Two Week Special School Girl’s Perman- ent $1.95 ‘ Phone Thornhill 102 PAGE EIGHT 1942 MOTOR VEHICLE PERMITS AND DBWEBS’ LICENSES November 2611!, 1941 Whén driving along our highways give our Soldier boys a ride. {THE TERM of 1941 permits and licenses has been extended _'to January 31st, 1942, after which date they will be invalid and those operating with them subject to the penalties pro- vided. There will be no further extension of their term. Secure yours early and avoid the usual rush ot the last Iew Weeks. For your convenience, permits and licenses are issued through the ofï¬ces of 191 agents located throughout the Province. Preserve your 1941 plates. Do not destroy or throw them away. During the ï¬rst two weeks of February they will be collected through Gasoline Service Stations by The Canadian Red Cross Society;- 3242 YONGE STREET NORTH TORONTO * Eyes Examined * Glasses Fitted * Optical Repairs Lenses Ground on Premises Eyesight Specialist For Appointments Phone â€" HU. 8949 The regular monthly meeting of York County Veterans Association will be held on Tuesday next, Dec. 2nd: at 8.16 pm. in the Municipal Hall, Richmond Hill. All members and those Wishing to join are re- quested to attend. BECEMBEB Isl, 1941 With The Veterans will be available and avoid the usual rush of the last few ONTARIO It was announced this week that the Thornhill-Langstaff district War Savings Committee has completed a canvas of the district and the re- sults show that the people have ex- ceeded] the original objective. The first goal set was $700 per month and subscriptions tabulated by canâ€" vas-sers brought the total up to al- most $12IUIO monthly. This is a splen- di-d' showing and we congratulate the committee and people of the district on the fine response in this phase of Canada’s war effort. The Liberal has (been the Home Paper of this district since 1878. A local weekly serving this section of York County it has a Wide news and advertising coverage. If yOu are not now a subscriber we invite you to :-:_ m... m,“ o-rnwing‘ familiv of join our ever growing family of readers. Subscribe today and re- ceive the paper every week by mail, $1.150 per year. If thinking of a Christmas present for a friend, or some member of your household, what could; be more acceptable than a year’s subscription to the Home Pap- 91‘. ..‘ Miss L. Trimble visited with friendls‘ in Thornhill on Sunday. The regular meeting of the W0- men’s Missionary Society will be held in the United Church Sunday School room, Tuesday, December 2 at 3.301 p.m. . Thornhill Women’s Institute held their annual' bazaar at the home of Mrs. J. Pearson on Tuesday. Novem- her 18th at which about $25 was realized. At the meeting which pre- ceded the bazaar it was decided to send Christmas baskets to the sick and needy. Mrs. McCaughey was chosen as convenor and Mrs. O. Brillinger and Mrs. R. H. Neil as her committee. It was announced that $5.00 had been donated toward the Christmas boxes for the boys Thornhill-Langstaff Dish‘ï¬bt G Over Top For War Savings overseas. The ladiesjn charge of packing the Christmas boxes for the boys of Thomhill and vicinity on active service overseas wish to report that 23 boxes were packed at the home of Mrs. Talbert Findlay and forward- edv early this month. The boxes each contained about 1I5 articles includ- ing: food, socks. andl toilet articles. 300 cigarettes were also forwarded separately to each of them. The ladies wish to thank all those THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Thornhill District News T. B. McQUESTEN Mix-isle: of Highway! Institute held Goes in Thornhill and community for their very generous donations to these box'es, also to local Branch. of Red 1 that Cross for socks and Women’s Insti- 3 War tute for their assistance. The gifts for those serving in Canada will be packed in near future. D.D.G.M. Visitied l’attaerson Lodge R. W. Bro. Geo. W. Varty, District Deputy Grand Master, Toronto Dis- trict “Câ€, accompanied by the Disâ€" trict Secretary W. Bro. Arthur Green, inspected Patterson Lodge Thursday, November 20th. A large attendance of visiting brethren were received and welcomed by W. Bro. John Kerr the Worshipful Master of the lodge, from the four Toronto Districts. After the business had been disposed of the ceremony of [VARâ€"1A BAAFO/hhâ€"I the E.A. degree was exemplified with V: full musical ritual accompaniment. W. Bro. Kerr'and his staff of off- ioers, assisted by the Past Masters were highly complimented on the ef- ficient manner in which the degree was conferred, also on the healthy condition of: the lodge. At the con- clusdon of the ceremony the brethren and visitors adjourned; to the ban- quet hall where a pleasant social hour was spent. After toasting the King and His Majesty’s Forces, the following toasts were proposed: The Grand Master and the Grand Lodge and was ably responded by his re- presentative, R. W. Bro. Geo. Varty; visiting brethren by W. Bro. S. A. Allsopp, responses lby W. Bro. Frank C. Green, W.M. of Northgate Lodge, Toronto, R.W. Bro. F. C. Irwin, V. W. Bro. E. S. BrOWn and W. Bro. A. Mills, Tuscan Lodge, Newmarket. The toast to the candidate was pro-1 posed by R. W. Bro. J. E. Francis. The musical part of the program was under the supervision of W. Bro. H. S. Sparks with Bro. W. R. How- ard at the piano. After choir practice on Friday ev- ening last the choir of Trinity church met in a body at the home of Mrs. W. C. L. Ball to honour one of their number, Miss Janet Little, who was married on Saturday. Durinvg_the ev- ening Miss Little was presented with several pieces of pyrex. A social hour was spent, climaxed with coffee, cake and sandwiches. ‘Rev. Canon J. W. McDonald of Toâ€" ronto, a former rector of Trinity church, will preach on- Sunday morn- ing. Former members as well as pre- senrt members are specially invited to this St. Andrew’s Day service. Five Toronto hon-d houses bid over par for $7,990 of fifteen-year deben- tures being issued by the Village of Woodbridge at 31/2 per cent inter- est. Council at a .special meeting Saturday night accepted the tender of $7,330.54 submitted by J. L. Gra- ham & Company of Toronto. The other four bids ranged upward from $7,261.12. Reeve A. B. Cousins and other members of council expressed plea- sure at the good prices offered, but they were no surprise to Ed. Brown, village clerk since 1903 and village treasurer for the past twenty years. “We always have sold‘ our bonds at par or better,†the veteran official' reminded Council. , Woodbridge, with a population of 1,050, a total assessment of $408,000 and a tar rate of thirty mills, has! a total debenture debt, including the new issue, of about $50,000. The new coup-on issue sold yesterday is for the construction of an addition and improvements to the public school. WOODBRIDGE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th. 1941. are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. ORDERS TAKEN AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE See Your Home Printer First 99? I317 Sales Books