Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Nov 1941, p. 5

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As we do not have very much spare thne we are unable to do our own' fancy work, and: are also handi- capped: by lack of materialsâ€"cou- pons are not issued' to soldiers. Com- forts such as those you sent do help us along, we get so tired of seeing khaki. Life in the A.T.S. is very a’bsorb- ing and it is certainly a full time job. As we are told, we are on duty twenty-four hours out of twenty- !our, and seven days a. week. Some- times we grumble, but then we do that in spare time, and! isn’t it sup- posed to be a British characteristic? We see nearly as many of your boys as our own in this part of the country, and‘ your native hospitality and kindness radiates from them. Each fortnight they send a truck to our Camrp to take girls to a dance held in their quarters. They give us girls a marvellous time then deposit; u§v safe and! scum! in Camp To the members- of St. Mary's Anglican Church:â€" Please accept the mest Sincere thanks fax; your leaver gift of towels, on 'behalf of the A.T.S. at this» Training Centre. We were awâ€" fully bhrilled- with them»; it is a mar- vellous; idea to do crochet won); on towels. I had’ never seen it before. It is grand» to feel that so many mil-es away there are other members of the British Empire striving to win the war in their own homes and in their own free time. Last spring a special service was held at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, to which were brought “bundles for Britain”. These were received and blessed by the Rector and! then packed and‘ sent overseas. Recently the following very interesting letter was received from one of those who thankfully received one of the “bundles”. “Bundies qu Britain!” From Richâ€" mond Hill Received With Gratitude in Enghmd There will be roses» and' sweet vio~ lets mingled And ivy will iclimlb high around the door; We both will! find peace and conâ€" tentment And be happy together once more. I’ll return that sweet love dear forâ€" ever, When my duty here is no more to roam; Ami I hope that we’ll soon be to- gather In our, little pLace we call home. You spoke of our love never dying, Though duty may keep us apart, And! I know that .each word was a vow dear, That came from deep down in your heart. A SOLDIER? DREAM Last night as I laid on my Iblankets, I dreamed of love that we shared: Then I knew there was somebody waiting For me so far over there. Well Jack I guess that is all for now. Here is a poem I thought up for your paper. It will take up some space anyway. Well Jack so long, good luck, thanks again for The Lilberal and! bestt wishes to all the folks at home. In fancy your fair face shone be- fore me With; beautiful radiance alglow, And I thought I heard' my name whispered In accent so tender, and low. I wish to take the opportuniby to tihank you for sending- me “The Liberal" which. brings me nearer to home acress the sea. to which I hope someday to return and see all the smiling faces I know so well. I have travelled far since I left Richmond Hill. I have been all ov‘er the Brit- 'ishv Isles but nothing like your own little town. I have seen the King and Queen four times now. The weather Over here is quite different to that of ours at home. Right now it is foggy oldv England: and» it is cold) at nights with so much fog. Jerry is not over so much now. I guess the Russians have got them in hand. Dear Mr. Smith:â€" THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 1941. ERNIE GOODE. WRITES- FROM’ ENGLAND W28803, Cpl. E. P. Menage, H. Q. Company, No. 7 A.T.S. Training SChool, Queen’s Camp, Guild‘fordx, England. September 10, 1941. Pte. E. A. Goode, B67154, C. Coy., Royal Regt. of Can., Camibrid'g‘e, Surrey LETTERS FROM OVERSEAS E. Goode a Large field to ourselves so we make her walk down and canter back. We don’t have a saddle and after our ride we help the foster- father feed’ his hens. He has nearly 500. I am always responsible for; the eggs and‘ I love counting them and! weighing them. I have no more to say, so good~fbye and good l‘uck until next time. Your evacuee friendl, Valerie Rosenlbl-att. Describing little Valerie who was made so happy by clothing sent ‘by Markham Township Red: Cross, her foster-mother in a letter to Miss Mina S‘ommerville said: “A nice helpful child, Valerie is rosy cheek- ed, full of fun, with d‘arik sparkling eyes, dark curly hair in Long ringâ€" lets. Very many thanks for your cheering letters. We can never for- get ahl you good and kind] women of Canada who have helped with your prayers, your loving thoughts and: generous gifts which are so very much appreciated. God! bless you all.” The writer of the above letter was Miss Waller, Clothes Centre, Hope Street, Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire; England. The annual Junior Farmer’s Home Plowing banquet is being held this Friday evening, November 14 in the Presbyterian Church, Agincourt at 7 pm. Standard: Time. The guest speaker on this occasion will be J. A. Carroll, Secretaryâ€"Manager of the International Plowing Match. This; year York County hmi a championship plowing team at the International and it is the intention to do honor to them at this time. Besides the awarding of prizes 'to the competitors in the home plow- ing there will be a short program of musical numbers. In a Later letter she says: “I am thirteen years old and I am going to tell you about myself. I have a gandem in which I have grown pota- toes, carrots, beans and two kinds of lettuce. It is fun to loo-k at them every day and findi new sccds comâ€" ing up. I am the only ev‘cvre g"' in this district as all: my gir‘ fr‘ew‘: have gone back. I play with two small] boys whose names are Peter and John and when it is fine we ride a, pony. Her name is Molly, and she is a circus pony. We have “Dear Friendsâ€"I received your costume and was delighted in gett- ing it. It fits me perfectly and I am very grateful. I was surprised when» I heard it had' come all the way from Canada. I have 'been in Yonkshire for two months and I am very happy.” The Mankham Township Branch of the Red Cross has received) many interesting letters from people in 'bomhah areas of Britain who have been the recipients of clothing made by members of the branch. There is the case of little Miss Valerie Roseniblatt. She received an outfit made by the Buttonnvillle unit of the fbranch and She writes as follows: Every part of a day is accounted for in the Army. Reveille is at six thirty, breakfast an hour later. The time duties begin depends on the type of work. Cooks; begin work sometime-s as early‘ as four in the morning in order to get the 'boil- ers' lighted. “Lights out” is at ten fifteen andl we have to be in the Camp by ten: forty-five unless in possession of a late pass. The rules may sound! irksome to you but we all realise that every 'rule is made for a reason» so just grin: and. bear it. We are very proud’ of two Canad- ian girls here at this unit. It must have been a wrench for them to leave their homes and come so far dd sta nit. Thank you for your gifts, we are really very grateful. THANK YOU. AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL, WRITES CHEERFUL BRITISHER TO MARKHAM RED CROSS BRANCH At this Training Centre we are trying to run things on the same fines as the men. As you can imag- ine this is very ambitious, but I think I can say that up to the preâ€" sent we have succeededâ€"please don’t accuse me of blowing my or our own trumpet. CoalJ fatigues and some of the heavy jobs in the cook house are rather s‘tremiOuS, but we set our teeth and say “Oh! If the men did! it then so can we.” (No slight to the stronger sex is intend“ ed‘) . again? It‘matkes a‘great‘ break for us and we like to think we are short- ening the time for them aw’ay from their homes. PLOWING COMPETITION BANQUET Yours sincerely, Pat Menage Of our dear son gone to rest, And those who think of him today Are the ones who loved- him best. â€"'Sadi»y missed but always remem- ‘bered- by his Dad, Mother, Brothers and Sisters. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the neighbours, friemdS and relatives of our dear father, George Dennis, for their mamy acts of kindness» and) sympathy |throughout. his long illnlesw and dur- ing our recent bereavememt, also for beautiful floral tributes. ROBERTSâ€"In loving memory of our dear son and’ brother Harold (Bust- er) Who passed away Novemlber 16, 1940. Today recalls sad‘ memories This is the.fina] notice in connec- tion with Dr. F. Horwood’s lectures on; Musical Art and Appreciation, which commence next Thursday, No- vemlber 20th at 8 o’clock in the Mun- iycipal- Building. There has already {been a good response i0 these nob- 5.ces, but you may stihi see Mr. Meiecci or phone 19 if interested. There appears to be several points which are not clear in this regard. It has apparently not been generâ€" ally und’erstomfl that Dr. Horwood’s lectures are for upper Pufblic School and} older children: as well as for adults. The original intention ocf Dr. Homoodv was to make the course wvailalble to children: and parents jointly. The lectures consist of six altogether, to be held every other week, and there is a moderate fee. Each lecture lasts one hour and a halrf. Dr. Horwood‘ is a well known lecturer at the Extension Depart)- mem: of the University and! with the Toronto Conservatory of Music which sponsors this series. Richmond Hill is privileged to have the advantage of fbeing alble to hear him without going to Toronto, as many have (lane in other years. Themonthly meeting of the Pres- byterian WiMeS. was held at the church last Thursday with members from the Thornihill and Willowdale organizations as guests. Mrs. Geo. Walwin, president, presided. F011qu- ing devotiona]! exercises slides on the work of the church in) India were explained by Mrs. Beresford. Re~ freshments vgere served by the lad- ies at the close of the meeting. A large crowd is expected to at- tend the local Orange benefit euchre and bingo to be held“ in the Masonic fHaM Mondlay evening, November 17. I ICouncilll‘or Bfll' Neal, George S. Walrwin, George Agar amfl J. Shear- down- are among the Richmond Hill mepnesenrtatives in the worth country [for the deer hunt. The Explorers” group thwank aLl those who donated and! \bought candy at their sale last Saturday. A satis- factory amount was realized which wihli enabb .the girls to (purchase their ties and! crests. Next meeting will’ be hem Tuesday, November 18 from 7 sharp to 8. Mr. Thomas Lamon, a former principal of Richmond Hill Pulblic School. was honored this. week ’by North Toronto citizens with a. pheâ€" senstafcxiom of an oil painting and purse. Mr. Lamon‘ retired last June after thirty years as principal of Bed'fordI Park School. He left Rich- mond Hill to take the Toronto posiâ€" tion in 1911. The Women’s Auxiliary of Vaughan and\ Richmond Hill Veterans: will hold‘ a euchre at the home of Mrs. Say- ers, Centre St. West Tuesday af- ternloonx next at 2 pm. of Miss E. Hunt’s group will meet next Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the home otf Mrs. Herbert Cook, Roseviewv Avenue. There will be a shower of old and new clothing and! also the packing of the bale. Richmond) Hill United Church anâ€" nual bazaar and supper is adwer- tised for next Thursday, November 20th; _ There will Ibe a- meeting of the C.G.I.T. tonight in the Unitedi Sunr dlay School room. All girls. 12-18 are cordially invited‘ to attend. The Evening Auxiliary of the United’ Church under the leadership (Mrs, A. L. Phipps of Richmond Hill ad‘dmessadl the Newmanke’t W.C. YI‘.U. meeting Tuesday afternoon. .St. Mary’s Anglican Church an;â€" nual Chrisrtmas bazaar will be held Saturday, November 15th. a Navy League Tag Day,’ Saturday; November 16th. Social and Personal IN MEMORIAM Mrs. S. R. Raelburn, Mr. Arthur Dennis. THE LIBERAL, RICHMUN'D HILL, ONTARIO St. Mary’s Anglican Church. was the scene of a pretty wedding Sat- urday afternoon, November 8th at four o’clock when Margaret Iisolbel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart MacPherson, Yongehurst Road, be- came the bride of Mr. Ronald Kit- chener O‘lDell. To the strains of Lohengrin‘s wedding march played by Miss Lucy Yererx, the bride en- teredl the church on the arm of her father. Rev. W. F. Wrixon offici- ated. The bride was charmingly gownedl in a soldier blue sheer crepe dress trimmed- with lace and wore a matching hat and veil. She car- ried pink roses andl white ‘bou'vat‘dia. Miss Thelma MactPhe'rson, sister of the bride, acted as (bridlesmai‘d‘ andl was becoming'ly gowned! in a black plum crepe dress with matching hat and carried‘ a bouquet of Talisman roses. The groom was supported! by Mr. Stanley Keffer. Following the ceremony at reception was held‘ at “Chez Paree”, 2201 Bloor St., To- ronto. Mrs. MacPherson, gowned’ .n a Victorian brown dtresxs trimmed with chiffon velvet and? wearing a hat to match received! the guests. Receiving with her was: the groom’s mother dressed! in: blue crepe and matching hat. For travelling the ‘bride wore a black velvet 'd’ress trimmed with hand made lace collar and cuffs, and] grey kid fur coat with matching accessories. The young couple will live in) Duparqua, Quebec. WYCHWOOD FARM JERSEY MAKES RECORD ' The Jersey cow, Wychwoodi Mart- ina’s Miss, 101298, owned: by Wych-- wood' Farm, Concord', Ontario, and bred by E. T. Stephens, Richmond Hill, Ontario, has been awarded a silver medal certificate by the Can- adian Jersey Cattle Club. She is a daughter of Martina’s Observer, whose dam, Design’s Martina, was twice grand champion at the National Dairy Show in the United States, and a gold‘ medal winner. .Martina’sv Miss went on test as a junior three year old and in 305 days prod'ucad‘ 8,834 Ubs. of milk and 501 lbs. of fat, with an average test of 6,67%. UNITED Y.P.S. A cordial invitation is extended: to everyone to attend the showing of the Evening Telegram’s British War Vic'tims’ Funld. filmsl to be slhownv'in the United} Church on NOVemFoer 24 at 8 p.m. These pictures: show how the money raised‘ by the Evening Telegrani’s British War Victims’ Fund) is used’ to help decrease the suffering iw Emgliand. One of the films is dalled‘, “First Aid to the Front Liners”. A silver collection will be taken and all proceeds will go to the Evening Telegram British War Victims’ Fund‘. BAZAAR AND SUPPER The Women’s Association of the Richmond Hill- United Church wil‘l hold the annual Bazaar and Supper in- the School Room- of the Church, Thursday, November 20th. The ba- zaar will open at 3 ~p.m. Hot suppe} served from 6 p.m., .price 35 cents. The Ahka Seltzer program “Did I Say That?” will} 'be a feature of the evening’s program. W The Evening Branch of the Red Cross will hold its meeting on Thursday evening, November 13. RED CROSS NOTES O’DELLâ€"MiacPHERSON ‘3 WEDDING Davies Dry Good Store Several lines however are essential, and anticipating this condition, we bought well in advance, and invite you to select at leisure, and we will lay aside until needed. The prizes we give annually will shortly be displayed in our windows. The curtailment in many lines of general merchandise is an inconvenience, but aminor matter compared with the many problems we are having to face in the gigantic job of winning the war. War Savings Certificates are the first consideration. MISS E. ORME YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL Business is better. Clerks are be- ginning to uush the customens around just as if they didn’t have any money. Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, Nov. 16th 10.30 a.m.â€"Sund§ay School. 11.46 a.m.â€".Mornring Service. 7 p.m.â€"Annmal‘ Thank Offering Service of the WILLS. The Min- ister will. preach. It takes 18 civilians ‘0 supply ev- ery soldier, sailor and‘ aviator with equipment. The assembly line is just as important as the firing line. SAVE MONEY WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, [NOVEMBER 19, 20 PATSY KELLY, ADOLPH MENJOL‘, CHARLES RUGGLES in “ Road Show ” â€"â€" ALSO v SIDNEY TOLER, (CHARLIE CHAN). KATHARINE ALDRIDGE in “ Dead Men Tell ” RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TODAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 EDW. G. ROBINSON, MARLENE DIETRIOH, GEORGE RAFT in “ Manpower ” Christmas Bazaar Men’s and Boys’ Wear â€" Boots and Shoes Yonge & Richmond Sis. " Richmond Hill Commencing at 3 p.m. D.S.T. APRONS, HOME BAKING, FANCY WORK AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES These are days when we are urged to save. You can save with confidence by buying your men’s and boys’ requirements here. We handle standard lines of proven quality and our prices are right. St. Mary’s Anglican Church aturday, November 15th snows START AT 7.30 PM. AND 9.30 PM. DJSL’TI COOLED TO YOUR COMFORT MONDAY & TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 18 FREDERIC MARCH. MARGARET SULLIVAN in FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 15 GENE AUTRY. SMILEY BURNETTE in “ Sunset in Wyoming” â€" â€" AND â€"â€" â€" RUTH DONNELY, ROSCOE KARNS in “ The Gay Vagabond ” “ So Ends Our Night ” R J. CRAIGIE Afternoon Tea Will be Served PHONE 119 That’s Why to buy good kind. we sell. & Son. ' The local club will hold play at- rangements ‘each Wednesday evening at the High Schoo} gy'm commencing Nov~ecrnfber 19th until December 17th for competitive beam play, practice, and! other gym features includfing Borden ball. Will all past season members note. Prospective membem who have been communicated with as wem' as any others interested are cordially inwitedl to atbend. VOLLEYBALL CLUB NOTES SLATE WON’T BURN PA GE FIVE it is ec0nomy for you coah, “blue coal”, the Phone 10, I. D. Ram/er

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