walkington AUCTIONEER INSURANCE An especially urgent need at pre- sent is vacation spots for boys be- ‘tween the ages of six and‘ thirteen. There are scores of lads who would have a much better chance of a healthy winter if they could get tWO weeks in the country before going back to school. The majority of the five hundlred. children on the wait- ing list have not been away all sum- mer from the hot streets on which they live. All of the children come from homels where holi‘days under any other scheme are impossible for financial or other reasons, Miss Collver points out. Hostess'es, she pointed out, are asked! to provide sleeping quarters for the children, plenty of good wholesome food‘, and! as much oppor- tunity as possible for play in the open air. The Neighborhood Work- ers Association arranges transpor- tation and has the children medi- call'y examined before they leave the city. Wherever possible the Neigh- borhoodl Workers Association prefers to send two children to the same home and they do not send‘ children a greater distance than 150 miles from Toronto. With vacation time fast drawing to a close, invitations must come in thick andl fast, otherwise a great number of little children are due for a bitter disappointment. They- have been waiting all summer for “a kind lady in the country” to invite them to her home. Invitations should be addressed to the Country Homes Department, Neighborhood Workem Association, '22 Welles-ley Street, Toronto. They should‘ enclose a brief note from the ’loc‘al‘ clergyman, and shOuld state clearly whether boys or girls are preferred, how mamr children can be accommodated and what age. Complete details should‘ also be given as to when and where the children will be met. The Neigh- borhoodw Workens Association makes all arrangements for the trip. Write now before it is too late. FIRE â€"â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE AUCTIONEERS Clarke Prentice J. Carl Saigeon R. H. KANE Insurance THURSDAY. AUGUST 28th, 1941. Service Station ROBB DALE CARBERT (15692) The property of William Gl-ass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 791-3 Maple. This horse is black and weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season from 6 pm. D.S.T. Terms to insure foal $1.00, service $10.00, payable on or before 1st March 1942. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether) in foal or not. All accidents at own- er’s risk. Helen Sizzzpson Lynett J. F. Lynch ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 STOCK REGISTER are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity fequired. 0 Outstanding value! Features including a non-skid, centre- traction tread, twin protector cord plies, Supertwist cord body. for longer, safer mileage. Come in and see it today. Purebred Percheron Stallion 2518 YONGE STREET See Your Home Primer Fhst YOUNG’S eer 395/ Sales BOGECS ORDERS TAKEN AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE $6.55 PRICES START AT

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