Ibredj Sept. 16 I: Holstein Heifer, 1% years old 1' Jerï¬y and) Holstein Heifer, 9 mos. 0 like above are an exceptionally good herd of cattle and' have a test of over 4%. time of sale I Holstein Heifer, 2 years old, due Nov. 14 1 Holst/em Cow, full flow, bred’ Sep- tember 15 1 Blue}; Cow, part Jersey, bred April 3r 1 Holstein and Jersey Cow, full flow I Durham and Ayrshire tCovw, full flow, bred Sept. 27 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred Au- gust 10 I Holstein Cow, full flow, bred July CATTLE I Holsmein Cow, due Nov. 5th' I Holstein Heifgr, 2% years old, due HORSES 1 Gray Geldmg, 8 years old 1 Grey Gelding, 11 years old hove team weigh approximately 3500 lbs. IMPLEMENTS _ Binder, McCormick Deer-mg, 7 ï¬t cut Mower, Mqurmick Dee'ring, ‘5 ft cut, good: Cultivator, M.â€"H., 13 tooth» Steel Roller, 2 d‘nums Set Disc Harrows, oubthxorw milking, bi‘ed‘ April 2 Part Jersey and Holstein Heifer, L7th Registered Jersey Cow, full flow Jersgy Cow, eligiblg to register, TERMS:â€"CASH No reserve whatever as farm is rented and owner is moving to Woodbridge GORDON HUTCHISON At Lot 10, Concession 6 Vaughan Township 1% miles north of N0. 7 Highway WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1941 PAGE SIX AUCTION SALE 0f FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN AND FURNITURE J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer, The Property of 1i6pe2’ii4‘ ihch, 11:5 feet long About 100 feet 11/; inchumpe 1 Set Single Harness A Number of Bridles ‘5 Horse Collars. all sizes Odd Pieces of Harness GRAIN AND HAY About 3010 Bus. Mixed Grain Approx. 10 ton Mow of Hay, mostly Alfalfa 4 Sling Ropes and' 3 Pulleys- A Number of Cow Ohains Douabletr-ees, Neckyokes, Forks, Sho- vels and other articles too nrum- erous to mention 1 Set Brass Mounted Harness AHMRHHHHHHH pâ€"uâ€"Hâ€"I Manure Spreader, John Deere Set Harrows, 3 s'eotions Sulky Plough, single Cockshutt Walking Plough, Wilkinson No. 5 Set Bob Sleigh-s, good‘ Alsike Buncher Buggy 1 Cutter Heavy Wagon, Adlams Hay Rack, 16 ft. Set Platform Scales, 21000 lbs. cap. Steel Drums, 45 gal. each Wooden Barrels» 46 gal. each Set Plough Wheels, Dick make Sets of Doubletrees furrow, A Quantity of Iron A Number of 5 Gal. Cans Logging Chains 1 Stable Broom Numb er of Clervises _ _ FURNITURE Eatonria Hand‘ Wrirug'er, good Oil Stove Oven, double size Coleman Lamp, (Ga‘sv) National Fire Extinguisher Sale at 12.30 S.T. HARNESS Threshing is now completed in old Ontario and the quality of spring grains is excellent but the volume is considerably below winter feeding frequirementts and it is' anticipated large quantities of grain will have to be brought into the province. The decrease in hay and grain production in: Ontario has forced farmers to reduce purchases of feeder cattle and will tend to restrict any in- crease in hog numlbers. The acreage sown. to fall wheat shows a considerable increase over last year and in York County the crops look fine. In some parts of Ontario Welatherr was too dry in Sep- temlber for best germination and growth. Although there are some fine root crops in Vaughan, Mark- ‘ha'm, King and) Whitchurch it is stated‘ that on the Whole the pro- duction of mangel-s and turnips will be below average. Silo filling is now completed and the average yield for the province is 9.79 tons with a total production of 3,466,000 tons, several hundred thousand tons more than in 1940. Harvesting, of the Date potato crop is well adNanced with the yield The amount of rainfall received in all‘ sections of York County during September and the first three weeks of October has been generous with the result that pastures and‘ root crops made- excellent growth. In some parts of Ontario it has been too dry but in Northern Ontario there has been altogdther too much moisture. In some of these north- ern: districts harvest could) not be completed and potatoes. are lying in the ground rotting. Ontario Potato Crop AVerages 61.4 th. Per Acre Report of Crop Conditions Throughout Province Shows York County Highly Favored In Some Sections Too Much Rain, In Others Too Dry -â€" Grain Crop Below Winter Feeding Requirements â€" Fall Wheat Looks Fine THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO BIG FAIR BONERS The Trenton Courier-Advocate has the following comment in its issue of last week: A friend writes from Toronto and) reminds us that the big fair recently held there pulled) a few “‘bonersf’ which should be well ad- vertised. According to this writer, the fair board' hired U.S. bands and orchestras and singers and] paid them in: U.‘S. funds, which we are asked to conserve in the war interâ€" ests. He also tells of the waste of gasoline to dry off a concrete stage at the grandstand in. full view of about eighteen thousand persons who had been told to conserve gaso- line, and who were hot under the collar about such needless waste.â€" Carleton Place Canadian. Wesley Whittaker won the leather cazlrf halter dxonlate‘dl‘ by ‘the York County Holstein Clulb. Bert Living- ston had pl‘le'vioulsly won one of these, so that it was' awarded: to 'the next highest boy in Showmanship. The Kiwanis Scholarship winners are Bruce Snidler, Wesley Whittaker and: Jamels- Ba-gg. Bert Livingston andI Donald Blag‘g‘Y hoth higher rank- ing boys were not eligible to take the scholarship sime they had pre- viously won a scholarship. These scholarships are 'to the winter Short Course at Guellph, which if cancelled this year will he substituted in some The largest éiass of livestock shown at Woodlbridge Fair was that of the Wood‘bridge Calwf Clwb. Thir- teen boys exhibited Holstein heifer calves and three boys exhibited Jer- sey heifers making a total of six- teen- boys who competed for show- manship. Altan‘ Bagg, soul of George Bagg, was first with; his Jersey heifer. He was al’eo first with- the same callf at the C.N.E. Donald Bagg and James Bagg also showed Jerseys and this growp of three- boys was first prize gnoup at the Calf Clu‘b Competitions at the C.N.E. Sixteen Boys In Woodhridge . Calf Club Show Bert Livingston First With Ho'lstein and Alan Bagg First With Jersey L. S. Livingston had first prize Hol- stein heifer, was first in showman- ship and highest in total points on the Calf Clulb project. The next flour highest placed: Hol’stein calrves, exhibited by Wesley Whittaker, Brwce, Al‘an Watson and] Russell Watson, was one of the groups chos- en to represent the clulb at the C. ranging from good in some'sections to low in other parts of old‘ Ontario. The difference in yield is accounted for by varying soil and weather con- ditions as well as' the met that many fields were poorly cultivated on‘ ac- count of the shontage of labour. The dry weather, with much sunlight during the last few weeks of Sep- temlber. throughout most of Old On- tairio prevented’ the dleveIOpment of late 'blight, and the quality of the potato crop is the best that has been produced for a number of years. Damage from August frosts did not cover a large area, and] the loss in the aggregate was small. Har- vesting of the late crop is now well advanced. The 1941 crop of On- tario potatloes is now estimated at 8,473,000 cwt. from 138,000 acres, our 61.4 cwt. .per acre, as compared with 6,530,000 crwt. from 146,800 acres, or 46.0 cwt. pcrr acre last year. Pre- sent prices to growers are consider- ably higher than those prevailing at this date a year ago. In] Northern Ontario some very high yields are being obtained this season, but extremely wet weather is delaying harvesting in the north:- western districts, and' has caused some rot. The judge, Durno Innes, of Woodâ€" stock, complimented the boys' on a fine show. Bert Livingston, son of laid down great principles each succeSSive generation them ‘to its own problem 800 ft. of 2 inch Quantity of 1 inch 3 pieces 10 x 1‘2 x 1‘4 1 piece 10 x 12 x 12 f 1 piece 10 x 12 x M) f 1 piece 9 x 1'0 x 14 ft 1 piece 8 x 9 x 142 f3. 1piece8x8x8ft. 1 piece'7 x 8 x 12 ft. 1piece7x8x8ft. 1piece5x6x8ft. 1 piece '5 x 5 x 12 ft. 3 pieces: 3 x 7 x 116 ft 2 pieces 6 x 8 x 12 ft. 1 HDâ€"liâ€"‘H IMPLEMENTS, Etc. Heavy Wagon, good Heavy Wagon I Heavy Farm WagOn with sfprmgs and box éomplete Farmer’s Friend; single furrow sulrky plow Maple Leaf 2 furrow walking plow Democrat Wagon Feed‘ Cutter Cream Separator, McCormick Dxeerin‘g, like new 1 1 1 1 1 1 Black Cow, full flow Holstein Cow, bred Jersey Cow, filll flow Black Co-w, full flow Red Cow, ~y0uang Black Cow, young, fuil flow, bred iand Bérl’ey A Quantity of Fall Wheat Approx. 6 Bags Red Cllover Seed IMPLEMENTS 1 Electric Fence 1 Pump 1 El‘ectric Mo‘tor 1 Brood‘er 1 M.-H. Milk Separator, Cap. 600 llbs., new 1 M,-H. Disc Plough for Tractor A Number of Ducks GRAIN AND HAY 2 Large Stacks of Hay and; Clover Hay in the barn Several Hunldrz‘eld Bushels‘ of Oats Several Hlund’red' Bushel‘s: of Barley A Quantity _of Mixed Gr-ain, Wheat old 7 Pigs, 31/2 months old 110 Pigs, 4 months 0M 14 Pigs, 6 months old 18 Figs, ‘5 months old The above pigs are all Yorkshire and in All condition and are all grain fed, n-o srwill used. 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred 1 Holstein: Cow, full flow,_bred 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred 1 Holstein: Cow, full flow, bred 1 Ayrshire Cow, futh flow, Brad 1 Ayrshire Cow, full flow, \bred 1 Ayrshire Corw, full flow, *bred 1 Jersey Cow, ful'l‘ flow, ‘bred' 1 Shorthorn Hei'fcr, fat, 2 years old 1 ‘Shiorthorn: Heifer, 11/2 years old 1 Shorthom Heifer. 2 years 01(1 1 Durham Heifer, 2 years old 4 Steers, 2 years old 15 Grass‘ers, 1 year oLd‘ ‘ PIGS October 4th Black Cow, bred Sept. 9 Red Heifer, bred Aug. 6th Yearlings, 1 nising‘ 2 yeans Yorks Young Sows due end of November, Sets of Heavy Harriesw Set of Single Hal-new Saddle Y-oi‘ks'hire Young Sow, due Dec. 22nd Yonkshil'e Boar, 8 months oLd’ Bay Mare, H.D. Bay Horse, H.D‘ Gray Mare, G.P. Dark Mare, H.D Bay Mare, H.D. ABRAHAM BAKER West Part Lot 12, Con. 2, Vaughan Twp., 11/2 miles north of Concord SATURDAY, NOVEMBER lst, 1941 TERMS:â€"CA SH TERMSâ€"CASH Sale at 12 p.m. S.T. No reserve, proprietor giving up farming J. CARL SAIGEON, & KEN LOVE, Aucts. If it is wet on November 4th sale will be held on November 5th CATTLE, HOGS, IMPLEMENTS, LUM- BER, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, Etc. I. K. KENNEDY Lot 1, Con. 2, Vaughan Township On Bathurst Street between Steele’s Ave. and No. 7 Highway TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH Buy War Savings Stamps Regularly LUMBER & TIMBERS PUBLIC AUCTEON SALE FARM STOCK, HAY, GRAIN, IMPLE- MENTS, TRUCKS, MINK AND FURNITURE xxxxxwx L988865 xxxxxxx 9887755 hire Sow, with litter 5 weeks 1’0 x 14 ï¬t 9 x 1t2 ft. 8 x 8 ft." 8 x 12 ft. 8 x 8 ft. HARNESS POULTRY CATTLE ow, fulL ow, full CATTLE HORSES J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer, '* MAPLE, PHONE 11‘ 14 ft‘ 12 ft. 110 ft. AUCTION SALE of The Valuable Property of The Property of NO RESERVE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1941 1 Desk 1 Table 16 Chairs 1 Roeking Chair 1 Antique Rocking Chair 1 Ice Box 1 Butter Bowl 2 BIG STAR QUIL’DS, all hand made tub, either gas or electric, gOOd 1 Scaldi'on Kettle, gomi 1 Reo Lamp 1 Coleman Lamp Variety of Dishes and.‘ other arbiciea too numerous to mention MISCELLANEOUS 4‘5-gal'lon drums- 14â€"gallom drum Electric Fen-oer, C.T.'C. Magic Brood‘er Model Incubator Trailer 2 Rolls Hot Water Boilers Chicken Coops 1 Set Beam Scales Some Potatoes and) othc too numerous to men' #WHHHHHW 1 piece 6 1 piece 6 x Quantity of 4x4, 4 vanious lengths 56x6x12 4 pieces 6 x 8 x 10 x6x10 6x 1 1930 Chevrol’et stake body, 1% ton 1 2-Wheel Trailer 1 19311 Buick Sedan, good tires 1 Cook Stave, goodl A Quantity of Dish-es A Quantity of Kitchen Utensils 1 Sideboard. 1 Kitchen Table A Number of Screens A Number of Storm Windows A Number of Chairs Beds. Springs, Mattresses & Pillows 1 Quebec Heater. new , A Quantity Aqf Electric Wire, single vand’ dvéutble Many other articles too mention 19 Mink with boxes, good breeding stock 1 Cutting Box 2 Buggies 1 McCormick Deerinvg Mower 1 Rolller, 3 drums 1 Manure Spreader 1 Cutter 1 Wagon A Number'of Cow Chains A Number of Pig Troughs 1 Hay Rack 1 Spring Wagon Numiber of Gaivamized‘ Water Tanks 1 Scythe 1 Hay Knife A Number of Steel' Drums, 415 gals. A Number of Wooden Barrels: A Number of Millk Cans 1 Gas Drum, 1'015 gal. capacity A Quantity of Lumber 1 Chicken _Coop 1 Potato Plough 2 Bags Calci-urh A Number of Bags of Cement 3 Aeroplane Boxes, size 11 ft. by 22 ft. Forks. Shovels and N‘eckyokes and other articles too numerous to mention elled, like new Air Tigfht Heater, almost new 3-Bumer Oi‘l‘ Stove, Perfection Electric Ranrgette Desk 1 Table i Chairs 1 Booking Cha Antique Rocking Chair Ice Box 1 Butter Bowl China Cabinet, like new Bed, Spring and! Mattress Paijmj Qii'culabing Heater, enam- Fair Day Power Wash-er, double Mangle Seeder " No. 21 Cockshutt Walking Plow, new Souffler, Cockshutt, n'ew Platform Scales, 2000 lfos. Large 2-horse Sprayer DouJble Disc Harrow for Tractor Complete Garden Tractor, wit’h Disc Harrow, Cultivator & Plow Sleigh 1 Root Bul‘per Rid’ing Cultivator 2-Fu1rowed] Plow gutting Box 2 Buggies '. Sale starts 12.30 S.T. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FURNITURE TRUCKS MINK 2 Rolls Roofing 2 ft. ‘0 ft. 0 ft. 4 ft. 4x5 and 3x4 in other articles mention numerous to