‘7 p.m. S.T. Rev. Prof. Creager of Waterloo Seminary is- guest spea‘k- er. Zion Lutheran choir willl furn- is!» music and the pastor, Rev. E. IHuenergard, will be in charge of Catharines and at Beamsmille where they visited Rev. and: Mrs. John Mc- Crimmon and daughter Mrs, Rich- ard Foote. Mr. MoCrimmbn, a for- mer minister in Maple United Church is now associated“ with Dr. Crossl'ey Hunter, as assistant in First United Church, Hamilton. The W.M.S. of Maple United Church: are observing their 50th an- nivensary on the evening of Sep- tember 17th in the form of a ban- quet to be held in the SS. room. Dr. Gordon Agnew is to be 'the guest speaker. A special invitation has gone out to afll :paslt presidents and :‘ormer memfbers. All those interest- ed in mission work are cordially in- vited! to attend. Miss Edna Brandreth, Miss Eun- ce Kay and' Mr. Cyril Brandre’oh )f Dumdlas and Mr. Chas. Boult Jr. )f Hamilton were Sunday visitors Lt the home of Mr. and‘ Mns. C. [both services. All are cordially inâ€" yirted. (Mr. and Mrs. Eld‘onv Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Fr-amlk S. Rumble, Mrs. T. F. Jackson, Mr. Wm. Oflxiver spend; Sunday at Niagaraâ€"on-theâ€"Lake, St. Special services will be held! at Zion Lutheran Church onI Sunday, September 14th at 11 am. S.T. to commemorate the 136th anniversary of organization. of the congregation and the amnuaF harvest festival at The annual Harvest Home Serâ€" nice of St. Steph-enl’s Anglican :hurch will be held on: Sunday, Sep- ,eLmlber lelt. Further notice will be made later. Archbishop Owen will be at St. §bephren’s Church on Sun-day, Nov. rtb for a special dedica'tiom and omfinma’ttion. Colin: Sheardlown, West King far- .m-er, put up a: courageous fight with chicken thieves caught in‘ his hen- hlourse about 2 am. Monday mornw ing, and while not successful in calp- ï¬iring‘ the thieves the chickens were sawed. A burgl‘ar-talarm installed in the chicken house awakened the Sheard'own ï¬amily and Mr. Shear: down rushed from the house in. his bare feet to catch the intruders. As he passed the implement shed‘ he arm-ed himiselif with an iron: bar and- reached the y‘ardr in time to catch one of the thieves trying to make an escape. He hit: the "intruder on ‘the head with the bar and in; the struggle which followed Mr. Shear- down was knrockedi to the ground. He recovered: in time t_o give chase to the thrief through granin field's amnjs. Mrs. Greene and Miss Seeley of King Twp. Farmer in Bare Feet Gives Chase to Thieves Reconsecration Week September 10th to 17th SPECIAL SERVICES IN ALL CHURCHES SUNDAY VOL. LXIII. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 16, 17 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 12, 13 WILLIAM POWELL, MYRNA LOY in “ LOVE CRAZY †â€" _ â€" AND -- _ â€" CESAR ROMERO, RICARDO CORTEZ in “ ROMANCE 0F RIO GRANDE PHONE [0. 2172 “V†“ CAUGHT IN THE DRAFT †With BOB HOPE, DOROTHY LAMOUR â€" ALSO â€"â€"- JOHN HUBBARD, MARJORIE WEAVER in “ MURDER AMONG FRIENDS †MAPLE NEWSY NOTES ADDED FOR SATURDAY MATTNEE ONLY KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED EXTRA CARTOONS CAPITOL THEATRE E 300 Seats All Evening 25c. The ladies of St. Stephen’s» Ang- lican. Church are holding 2. Baking Sale in‘ the Parish Hall on Satur- day, September 13 at 3 p.m. D.S.T. The Maple W.I. dance wil'l lbe held in' the Concert Hall W-ed’nesdvay ev- ening, September 17th. Art West’s orchestra, Ernie Eva-n5, fl‘oor man- ager. Lucky ticiket draw for quil’t. All proceeds in. aid of war work. Admission 25c. Mrs. J. B. DesFrerr'ari and Bernard, with: Mr. Peter Ariens visited for the weekâ€"end a't Wasaga Beach and Midland. Mrs. M. White visited in Mark- ham over 'the week-ean‘. Mr. Elmer Boyn~ton spent the week-end at Gormley and Markham. ~ A bazaar was held! last Sa'turday afternoon by four girls, Marilyn Snider, Lois; Palmer, Agnes Kinnee and] Ann Lawrvie. A total of seven dollars was realized] and: wi‘ll be [senrt to the British Watr V‘ictims’ Fï¬md. Pte. J‘im Groves, who is with the Army Service Corps at Camp Bior- ‘dlem, vi‘srited friends in the commun- ity‘ over the week-end prior to leav- ing for overseas. Cfleveland, Ohio are visiting at the home ocf Mr. and Mrs. R. Ramsay. Mm. Shvearduown deserves credit for pluck in tackling the intruders and certainly showed that he has what it takes in dealing with un- invited night visitors. Whille not successful in oapturdng the thieves he has the satisfaction of saving his chickens from the snea’k's who prey ripen the hard work of others. A. Barraclougsh and Constable Sam Ire-land! in an intensive search of tihe district but no trace of the men was found. and newly plowed land, ‘but with- out succ-ess. Another of the thieves srmla's‘hved a chicken house window and made a get-away by another route. A general alanmx was given and farmers of the district join'ed‘ Collin and Douglas She'ardrown and Sgt. S. Yonge at Castlefield “In Esséntials, Unity; In Non-Essentials POTATO WEIGHS POUND AND A HALF We have display-ed in: {the office window today five large potatoes from the farm of Mr. George Mc- Nair, Vaughan Township. The Larg- est potato weighs one pound and! a half and the five tip the scafles for five pound's 5 ounces. They are Off the Kartahdin variety and are from two hills. If you can beat this for big potatoes bring 'theni along to The Liberal Office. POLICE INVESTIGATING FALSE NOTES FOUND IN MILK BOTTLES Police are investigating the ,find- ing of false notes iim milik bottles in the district, and! to expedite ,the in/vestig'ationv G. S. Walwvin: of Rich- mond Hill Dairy offers a. reward of $26 in cash for information lead!- iinig to "the C‘CnNi'CtIO'nJ of the guilty parties. Two of the false notes found are reproducedi on page four of this issue. Anyone who can giVe any information wilfl be I‘en‘diering a community service by getting in touch ‘with Mr. Walrwin» or the .police. From the fol‘lowing reports of series it can be seen that Ricihlmond Hil'l, Vaughan, Markham and Woodl- bridge have an excellent foundation for further suoc-eSIstï¬uI War savings efforts. The War Savings organization of vdlunrteer workers is planning -to again interest ,Can'adri‘ans in this attnactive war-time investment. If every committee and committee member does his and her job uh-ere will be no need to worry albo-ut war financing. J. A. Greene of Rich~ mondl Hil'ly, chairman of the district committee appeals to the (people of 'the district to take up with renew- ed’ determination the responsibility of buying war savings stamps reg- ul‘arly. During the summer months! with schools closed, farmers very busy and manry people away holidaying war savings as reflected in sales of war sawinigs< stamps and! certifiâ€" c‘atss harve declined from the high levels at'ta-in-ed) in the early‘ part of the year, according to figures given “to The Liberal today. This conde tion is not peculiar to Richmond Hill and district and all over the Dominion the reports are the same. War Saving Lags During Summer RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDASE, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1941 June July August Arpril . May June July ‘ August VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP AND WOO DBERJD'GE against the evil powers which threaten to engulf the earth, conscious of my duty toward Canada and toward my fellow man, I solemnly pledge before Almighty God that I shall do all that lies within my power, and deem no sacrifice too great, to bring about the victory of our arms, that right may triumph, that justice may prevail and that a righteous peace may reign through- out the world; to this end I r‘econsecrate myself, with faith, with courage and with the knowledge that, though the path be hard and the day be dark, our efforts can not fail. QT THIS TIME of peril for my country, in this fight ASk For anewed Activity This Fall MARKHAM TOWNSHIP econsecration Pledge RDOHMKOND HILL $1532 .00 932 100 760 .00 $3092 . 00 2792 :00 . 2387.00 $3500.00 2328 400' 2548100 2252 .010 2095 .‘0-0 UNITED CHURCH EVENING _. AUXILIARY ’ The September meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church will be held! at the home of Mrs. G. E‘. Agar, Roseview Avenue, Tuesday evening, September 16, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. A. L. Teale’s‘ com- mittee is in charge of the meeting and a very interesting program has been arranged! with Mrs. C. B. Breâ€" them as guest speaker. The next meeting which will be held: Thursday evening, Sep‘oemlber 18th, will be “honor the president nightâ€. The mem‘bers observed a period of silence in honor of the memory of the Late Lloyd A. Hill, vice-president of the club. and President Little paid tribute to the fine service rend- ered to Lionism and the community by the member whose sruddlenl pasrs- ing was a great shock to all his fellow members of the club. Lion Rev. W. F. Wrix‘onr led‘ in prayer and) a message of condolence from the Lions’ International Association was read. President Jame-s S'te'wart presenrted a Past President’s pin to.1ast year’s clulb presidenrt J. E. Smith. A Keyâ€"Membership Pin was pre- senrbedl to Lion John A. Greene by President Little on: behalf of Lions’ International, thus making Lion Greene the first Richmond Hill Lion to be honored in: this manner. Pas‘t LIONS STREET DANCE CLEARED ABOUT $1150.00 â€" CLUB HAS SENT $300 To BRITISH CHILD WAR VICTIMS’ FUND The Richmond Hill Lions’ Club met last Thursday evening for the first time after the summer vaca- tion. There was a fine turn-out of members and‘ all are 100kinvg for- ward! with enthusiasm to the com- ing year’s activities. President R. D. Little congratulated the members on the success of the recent carnival and) street dance and treasurer Fred Holower gave a report on the event which showed/ a profit of $1150. of this amount $300 was unanimously voted! to the Lions British dhild’ War Victims’ Fund anvdl the balance will‘ be used for work among undev- privile‘ged children in the district, for war work and community bet- termlent. ch‘ti-on‘eer C. E. W'al-kinrgton- off- ered for sale a variety of donations and over $200 was realizod ffrom the auction. A ca’lf brought $25 anidI-a; fine thoroughtbred h-Ound' don- ated! by Beverley Hunt was Ipur- chased by George Algal: of Richmond Hill for $13.00. The dance and au-cti-On sale held at King City Wednesdlay' might in aid! of the Evening Telegram War Victims’ Fund was hargely attended and} was a: very successful event. Russ Creigihrto-n- and his orchestra supplied music for dancing which was thoroughly enjoyedi ‘by the large crowd and games and booths did: a splend'id business. Large Crowd At King Street Dance Liberty; In All Things, Charityâ€. Auct-ixh Eqalizes Ower $200 The rising tide of emphoymemt amid: 'the Barge influx of new resi- dents in the North Yomge d'i-strict are comlbinting‘ to make North Yonge radli'al proï¬ts soar. The mlonth of July showed“ an operating profit of $1097.35 compared with an operat- ing loss of $592.45 in July 194-0. Passenger revenue for the month was $7,875.63 an increase of $1669.40 over the corresponding momth a year ago. The Liberal joins with; the people of the community in extending sini- cere sympathy b0 the bereaved famï¬ly. Intermnmt foflltowetd: in: King City Cemetery th-e pallbearers: being: Crawford†Welfls, George Rumble, William Carson, Milton) Payne, Chiffor’d; Folhiott, George Haï¬ley. A large numlber of [beautiful fliora} trflbuteus were evidence of the esteem and ai'_ectui-om of a wide circle of friends. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William) Titffin: the late Mrs. Hall was born at Colrwe‘ll in Simooe County, Ibut: hasI re‘sid‘ad‘ in King since her marriage forty years a'go. Besides several brothers and sister-S she is survivecfl ‘by her husband, Vic- tor A. Ha’lil‘ and' one son Bruce. A devoted memlber of King Unit- ed) Church Mrsx. Hall was for many years an' active .worker in Church and: Sunday School] and was a life member of the Women’s Missionary Society. As long as her health per- mitted she W315 a faithful and} willi- ing wovker in' afl'l church activities. The funeral- service was in charge of Rev. H. Anderson of King Unit- ed! Church and the sermon: was de- liveredl by Rev. Douglas Davis, a former pastor. The Rev. Damis who during his long- pastorate in King was well .aicquaimtech with the de- ceased in a beautiful funeral ora- tion paid gl'owinlg tribute to her ï¬ne christian character and loveaiblle per- sonality. “I came away from visit- ing at her bedside inspired to great- er service for God‘,†he said. During the service the gathering- sang the twenty-third: Psalm, and a. favorite hymn “Abide With Me". Mrs. Thos. Proctor renderedl in impressive man- ner “The City Foursquareâ€. The late Mrs. Hall who was in her 65th year was a woman. of sterling character and was highly esteemed) in: the community. She suffered the loss of her sight about two years agd’, andi for the past eleven months had been confined] to her (bed. This long illness and suf- fe11ing .she (bore with true christian fortitude. After a 10an and trying- illness Mrs. Victor A. Hall passed away at her home, King City, Tuesday, September 2nd, and the funeral was heldJ last Friday, September 5. The service was held in- King City Unit- etfl Church and! was very largely atâ€" tended! by inlends and relatives. RADIAL PROFITS CONTINUE TO SOAR LATE MRS. VICTOR A. HALL OBITUA RY ST. MARY’S VV.A.. The opening meeting of St. Mary’s Anglican W.A. will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Hall, Centre Street East, on- Tuesday, September 16 at 2.30 pm. Mrs. Ross Middleton and baby Shirley Arm have returned home from the hospital and‘ doing fine. Mrs. Bert Sanderson has a tomato plant which has had: no training- whatever, that has grown to 11 feet in Length and is '5 feet wide. It is aLso coverech quite heavily with. to- matoes. ~ (Mrs. Henb Middle-ton of Hager- man’s: Corners is spending a few days with her son Ross. Mr. and) Mrs. Rolph Boynrton, ac- companied ‘by 'Mrs. H. M. Perkins, h-adJ dinner with Mr. and‘ Mrs. Victor Wagg‘ of Markham on Friday and‘ also called on Mr. James Ley of the same address. Victoria. Square is only a small place but at present we have 19 at- tuend'ing' Richmond Hill High School. That is not [bad} for a. little town. Th-e sincere sympathy of the com- munity goes to Mr. and! Mrs. L. A. Hood) and family of Button-ville in- the loss of théir lovely daughter. The funeral, held- last Saturday af- ternoon, was one of the largest eveij held‘ in this- district for some time, which goes to show the whoLe com- munity was touched! by the sudden! passing of Betty. We are glad: to say Miss Ireme Knapp is recovering- n‘icel-y after a7 very sick week. We are pleased! to hear that our friend} Eddy Hitchcock is feeling well enough again to take up duties in our midst. ‘Mrs. (Dr.) Maitl‘amd) (nee Joy Gamfbl‘e) called last week for a few minutes on Mr. and Mrs. H. C011- The many friends of Mr. W. Wat; son of Edgeley are very sorry to hear that both he and his daughter are suffering from broken arms and hope they will soon be better. Mrs. Frank Nichols and! Mrs. Rat- clisze motored to Vineland last week to visit Mrs. Anson Nich/ols. 7 Mr. Hen‘b Marritt spent the week- end wiï¬h friends in Aurora. ’ Joyce and Bobby Matheson spent the weekâ€"end with Mis‘s H. Bo'ynvton. {M12 and} Mrs. Avison returned home last week after spending three months touring the Western Prov- inces. Mr. Avisonu was quite sur- prised: to see the fall: work so far radrvanced‘ around home, as there are acres of grain still staxid'ing' in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Matheson amf ba‘by Dorothy spent .the weak-end: at Mrs. Mathesronz’s home in Ripley, Ont. Rev. McKay was ‘back from his holidays and took the services as usual: om: Sunday. There was a good attendance anti everyone was pleas- ed to have Mr. and†Mrs. McKay with us again. VICTORIA SQUARE No. 11