Alexanier MacGregor K. C. Thirty Years Expeyience Formerly with Heintzman Company have Orders at Auï¬tin’s Drug Store R‘I'hnwnd Hill From the Toronto Conservatory of luic, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Himâ€"Tuesday and Friday MRS. MYLKS LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT, SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO v Old Pest‘bffice » Richmond Hill WOOOWM ! INSURANCE Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Room 66. 18 Toronto St.. Toronto Phone Adelaide 5877 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 808 BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 814 Coniede 'ation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 ~â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"- 18l'l‘oronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 MOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOOONN Office 229 Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Wm. Cook. K. C. J. A. Gibson Ra] h B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto 0 fice: 912 Federal Bldg. 86 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S A. G. Savage BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill VOL. LXIII. Yerex’s Electrical 1924 Policies issued through this ofï¬ce covering Farm Property â€"Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. Claims Settled Promptly General Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone 87 ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY 26 Yonge St. Harold W. Mortson 11 CENTRE ST. WEST '. Bloomfield Jordan CHARLES GRAHAM MASSEY-HARRIS AGE NT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Beatty Farm Equipment Telephone Richmond Hill 98 Walter S. Jenkins RADIO SERVICE George W. Cross Piano Tuner J. R. HERRINGTON Adelmo Melecci OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€"â€" z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephones Cook & Gibson INSURANCE T. C. Newman McK'innon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ontario $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES 5c. MUSICAL INSURANCE Successor to LEGAL Rec. MO. 2866 Residence 148 Phone 242 1941 The public auction sale held by Walter D. Pipher, 9th concession- of Markham, at Dickson Hill, drew a large crowd| last week, and realized around‘ $2,400. While horses were slow, cattle were brisk and prices ruled‘ high. Best cow sold to Clark Johnson for $90, and her calf six weeks old to George Bennett for $27. Heifers not :bred sold at $40 gandl [bob-calves brought $7 and $8 a- piece. Hay in the mow realized‘ $10 a ton, buckwheat 67c. bushel, and oats 60c. A Kingston Magistrate deplored the fact there was so much perjury in the courts and warned‘ one wi-t- ness to get out of the court room before he sentenced him to 14 years for perjury. No doubt a few sent- ences of this kind‘ would teach the importance of an oath. W. E. McKay for the past thirty years' a resident of Steele‘s Avenue West was drowned last Thursday when a boat in which he was riding with a companion capsized! in Cari- â€bou Lake. His companion was able to hold on: to the side of the cap- sized boat until it drifted to shore. \Mrs. Thomas Chratlburn, a native of Vaughan Township, died‘ art Aurora October 10th. She lived at Maple for many years, moving to Aurora some 17 years ago. The funeral service was held in Aurora, and‘ in- terment followed in Maple cemetery. ‘DaNid Markle of Newmarket col- lapsed and‘ passed away in the Office of a taxi standl early Tuesday morn- ing. The aged mm was taking a wreath to the cemetery to place on his wife’s grave, and‘ had? been or- drering a taxi. On the east side of the ticket off- ice at the entrance to Richmond Hill park is a sigm which tells in plainly printedI letters that the dumping of ashes in the park is prohibited. Diâ€" rectly underneath the sign is a pile of ashes. ‘ ‘The farm sale of William Dunn, UxIbri‘dLg‘e township lasm week brought in 31600. A cow and calf sold for $118 and a. bay mare brought $70. The manure spreader sold for $70. wolves. The township con‘srtable has shot three of the blood-thirsty dmgs but it is estimatedI there are ten‘ or twenty in the padk. When requiring gOOdISI or services, patronize our ad'vel-tisers. They [have issued an invitation to you. Rhea Jordan, 6th concession of Whivtchurch, who is changed with setting fire to the [barn of Al‘bert Hoover, also of the sixth concession, on October 4, and with stealing $5.00 the property of Leona Hoover, on October 2, was remanded in New- market court Last week] East GWillimbury Township offiâ€" cial-s are worried over an epidemic of “sheep killing dog‘s". ,Over fif- teen were killedi last week and it is stated' the dogs travel in packs like George Robinson of Whitchurch township had a narrow escape from serious injury last week when he was charged! by a maddened cow and struck down. The incident occurred on the :farm of Charles Case on: the second concession. Mr. Robinson escaped practically unscathed after being knocked down, as the cow had practically no horns. “Remoteness from the immediate scene of conlflict has» ceased to be a safeguard for men and nations that cherish their freed-om."â€"â€" Min- ister Mackenzie King. There is only one way to meet total war, and that is by total afâ€" fort. It is said that the average woman has a vocabulary of only eighteen hundred1 words. It may be a small stock but think of the burn-over. DeSpite unfaxvoraible weather Mark- ham Fair gate receipts were $200 higher than" last year. Our advertisers are “wheels with- in wheelsâ€â€"keep them turning. Buy War Savimgs Stamps GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS RICHMONDiHILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1941. Heartlessly working their way throughout Toronto and its sulbulibs are the members of a gang or gangs of petty Warâ€"time racketeens who are daily mulching the mothers and wives of men in the army, air force and navy, in promoting the sale of picâ€" ture enlargements that will be “suit- afbly framed.†And talking of mamgels, we came across these lines in: our old files Past week. They‘are by an anony- mous contributor and) must have been inspired by some roots like we have in our window todJay: Ma‘ng‘els‘, Manvgexls, Mangelsv, Decorated with giant mangol-d's and turnips The Liberal Otffice windows these days resemble a produce store. We are undecided' whether to go in the business or buy a cow. A warning against dealing with such war-time parasites was given recently "by A. R. Haskell, manager of the Better Business Bureau. “Over sixty complaints last month alone came into the Better Business Bureau, and we were able to re- cover $735.70 for the mothers and wivesl of men in the services who hadtbeen imposed upon until they saw the quality of the work they were paying for,†said the speaker. Mangels, Mamgels, Mangels, Hurrah, they are all done, Mangels, Mangels, Manxgels, Picking them ain’t no fun Automobile markers for 1942 will have an orange background with fig- ures. and letters in black. Supplies of the new plates are already going rfonwarcb from the Ontario Reform- atory at Guelph, where they are manufactured, to license abureaws throughout the pro’vince. Despite inclement weather there was a large crowd! of spectators and keen competition at the annual field trials of the Eglin'tonr Hunt held at the farm of Mr. ‘0. D. Robinson, Oriole, Saturday atfternoon. Galiâ€" vanter, one of Mr. Robinson's roan hunters, and.: well known to patrons of Richmond; Hill Fair won the qual- ified hunter class. I Wish they d‘idn’t grow, Because when I have to pull‘ them, They make my back ache so. Canadians :have contributed more than: $27,000,000 to war charities since the ouï¬break of war. Two cases of infantile paralysis have been reported in. North York Township, the first in: the munici- pality‘ in two years according to Dr. C. E.‘ Hill, M.O.H. Phone 10, the Elevator . PUT YOURSELF in the place of a housewife buying eggs. You’d want the best eggs, wouldn’t you? You’d want the eggs that looked the best. And if you saw some big, high grade eggs in a smart, colourful carton, the chances are you’d buy those eggs . . . and once you tried those eggs and they met with your complete satisfaction, you would certainly be sure to buy that brand of eggs again, even if you had to pay a little higher price for them. Well, here’s how you can make your eggs more attractiveâ€"easier to sellâ€"more proï¬table too! The Quaker Oats Company, makers of the famous Ful-O-Pep poultry feeds want to help you sell more, and better eggs. They have designed special egg cartons for you. These new Ful-O-Pep egg cartons are smart as a whip! They’re built to safely hold and carry eggs. They’re easy to set up and pack by Hera’s a Real Bargain! 08128! were quoted at: 35 cents per bushel. Potatoes at 55 cents per ‘bag. Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, Hope, celebrated their 25th wedding anni- versary lasd: Friday. years. _ Jacob Eyer & Son ad’vertised all kin-dks of feed cutting. Th-e- Palmer Houtse, adivertised as one of the most convenient and bes$ furnished hotels on Yonge Street quotes rates at $1.00 per dkay. H. Winger & Son advertised threshing coal at Thornhilb station at 25c. per cwt. ’Mr. J. N. Boyle, Mr. Arthur Boyle of Richmond Hill and Mr. J. B. Mc- Lean of Maple visited the Pan- Ameri-can Exposition. The following were elected‘ offi- cers of Richmond Hill’ W.C.T.U.: Pijesid‘ernt, Mrs. Slwitzer; Viceâ€"Pres, Mrs. Mason; Secretaries, Miss Wiley anal Mrs. Hume; Treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Sanderson. The funeral of John Griffin was held: on Frid’ay. The deceased} was in his 20th year. Died: Saturday, October 12, 1901, Jacob Homer of Headlford> age '79 wMes-sr-s. J. and W. Russell took five first prizes including two herd prizes for Durham cattle at Mark- ham Fair. From our Issue of October 24, 1901 Mrf John Elltston is making re- pairs around the Dominion House, repainting the stables and| other buildings. King Twp. Council voted5 King and! Vaughan P10wi‘n.g Vaughan Council voted} 9. sum. Vaughan Council met at Vellpre with Reeve James Cameron presid- in-g. Other members at this time were J. T. Saigeon and J. S. Mc- Nair. Newmarket Fair was advertised for October 26th. Married: On Thursday, Oct. 12th, 1911, at the Methodist Parsonage, Thomhill, by Rev. E. T. Douglas, Cora Wal’ker, dla'ughter of Mrs. I. Walker, Buttonville to Mr. William E. ‘Goxhn, Dollar. The saw mill, chopping am} cider mil]. owned by Jens. Collial‘d, near Gormley was burne<i to the ground Saturday. The cause of the fire is not known. Talk gently, act quietly, and you wi‘ll’ add to your joy and prestige. Died: In Richmond! Hillt Oct. 18th, 1911, Samuel Manning in his 901m year. - ' C From our Issue of October 19, 1911 I. D. RAMER & SON THIRTY YEARS AGO FORTY YEARS AGO WAY BACK IN MMWIL $20 to Match. simiIar Richmond: Hill commil passed a by-l‘a'w prohifbiting the hoiding of meetings on the streets wiflhou't a permit. From our Issue of October 21, 1926 R.W. Bro. Walter Hopkings paid an official visit to Richmond? Lodge as D.D.G.M. A partridge crashed through: the pool room windmv of the Richmond‘ Hotel one day this‘ week. Who knows the history of the bet]: at the Richmond] Hill Public School? We have heard one claim that it once hung in an old French Monastery. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR COAL Who can tell What the conditions will be this winter. This year you are playing “second fiddle†to War. Why not avoid all worryy and order “blue coal†NOW for next Winter's supply. Your order appreciated. I. D. Ramer & Son, phone 10. God provides food and clothing for the body and‘ truth for the Soul. The funerab of (he late Miss Mary Miller was held Tuesday afternoon. Drug- Store advertisements in this issue were by G. H. Glenn amfl H. E. Wray of Richmond) Hill. LIBERAL FILES AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE Licensed Auctioneer County of York Farms and village property for sale and exchange Richmond Hill Phone 92-3 Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. Prentice, fonmerly (Prentice & Prentice) Farm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair and reasonable rates. Milliken Phone Agincourt 52w3. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Bales attended to on shortest notke and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIGEON & SON AUCTIONEER INSURANCE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Insuranceâ€"Life, Fire. Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Guarantee Bonds, Accident Etc. KING CITY P.0. Phone KING 421'3 FIRE ._ AUTOMOBiLE â€" LIFE C. E. Walkington AUCTIONEERS FIFTEEN YEA RS AGO Clarke Prentice J. Carl Saigeon R. H. KANE AUC’I‘IONEER MAPLE hand. And right on the cover of the carton is the Ful-O-Pep name . . . a guarantee to your customers of extra good eggs in every grade, from hens fed the special Ful-O-Pep way. Best of all, you can get these “Safe Pack†Ful-O-Pep cartons at very special priCHnly $1.40 per hundred, f.o.b. Peterborough, Ontario. You’d ordinarily have to pay about $20.00 per thousand for cartons like these. Please ask to see a sample of this marvellous buy today! I d th b ' bl†th t IMPORTANT t3313563F§3“J§me°on“fl'ége§§c5503. a warranty of highest quality eggs, Ful-O-Pep egg cartons are available only to users of Ful-O-Pep Feeds. If you do not yet use Ful-O-Pe Feeds, see us today. Get full infor- mation on the Ful- -Pep feeding plan. You’ll ï¬nd it will help you to save on feed costsâ€"increase poultry proï¬tal Insurance and save on cartons} Now you can sell more eggs MAPLE ï¬â€˜l‘t‘TLi‘IZiIfAN CZ EKNGSTA'FF Centre St. E. Richmond Hi] Office Hours â€" 1 - 4 pm. daily 6 ~ 8 p.m. dwain except Wednesday Telephone 24 Graduate Ontario Veterinary Coflego and Mchilly’s Veterinary College, Chicago 122 Yonge ,Sj KING & MAPLE - Tel. King 2800 Tel. Maple 82 (Women and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 pm Appointments made Phc 'ï¬RI "I'deii'H L. LANGSTAEF WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE 0F NEEDS Office Kingsdale 4812 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hi“ Phonesâ€"15 and 14.? Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at WORN HILL AND UNIONV'I-LLE DENTIST PHONE 70 YONGE Aâ€"ND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 'fice Hours 9 â€" 11 a.m.r; §V;_§_P;YY_X G. I. Roberts V.S., B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON MAPLE, ONT. Dr. S. W. Armitage M.D.V.V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Ernest W. Hunter CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloolr St. West, Toronto, Ont. Phones: Dr. R. A. Bigford Office Hours 107â€"7â€" 12 Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Bank of Commerce Building Telephone 80 Dr. J. P. Wilson Wright & Taylor Drs. Langstaf f Dr. W. J. Mason VETERINARY Ofï¬ee Hours 10 a.m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 and by appointment‘ ‘jKMES’ ’ RULANCSTAFF MEDICAL BUSINESS Richmond Hill DENTAL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Willowdale 413 Richmond Hill Residence Hargrave 0795 'Phone 100 No. 17« Phone 3