Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Nov 1941, p. 8

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' PAGE EIGHT Austin’s Drug Store PHONE 33, RICHMOND HILL '7’ on av WHEN YOU 00 BY BUS.’ BUSES LEAVE RICHMOND HILL TO ORILLIA 8.03 a.m. x 10.28 a.m. 2.03 p.m. x 6.25 p.m. a 8.48 p.m. xâ€"through to North Bay aâ€"to Orillia Fri., Sat, Sun. & Hol. (Eastern Standard Time) Tickets and Information at A. HISLOP, Telephone 177 GRAY ,COACH" .LINES Call us for the low ash rod-marked hard cool Jones Coal Co. Richmond Hill Phone 188 BUTTONVILLE ,A Week ago about :50 ladies of: the community gathered in the base-l ment of Brown's Corners United Church to quilt for the Red‘ Cross. Three quilts were completed. Of these one quilt had been patched' by Mrs. Craig, the other two by Mrs. Brown. A supp-er mas sCrved at which a collection was taken to help defray the expense of the boxes sent overseas. Shipped from Buttonville this week by the Red Cross are the following ’articles: A boy's outfit consisting of coat, pants, shirt, sweater. 2 pair hose; a child’s scarf, 2 sailors' scarfs, a sleevelesss weatcr, 4 wash cloths, 7 pair rifle mitts, a boy’s sweater, 3 quilts. 1’ blankets 6 of which were donated by the Red Cross and’ 7 blankets were bought with money donated by several ladâ€" ies in the community, 8 girls’ dresses, 3 pair seamani‘s boots. or 26” stock- ings. On Monday night the ladies of the Buttonrville Institute gathered at the home of Mrs. R. Boyingtoni to the Last class in “New Ways to Cook 'Vegetiaibles". This class was inl charge of Mrs. Art Newson assisted! by Mrs. E. Walton. Several new‘ and ap-petizing dishes were made and sampled and with. a very hearty vote of thanks to those who conducted the class and to Mrs. Boyington for the use of her house the meeting adjourned. The hunting urge took the foll- owinlg hunters north, T. Patterson. D. Hood. R. Boyington, L. Hood. N. Burr and N. Boyington. We wish them luc-k. Last week the Markham Institute invited the Buttonville group to at- tend one of their meetings. The majority ocf Buttonville Institute menrlbers were able to attend. Mrs. A. Stephenson gave two solos in her usual pleasing manner followed by Mrs. Newham who spoke on the topic “Peralce and International Re- lation-ships". Her talk dealing with present day events in our troubled world‘ was an inspiration to all who heard. The solos by Mrs. Mill-er were mucl: enjoyed. The thought in Mrs. Maynard’s short talk was one for us to remember in our present dayâ€"“What we value we h-ol ." Mrs. R. Boyington conveyed the thanks of the Buttonyille ladies and their enjoyment in the prograimm-e’ they had heard and with the Na- tional Anthem the meeting adjourned. HE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO VELLORE NEWLYWED-S HONORED WITH PRESENTATION Mr. and Mrs. "Pat" Clubinc of Richmond Hill were honored at a charivari party at Vellore Memorial Hall last Thrrsday evening. A large nunber of the fl'i(nds of the popu- lar coup‘e gathered to extend them congratulations and best wishes. A pleasant feature of the evening was when Mrs. Bryson Lloyd asked the couple to come forward and read a engratulatory message and Charlie Black made the presentation of a beautiful mantel clock. Mr. and Mrs, 'Clrbine made brief rerplies thanking their friends for the lovely gift. The “Sixth” orchestra was in attendance and supplied music for dancing and Peter Craib aibly acted as floor man- ager. The following is the address read by Mrs. Lloyd“: The address was as follows: Mr. and) Mrs. Cluibine: It affords us much pleasure to be gathered here this evening to honor you after your recent wedding. Mrs. Clulbine, we have had the pleasure of knowing you for some time, but we are happy to know that 'you have decided to remain with us. Pat, we are very pleased to have you before us tonight in the .position of a. smiling bridegroom. Now that you have taken this serious step, we sincerely hope you have all the happiness and joy possible. May your married life be long and prosperous. And to assist in the march of time we ask you to accept this clock with our very best wishes. Signed on behalf of the Charivari group. LATE FIELD CROPS PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE The first estimate of the late field crops of Canada in 1941 places po- tato production at 39,290,000 cwt. ‘This is slightly below normal and below the 42,300,000 cwt. output in 1940. Commercial sugar beet production in 1941 is estimated at 731,000 tons. a slight increase in yield per acre at 10.34 bushels. but a decrease of 94,100 bushels in total production. due to a reduction of 11,500 acres compared with 1940. Corn for husking, fodder corn, pm: 5, b cans and alfalfa cuttings showed increases, wilrile decreases were estimated in turnips, buck- wheat and mixed grains. RICHMOND HILL is pledged to Support CANADA’S Your Dollars Are Weapons of War! C Thornhlll lilst. about LX-SL‘lIOOl mate: and friends gathered at the home 0f Miss Betty Bone to shower their good wishes and gifts on Miss Janet Little of Liaiigstaff who is to be married on Saturday, November 22 in Trinity Anglican Church to Mr. Ernie Ptters also if Langstaff. In a few very fitting word: the bride- te~be thanked all present for their kind thoughts and good wishes. A social tinze was then enjoyed by all. The Toronto Evening Telegram War Movies in aid of the B.W.V.F. will be shown under the auspices of the Thornhill Y.P.U. on Wednesday, November 10th at 8 p.m. in the United Church. Mrs. Humphrey Sr. and MI‘. and Mrs. H. L. Humphrey Jr. and family (both of North Toronto, were Sunday Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Eyier. ‘ Mr. G. Sparrow, now of Thorn- hill. spent the weekâ€"end with his family in Stryner. Mr. S. S. Findlay and Mr. G. Nuttâ€" al spent the week-endl with Mr. N. C. Findlay of North Bay. We are glad to record that Mr. G. Campbell who‘has been ill for the past few days with the flu is now back on the job again. Mr. and Mrs. R. Patterson of Orono were recent guests of Ml‘. and Mrs. T. Findlay. Miss Florence Rickwoodi was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson. (‘it TliUi stay ivt nip-2‘ tu cntyâ€"iive Owing to war conditions the Thornhill Horticultural Society has decided) to dispense with the annual barquet this year and in its place have a social evening for the memâ€" be’ : and friends of the organization. Tliis social will be held in Lawrence Mtinorial Hall Wednesday, Novemâ€" her 16th. Notice of the speaker and entertainn‘ient will be given in next week‘s Liberal. The distribution of prizes won by meml'oers this year will take place at this event. Many parties are [being given by residents of Thornhill for their friends who will attend the third annual dance of the Thornhill branch o The National War Weapons Drive is on! Get behind our local effort. Double your regular purchases. Do it today. A double Purchase means double help to Canadaâ€"and a double investment to you. Canada needs weapons of war, now â€"y0ur dollars can supply them. War Savings Certificates are the one means of support all can use. Push their sale whenever and wherever you can. DR. J. P. WILSON, Phone 24, Local Chairman of the Red.‘ Cross tonight. Miss Shelagh Macdonnell is entertaining about 20 of her Toronto friends inâ€" cluding Murray Maynard, Ken Cam- eron, Miss P. Synge, C. Worsley. Mrs. Tom Jackson expects about 20 city guests including Wing Com- mand-er McCau‘l, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robin- ette, Mr. and! Mrs. Gordon Jamie- son. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bryant,‘ Dr. and Mrs. Ed. Harrison, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. John MacNeil. A group of university girls and Air Force officers will be the guests of C01. and Mrs. MacLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jaeger will have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hinder and Mr. and Mrs. John Han- son. The guests of Mrs. Bruce Ross, convener of the dance, will include Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Reid, Mr. and‘ Mrs. John Angus and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. B. Hector. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Neil will have as their guests Mr. and and Mrs. Maitland Prid- ham of Toronto. and Messrs. J. Taschereau, Robert. Pinsonnaul‘t and Roger LaiRoche of Quebec. The “'1. bazaar will be held at the home of Mrs. James Thursday, November 30th at 2.30 len. Xmas gifts will be offered for sale and the usual dainty tea will be served. The money made is to help with the war work of the organ- ization. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Where a Friendly \Velcomie Awaits You Rev. Eldridge A. Currey, B.A., B.D., Minister Sunday. Nov. 16th, 1941 10 a.m. ~â€" Sunday School. Lesson quic, Union With Christ. Gol- den Text. “Abide in Me, and I in you."â€"John 15:4. 11 antâ€"Morning Worship. Sermon Topic, Unoccupied‘ Territory. 2.30 p.m.â€"Men‘s Class in the church. Discussion Topicâ€"What Have I a Right to Expect From God? Women's Class in the SS. room. 7 p.m.â€"Evening “'orship. Subject, The Limitations of God. FELLOWSHIP PERIOD Immediately following the evening service, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bone. SERVICE OF INTERCESSION 8 p.m.. Tuesday, November 18th, in the Presbyterian Church Sunday School room. “So a good prayer, though often used, is still fresh and fair in the ears and eyes of heaven. Yâ€"Fuller. “Therefore also now, saith the Lord. ’turn ye even unto me with all your heart.“â€"Joel’2:12. Plant the crabtree where you will, it will never bear pippins. Pearson, ' Home cooking and economical: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 1941. WEEKLY NEWS NOT ES FROM UNIONVILLE DISTRICT The "Ol: Night' at L'n- ionvillc Junior ini'nicis mutin: sent Tinu r‘s many reminiscing along “time's highway”. Bill Champion anl Ruby Recsor gave some highlights of the early days and the crowded hall gave evidence that their efforts had nct been in vain. Unionville Junior Farmers varied Activities and their far-reaching influence bringing about many changes that tend to the bet- terment. of farm living as outstand- ing improvements verify. A unanimous ctrâ€"operation in the al- lcttcd‘ task is the secrtt of this suc- and an organization of this calibre is indeed a credit to the com- munity it represents. Speaking of community behaviour or getting along with each other. B. F. Cannon, formerly of the Nor- mal School Staff. now Inspector ‘f Schools in Scanboro said we must first have confidence in and! respect for our fellow citizens and allow the right of the community to take pre- cedence over the right of the indi- vidual as we see it. A constant co- operative cffort needs the observ- ance of community rules and regu- lations. Ways to lose friends, Mr. Cannon quoted were to have emo- tional sprees, dominate your friends, be a martyr, be a bore, never com- mend always criticize, and find fault, be a dignified snob. Rules of good behaviour were srmmarizedi in: Be a good loser, dev velop sense of humor, make quick decisions and abide by the conse- quences, cultivate the haibits o-f reg- ularity and promptness and always live in the present. Learn to forget the “Dead Yesterdays" and the “Un- born Tomorrows". Live in the “Right Now". Jack London's prayer made a fitting closing for this splen- (lid' meeting. Lorill, now I start my daily work, I pray the Lord. I may not shirk; If I should die befcre the night. I pray the Lord I may do right. The reading of extracts from form- er news sheets by Elliot Harrington was enjoyed. Presentation of Mark- ham Fair prizes were followed by refreshments and dancing concluded the evening. The Red Cross appeal for blankets continues, and donations either of money or blankets will be gratefully received. Thirteen blankets and fortyâ€"eight dollars which will pur- chase 24 blankets, making 37 that have been contributed by Markham Township. Only three units have been heard from and as the need‘ is great it is desired that other units will answer the call as well. Twenty-four ladies attended the November meeting of the local Wo- men’s Institute that convened at the home of Mrs. A. E. Milner day. Mrs. Seth Thompson presided in the absence of the president Mrs. Whaley. 'An interesting event of the afternoon was a demonstration on “How to make the best of Vege- tables" given by Mrs. A. E. Milner and Mrs. T. Burnett. Attractive will cess salads, a delight to the eye as well; with other, as the appetite, along ways of serving vegetables were pre- sented. [Plans to answer the blanket ap- peal were made and the appointâ€" ment of Mrs. A. E. .Milner as offi-‘ cial delegate to the annual convenâ€" tion was included in the business program. Refreshments were served with Mrs. A. E. Milner, Mrs. F. Atkini Thurs- ' syn. Mrs. Armitagc, Mrs. R. J. Duf- ifield and Mrs. C. E. Stiver as host- esses. The Library Board catered to the Plowman's Association event last Wednesday when approximately 400 persons were served during the day. The inconvenience of no water sup- ply at the Township Hall is a prob- lem for such events and the solving of this problem‘ by having a well or some means of supply would in- deed be a splendid help on such 0c- casions, also a boon as fire pro- tection. Could not our council de- vise some plan for meeting this need? We are pleased to report Mrs. John Brown home from hospital and‘ making favorable convalescence. Miss Jean Muirheadi is attending Normal School. Mr. Desmond Gale, of the Bank of Commerce spent the holiday in; Beaverton. _ Miss Grace Hai‘ringtoni\spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warne and son Billy of St. Catharines were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy. Mrs. F. Boadway and Mrs. D. Coulson spent last week with rela- .tives in Toronto. Miss Effie Middleton of Toronto spent Wednesday at her home here. A number from; our community attended the Fowl“ Supper at Vic- toria Square. The Turkey Supper of Unionville United Church held last week was the best yet -â€" good} weather, a crowd of over 600 peeple and cleared approximately $200.00. The pictures presented by Mr. Walter Monkhouse were close to nature and very wholesome. Mrs. Garfield Hamilton was well received with her solo num- bers and much enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Nerwham and Rev. Mr. Davis de- lighted us all with their humorous experiences in pastoral work and church life. The ladies were excep- tionally well Organized and served good meals. ST. MARY‘S CHURCH ‘ (Anglican) ‘ RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Sunday, Nov. 16 Trinity 23 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. Wednesday 8 p.m.â€"United Service of Prayer in. the United Church. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH c. B.'Brethen, B.A., Minister Sunday, Nov. 16th 10 a.m.â€" School. 11 aidâ€"Morning Worship. Mr. T. E. Plewman, F.R.G.S., of West China will deliver the sermon. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. Mr. Plew- man will illustrate his experiences in China and Tibet with colored lantern slides. Monday Evening 8 p.m.â€"Young Peou ple's Union. Debate and social Rev. l evening. ,Wednesday Evening 8 p.m. â€" Com- munity Prayer Service in the United Church. All are. welcome. The pine wishes herself a shrub when the axe is at her root. =0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0= I] .. [I H o I] H o =O=°=0=o - lat 'F.L. Eyesight Specialist * Glasses Fitted â€" Lenses Ground on Premises â€" 3242 YONGE STREET LOWRIE, R.0. * Eyes Examined * Optical Repairs NORTH TORONTO For Appointments Phone -â€" HU. 8949 =0=l0=0=10= “BEFORE mix-3" "Ewlmdwoodrahge 0 Here's a stove of modern design and with exceptional cooking capacity â€" at a really moderate price. The Findlay “Vega” has an extra roomy firebox for better heating and quick baking. Can be obtained in three finish“. Come in and see the modem features of this Findlay Coal and Wood Range. . F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE PHONE 18, RICHMOND HILL

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