fineâ€" The best of all mothers that mother of mine. And so to our mother so long gone above I humbly contribute this token of love. ever shall be, Held sacredly dear to a sweet mem- cry, 01' that mother of mine, who in earliest youth, So patiently taught me the 1e550n‘s of truth; She guided) my footsteps, she wiped arway tears, She filled] me with courage that drrove away fears And set an example so noble and VlALLILIECREâ€"In lovmg memory of my mother, Elizabeth Vallliere, who entered into rest Octolber 8th, 1930. There’s a. spot in my heart: which And we who have known and lwed her Whlose departure has brought sad tears, Wil‘la cherish her memory always To brighten the passing years. â€"Sadly missed’ by dza-ugwhrters. VtAlLIJEREâ€"In loving memory of our dear mother El'izalbethJ Valliere, who passlew away October 8, 1930. Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loveliness never dies Our mother lives- in‘ glory ' With the blue and the golcl of the Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Harvey Jackson of Gadsby, Alberta, and grandson of Mr. and: Mrs. J. T. Saigeon: of Maple who was killed in a motor accident near Hamilton Sep- tember 16th. The funeral was held at Gadslby Monday, September 22nd and the service held" in the church was attended by a company of 29 air force men, members of the Cal- gzary Tank Regiment, members of the local Legion and a gathering of sympathetic friends which more than filled) the church. Six members of the Air Force acted as pallbearers. Hisl home town paper in paying tri- bute to the deceased airman said “Sgt. Gordon J ac'kson! had a brilliant future ahead of him as he was a thorn mechanic, keen on his job and his promotion had come early in his service. He was a clever lad, a good son, and one who was' very popular with his fellows." The Liberal ex- tends sympathy to his parents his brothers and sister at Gad‘sby and his grandparents and other relatives in the Maple district. Promising Airman Killed in Accident THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1941. LATE SGT. GORDON JACKSON Anniversary Services Special Thanksgiving Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., the Minister, will preach at both services SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR All are cordially invited to join in these Special Services of Thanksgiving and marking the 124th anniversary of the Church. Sunday, October 12th ’ IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH â€"Ever remembered Morning Service 11.45 a.m. Evening Service 7 pm. â€"â€"-â€"ANDâ€"â€" Harold Frethey, of Owen Sound, driver of the truck, told police that he blew his horn and the woman seemed! to hesitate and' then started again to cross the road. The acci- dent occurred during a very heavy rainstorm. Carried inrto Franklin’s Garage, Miss Gaitsrer diedJ fifteen minutes after the accident. The reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mrs. Capes received in a gown of s‘eafoam blue lace accented with a vivid toush of dulbonn'et, hat of matching shade and corsage of deep red roses. Mrs. D. R. Wark of Flint, Michigan, aunt of the bridegroom, chose a gown of cameo rose with matching hat and consage of Premier roses and bou- Vard‘ia. Miss E. Caitser, aged 80, was kill'd‘ Tuesday aftemoon when knocked down by a truck when she attempted to cross the Yonge street highway in Aurora. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin, with ‘basque bodice, Elizabeth- anI lace collar and graceful skint sweeping into a train; Her veil of illusion was caught with a lace corâ€" onet, and she carried a prayer book with bouvardia. She was' attended by her sister, MiSS Elizabeth Capes, who wore a picture gown of star- dust net with matching poke halo. Little Madelaine Macrobie, flower girll, was delightfub in mign-on‘ette blue net, heir costume a replica of the maid of honor’s. Both carried nosegays of yellow, red' and' blue flowers. Mr. William Garrick was groomsman, and Mr. Ted Capes, bro- ther of the bride, add] Flying Officer Fred Lucas, were usherSL sic and accompanied Miss: Dorothy Tasker, soloist. The ceremony at the chancel' steps was conducted a- gainst a background of dahlias- and candelabra. McBRIDE-CAPES At Trinity Church, Thornhidl, on Saturday evening, Helen. Mirabelr, dflaughtex of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Harold Capes, became the bride of Mr. Donald Roy Ardagh' McBride, son of the late Mr. and} Mrs. John Ardxagh McBride. Rev. J. H. CO]- cloug‘h officiated. Miss Hildegard Goodifellow played the wedding mu- The Richmond Hill Red Cross Bram-h gratefully ackn0wled'ges reâ€" ceipt of a very generous cheque a- mounting to $125.00 from. the Rich- mondl Hil'l- Lions Club. As Christmas boxes will be pack- ed! and} shipped immediately, if you know of any “boys- who have recent- ly enlisted from the Richmond Hill Red! Cross area please communicate with: the secretary, Mrs. Jas. Lang- statff, Richmond Hill‘ 100, not later than October 12th. The Richmond Hill Branch is undertaking to pack boxes only for boys overseas» from the Richmond‘ Hill- Red Cross dis- trict. Please send in your talent bags to the Work Room at your earliest opportunity. The following shipment of| Red' Cross articles has been sent to head? quarters this month: 6 alternative caps, 6 2â€"way mitts, 5 sleeveless sweaters, 6 swrves, 15 pairs soc-ks. 10 pairs seamenr's long stockings, 2 turtle-neck sweaters, 5 scarves, 7 quilts, 100 face masks, 10 pairs py- jamas,.5 extra pants; 10 blouses (boys), 10 girls’ skirts, 10 girls’ blouses, 10 boys" pants, 10 boys' Ibliazers, 140 pairs hospital shoes, 10 knitted! suits. RED CROSS NOTES AGED WOMAN KILLED IN AURORA WEDDING Mrs. B-eresrford, Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Zuefelt, Mrs. K. Blanchard, Mrs. Yerex and Mrs. J. E. Smith attend» ed) the'ThanIk-oflferinvg meeting of the Willowdale WiM..S. hell" at the home of Mrs. McLean on Tuesday. 'A numlber of ladies from Thornhill attended among them being Mrs. G}. Cooper after whom the Willowdale W.M..S. is namedt the Ann Cooper ‘Aumiliary. After .a stirring and ap- pealing address by Mrs. Hall of the 'Preslbyterial council, Mrs. COOpeI‘ 'spoke a few words of thanks on be- half of the visiting auxiliaries. 'Dainrty refreshments were served by ‘the hostess at the conclusion of the meeting. A personal shower was held for Miss Lillian Barker at the home of Misses Jean ,and Margaret W‘alwin Wedrnesday evening. Other recent social events. in honor of Miss Bar- ker included a miscellaneous shower tendered by the teachers and officers of the Presbyterian Sund-ay SchOol at the home of Mrs. Bourne, Centre Street East and a linen shower held at the home of Mrs. Hurst in To- ronto. The 'brideâ€"toâ€"{b-e was showered with 'best wishes and was the recipiâ€" ent of many beautiful gifts. A letter received this week from Gunner Jack Evelyn of Elgin Mills who has been in England since the second‘ week in August states that he is feeling fine and enjoying “Old Englandâ€. He speaks highly of the beauties of Britain and cannot say too much for the kindness of the people in England and Scotland to the Canadians. But he says the “black-outs†are hand to get used) to and sort of spoil things. He said he andI all the boys greatly appre- ciated' gifts of razor blades and cig- arettes. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Myl’ks at- tended? the funeral of Mrs. Mylks’ youngest sister Mrs. Geo. Dillinger of Arthur on Saturday afternoon. Friend‘s of Mrs. Dillinger who was well known in the Village were shocked to hear of her sudden death from a heart attack. Sympathy is extended to her husband and son George, also relatives by friends in the community in their sad: bereave- men‘t. The W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mrs. O. L. Wright Tuesday after- noon with the president Mrs. A. E. Plewman presiding. Mrs. A. L. Phipps gave a splendid» report of the Provincial W.C.T.U. convention which she attended at Samia last week. Miss Nixola Fisher delighted the lad- has with a solo. The hiosteVSS served dainty refreshments at the cenciii- sion of the meeting. yMiss Lillian Barker, a bride of this month, was honored with a pre- sentation of a silver cream! and‘ sug- ar with tray by the members of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Choir of which Miss Barker has been a valued member. The presentation took place last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morley, Yonge Street. Rev. and‘ Mrs. A. L. Lunau, 495 Concord Avenue, Toronto, will be at home to their friends from three to six o’clock and from eight to ten tenl o’clock Friday, October 10th, the occasrlon of their thirty-fifth wed‘d- ing anniversary. mg with th ey ago. Mr. and' Mrs. A. E. McCull-ough of {lornepayne are visiting with Mr. and) Mrs. Norm. Chatterley, Yonge Street. iMJanor M. E. Slaght, Instructsr at lAlbrook Flying Fieldl, Panama Cana.‘ Zone, a nephew of Mrs. H. B. Stir- Binig, was in Richmond Hill for a short visit this week Mr. and Mrs. L. Sheardcwn, Rose- view Avenue, celebrated their wedd- ing amm‘versary Monday evening with friends at Woodlb'ridge, where they were married eighteen years The next in the series of Luchrta at St. Mary’s RC. Chuccn will be -l.e£d in the Parish Hall Friday even- ing, October 10th. All are cordiully invited. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mylks, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt and son Lieut. Howard Hewitt, Peterbor-o, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Myliks over the week-end. The members of Richmond Hill Women’s Institute are visiting Casa ,Loma today. trict last weekâ€"end Mr. and Mrs. W. A'. Trench, Mrs. Frances Atikn‘s‘on, Mrs. Murray Milne and Miss Margaret Trench motored: through the Musikoka dis- THE LIBERAL, RICHMDND HILL, ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Airman: “Is that your new girl?†Sailor: “No. Just the old one painted over.†MUSIC LECTURES Inquiries and; applications have been- mad-e during the week to Mr. Melee/Ci in connection with the course of six lectures on musical art and! appreciation by Dr. F. Horwood. Further inquiries are invited in or- der that some estimate of how many will attend the course may be ar- rived at. As stated in last week’s Liberal, the lectures are of great interest to children as well as adults. They will be held every second week commencing at the end‘ of October. th'BlSlONâ€"T-o Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Gifbson (mee Dorothy Angle) at Mounrt Hamilton Hos‘pital‘, Hamilton, Ont, on Thursday, October 2, 1941, a son, Robert Paul. JENNINGSâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert G. Jennings of King, Ont, énnounce the birth: of a daughter, Donna Mar- lene, at York County Hospital, New- market, on Friday, October 3rd. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announcedl of Dorothy Bell‘ Reaman, youngest daughter of Rev. Ralph S. andi Mrs. Mason, of Richmond Hill, Ont., to $arl Robert Douglas, Toronto, son Olf Mr. and Mrs. Gillbert Douglas of Sheq‘brooke, Que. The marriage will take place quietly early in November. Mrs.E.K. Dalton, nee Flora. Kerr, this week received a card from her cousin Pte. Duncan Smith, a mem- ber of the British Army and- taken prisoner at Du-n‘kink. He has been a prisoner of war ever since “some- where in Germanyâ€. In‘ his letter he said he was 0K. and allowed to receive mail. The card? is a. specially designed one with provision for a new fold‘inlg for return writing. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and] Mrs. G. E. Brown of Rich- mond‘ Hill! announce the engagement of their eldest (flaughter, Lillian Eveline, to Donald Giffen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Giffen of Edge- ley, Ontario, the marriage to take place the latter part of October. A Red Cross organization has been completed at the Richmond Hill High School with the following officers: Honorary President, Miss Jones; president, Isobel} Orr; vice-president, Marie Paxton; secretary-treasurer, Betty Smith; knitting conNe‘ners, Gwen Srchxissvler and} Carrol Sandrer- son; sewing conveners, Helen Ran- som and Shiela Manley. Mr. J. A. Greene, Councillor Dr. J. P. Wilson and Mr. E. D. Cunning- ham of Richmond Hill attended a meeting of War Savings committee workers held at Thornhill Tuesday evening. Representatives were pre- sent from all York County munici- vpalities. Mr. J. Lunau, Church Street, has been confined to his Ibed through illâ€" ness during the past week, but is progressing favorably. His many friends in Richmond' Hill‘ and throughout York County join with The Literal in‘ extending sincere wishes for his speedy recovery. Miss Hamfbley resumed her teach- ing duties at Richmond: Hill Public School this week after an absence through illness of three weeks. :Miss Gwen Smith of Headtford was a prize winner at Markham Fair, winning four first prizes, three sec- ondjsi, and‘ one third» for home bak- ing, flowers and’ flower arrange- ment. There will be special services at Richmond Hilrl Presbyterian: Church next Sunday, Octolber 12th marking Thanksgiving and‘ the 124th anni- versary. There will- be services at 11.45 and 7 pm. Mr. Angus McDonald is visiting this community in the interests of the Lord's Day Alliance. Dr. Herbert Mason has joined the Dental: Corps with Canada’s Active Service Force and is now stationed at Niagara. Mrs. R. W. Scott is in the Private Patients" Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital and is progressing favor-' any following an operation last Fri- day. The W.A‘. of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will meet next Tuesday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Mason, Yonge Street. A feature of the meeting will be an apron shower. BIRTH BI RTH The monthly meeting of the WA. of the Richmond Hill United Church will be held in the Sunday School room Tuesday, October 14 at 3 p.m. All! ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. Anticipating this condition we placed orders at pre-war quotations early in the year, and many are taking advantage of our offer to lay aside é Christmas purchases until needed. with the privi- lege of winning one of the six valuable prizes, : 2 given for the eighteenth consecutive year. WMOowOWOWWW Davies Dry Goods Store UNITED CHURCH W'.A. Save By Buying Now MISS E. ORME YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL MONDAY & TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 14 SPECIAL MATINEE MONDAY â€" THANKSGIVING DAY IIUMPHREY BOGART, IDA LUPINO in “ High Sierra †War conditions are such that many commodities, including hosiery, woollen and cotton goods, etc., are becoming unprocurable, the government uti- lizing manufacturing plants for war purposes. “ EDNESDAY & THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 16 ALICE FAYE, DON AMECHE, CARMAN MIRANDA in TODAY. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 DON AMECHE, MARY MARTIN, OSCAR LEVANT in “ Kiss the Boys Goodbye †â€"â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"- “ Churchill’s Island †FRIDAY & SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10, 11 JOHN WAYNE, BETTY FIELD, HARRY CAREY in “ Shepherd 0f the Hills †SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. COOLED TO YOUR COMFORT “ That Night in Rio †EUCHRE To be hekil in the Orange Hall. Thursday, October 16th by L.0.I-. vade Lu0.B.A. lodges also the follow- ing dates, Oct. 30, Nov. 13 andt 27. Dec. 11 and 23,, Jan. 8 and 22, Feb. 5 and 19, Mar. 5 and 19. A corvd'ial invitation is extended to all. Three lad‘ies’ and three gentx‘ prizes each night and a lady’s am! g‘ent’s grand prize for series. The District of Centre York L.O.L 118 held their Euchre on Tues†Sept. 30th. Winners were: Ladies, 1st,. Mrs. J. Young; 2nd, Mrs. Anderson». Gents, 15¢, F. N. Hopper; 2nd, L. Beatty. After the euchn‘e was over the d’raw took place which should have been at Fairbavn‘k on July 12, which resulted‘ as follows: Numbers 2326, 1664, 1703, 1702, 16915 and 1344. ORANGE DRAW WINNERS PAGE FIVE PHONE 119