Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Oct 1941, p. 4

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versed the same road We get comfort from tracing the puzzled lives: of those who have tra- The poorest mam may in his cott- age {bid' defiance to all the force of the crown. TUES., NOV. “htâ€"Auction sale of farm) stock, hay, g'ra‘in, implements, mink, furniture, etc. the property of I. K. Kennedy, lot 1‘, con. 2 Vaughan '1‘w1p. onl Bathurst rbetween Steele’s and) No. 7 Highway. Terms cash. No reserve. See full list in: this issue. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, NOV. lâ€"Auction sale of Cattle, Implements, Lumber, Household affects, etc., the property of Abraham Baker, West Part Lot 12, Con. 2 Vaughan, 11/2 miles north of Concord. Terms cash. No re- serve. Sale srtarts 12.30 S.T. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29thâ€"Aucti0n stal-e of‘farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. the property of Gm'd‘on Hutchison, lot 10, Con. 6 Vaughan, 1% miles north of No. 7 Highway. Terms cash. No reserve. See full list in this issue. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCT. 2‘5â€"Auction sale of furniture, household) goods and some pigs and) farm equipment, the property of the estate of the late Wm. Walker, lot 5, con. 9, Markham, art Box Gr-ove'. Sal-e at 1 pm. S.T. Terms cash. Clarke Prentice, Auc- tioneer. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24thâ€"Auction sale of 200 acre farm, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. the pro- perty of Peter Huson, lots 3 and 4, con. 11, King Township, near Bol- ton, sale at 12 o'clock. Terms cash. C. E. Wallkimgton‘, Auctioneer. 42 Yonge Street Sale Register PAGE FOUR You can helg - - - - You must help DR. 1. P. WILSON, Phone 124 Local Chairman 0 More and more Wat Weapons are needed by our armed forces. Every community in Canada can and must support this National Drive to buy War Weapons. War Savings Certificates provide the one means of support all can use. Furnace and Plumbing Repairs TINSMITH Eave-Troughing 'rompt Service and Good Workmanship ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN PAUL DUBOIS STARTS THIS WEEK IN RICHMOND HILL Mr. Stan Wood-s who has former- ly been employed‘ at Donald-a Farms is now working at John Inglis in Toronto. . Mr. and) Mrs. F. Black and sons Maurice and Bruce of Oshawa were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. andl Mrs. Mark Durey. The anniversary service at Las‘kay on Sunday afternoon was largely -t- tended. Rev. Roy Hicks of Aurora was the guest speaker, assisted in the service by Rev. J. H. Anderson. Las'kay choir supplied special music. 3 o’clock and Sunday 3 o‘clock tilfl 4 o’clock Project activities have begun again at Vellore with: Mary- M‘oNeil and Edna Kefier as leaders. The work promises to lbe interesting. A vote was taken at church i gartf to having service in- the z n-oonJ The vote wag carried. 5 ing November 2nd; the church vice will he held! from 2 o‘cloc Teston and District visit Pete-llboro for at least one odi the four days of the Provincial) Plowing Match. Everyone reports a very interesting time. A good program is being planned for the Annual Fowl Supper a-t Teston on November 12. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Peterman andl Misses Audrey and Donna Peterman‘ of Alliston- were guests last week for several days with Mrs. C. Peterman. The. October meeting of the WA. was held in the church on» October 1I5th. After the usfial‘ hus‘ineSS per- iod the balance of the afternoon was spent in quilting. A dainty lunch was served: by the committee in charge. 3- Aflarge number from Tes‘ton and surround‘ing districts were able to CARRV ILLE Richmond Hill Our community must answer the callâ€"Everyone must do his share. Ybu can put more War Weapons into action. Push the sale of War Savings Certificates wherever and Whenever you canâ€"Support the War Weapons Drive in our com- munity. ,“.m church ser- 2 o’clock till School from in re- after- Start- Anniversary services of the Second Kin’g Baptist Church at, Pottageville will’ be held on Sunday, October 26. King United‘ Church S. S. will h‘eilrd' Very special services on Octovber 26th, the 70th birthday; very spe- cial arrangements are planned. iMl‘. and' Mrs. H. J. Bailey and daughter of Woodstock visited Mr. and1 Mrs. L. Gillham recenrtly. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hollinvshead, Zel‘ta and Doris motored to Ottawa for the Thanksgiving weekâ€"end, vis- iting Mr. Fraser, 3. brother-inâ€"law. La‘skay W.I. heard‘ Miss M. Todd in a talk on Education, im which she pointed out that the education of a chm is a good\ inrve‘stmient for the coun'try. The higher he reaches the greater the inrvesrtmenlt. The influ- ence of the home and church are factors in determining the character and! the place in‘ life the child will find. At the October meeting of Temp- eranceville Women‘s Institute branch Miss A. Mortson, L.T.C.M., of Jeff- erson, provided an excellent pro- gram on: “Music” before an appre- ciative groulp. Miss Ruth Bull, a young pupil of Miss Mortson"s rend- ered- t/wo piano numbers. While she has been studying piano only a short time, Ruthv displayed fine ability and a keen- sense of the true vallue of good) music. Under Misls Mortson’s experienced guidance Ruth Bull will develop this art, for art’s sake. Ruth and her teacher also played» two duets. Two papers were given by Miss MOTtS‘OYH entitled "Miracles Wrought by Music” 'and “Music as one of the greatesthsanc- tuvaries of civilization". “The Propâ€" er Care of the Piano", an instructive paper, was given by Mrs. E. H. Stoltz also of Jefferson. The open course in Health Edu- cation will commence on Monday, October 27, continuing each day through Octc’ber 31; class-es in the afternoon and evening in King UnitedI Church basement. Miss Ham- ilton will teach, sent by the W0- men's; Institute Branch, Department of Agriculture. King W1. extend an open invitation: to all to attend. On October 22 a eu‘chre will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. FredgHare at Temperanceville proâ€" Ceed‘s for‘Oak Ridges Red Cross branch. The annual meeting of the Kingâ€" King City News Items THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO happy to use the column as an ex- change of notes‘ up to date. Pilot Officer George Davis paid calls in King last Week before trans- fer. berta, is visiting the Wells families of the district and calling on as many old friends as she has time, and‘ all are very pleased to see her. .Mrs. Effie Bath of Thornlbury visited! Mrs. L. Boys recently. On ‘ Wednesday, October 8th, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs Ernest Faires of Aurora, (nee Annie Gillham) at York County Hospital. Her name is‘ Doreen Jane. A letter from Pte. James- D. Gray in England, and formerly of King, states he has recently recovered from bronchial pneumonia and is out of the hospital. Your correspondent would aJppre- ciate bits of news concerning 'any overseas boys. Outside of their im- mediate families the rest of us know very little of them. We would» be Mr. and Mrs. Bil’l Gillham and son Jaclkie of Markham visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Gillh‘am last week. Bill has been transferred from Winnipeg munition works to Pickering. The last quota for Red Omss in- dicates that greater effort is‘ de- One of the largest shipments yet made from King Township was sent to headquarters lately. Ten large cartons were packed very closely inâ€" cluding 4 complete layettes, 34 quilts, 10'0 prs. socks, 1'0 sleeveless sweaters, 3 turflTe-neck sweaters, 4 pullover sleeveless sweaters, knitted (h‘anvdi) cardigans, 3 boys’ pullovers, 5 ladies’ knickers, 9 prs. seamen’s soaks, 14 scarves, 1 lady’s overnight kit, 9 aero caps, 4 ribbed helmets, 2 pairs 2-«way mitts, 28 washcloths, 1'15 handkerchiefs, 21 pairs gloves, 1 pr. kneecaps, 1 pr. wristlets, 2 boys’ shirts, 6 boys’ coats, 6 pts. men’s pyjamas. 1 windlbreaker, 10 prs. mitts, 4 shoulder. wralps (hos- pitalI use), 2 prs. boys’ sacks, 10 sleeveless sweaters for 1.0 year old boys, 2 complete suits for 10 year old boys (flanmel suit, skirt, belt, sweater). Oak Ridges. Financial reports show- ed) that more than: $60 had gone to- ward the general fund, an increase over former years. The officers were returned, President, Rev. John Galloway; secretaryâ€"treasurer, Mrs. Charles Egan. Re'v. F. B. Allnutt, FielldJ Secretary, gave an illustrated lecture showing the distribution of Biiblles in Japan and‘ Africa. Rev. Mr. Worrall kindly brought a num- ber of children who attend! St. J ohn’s Sunday School and they were much interested in the views and stories. Mrs. Allnutt also mentioned the disâ€" tribution of Bilbles to each memlber of the Canadian forces. Rev. H. B. and Mrs. Hardy a visit to King City a short .Mrs. Tom Proetor, Schomiberg, has returned from St. Michael’s Hospital where she- underwent an operation. She is convalescing at her mother’s home, Mrs. George H. Stone of, King. Mrs. H. Whitney of Southampton and Miss F. Butt were recent guests of Mrs. Stone’s during Mrs. Proctor’s. illness. Mrs. Harvey Wells of Ewarts, A1- In deference to the Pottageville Baptist anniversary on- October 26th the service in' King Baptist Church will be held‘ in the afternoon at 2.30 p.m. standard time. Temperanceviflle Branch of the Up- per ¢anlada Bible Society was held on October 15 at St. John‘s Church, manded for overseas shipments. The actual quota fulfilment is often! not completely met. Thus greater em- phasis must be placed on‘ the low supply in that particular line. One of these is turtleneck sweaters and sreamen’s socks. The Township Red Cross Branch is anxious to advise each citizen who is sewingr or knitt- ing for the Branch to become ac- quainted with» the quota, as follows: 30 s'kirts, 6-0 bllousles, 3i) nightgowns, 30 pairs pyjama-s (Iboys). These of course are mainly for boran victims. ago Anniversary services will be held next Sunday at 11 a..m. and 7.30 pm. standard time. Rev. A. H. Hal- bert orf Newtonfbrook will preach in the morning and‘ Miss Peggy MacKay will1 be guest soloist. In the even- inig Rev. J. MoCausvlanud; will preach Mrs. George Kerr had the plea- sure of entertaining her three ne- phews, L. Cpl. L. D. Shuttleworth, Pte. B. T. Shuttletworth and Pte. C. E. Shuttleworth, from Camp Borden on their last leave, and‘ their sister, Misls Dorothy Shuttleworth, all for- merly from the West. and n choir. music will be by Richmond Hill HEADFORD GORMLEY arts, A1- families as many and‘ all paid time KITCHEN RANGE, Findlay Vega, ivory enamel with water front and] high >l1elzf, length of s't‘ove pipes», 335. Apply Brathrwaite Hardeax-e, phone 18. IRON WATER PIPE-S, fittings, split tees, water tanks, greenhOuse and other glass, steam radiators could use as brine coils. Johm YOung, Steele's at Bayview. 16 MILLFME‘TRE Model» Excella motion picture projector, 2 comedy films, good condition, $10; 1 new Raymond drophead sewing machine, DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed’, good\ colors, 3 doz. for $1.00 and a few separate colors); al‘so a few Co- lumbia Raspberry canes. N. J. Smel- lie, phone Thomhillt 42J. $8; 1 dining room svuite. A-pply Brathwaite Hardware, phone 18. CH‘OI‘CE No]. 1 McIntosh apples $1.40, Snows 9‘0c., Greeningsl $1.10, Baldiwins 90c. per bus. Apply Wm. Vanderbenlt, 1/2 mile south of No. 7 highway, 3rd con. Markham, tele- phone Thornhill 182:1. 2.0 PIGS, 6 weeks old. Apply J. Hanchar, Kozak’s- Lane, Richmond Hill. 000K S‘TO-VE for coal or wood, price $10.00. Apply Mrs. Grainger, Camille Road. YORKSHIRE S'OW, 11/2 years old, $20. Apply H. Ofliver, Doncaster Gardens, Thornhill. . will exchange for old! fat hens. Ap- ply Bowenbanak, Stop 17A Yonge St. Thomhill. ENGLISH S'ETTER, male 12 months old, an ideal pheasant d‘og. AprpIy Mrs. Jackson, Testom sid‘eroad, phone Marple 6'51‘11. SIX ROO’M BRICK HOUSE, mod)- ern, in Richmondl Hill, good garden. A good buy for someone desiring a home in most desirable location. Ap- ply Box 40, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. TEN PIG-S six weeks old, also some chunks. C. E. Walkingtom, thon-e King 42r3. NINE SUGK'IN‘G PIGS. Apply W McIntosh, Rockwell Ave., 2nd street east of Bayvierw north from No. 7 Highway. ELECTRIC RAN‘GE'TTE, Tudhope, ivory with! red' him, good baker, in- sruI‘ated ovens, almost new, $36. Ap- ply Brafhwaite Hardware, phone 18. 2100 NEW HAMPSHIRE srprinvg chickens, cockerels and pullets, m‘ix- ed. Miss Mabel Sanderson, Union- ville R.R. 1, lot 24, con. 5 Markham. 1'00 LEGH‘ORN P‘ULLETS, laying, or ClID'EIR APPLES, 300. cwt. Apply William Vand‘erlbent, 3rdJ con. Mark- ham, half mile south of No. 7 High- way. Phone Thomhill 1821. WALNUT BUFFET, stuffadl over chain, 1 walnut table, 1 fire screen. Apply M. M. Colwel’l, end; cottage GOOD ROOMY SEDAN in first class running condition, would exchange poultry as part payment. Apply Bowenbamk, Stop 17A Yonge Street, Thornhill. Centre St. West, phone Richmond Hill 217. It is expected' that the Postmasâ€" ter-General of Canada, Col. W. P. Mlulock, K.C., M.1P., Member for North York, will be on hand' to take the salrute in‘ his own constituency in the Armistice Day parade to be held in Richmond? Hill' om Sunday, November 9th at 2 pm. Detailed? arrangements» were made at av joint meeting of the Village Council and Veteran-Sr, held! inI the Municipal Chambers last Monday night. Inwi- cations have been! sent out to all military bodies- of the district and beyond‘ including the C.W.S.F. and the local Women’s Auxiliary. It will be the first time the Women’s or- ganization has appeared in am Arm- istice Day parade. Capt. Mrs. Thompson 0.0. of the Willowd‘ale Company will be in» command. It is hoped to secure at least one first class: band. The Trumpet Band‘ is not available this year as most of its members have joined the various branches of the regular army. Congratulations to Tommy Kemp who has joined up with the Army Seq-vice Conps. With The Veterans THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISiNGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cent. for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER RAJBBITS wanted, any quantity or size, also rabbit skins. R. Gilsom 2‘58 Horsham Ave., Stop 9 Willow- dal'e. . r day. Apply Mrs. Dubcis, 42 Yonge Street. BABY or small child‘ to board; good home. Apply Mrs. Hannah, Mank- ham Roam RichmondI Hill. GIRL T0 MIND CHILDREN during and: do general housework I'm Tor- onto for private family. No laundry, nurse kept for childnen. High wages. Apply Box 91 Liberal Office. T-O RENT, SEMNLL HOUSE, apart- ment or larger home by reliable ten- ants. Willing to pay good' rent for clean; home with modern conven- iences. Phone Richmond Hill 131. EXPERIENCED PERSON to cook B‘ALEID W‘HEAT STRAW in trade for any make or model of radio, electric refrigerators, ranges, wash~ ers or DeLavaI milkers. B. R. Leech, Toronto Radio & Sports Lbd'., 241 Yon-ge Street, Toronto. The annual bazaar and hot supper of the Presbyterian Church Women’s Association will be held: on Satur- day, December 6th. The Court will" sit in the Council Chamlber on: the above date at 7.310 o’clock p.m., and alb whom it may concern are requested to govem themselves accordingly. 6 ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, all con- HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thomhill 73. t! CEMENT BLOCKS made and laid veniences with garage in Richmond Hill. Ap‘p‘ly J. R. Herrin‘g'ton. real estate and insurance, Richmond‘ Hill. for the purpose of hearing com- plainrts- and appeals againvsc the as- sessment of the said Village. by the block. J. Timkler & Son, May Avenue, Richmond Hill. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision for the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill» wihl hold its Firsm Sitting for the ‘vcurrem year on MONDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1941, Used Cars Richmond Hill, October 23rd; 1941 1938 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€" Heater. 1936 FORD V-8 PANEL DELIV- ERYâ€"’I‘lufimughly reaomdi‘tioned. 1928 DURANT 4 Cylinder Sedan in exceptionally nice comditiUn. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMGND HILL PHONE 174 VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL LOW PRICED FORDSON TRACTOR AND PLOW 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1929 BUICK SEDAN 1930 GRAHAM SEDAN MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC NOTICE WANTED $675.00 $375.00 $160.00 T0 RENT BAZAAR 23rd, 1941‘. A. J. HUME, Cl’erk.

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