Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1941, p. 6

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HORSES 1 Gray Gelding, 8 years old 1 Grey Gelding, 11 years old bove team weigh approximately 3500 Lbs. CATTLE 1 Holsrtein Cow, due Nov. 5th 1 Holstein Heifer, 2% years old, due time of sale 1 Holstein Heifer, 2 years old, due Nov. 14 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, ‘bredl Sep- tember 15 1 Bilge}; Cow, pa1t Jersey, bredl April 1' 1 Holstein and Jersey Cow, full flow 1 Durham and Ayrshire \Cch, full (bred) Sept. 16 1 Holstein Heifer, 1‘/2 years old 1 Jersfiy and Holstein Heifer, 9 mos. o. 1 'Dhe above are an exceptionally good herd of cattle and) have a test flow, bred Sept. 27 Holstein Cow, fuhl flow, bred Au- gust 10 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred July 171th Registered Jersey Cow, full flow Jersgy Cow, gligiblg. t9 register, V flinging, bi'ed VApril 2 Part Jersey and) Holstein Heifer, IMPLEMENTS Binder, McCormick Deering, 7 fit cut Mower, McCormick Deerin-g, ‘5 ft‘ cut, good Cultivator, M.-H., 13 tooth Steel Roller. 2 dnums Set Disc Harrows, out/throw GORDON HUTCHISON At Lot 10, Concession 6 Vaughan Township 1% miles north of N0. 7 Highway WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1941 This Newspaper and Your Choice ONE Other Publication at Price Listed. [1 Maclean's Magazine, 1 yr....... .$2.00 [] Chatelaine, 1 yr . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 2.00 [1 National Home Monthly, 1 yr..... 2.00 [] McCall's, 1 yr . . . . _ . . . . . . . . 2.50 :1 True Story. 1 yr . . . . . . . .......... 2.25 [1 Silver Screen. 1 yr . . . . . ......... 2.25 [1 Red Book. 1 yr . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 [1 Parent! Magazine. 1 yr........... 3.00 [1 Magazine Digest, 1 yr............ 3.50 [] American Boy. 1 yr.............. 2.50 '1] American Girl, 1 2.25 [1 Child Life, 1 yr . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 3-25 [] American Magazine, 1 yr......... 3.50 [1 Screenland, 1 yr . . . . . . . . . 2-25 [] Christian Herald, 1 yr...‘........ 3.00 TERMS:â€"CASH No reserve whatever as farm is rented and owner is moving to Woodbridge These offers are good for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon today. of over 4% . [1 Maclean’s Magazine, 1 yr. [] Chatelaine. 1 yr. [] Canadian Home Journal. 1 yr. [1 National Home Monthly, 1 yr. [] Canadian Horticulture and Home. 1 yr. PAGE SIX GROUP “A” [1 Magazine Digest, 8 m0]. [] True Story. 1 yr. [1 Silver Screen, 1 yr. [1 Christian Herald. 6 mo]. [1 Fact Digest. 1 yr. . [1 Science and Discovery, ! yr? [] McCall’s Magazine. 1 yr. [1 Parents' Magazine. 6 mos. [] Open Road for Boys, 1 yr. [] Home Arts (Needlecraft), 1 yr. [1 Screenland, 1 yr. AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN AND FURNITURE This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice Any Three of These Publication- CHECK THREE MAGAZINESâ€"ENCLOSED WITH ORDER ALL FOUR [aclean's Magazine, 1 yr. [] Rod and Gun. 1 yr. .- , -, - . M ONLY J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer, This Newspaper, 1 Year,.a.nd Your Choice of ONE Magazine in Group A and TWO Magazines in Group 3 MARK AN "x" BEFORE THE MAGAZINES YOU DESIRE yr.. . . . . . - . 0-0-00-00 cocooltoulou ; 1 yr........... 1 yr............ yr... 19, 1 The Property of SUPER-VALUE OFFER Subscriptions Taken at The Liberal ALL-FAMILY OFFER A Nfi‘fiméi‘df Cow Ohain‘s' Doulbletrees, Neclkyokes, Forks, Sho- vels and other articles! too mum- erous to mention GRAIN AND HAY About 3010 Bus. Mixed Grain Approx. 10 ton Mow of Hay, mostly Approx HARNESS ‘1 Set Brass Mounted Harness 1 Set Sinuglle Harness A Number of Bridles *5 Horse Collars. all sizes Ovdidi Piecesl of Harness FURNITURE 1 Eaton'ia Hand‘ Wrimger. good 1 Oil Stove O've'n, double size 1 Coleman Lamp, (Ga-s) 1 National Fire Extinguisher Alfalfa Sale at 12.30 S.T. [] Rod and Gun. 1 yr. [1 Amerxcan Fruit Grower, 1 yr. [] Canada Poultry Review. 1 yr. [] American Girl, 8 mos. [1 American Boy, 6 mos. GROUP “B” [1 Maclean’s Magazine, 1 yr. [] Chatelaine, 1 yr. [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 n. [1 National Home Monthly. 1 yl. [1 Canadian Horticulture and Home. 1 yr. [1 Rod and Gun, 1 yr. [1 American Fruit Grower. 1 yr. [] Canada Poultry Review. 1 yr. [] American Boy, 6 mos. [] American Girl, 8 mos. Nam. . "no no on. Gentlemen: I onclos. t ........ I in checking below the otter (Salted with I you-'1 nubscrlvflon b “An-rum; HIM-Value [luau-cub. “.3.- . anon-nun..." Prom-oo-noauo-onunonoooouo '0“! Please cflp “st of magazine: after checking one. desired. rm out coupon carefully and mall to your local paper. Walnut Upholstered Chairs 1 Cabinet Victrola and‘ 60 Records 1 Wicker Arm Chair 1 Cut Glass Inkwell with Sterling Silver top, (antique) Quarter Cut Oak Dining Suite 1 Clock 1 Brass Bed and Mattress 1 Quarter Cut Oak Dresser 1 Quarter Cut Oak Wasvhsmand 2 Bedroom Chairs 1‘ Brass Bed and Mattress 1 Walnut Dresser 1 Chest of Drawers 1 Quarter Cut Oak Bedroom Suite 2 Toilet Sets 1 Bedroom Rug, 9’ x 9’ 1 Bed Couch with Mattress 1 Dresser 1 Camp Bed? 2 Rocking Chairs A Number of Quilts and: Bedspreade 1 Kitchen Cupboard 1 Kitchen Stove (Quebec, cook) 1 Solid Walnut Table 3 Kitchen Chairs 1 Campbell Electric Cooker Q-uanti-tv of Cooking Utensils 1 Ice Refrigerator 1 Set of Dinner Dishes 2 Tables 1 Office Desk 1 Small Desk 1 Heater Stove A Number of Pictures 1 Antique Conner Kettle Quantity of Silverware and‘ Curt AUCTION SALE F U R N I T U R E Household Goods, Etc. SATURDAY, OCT. 18 Sale at 2.30 p.m. D.S.T. various sizes A Number of Books Mam“ other articles too numerous to mention Glassware 1 Sewing Machine ' Large Quamltity of Wlmdlow Glass, C. B. HALL, Clerk. C. E. Walkington, Auct. Solid! Wa'llmut Settee and 4 Sond THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO V. A. HALL King City Termszâ€"Cash ALL FOUR ONLY. The Property of .00 .50 Ph-one King 4213 Every Canadian has a farm prob- lem. “My farm problem?” the town Canadian asks" “Yes, your farm problem.” You may not know farm- img. You may not know how to milk a cow or harness a horse. You may think that a. doubleâ€"tree is a lawn: shrub. But you have a farm problem nevertheless. l z.M-.m.-._-(-D._-_D--_._-_.-__.-.--~ You and) your family need food. Your armedv forces need‘ food. Your British kin need flood. The world needs food. Foodl wifl‘b buy and keep the peace in the end. Your farm problem is‘ the need' for food. How can town people deal‘ with the farm problem? They can deal with it Iby understanding itâ€"‘by aid- ing all‘ those who are working toâ€" ward the solution: of it. There was a time in Canada when there was no eloonomic farm problem like that of today. Before the first Great War there was: a goodI bal- ance between urlban and‘ rural life in Canada. It was a time of easy understanding and good} understand- ing. Cities and! towns were relative- ly small. Every Canadian; knew and understood urban life and: farm life. It was a. time when pe‘Ople Obese to live on farms or in towns be- cause of their personal tastes. The same amount of money and: equal in-d‘ustry andl skill would: produce similar returnsOin the towns and on the farms. It was not a time when city peoâ€" p‘c got two or three times‘ a smuch pl: got two or three times as much as they do in cities today. While the ten! hour day has changed to the eight hour day, and the sixty hour week has shortened to the fortyâ€"eight or the forty or the thirâ€" tywâ€"srix hour week in cities, the twelve to sixteen hour day andI the seven dlay week have remainedfi im fuflfl ef- (Experimental Farms News) The revenue obtained‘ from the farm poultry flock is influenced' 'by the number andl quality of eggs pro‘ du-ced. The occurrence of soft or thin shelled eggs causes a consid- erable loss to the flock owner, es-pe- cialfly during the winter months. The cause of faulty shelled eggs is usuallly due to the ration. With a large proportion of eggs required! for export, it is particularly important that the shells are sufficiently strong to withstand the additional handling and‘ shipping. Eggs with strong shells of goodl texture are al- so superior for hatching purposes, says R. M. Hopper, Dominion Ex- perimental? Farm, Brandon, Man. The Prevention 0‘! Thin Shelled Eggs Egg shells are made almost enâ€" tirely of calcium carbonate and the finst essential in avoiding thin shells is to provide an adequate sup-ply of calcium to laying stock. The most common method of supplying this is to keep a small selfâ€"feeder in the pen filled with oyster shell or other high calcium feed. Sometimes lay- ing- stock refuse to consume oyster shell or other mineral in sufficient quantities for high egg production. When- this occurs, two or three lbs. of pulverized oyster shell can be in- cluded in each hundhredi pounds of dry mash. Bone meal? is also good for the same purpose. The adfldtion of one or both of these materials to the dry mash is a means of com- pelling the birds to consume more calcium. To insure the efficient use of the calcium supplied to laying (bird‘s dur- ing- the winter months, it is now con- sidered essential to provide an ade- quate amount of vitamin D in the ration. This is accomplished by in- cluding codl liver oil or other feed- ing oil in the dry mash. Albout two per cent by weight is. a suitable amount. More recent investigations shew that the addition of a small amount of manganese sulphate to the ration will! improve the quality of egg- shells. The amount recommended is very small, being only four ounces per ton of feed, and the cost is only a few cents. To obtain an even dis- tribution of manganese in the dry mash it is necessary to mix it first with one of the ingredients such as the meat meal and them add the meat meal} to the maim mixture. Thorough mixing is necessary. - Link by link the cost of mail is made. > VVRI'I'I‘EN SPECIALLY FOR C. “Y. N. A. NEWSPAPERS By JOHN ATKINS. Farmpr-Journalist OUR FOOD SUPPLY No. Zâ€"EVERYON E’S PROBLEM feet on the farm. the year round' Then why do people stay on farms? The answer is- that; they dronl’t and they won’t when work is available in the cities as it is now. The young people leave the farms when they can lead an easier, bet- ter-paidJ life in the city. A food supply problem that has been acute since early summer is the lack of farm help. Every day appeals: were issued for more help to save the crops. Thousands of town» young people across *Canradb. have learned something of the farm problem" at first hand by d’oing farm work in their holidlays. â€" 194:0. Tuhis mib‘am workers are receiving the highest wage rates ever paid to them and ’with full time employment and much overtime "their pay envelopes are fatter than they have ever been before. No such condition exists flor fanrm- ers. The higher unban wages- have increased the cost of what farmers buy and, despite increases in» the prices; of foodz, farmers are still re- ceiving levsls' net income than they received! inl 1926-1929. This casual labor has ‘been- of great value to the war effort and the farmers are grateful for every hour of the work d‘one, but farm production cannot be maintained writh- casual or unskilled labor. It mlust be worth while for farm boys and} girls and skilled; farm workers to srtay om the farms and'produce food if we are to keep production abreast of need. ‘ Th-e- immed‘ia'te food< supply prob- lem is to restore the balance be- tween unban and farm incomes. The cost-o‘f-living bonus which is being paid by order of the govern»â€" ment to indusrtrial' workers is based on the highest wages, paid from 1926 You know how the banben‘ shops are no longer an exclusiVe man’s aflfair. The women have their rights: tod)ay and! some men think they have even: more than their rights. Be that as it may, a New Hampshire auctioneer adds this: “During the past five years of my auctioneering‘ I have never sold' a ‘bixcksaw to a man. It is always Ibidl off by a woman. The men are buying easy chairs." The love you liberate is the love you keep. 511ka plow 1 Maple Leaf 2 furrow walking plow 1 Democrat Wagon 1 Feed) Cutter LUMBER & TIMBERS 8010 ft. of 2 inch Quantity of 1 inch 3 pieces 110‘ x 12 x 14 ft. 1 piece 10 x 1‘2 x 12 ft. 1 piece 10 x 12 x 10 ft. 1 piece 9 x 1 ‘ x 14 ft. 1 piece 8 x 9 x 1L2 ft. 1piece8x8x8ft. 1 piece 7 x 8 x 12 ft. 1piewe7x8x8ft. 1 piece 5 x 6 x.8 ft. 1 piece 5 x 5 x 12 ft. 3 piecesi 3 x 7 x 16 ft. 2 pieces 6 x 8 x 12 ft. 2 pieces 6 x 6 x 12 ft. 4 pieces 6 x 8 x 10 ft. 1 piece 6 x 6 x 10 ft. 1 piece 6 x 6 x 24 ft. " Quantitv of 4x4. 4x5 amt 3x4 in vanious lengths ABRAHAM BAKER ' West Part Lot 12, Con. 2, Vaughan Twp., 11/2 miles north of Concord SATURDAY, NOVEMBER lst, 1941 TERMS:â€"â€"CA SH October 4th BLack‘Cow, bred‘ Sept. 9 Red Heifer. bred Aug. 6th Yearlings, 1 nising‘ 2 years CATTLE Bhack Cow, full flow Holstein Cow. bred Jersey Cow, full’ flow Black Cow, ful'b flow Red) Cow, young Bhacik Cow, young, full flow, breci IMPLEM ENTS, Etc. Heavy Wagon, good Heavy Wagon I He‘avv Farm wagon with apt-lugs wand box c’o‘mrpléte Farmer’s Friend: single furrow NO LONGER EXCLUSIVE AUCTION SALE of CATTLE, HOGS, IMPLEMENTS, LUM- BER, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, Etc. CC X ‘xxxxxxxxxx 0 7 1988865 868 xxxxxxxxxxx 9887755fifi66 J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer, 12 ft‘ 12 ft 10 ft 10 ft. .--.-_n.. The Property of THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th. 1941. There will} be Offered for Sale by Public Auction om LOT 15, CON. 3. SCARBORO G‘I‘ad‘d‘en Hill Fah- Jan. 110, 1937 Scotch View Rulby 1915080, born Nov. 1, 1932, fresh July 15, 1941 Bess 180338, bom Oct. 340, 1934, bred Oct. 1, 1941 Holstein, 8 years oldV Ayrshire, 10 yrs., bred Aug. 21, ’41 Ayrshire, 3 yrs, bred! April 7, ’41 Ayrshire, 7 yrs., ‘bred Sept. 12, ’41 Ay-shire, 5 yrs., bred< Apr. 25, ’41 Ayrshire, 4 yrs, fresh Sept. 25, ’41 Ayrshire, 2 yrs., fresh Sept. 24, ’41 Ayrshire, 3 yrs., bred July 15, ’41 Ayrshire, 4 yrs., bred May 17, ’41 Ayrshire, 4 yrs., bred May 21, '41 Ayrshire, 5 ,vrs., fresh Aug. 25, ’41 Ayrshire and‘ Holstein, 6 yl‘s., bred HHHHHHHHHiâ€"IHH JAMES A. 28 Head of AYRSHIRE CATTLE TUESDAY. OCT. 21st Gorm hey . - June 1, 1941 AyTshire, '5 yrs., bi‘ed’ Feb. 5, ’41 Ayrshire, 2 yrs., bred! Feb. 15, ’41 Ayrshire, 2 yrs.. bred' Feb. 6, ’41 Ayrshire, 2 yrs., bred’ May 14. ’41 Ayrshire, 2 vrs.. ‘h‘ed Mav 17, ’41 Avrshire & Hoistein. bred' May 13 Ayrshire. 2 years old Ayrshire, 2 veam old Ayrshire, 1V2 years old‘ Avrshire, 1 year old Avrs‘nire, 10 months old; Avrshiw .& JF‘Tsev, 11 month: old Cattle Sold Shivth to Blow! Test QALE AT 1 RM. ST. TERMSâ€"CAR”. No Reserve A. S. FARMER. Auctioneer Hr-t-uâ€"uâ€"n-‘w-nâ€"uâ€"nâ€"n-nâ€"A The clever fool all fools. He is most powerful who governs himself. 139 1 China Cabinet, like new 1 Bed. Spring apvd: Mattress 1 Parlor Circulabing Heater, enam- ell'ed. like new 1 Air Tigfht Heater, almost new 1 3-Burmer Oi'l' Stove, Perfection 1 Electric Ranvgette 1 Desk ' 1 Table 16 Chairs 1 Rocking Chair 1 Anbinu-e Rocking Chair 1 Ice Box 1 Rnft?!‘ Bowl ‘2 BIG STAR QUIL’I‘S, 211‘ hand made‘ 1 Cream Separator, McCormick HINMAN Milking Machine . Deerin‘g, like new 1 Fair Dav Power Wash-er, double tub, either gas or electric, good 1 Scaldron Kettle, good 1 Ben Lamp 1 Coleman Lamp Variertv of Dishes amfl othef articles 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 A S 45-ga1‘lon drurms 14-gallom drum Rolls Roofing Electric Fen‘cer, Magic Broodler Model Incubator Trailer Hot Water Boillers Chicken Coops ome Potatoes and) 0th too numerous to men C.T:C. PURI’FY FLOUR ROBIN HOOD FLOUR FIVE ROSES FLOUR POLAR BEAR FLOUR AURORA BELLE FLOUR Royal Richmond Whole Wheat Cereals Feeds for all farm stock and poultry We will buy Oats, Barley and Mixed Grain Mile East of Brown’s Corn- ers. 1% miles North of Lansing Highway The Property of LMES A. STIRLING AUCTION SALE HOGS 80st with 13 Figs about 6 weeks o‘d! RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL MAPLE LEAF FLOUR Sale starts 12.30 S.T. too numerous to mention HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS MISCELLANEOUS Phone Stouffville 7309 Phones: Boy 209964, born the worst of Aug. 21, ’41 April 7, ’41 Sept. 12, ’41 Apr. 25, ’41 Sept. 25, ’41 Sept. 24, ’41 July 15, ’41 May 17, ’41 May 21, ’41 Aug. 25. ’41 ‘ 6 yrs., bred other articles mentiOn 82W

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