Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Oct 1941, p. 5

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Yonge & Richmond Sts. Richmond Hill § WWWMO“ i Men’s and Boys’ Wear â€" Boots and Shoes 3 “SAVE MONEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minisvter Sunday, October 26 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 panâ€"Evening Service. The Min- ister will preach. (Kindly note that the morning serâ€" vice has been withdrawn. Next Sunday the regular hour of 11.45 a.m. will be resumed). UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brehhen, B.A., Minister Sunday, October 26 10 a.m.â€"-Sunnd1ay School. 1I1 a.m.â€"1Mornrimg Worship. "7 p.m.â€"Evenfing Worship. Mond’ay Evening 8 p.m.â€"Young Peo- pl’e’s: Union. Wed‘nes-day Evening 8 pm. â€" Com- munity Prayer Service in the United Church. All are welcome. ' A work night has hen set aside :for sewing for children for the less fortunate under conrvenorship of Mrs. Walter Cooke. I Our prayers are extended’ to our president, Mrs. W. J. Whitten‘ for a speedy recovery for good! healuth. May God grant His richest ‘bIeSS'ing‘S. On Tuesday evening, October 28 they will hold their ninth annual Masquerade in the Parish Hall at 8 p.m. Lots of excitement, games, thrills, fortune telling and dancing to But Logan's orchestra. Come and enjoy yourself. Several members are planning to attend’ the 10th Ontario Provincial A.Y.P.A. conference at the Church of St. Michael and! All Angels Oc- bolber 23, 24, 26 and 2-6, 1941. Theme “No Blackout for the Cross". Baln- quet to be he‘ll? at Simpson’s Arcad- ian lCourt on Saturday evening. The speaker will be Sir William Glasgow, Australian High Commissioner. All A.Y.P.A. members should try to at- tend some of the sessions and' take their stand in the task of the chrurch. Do not forget to watch for the d'ate of our Plunzket Dinner coming. Note these features: Interchangeable grates for wood or coal. Extra roomy firebox with large. (e §ur- face for better heating and qwmaking; choice of deep or standard coal fire tâ€" Ir‘ large wood firebox takes 24 “ wood. k- ing top has lift-up front section. m.‘vn.nn “"vvnv' J ENAMELLED FRONT FINISHâ€"An attractive model with entire front finished in porcelain enamelâ€"oflers most of the advantages of the full porcelain finish at less cost. FULL PORCELAIN ENAMEL FINISH â€"in a choice of beautiful colours. Oven finished inside in gleaming porcelain enamel. ing'top has'iitE-Ep’ E656 section. finishgld iriéi‘de“ s'n'GIETniBEVES'cmI'a}; STANDARD FINISHâ€"entirely trimmed “mm ‘ in beaqtiful ivory enamelâ€"no nickel to New tubular chrome door handles stay be polished. cool and are comfortable to grasp. St. John’s, Oak Ridges A.Y.P.A. opened! with a general meeting on Monday evening, October 13th and planned. th-eir season’s progralms. Hardware F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1941. OAK RIDGES A.Y.P.A. NOTES "Backed by 77 years of traditional Findlay quality“ We handle standard lines of proven quality and our prices are right. These are days when we are urged to save. You can save with confidence by buying your men’s and boys’ requirements here. R J. CRAIGIE Mr. and' Mrs. Percy Brillinger, Richmond Hill, have announced the engagement of their daughter Mary to Mr. John Leonard' Hodgins, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hodgins of Toronto, the marriage to take place next Saturd‘ay at Our Ladiy of Lourdes Church, Toronto. At the election of officers of the association of Young Pepple‘s Soci- eties of the, Toronto Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church, Miss Eleanor Banker of Richmond Hill was elected Worship Conwener. The elections were belch inn Calvin Church, Yonge Street. Fifty dollars has been voted 'by the Richmond Hill Red Cross to pur- chase new blankets for Great Bnitâ€" ain. Thes-e wilh be on- display over the week-end in: the window of J. R. Herrington’s oftfice. Members of Miss Jean Middtletom’s Sunday School class at Richmond Hill. United Church met recently at the home of Mrs. James Pollard, Centre Street, and] presented her with a beautiful walnut tray. Mrs. J. B. Donnelly spent last week-end with her husband in Mon- treal. Mr. Donnelly is‘ in: the Air Force and is stationed' at I.P.S. Training School at Victoriavil'le, Quebec. The next in the series of euchres will be held at St. Mary’s R. C. Church basement Friday evening, October mm at 8 pm. All! are cordially inyvited‘. Fltâ€"Lieut. “Dick” Patrick of Port Albert, Ontario, spent a week-end leave at his home here. Pte. “Mac” Cooper of the C.D.C., St. .Thomas spent the wee-kâ€"end’ at his home here. Mrs. Wright of Aurora has rented the residence at 45 Church Street, Richmond Hill. Phone 18 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Great satisfaction was felt by all memlb‘ers that each \box would be welcomed: and appreciated. The boxes contained socks, hand- kerchierfs, shaving cream, tooth paste, razor blad'esg cigarettes, choco- late bars, chewing gum, oxo cwbes, peanuts and Christmas caake. A special meeting of Richvale Red Cross was hveldv om October 16. Four- teen boxes were packed for the men of this district serving- overseas. Jack Sparkes of Richcvale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid‘ Sparkes is in the Toronto General Hospital in a critâ€" ical condition from injuries received when he was struck ‘by a car at Thorn‘hillt last Saturday. Sparkes was rid'lng a motor scooter at the time, and the pointed ornament on the radiator cap of the car pierced his skull. Reports from the Hos- pital indicate that he is progressing as well as couldI be expected and! hope is held out for his recovery. W. Alf. Black of Edgar Ave., Rich- vale, son of Mrs. 1551111, who joined the Toronto Scottish nine months ago, has» been transferred to the R.C.A.F. and' is now stationed at Manning Pool. He took a course at Central! Techma'cal School in: fine instrument work and' passed! his exams with 88 per cent, making him an honor stu- dent of his class. UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. Come and‘ frolic with the spooks at the United Church Young Peo- ple's Hallow-e’en‘ Party on Monday, October 27th at 8 pm. sharp. Help the Y.P. chase the 'bats from the beli'ry and the ghosts from the gall- ery. The annual meeting of the Rich- monrd‘ Hill Curling Club will be held in, the dull) room Friday evening, October 24th at 8 p.111. All memâ€" bers are as‘ked- to make a speciall- effort to attend. SIXTEEN NEW MEMBERS JOIN CHURCH Holy Communion was observed at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning, the services being in charge of the Minister, Rev. S. W. Hirtle. Sixteen new membens were received into memlbership by profession of faith. The new mem- bers were: Anna Gwendolyn Schislsâ€" ler, Ann May Walwin, Zilpha Mary Topper, Marguerite Betty Topper, Mary Elizabeth Smith, Ruth Alverna Smith, Elaine Marguerite Hirtle, Dorothy Virginia Hirtle and! Messrs. Robert Wilson Beresfford, Milton Shand‘ Savage, Frank Stewart Mac- dnnald, Duncan Alexander Macdo‘nâ€" al‘d, Murray Jesse Bow‘es, Thomas James MaeLeod, Murray Seward' Hirtle. BARN DANCE A monster Barn Dance will be held on the farm of Fennel Roth- we‘l’l, lot 10, con. 3, King, Friday, October 24th. Art West's Orchestra. Sponsored by Snowball W.I. Pro- ceedsr for Tellegrarm War Victims" Fund and other war work. Admis- sion‘ 25c. The local Orange Lodges held their opening enuch‘re om October 16 when a very enjoyable evening was spent. The ,prize winners were Isad- ies, first, Mrs. W. Deadmani; 2nd, Mrs. A. Patton: 3rd, Mrs. J. Young; gents, lst, J. Warwick; 2nd, F. Hop- per; 3rd, S. Kidd. The next euchre of the series will be held‘ Thursday, Octolber 30th. tOrrangemie'nts for Dr. F. Hor- woodfs lectures on musical‘ art and appreciation are being completed and) as soon as all details are settled announcement will’ be made in this paper. The series is expected! to commence on November 6th. In the meantime persons interested may get in- touch with Mr. Melecci. Rev. R. S. Mason will take the morning service at St. Mary’s Ang- Lican Church next Sunday owing to the illness of the Rector, Rev. W. F. Wrixon. Rev. J. H. Colclough off Thomhill will preach at the even- ing service. The many friends of Rev. Wrixon will: be pleased to know that he is progressing favorably and hopes to ‘be out again soon. Miss Glenn, Oxford] Street, has very generously donated a, beautiful hand crochet table cloth- to the Rich- mond‘ Hill Lions Club for the Lions' British Child. War Victims" Fund. The cloth will shortly be on display in the windows of Davies Dry Goods Store. Lucky nrulmlber tickets are now on sale by the Lions and the draw will be made Novemlber 20. The United Church choir will leave after the evening service here next Sunday to assist at Headx’fordj church. CL'RLERS MEET FRIDAY RICHVALE THE LIBERAL, RICHMUND HILL, ONTARIO Sunday, Oct. 26 Trinity 20 10 a.m.â€"aSundiay School. 11 aam.â€"(Morm‘ng Prayer. 7 p.m..â€"E'ven.inrg Prayer. A11: cordially inrvited to worship with Wednesday 8 panâ€"United Service of Prayer in United Church. The Red Crose regrets having to announce the cancellation of their games night arranged‘ for November 7th. Owing to the fact that the Red Cross ladies have undertaken to furnish the town banquet in honor of Flight Lieut. Dick Patrick, D»F.C. on Friday evening. Octolber 31, the games night will‘ be postponed: until later in the season. ‘ Owing to the sewing being carried{ ‘on by the Tuesday evening Branch of the Redl Cross, sewing will not be prepared in the Red Cross Room for Friday afternoons. Quilting will proceed) as usual. Everyone is; urg- ed to make a special effort to be in the work room on Wednesday arf- ternoons. More blankets are needed. Thou- sands upon thousands more. This cry cannot be ignored. Branches of rthe Red Cross are asked to launch appeals in their own areas IMMED- IATELY. Ask everyone to do his or her part to help relfieve suffering in Great Britain. New or “Good as New” blankets are acceptable. If the bl’anke’ts are not new, they should’ be cleaned or washecl before ship- ment. About a year and a Half ago, the people of Canada were asked! by the Canadtian Red Cross Society for blankets. They came in by the th-ou- sands â€" blamkets that in the months that followed! provided warmth for women, child’nent and old‘ men- in cold airâ€"raid! shelters in Britain. They were used' in emergency hospitals, in ambulances, in hastilyâ€"erected' fhospital centres where the victims of brutal enemy air-raids were cared for. The following is an excerpt from a recent news bulletin:â€" THEY MUST HAVE BLANKETS‘ (Anglican) Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. 4 Markham Road RED CROSS NOTES ST. MARY’S CHURCH products Fresh fruit: and vegetables Fruit or vegetable preparations Candy or chocolates Breakfasl loud and cereals Macaroni and kindred products Collcc,_ lea, cocoa, chocolate, or xpices Susel or moluses Butter Chum Milk (fluid) or cream ManMaclurcr Manulaclurer‘s Asenl Packer (melts, fish) Processor Blonder Importer Exporter Groculcs (general) Bread,_ bizcuits, or olhcv bakery After December ‘l, 1941, when any of the above goods are bought for resale, both the seller's an£ buyer’s licence numbers must be marked on the sales slip, invoice, or other documeni recording the sale Licence Application Forms will be distributed through the mail. Persons who do not receive one should apply at their Post Office where copies of the Licensing Order may also be secured A Window Certificate and a licence Identification Card will be issued to each licensee. The Certificate must be affixed to the main door or an adieining window of the place of business. No licence fee required INQUIRIES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF LICENSING AT VANCOUVER. EDMONTON. REGINA. WINNIPEG. TORONTO. MONTREAL. HALIFAX, SAINT JOHN. OR CHARLOTTEI'OWN IINDER THE WARTIME PRIOES AND TRADE BOARD llOENSINO ORDER All PERSONS IN THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF BUSINESS FOOD, FEEDS, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, YARN, CLOTH, (LOTT-LNG or FOOTWEAR MUST HAVE A LICENCE BY DECEMBER 1,1941 After December 1,1941, no unlicensed person may buy for resale, handle, or sell any of the above goods A farmer, garden", livestock or poultry ploducel, or lishcnnan Is no! subiecl to licence, unless he buys such goods for resale. MANUFACTURING, HANDLING, OR DEALING IN MUST When production exceeds the demand prices generally are low. 'War condi- tions however are causing a scarcity of many commodities and higher quo- tations are the result. Many are taking advantage of our lay aside offer until needed. We handle standardized goods only, and invite you to see our windows, visit our store and buyâ€"~by comparison. WWWW (soft drinks), Meals, (packed, cured, canned) Meats (Fresh) Fish (packed, cured, canned) Fish (flesh) Poultry QIoducts (eggs, dressed V ’p’o'u'llryr) V "N 'V'w “ Flour or mill feeds Feeds for livestock or poultry pomfderéd) Ice-cream Attend and mlneul water: Warehouse operator Cold storage operator Shoe repair shop operator Custom tailor Clothing contractor Wholesale merchant or iobber Retail merchant Milk (gvapgmed, Iondcnscd or HAVE A LICENCE IF THEY HANDLE OR SELL Davies Dry Goods Store T‘NTQQ U (\D II‘IF MONDAY & TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 28 TYRONE POWER, LINDA DARNELL, RITA HAYWORTH in Issued under the uulhorily of lho Wartime Prices and Trade Boardâ€"OTTAWA, cm YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL snows START AT 7.30 PM. AND 9.30 PM; 63.1: COOLED TO YOUR COMFORT “ THAT HAMILTON WOMAN ” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 30 GEORGE FORMBY in FRIDAY 8d SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, RICHARD ARLEN, JEAN PARKER in JOE E BROWN, FRANCES ROBINSON in TODAY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 VIVIEN LEIGH. LAURENCE OLIVIER in “ so YOU WON’T TALK ” “ BLOOD AND SAND ” CANADA “ FLYING BLIND ” MISS E. ORME “ I SEE ICE clothidé Women's, musses‘ or childven'; accessories (lingerie, corsets, gloves, etc.) Mcals or lunches (catered or delivered) Mgals or lulnches sqld for consump- (ion on the p}élflls;§ Delicatessen ptoaucu Livestock or poultry Men‘s or boys' clothing Men‘s or boys' Furnishings Men‘s or boys' hats or caps Wo_m¢_rg‘s, misses' 0! children's Public eating place operator Retail delicatessen operator Caterer Broker Commission merchant Producer who buys and sells the products of other: 9, PAGE FIVE Fur goods (wearing apparel) Hosiery Millinflv Boots and shoes Rubber footwear Boots and shoe findings Ya_rr_l or oloth of cotton (Includlnc blankets) Yarn or cloth of silk. artificial III. rayon Yam q: glpdl of wool (lncludl. blankets) Yam or cloth of Ilnen Drovcr, huckster, or other penal who buys the product of agil- cullure for resale Auctioneer Co-operalivo buying organizafiu Co-operativc markellns or selling organlution PHONE 119

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