Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1941, p. 7

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SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R Richmond Hill Dated at Maple this 18th day of July, 1941. COMPANY Copies of the list of lands for sale ‘for arrears of taxes may be had in the office of the Treasurer, J. M. McDonald, Maple, Ontario. The list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes in the Township of Vaughan was published in the Ontario Gazette on the fourth day of August 1941. Notice is hereby given that unless the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, the Treasurer will pro- ceed to sell the land on the day and at the place named in: such list pub- lished in the Ontario Gazette. The date of the sale named in the said list is the sixth day of November 1941, at ten o’clock a.m\. Standard Time. The sale will take place at the office of the Treasurer of the Township of Vaughan in Maple, Ont. géflwég 9 5757/ @N g ’KEEP’ALL YOUR FENCES IN REPAuRâ€"Nou'u FIND You HAVE THE TIME ROYAL RICHMOND CHICK MASH R. R. GROWING MASH AND R. R. LAYING"MASH ALFALFA MEAL JUST UNLOADED CAR OF OATS ABOUT 40 LBS. PER BUS. ROLLED OATS, WHEAT OR BARLEY OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME Reason Number 4â€"why you should use Hall’s Ser- vice Station gas and oil is, that they give your motor greater power â€" the kind that can be depended upon. They serve you right. “Be Ready With Reddy Power” SEGREE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1941. R. H. KANE TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street 82w TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL RICHMOND HILL TAX SALE NOTICE Phones: J. M. MCDONALD, Treasurer. Phone 92-3 139 Huronia”. Simcoe County Shouldl “The best thing for you to do,” condense the story for tourists. said the doctor to the man with a NORSE WEAPONS FOUND nervous complaint, “is to stop Seven miles from Lake Nipigon thinking about yourself and bury on- a good road) is the place near yourself in your work.” Good‘ Hea- Beardmcre where James Edward vems!” said the patient, "I’m a con.- Doddl dug up in 1930 the authentic crette mixer.” In. old Hurom dlay's‘ Lake Couchich- ing was c'alfled “*Con‘tarea” or Little ’Laike. Beside it through the Nar- ‘rows was Lake Simcoe or “Went- aron” or Big Lake,â€"“oven”, large, and “on'tara”, lalke. In the N'arrorws probably yet can) rbe recovered pieces 'of the saplings of the old ‘Huron weir or fish pond where 'Champlain’s war party of 1615 was provisioned' for its campaign against the Iroquois. Near by two Lorraine crosses given to the Hurons by a pious lady in France were found years ago. The arbsonbing story of Hruronia was told by Parkman in rhis “Jesuits in North America”, as well as in Rev. A. E. Jones’ “011d Huronia”. Simcoe County should condense the story for tourists. NORSE WEAPONS FOUND ' ANOTHER INDIAN SHRINE The “standing rock” of the old Petum Indians is located some miles south of Coll‘in'gwood. The old‘ legend was that all souls passed it on- their way to the happy hunting grounds. In] Collingwoodl is a museum built yup hv Dave WilliamsI of the Enter- prisie~BullIetin, an outstanding exam;- ple of What all our to-wns should have. It is Colling'wocd's greatest dlra'wing card. Close by are the Blue moumt’ains where hundreds of years ago there was an- Indian tobaceo in» du-s-try, andt one of these towns was named) “the curing pl‘ace”. ' Brule prelbarbly discover-ed all of ‘the great lakes. He was certainly on\ Lake Superior previous‘ to 1625 as he showed to the Recoll-ect Sagard a piece of native copper he had 'secured there. He told Sagard he had‘ named the rapids at the Soo, Sarult de Gaston after the Frenzli King’s brother. .Hlaving received no pay from iCJhamipllaim, Brule jumped to. the 'Caen Company about 1622 and thereafter Chamrp'lain heaped abuse on him. He explored south to Chesa- pe’ake Bay. His quick wit saved (him from the stake when captured in 1615 by the Iroquois. His grave near Toanc’h-e might be located. No mem- orial has 'been erected‘ of him, exâ€"i MM 3. tablet at the Soo rapids. H'awksvtcrne can safely assume Brule first lived there. It should erect a roadside tablet to ‘him. But if he did go to Cahiague first he moved from: there to Toanvclh-e some time afterwards because it was the chief landing place of Huronia, and most convenient for the Ottawa route. It was at Toanuche that Brule was killed and eaten in 1633 by the people of that place. The other clansr in Huroniia resented this so much that the people of Toanch-e were in danger of reprisalls for years after. 1to Lake Huron and thence south to Penretang Bay where he landed about August 1, at Toancxhe, which was on what is now Mic'haud"s' Point. He was so young that the- Indians of Cahiague (at Ha/wksrtone on Lake Simcove), did not want to‘take him. They told Champlain that if any- thing happened to (him the French would blame them. He was to learn the language and act as a sort of French enrvoy. It cannot now be determinedi if he went to cahiague, but the tribe of the Hurrons whidh lived' there took charge of him. They had; first come in contact with the French andl so the French trade .“lb-elonged to them." Thus ~it would seem he went there with his guardâ€" i ans Seaond Instalment (By J. W. Curran) The first white resident of Ontario was a little F‘nench (boy, Etienne Brulie, â€"â€" born: at ‘Ch‘ampig'ny in France, about 60 miles: north west of Paris. He came Out to Canada with Samuel Champlain in 1608, and in: 1610 volunteered to go to Huronia (in Simcoe County) which had a population estimated as high as 40,000. He was taken om the St. Lawrence by these Indians up the Ottawa and! doer the French River THE FISH WEIR OF 1615 Old Relics of Ontario’s Past Will Draw Visitors (This is the second instalment of a series designed to interest visitors in the interesting sights and‘ things spread over Ontario. It is an extraordinary thing that some of our communities seem to have no knowledge of the very things they have that would‘ imteu-est tourists. None of the features listed hene are adrveT- tisevd). MANY TOWNS DO NOT KNOW'THE LURES INSIDE THEIR BORDERS The native shifted his cud! and says “Brother, thelm cats has a pur- pose in what you have observed ‘Uhis morning. Y’s‘ee, most of this ter- nain here is rock, but albout a mile down the road is'a. little earth.” But when tllme third! cat raced a- long the street, the stranger’s cur- iosity got the better of him. One or two cats» could be explained p-ere‘ -ha;psl but not three. Lt is well known for instance that when you find three fence posts in line, there is evidence of design by some‘bodfy and even] human effort. We are not here contending that fence posts and cats are governed by the same immutable laws ‘but you know, one cannot help wondering in centain‘ circumstances. So he says to- a native, he says “say, why should three cats scurry through this; town one after the other at top- speed?" b The Bruce copper mine was openâ€" ed in 1842, perhaps the first in North America outside of Mexico. The residence of a manager, the Marquis of Quexensbury, is now used as a hotel. Bruce Mines yet has descendants of its Vold' Cornis‘hmen brought out to work the mine. THE THREE ALGOMA CATS This is the story of the Three A‘lgoma Cats that are famous all over the north and why they pass- ed through Bruce Mines on the run. Folks there all explain the matter carefully in detail. I It seems according to the version given this person that a stranger {from chcconk or Toronto, (let us lsaiy), noticed- a cat gal‘lqping west ithzrough the main street, with tail flying in the wind and putting evâ€" erything it had into the effort. Now la cat scurrying along a back fence. ifor instance, is not an unusual sight So when a second cat came along in- the wake of No. 1 with a deter- mination to overtake it plainly ap- parent, tihe man from Coboconk (or Toronto) was interested but endea- vored! to dismiss the matter from his mind, although his wife was o’vend'u.e half an hour fixing her hair. or one calculated to arouse undue interest in‘ the beholder. But there was sometlhing about the cat in question that stirred curiosity, even izf one was worried! albout where the next meal was coming from, or the collar was too tight, or in. fact any one of a set of circumstances which tend to. get on‘e’s goat. Th~e* walls of Fort Ste. Marie on the Wy9 River near Mid’lamzfl are mostly ru‘btble‘ now but the 'basitionls at its western end are still several feet high. It was built in 1639 and d‘cstl‘cryed ‘by the missionaries them- selves in 1649 when they ieft'Hurâ€" c-nia'to escape the Iroquois. The magnificent Martyrs" Shrine Churc'h is close by. ' A store book, found‘ about seven miles up Blind River from the town ‘of the same name on Lake Huron, puzzled all’ the experts. Finally Camlbridge University, England, was consulted and! Prof. E. H. Minus, Disney Professor of Archaeology there iound the sculptured “pic'- tures” on .the two covers- hadI been “common in Italian prints of the 14011 century,” (1300-1400 A.D.) On we cover is a representation: of the angel announcing to ,the Virgin Mary the coming 'birth of her son. On the other cover isI a representa- tion of a stone church. This wifih tlhe iron hand, the ‘brass crucifix and many other relics of general in)- terest are in the Soo Star’s collecâ€" tion. At Cutler, Ontario, a French offi- cer’s sivvordl of 1660 was found four years ago. On Manitoulin Island and) at Port Caldwell two others. At 'Port Arthur a copper vase of beau- tiful workmanship was found at 23 feet in the dligging of a drain. It was in the possession of Capt. J. MoC’onm‘elli, of Port McNicol, during his lifetime. armor of a Viking,â€"a Nors‘emian"s sword, axe and the hanldle of a shield. Some experts say these were made in the 10th cenrtury and others place them as early as 800 or 900 AD. The Royal Ontario Museum at Toronto gave Dodd $500 for them. The location of the find is not mark- edl \but visitors can' find: it. BLIND RIVER’S STONE BOOK ONTARIO'S FIRST FORT THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MMWOOW Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynch ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District “Good: gracious, fancy putting on ten years every time I take my hat perience of specialists given to an unknown youngster. Today the child‘ is fully recoveredâ€"a. modern mir- acle. Can any gangster nation â€" any combination of gangster nations â€"conquer a people like this? \Vhen a Timminsl ladty â€" English by birth and breeding â€" was told of this incident of the child upon whom so much care was lavished, her reply was an instant demand to know why the child should not re- ceive that special attention, when all the British people had given so much thought and care for their pet dogs and cats and birds. Those that could‘ not be sent to places of safety were disposed of as humanely as science knew. To brutal minds, it must indeed be difficult to underâ€" stand how so much kindness and sentimentality for the weak and helpless can go with a courage that laughs at danger and at death. The British poet gave the answer:â€" “The bravest are the tenderesxt; the loving are the daring.”â€"Timmins Advance. “It makes modlozm ten. years younger.” off!” (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 It is little wonder that other peo- ples are unalble to understand the British people, when few British really understand themselves. The fact of the matter seems to be that they are so human that they almost appear inhuman. At the present time, with death raining on‘ them from the skies, they go about their daily business as if life were of little 'moment. At least there is little fear of death evidenced on any side. Yet at the same time, if one turns aside from the daily dangers, it will' :be noted that the British apâ€" parently have an almost exaggerâ€" ated devotion to the saving of life. Some months ago a, Hun air raid destroyed much valuable property and caused‘ the loss of many lives, Incendiary bombs, as well as explos- ives, d‘id enormous damage. Every effort â€" even in the face of the most serious danger â€"â€" was made to see that all the dead were given formal and dignified lburial. The linjuredl were hurried to hOSpital, and, as usual, the doctors and nurses showed heroic and self-sac- rificing devotion to their care. One fbalby, fifteen months old‘, was (brought into St. BarthOIOmew‘s hos- pital, with two-thirds of his little body burned. With all the other cases, surely this child with scarcely a chance for life under the best cir- cumstances, would the allowed to die â€"-one among so many. Instead; nurses and doctors stole time from sleep to care for that baby. A spe- cial saline bath was constructed for the baby and all the skill and ex- perience of specialists given to an unknown youngster. Today the child‘ is fully recoveredâ€"a modern mi‘r- Those British 1 2518 YONGE STREET THE PROBLEM Back to School 29 Yonge Street Cities Service Garage Men’s and Boys’ Wear â€" Boots and Shoes Yonge & Richmond S‘s. Richmond Hill We invite you to visit our store and avail your- selves of the service we offer to Richmond Hill and surrounding district. We have an excellent stOck 0f furnishings to outfit the boy starting: back to school. We handle fine qual- ity stock and our prices are moderate. YONGE STREET Hall’s Service Station EXPERT BATTERY SERVICE ’Phone 12 R J. CRAIGIE OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME Richmond Hill PAGE SEVEN

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