Urge Wig-Wag Fon- Level Crossing The Maple railroad crossing, scene of a: recent fatality should be equipped with wig-wag warning signals in: the opinlion: of Vaughan Township Council. Representatioris to this effect have been» made with the proper authorities but the coun- cil was advised at a recent meet- ing that the Torowvo and: York Com- mission budget would not allow for such am expenditure this year. How- ever every effort will :be made to have the necessary amount placed dn next year’s budget. Dance Friday Night .A large crowd is expected to at- tend- the dance to be held in the Concert Hall, Friday evening, De- cemlb-er 12th. The dance is under the auspices of the North York Unit of the Canadian Women‘s Serâ€" vice Force and funds raised go to send cigarettes and comtforts to boys overseas. Billy Hole’s Live Wire Orchestra will provide the music. The December meeting of St. An- drew’s W.M.\S. met/at the home of Mrs. Bowman with a good attendâ€" ance, the President, Mrs. N. Malloy presiding. The meeting opened with hymn. 541 followed with prayer by Mr. Bowman. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. V. Orr. Minutes of the previous meeting and treasurer’s report were given. The roll call was answered by the word “heal or healing". _Mrs. Orr sang a lovely solo and a splendid paper was given by Mrs. M. MdDonald. Hymn 601 1,-AJi M V†was smug and the meeting closed with prayer by Mr. Bowman, after which Mrs. Malloy‘zdeclaredl all off- ilces vacant and1 election of officers for 1942 followed. Mr. Bowman was appointed chairman and‘ Mrs. G. Matheson secretary for the election of .. officers. Mrs. Richard Mac- Naug'hton was appointed] as the new President; 151: vice-pres, Mrs. M. lMcD-onalld‘; 2nd vice-pres, Mrs. A. Lalwrie; secretary, Mrs. Geo. Mathe- sonl; treasurer, Mrs. M. White; Glad Tidings, Mrs. McCullough; Supply See, Mrs. E. Kesf‘fer; Press Sec., Mrs. V. Orr; Literature, Mrs. C. Snider; Home Service, Mrs. A. Rum- ble and Mrs. W. Hod‘ge; Home Help- ers, Mrs. A. Robinson; Organist, Mrs. E. Wade; ASSt. Irganist, Mrs. W. Hodge; Mission Band, Mrs. A. Larwrie, Mrs. M. McDonald‘ and Mrs. E. Keff-er. Maple Community Christmas Con- cert will be held‘ in Maple Concert Hall, Friday evening. December 19th at 8.30 p.m. D.S.T. - ‘ a VOL. LXIII. wu Univ r._._, Township Constable Sam Ireland of Klei-nlburg is still undier the doc- tor’s care stiffening from injuries received) some weeks ago when mak- ing an arrest of men causing a dis- tumbarnce in the gravel pit near ing an arrest or men caunurg, a w- ‘ tumbarnce in the gravel pit near Nashville. Vaughan Town-ship has paid bounty on some twenty-two foxes shot in the township this season. This shouldl make farm yards more safe for fowl. Have you something to sell? A classified “ad,†in The Liberal will dio the selling job for you at a very small cost. We invite readers to send in» news items of social doings, personal notes or mews of organizations. Mail them 'to The Liberal, or telephone 9 Richmond Hill. PHONE MO. 2172 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11, 12, 13 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 18 LORETTA YOUNG, ROBT. PRESTON in “ THE LADY FROM CHEYENNE †â€"â€" ALSO â€"â€" GERALD FITZGERALD in LYNNE ROBERTS, TED NORTH in “ THE BRIDE WORE CRUTCHES †ADDED FOR SAT. MATINEE â€" CAPT. MARVEL AND EXTRA CARTOONS MICKEY ROONEY, LEWIS STONE in “ LIFE BEGINS FOR ANDY HARDY †MONDAY & TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 16 CAPITOL THEATRE MAPLE NEWSY NOTES JAMES CAGNEY, BETTE DAVIS in “ THE BRIDE CAME C.0.D. †-â€"- ALSO â€"â€" DEAD END KIDS in 300 Seats All Evening 25c. “ SHINING VICTORY †“ HIT THE ROAD †â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" FATHER INlSTAJLL‘S THleD SON AS W‘OiRSHl‘PFUL MASTER OF VAUGHAN LODGE James M. McDonald was installed as Worshiprful Master of Vaughan Lodge No. 54 at Maple Masonic Hall Tuesday evening at the annual cereâ€" mony of imstallatiom andl inrvestiture. W. Bro..Mil‘ton‘ McDonald] acted as invstalilim‘g master and was assisï¬d by other pa-st masters of Vaughan Lodge. The ceremony was unique in the hisrtory of Masonry in this province as it was the third time that W. Bro. Miltont McDonald offi- ciatedl as installing master for one of his sons. W. Bro. Henry McDon- ald was Master of Vaughan Lodge last year and W. Bro. Neil McDon- ald; ruling master irg 1981. Another son of the installing- master, Bro. Bruce McDonva'ld' was invested as Senior Deacon of the Lodge. Many visitors attended from Toronto and district lodges. Other officers in- vested were: Immediate Past Master, W. Bro. Henry"MoDonJaldi; Senior Warden, Bro. C. Mc‘Cl‘uskey; Junior Warden, Bro. R. Marritt; Chaplain, Bro. Rev. C. H. Bowman; Treasurer, R.W. Bro. I. B. Musselman; Secre- tary, W. Bro. Dr. R. A. Bigfordl; Senior Deacon, Bro. Bruce McDon- ald; Junior Deacon, Bro. A. Bishop; Director of Ceremonies, W. Bro. Neil McDonald; Inner Guard, Bro. An- dlre'w Snider; Senior Steward, Bro. A_. Sharw; Jumior Steward, Bro. W. Hodge; Tyler, W. Bro. A. Jones. There will be a dance in Vellore Memorial Hall Christmas night sponsored by the Hall Committee. Carl Black’s orchestra, will provide the music and Ernie Evans will be floor manager. The 103rd‘ anniversary Of St. Phillip’s Anglican Church, Maple will be observed Sunday, December 14th. Holy Communion at 9 am. D;S.T. Evening service at 7.30 p.m. D..S.T. when Re'v. W. S. Pocknell of Richmond Hill will preach. Installed as Ruling Master .of Vaughan Lodige A.F. & A.M. No. 54 at the annual ceremony of in~ stall-ation at Maple Tuesday ev- ening. He was installed in office W. BRO. JAMES M. MCDONALD by his father, W. Bro. MiltomMc- Donald, a. Past Master of Vaughan Lodge. WORSHIPFUL MASTER OF VAUGHAN LODGE 3 . é “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essent Yange at Castlefield RICHMbE‘ID HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1941. This Is OurWhr-Buy More War Savings Certificates Richmond Hill must reach its objective of one Naval Gun per month in War Savings Stamps and Certificates. To this end members of a volunteer committee are now making a can- VaSS of the town. Reports indicate that they are meeting with splendid success and it is now apparent the objective'is not be- yond our reach. The objective means monthly purchases amount- ing to $300 and to attain it means that everyone must do his and her full 1«are. , ‘ne canvass team showed that in the first five homes Visited, fou doubled their War Savings pledges. This is the kind of spirit 'hich will enable Richmond Hill to reach its objective and the kin of spirit which will win a war. Noth- ing short of this kind of s trit will do. We know we do not need repeat any of the many argu- ments for increased purchase of 'ar Savings Stamps. If your neighbour’s house were on fire, you would not stapd around with your hands in your pockets and wait until the flames spread to your own home. You would help him to put out the fire before it spread. Whether you join the armed forces and fight over in Europe, or join one of the national defence organizations, or knit and sew for the soldiers, sailors, airmen or for the people Of Brit- ain, or you invest every last cent in War Savings Certificates, you will be fighting not only for Europe and the British Empire, but for Canada, your own home town and your own family. This is our war, yours and mine, to win or to lose by our own efforts or lack of effort. Never mind what the other fel- low is doing. If we are sure that we are doing all we can, the other chap will follow suit and we will win. But it is up to everyone of us â€" it is our war. Window’s Unveiled At St. Mary’s Church Blank forms have been mailed zens can help expedite the work c these forms ready when they call. St. Mary’s Church. Richmond Hill was filled to capacity on Sunday morning last for the 69th annivers- ary and unveiling of new windows. The whole service was very inspir- ing and will not soon be forgotten. The Rector, Rev. W. F. Wrixon, thanked the donors of the beautiful window and called upon Mrs. J. Lockhart to perform the ceremony of unveiling. Mrs. Lockhart was escorted to the Altar rail by the church ward-ens Mr. R. D. Little and ‘Mr. W. S. Scrivener. In a few well chosen word's Mrs. Lorckhart unveilâ€" ed the three light window, bringing to the view of all present a beauâ€" tizful picture in English glass. The Rector then called upon Bishop Be'v- erley to perform the ceremony of dedication. Other gifts received at the anniversary were a pair of satin cushions to be used in the service of Holy Matrimony, given by Mrs; W. Rumney, and Miss Joyce Rum-l ney of Toronto, and a deed of land from the Arnold Estate. Out of town visitors to the service included Mrs. Jane Lockhart, Miss Bertha Palmer, Mrs. Gelbell Ford, Mr. and E. Rum- ney, Miss J: Rumney, Mr. H. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. T. Farr, Dr. and Mrs. H. Hill, Dr. and Mrs. A. Mason, Mrs. Humphrey, Miss G. Humphrey, Miss M. Davis, Mrs. DaNies, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hudson, Mrs. A. R. Beverley, Mrs. .T. Bar- nett, Mrs. L. Cardwell, and others ‘all from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Legge from Jefferson. Other visitors included Reeve Trench and Mrs. F. Atkinson, Mr. and) Mrs. W. A. Wright, and Mr. W. W. Trench, of Richmond Hill. 'i‘ne evening serâ€" vice was we“ attendmf and was con- ducted by the Rector, who fireached on “Gratitude and) Courageâ€. In order that friends might have the opportunity to visit, refreshments were served by the ladies of the congregation folflowin‘g‘ both services. The contractor is making excell- enrt progress on- thre construction 01: the sewer -on« Centre Street East. The water main on Vaughan Road has been completely installed. It is hoped] to have all work completed within a couple of weeks. Ice makers, Moodie Brothers are busy at the local rink and if cold weather conï¬cinues- are hopeful of plenty of ice for curling soon. Roy Wice, George Lake, Wilf. Ball and- Billy Watson played in the High Park ’spi‘el Tuesday and made a good Showing. They won their first two games and were eliminatedI by the highly rated Kelly rintk from the Gmnite Club. MUNICIPAL WORK RU SHING AHEAD CURLING NOTES Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty Eihmmlk “v†mailed to every household and citi- work of the canvassers by having On December 18, 1941 at 7.30 o’- clock in the Sunday School Room. of the United Church there will be held a Christmas Vesper Service. Can- adian; Girls in Training will' conduct the service. Parents and friends are invited to attend. There will be carol singing and a candheâ€"lighting ceremony. This service will 'e part of a nation-wide Christmas celebra- tion when Canadian Girls in Train- ing from Charlottetown to Victoria, with their parents and friends, will worship together as one community, reading the familiar Christmas story, and lighting candles as a sym- bolv of the light that came into the world) at Christmas. A modern Christmas story, “Blessed be the Torwersâ€, written specially for the service 'by Frances E. Russell, Will be told. It relates the experience of a war guest in Canada at Christâ€" ‘mas- time. This story will' be read by members of one of the local groups. One group will put on a short Christmas play “No Room at the Inn,†while the third‘ group will‘ enact a couple of Christmas carols. The Explorers’ Group are invited to come out and join the C.G.I.T. in their Vesper Service. The local girls hope for renewed: interest and supâ€" port of its work, and a warm invi- tation is extended to all who are interested in Canadian Girls. ‘One red rose forever, J ond‘an; Wa't- ers of the wilderness, Siefeu‘t; Gold- en Skylark, Goud‘ge; There’s one in every family, Eisle'nlberg; Keys of the kingdom, Cmniin; Junior Miss, Benson; No one will know, De1a< field‘; Shelter, Nicholson; Restless are the sails, Eaton; The drums g0 dieadi, Aldrich; N10 love lost, Reeves; N or M, Christie; Westgate Mys- ‘ceryv St. John; And then there were none, Christie; A number of mys- tery novel‘s. CILASS‘E'D Forsakin‘g alh othners, Miller; Where stands a winged sentry, Kenâ€" nedry; Crossing Caniadax, Strack; Nine days, Wonder, Masecfieldl; Music andI its makers; Biography of Roosevelt; Days of our years, Paassen; Horse and! buggy doctor, Hertyler; Human side of birds, Dixon; Kablooma, De- Poncin; Women of Britain, Struth- er; Little citizen; Wings of the morning, Tracy; Naturalist in Can- ada, McGowan. BIRTH PEARCEâ€"At 47 Mill‘ Street, Rich- mond Hill, on Tuesday, December.9 to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pearce (n-ee Eveline Hamill Taylor) a daughter, (Carol Eveline). ies NEW BOOKS IN RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY FICTION JUVENILE A few older boys and! girls In All Things, Charityâ€. T. CHRISTMAS VESPER SERVICE s'tor- “ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL†THE IDEAL COMMUNITY SPIRIT Stories with morals are no longer popular. Probalbly we had too many of them in childhood, amd so now we insist on a diet of adventure that grips and romance that fascinates. This tale I want to tell about Peter Lockwood and: his family and‘ neigh- bours could have a moral if the read- er wants to draw one, but he need not do so, of course, unless he wishes. Peter and his Wife anl' children live on a farm in a. rural area ad- joining a village in \Kansas about one hour’s ride from Topeka. A few years ago, when we were in the midst of the depression, Peter could not meet his mortgage payment with theresult that all over the village and. at the cross roads near and far, 'lhrg‘e, heavy type posters appeared announcing a mortgage farm auction to take place on the veranl'ah of Peter’s home. It was a well equippefl farm, was Peter’s, I learned from the hotel clerk in the village, and folks were sorry for Lockwood as they were for many others whose hard work, thrift and ingenuity had failed to combat the depression. “Yes,†said the hotel clerk, “it surely is tough, but it could be worse because there won’t be any sale and Lockwood will get the chance .he wants to make good.†I aske(l how the sale could be avoided. “Just watch and see," laughed the clerk. “You will be here tomorrow, won’t you, Well, go out there to the sale. You’ll probably enjoy what happens, and] you can get out to Lockwool‘s place in a taxi or you: can get a ride because there 'will be dozens of folks going from rthe village. It will be a sort of holi- way. Even the stores won’t be open.†The hotel man’s: survey of the situation was accurate. Next day the business of the community was sus- pended. All roads seemed to lead’ to the Lockwood home and cars, carts, wagons and bicycles headed in that direction. Of course, I went along and when I got there I found myself in a crowd‘ of the size you find at the Canadian National Ex- hibition, but the sombre faces all around me, the lack of mirth or in- clination to make merry even on the part of the children present, suggest- ed a lynching party rather than the quasi-social affair Ian: auction sale becomes around' Richmond Hill. I skirted the crowd» and wormed my way around to the front of the verandlah. I was congratulating my- :seltf on attaining such a point of vantage when a big flellow ellbowed his way over to me, and“ pulling back his coat flashed on me a bright metal badge on which were the words, “Deputy Sheriff†together with the name of the county. “You wasn’t aâ€"thinkim’ of dOin’ any biddin’ was you stranger?†he asked kind‘ly enough. “No,†I answered, “I wasn’t a- thimkini of (loin? any." “That’s right," he drawled. If’n you seem to hanker after somethjn’ STORY Yonge St. at GIeniorest Rd: * llUdson 5437 “ Affectionately Yours †With MERLE OBERON, DENNIS MORGAN HOLLYWOOD STEPS OUTâ€"DEC. 15, 16 NEVVSâ€"l THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 12, 13 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 16. 17 “ Wagons Roll On †W'ith HUMPHREY BOGART, SYLVIA SIDNEY [Y OF THE ROCKWOOD FAMILY EXPERIENCE WITH A MORAL FOR EVERY COMMUNITY BEdfol: Buy Theatre Tickets For Your Christmas Presents “ They Met at Bombay †With CLARK GABLE, ROSALIND RUSSELL “ Sleepers West †With LLOYD NOLAN, SYLVIA SIDNEY NOVELTY â€" MRS. LADY‘BUG (By Russell Fox, Richmond Hill) â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" that seems mighty cheap, just donft do it. We'ims in this here part of Kansas wowldm’t like it, amfl you might Lose it afore you got home.†In a minute or two, the auctioneer took his stand. He offered the fairm. It would probably be worth about $5,000 and he announced that the mortgage arrears amounfled to $672. Not a bid was forthcoming. Then he offered the farm and chattels and he read off the list of the latter; it seems the mortgage covered ev- 'erythinlg' dlown to the housewife’s coflf-ee pot. Still there were no bi&s. Then: he offered the chattels one by one and group by group. I recali a finst class looking tractor with plow and other implements. “Who’ll start; the bidding at $25?†‘shouted the auctioneer, but for all the response he got he might as well have said l(IWenty-five cen‘ts. Within probably ten minutes the sale was over, nothing was sold, and the crowd turned to go home. A few feet away stood the deputy sheriff who had‘ madle himself acquainted. I workect my way over to him and took him by the arm. “Tell me sheriff,†I said, “what’s it all about? I’m a. stranger in Kansas, and I don't get. the hang of it.†‘ “Well,†he d-rawled, “it‘s just like this. That young feller Lockwood was horned; here about, and man and boy he’s been hene ever since, and he’ll pay his mortgage when he can. We’unlsv ain’t a-goin’ to see his home .taklen from him when it ain’t his 'fault if’n he ain’t got the money, “and so we ain’t a buyin’ any of this things and we ain’t a-lettin’ anyone else buy them. His’n is just about the 25th sale we got down in the "books at the office where no buyin’ 'was done, and; there’s a heap more to come." I would not try to defend the boy- cott of mortgage sales the people of lKansas; followed’ a. few years ago. ‘Indeed, I do not think a defeiifab would be pessi‘ble without knowing all the facts. Perhaps the hollde? ‘of the mortgage was some poor per- ‘son, also a d‘epressï¬on victim, who need‘edi the money or "the Lockwood property as an alternative. A mort- ,,, ,4. r-~r~ 'v 'g'age is a contract and a contract must be regarded as something sacred or a complete collapse of business neliation‘slhips is inevitable. Over and above those primary con- siderations, however, one thing seems to standl out, namely, the nleighiboxly loyalty and community spirit dielmonsrtraï¬zedL “All for one and one for all!†Sometimes it may seem dormant, but it really does exist in the com- munities of Ontario. The Lions at Richmond Hill seem to 'be the incar- nation of it, the respository of fine, robust community spiri‘. . SHOT FOX NEAR VICTORIA SQUARE A. A. Eden of Richmond Hill shot a beautiful red fox m the Victoria Square district Tuesday afternoon. NEVVSâ€"DEC. 17, 18 No. 24.