Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Dec 1941, p. 4

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AVA-Dy v. --_~-.-..-___. ~,,, WÂ¥$§9§9§9§9§3§W9§9€9§WW and the Home Mission Council. {Please remember that in Toronto there are many uniempl'oyalbles, old1 age pensioners, incapacitated folk, and) that the circumstances brought to pass by the wait, and especially the increased cost of liv- ing, have only aggravated their predicament. Every li-‘tle bit. helps and we can. remember to good ad- vantage the story of the Good Sa- maritan, the principle of the Golden Rule, and the statement that “Inas~ much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” Will you come and worship with us this coming Sunday morning at 11? You will be most: welcome in» our midst and! we will] be delighted! to have you with us. ' Christmas sermom, Christmas mu- sic and Fellowship Period of Christ- mas hymns‘ after the service in the church next Sunday evening. Christmas Sunday morning ser- vice; special and,additional Christ- mas music, and serm-om appropriate %W%%EW§3%R%3 W§a§a§a§fififififia§a The Parsonage, Thornhill, Ont., Monday, December 8th, 1941. White Gift Service, Sunday, Dec. 14th 11 a.m. The morning congre- gation and' the SNSL scholars will worship together, after the children have filed in from the 5.6. room at the close of their 848. period, and placed their gifts around the altar fiafble. Anyone bringing gifts please leave same at the foot of the altar table before the morning service or give them to some child or children to bring, or learve them at the Par- sonage, in the care of the minister- The‘need is great and- your gifts of cllot’hin-g, cash, cheques, food, fruit, preserves, etc. will be gratefully ac- cepted and wisely distributed where the need is greatest under the sup- ervision of Rev. Cl‘rint‘ford Torrance wwwfiéfiéfiéamwmgfig Thornhill United Church News Men's, Boys’ and Children’s Shoes, Rubbers and Goloshes Yonge & Richmond Sts. Richn BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THE MEN AND BOYS AT A MEN’S AND BOYS’ STORE. WE HAVE A WIDE VARIETY OF GIFTS SUITABLE FOR MEN AND BOYS, ATTRACTIVELY BOXED. THIS YEAR GIVE SOMETHING USEFUL AND IT WILL BE ACCEPTABLE. For the Men Foik PAGE FOUR R J. CRAIGIE tions. Christmas Candle Light Service and Hymn- sing, Sunday, December 2131: at 7 p.m. This is a much look- ed' forward to service which every- one thoroughly enjoys, and the ser- vice this year will be no exception. Please rememlber to reserve the date for this very special, colorful and worshailpful' Christmas Sunday even- in‘g service, and bring your friends and all the family with you. “0 come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” WITH THE VETERANS ‘There'll be one less “Turkey in the Straw‘" after: Dec. 23rd) as a re- sult of the draw to be held! on that date by the local Veteran‘s organ- ization. A goose, though not he- cessarily the one that “laid the gol- den egg‘", is offered for second prize. Third prize is a duck and a chicken: each: for fourth and fifth prizes. Tickets may be purchased from Vet- erans and their friend‘s. The draw will be made by a representative citizen and will take place at 8.30 p.m. in the Municipal Hall. Blackout Service, Sunday, Decem- ber 28th at 7 p.m.; further an- nouncemenrts will“ be made later. Our Christmas concert will be held on: Thursday, December 18, to which you are cordially invited. Please watch for our Christmas message and church notice in next week’s issue; until that time, and with this closing thought, we will say goodbye, and hope to see you at some of our Christmas season services. “Goo-d nature is one of the rich- est fruits of true Christianity." Sincerely, to the occasion. ‘Chrristmas decora- Richmond Hill Your Minister London is much the same as when :1 was here betfova. We are station- ed: at a small‘ village in a farming .community which is a swell place, ithat is it must have been in pea-0e :time. Now it is full of evacuees, women and" children. from London .Who have been bomnbe'dl out. The little tots are after us all the time for souvenins. When we go out at night we suffer from the black-out. Al'IJ lights are out and: house win- d‘c'ws are tightly’hovered. However it is surprising how you get used to it. I think my eyes are getting like cat‘s eyes. I enjoy getting out a- mong the farmers. One Saturday afternoon I had nothing to do so went out and! helped a farmer pick potatoes. He gave me a half crown, afbout 60 cents. Since that he has (been. very goodJ to us and we have lbcen to his home many times for rvilsiits and to play cards. And I tell l,y'ou‘ those home cooked farm meals tasted! good. You can’t beat the “farm after all. He has a Massey- Harris Binidier. “Well here I am‘ in old England, again, and it is! cold1 and' you seem to feel it more than in Canada. I have just returned‘ from five days landing leave which I spent on the Isle of Wight with a, chap from Can- ad'a whose home was there. He hadn’t 'be-en home for 22 years‘ and they didn’t know him when he walk- ed in. There are some wonderful 'sights over here, stately old! build- .ings and castles almost 1000 years 'olld~ All have sltone, tile or slate xroofs. We are pleased to be privileged to pulblish the following interesting ex- tracts from a letter written by Lance Corporal Ken Prentice, well known for many years as an» aucâ€" tionie‘ei- in York County, by his fath- er at Milliken. Ken is- serving with the Canadian Army Overseas. Envrou/te to the coast, we stepped off at Quebec City and stretched our limbs by hiking up ’to the heights overlooking the Plain‘s- of Abraham, where once the British had it out Wilt‘h‘the French, and both lost their leaders, Montcalm and Wolfe, I believe. Genieralg in by- gone days‘ apparently letd' their arm- ies into battle! How times have changed! The other night at the Parish Hall there was a Red Cross Dame and they found out I was an auctioneer and! I auctioned off cakes and‘ things for the British Red Cross. They all enu'oyed) it and! I got along with the English money better than I ex- pected. Tchalcco, cigarettes, canned goods and paper is very expensive here even when you can get them. To- bacco costs 30 cents an ounce in Canadian money. Our outfit left Petarwavwa Camp 'by {ram on October 3 for a twoâ€"day hide to the east coast. We were jam'medl in like sardines, and my bed at night was a nice comfortable spot with the luggage im the loft over the seat occupied by my ‘bud‘dines. In the army one sometimes sleeps in the most unusual places, and when: fatigued, any place looks“ good. On‘ neasch‘inlg the coast we were hustled aboard a troop ship of 27,â€" 0100 tons, and like the others, I fig- uredl we would have plenty of room. However, when we had‘ our first look into our quarters, we wondered how we would ever squeeze .in.; just an- other sardine affair. Our beds were hlamlmccks slung at night so com- pactly that few were in danger of falling out. They prorved comcfort- alblle enough after a. night or so of getting used‘ to them. We were a- board! shL'L'p two weeks to the day. There were other units of the ser- viee on board, and‘ among them were many Air Force men from all over the Empire and United! States, and our fellows hit it off with them in fine manner. At night they played lbinvgo in their quarters, and I spent some time there; also a few sh‘ill- ings, when not on the sick list or on duty, and I had‘ my share of 'both. While on duty on the Forward ‘Delck one stormy night after three days at sea», that nasty uncomfort- alb‘lre feeling hit me just where you would imagine, and believe me, if a torpedo had found! its mark in our boat I would not halve minded going down; to “Davy’is Locker.” Many of the boys were sick for two or three days, [but we all lived to enjoy the rest-06f the voyage. When the sea is calm, and you are out on deck at sunrise, it is a sight never to be forgotten; and again, 60 see the rollers during a storm is a thrilling experience. I Wondered how those little destroy- ers whri'ch conveyed us across ever \I PRENTICE NOW OVERSEAS KEEPS IN PRACTICE- BY AUCH‘IONEEMNG FOR B-R’ITflStH RED CROSS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND. HILL, ONTARIO LETTERS FROM OVERSEAS kept afloat, but they Were all there and in. position at each break of day“; Blackouts aboarcl ship were rightly kept, and' you can imagine the fun we had finding our way about the ship. Here in, England the same thing exists even» to the tiniest village, and since our arrival the boys have either connected' with shone walls or fallen into brooks, which have a. hacit of f10wving through these chanming little Eng- lish villages. Yes, I always learn the hard} way, having stepped in with both feet, and) led with my chin as well! I have just received three hundred cigarettes from your branch of the Red! Cross and I wish to send‘ to you my many, many thanks. You will no doubt never know just how much we boys over here on Active Service appreciate a parcel of “smokes”. They are very scarce here now. In fact for two weeks now you cannot buy cigarettes for love nor money around where we are stationed and well without a smoke I am just not myself. We do look forward; to Canadian mail coming in so much and; unfortun- ater of late there has been very little for our unit and‘ it is an add- ed} pleasant surprise indeed: when you receive a. parcel from someone or from the Red CrOSs when you are not expecting it. Deatr Mrs. Wright:â€" How is everything in Richmond Hill. I receive the “Liberal” reguâ€" larly and always enjoy it. Sort of brings; a fellow closer to home again as you read) what your old friends and school mate-s are doing. How I wish sometimes I were back there again a. kid‘ and; going to R.H.H.S. But this old war cam‘t last forever can it and) I hope to be back again with all of you real soon. Again let me say “Thanks 3. Mill- ion)” to the Red Cross. We sure alb- preciate all you are doing for us, and say hello to Richmond Hill for Sunday, December 14th at 10 a.m. iS.T. Heac‘Lford Sunday School and Congregation will hold a White Gift \Service. Vegetables. fruit, clothing or any gift for a child will be wel- comed. All are welcome. The Headrford‘ S.S. Christmas Tree and! Entertainment will be held Wed- nesday evening, December 17th at 8 p.m. sharp S.T. There will be readings, solos, moving pictures and Christmas Carols. Proceeds for Brit- ish War Victims’ Christmas Cheer‘ Fund. Children free. You are in- vitedv to attend’ and bring your friend‘s. The visit of Trinity Square Mad- rigal Singers to the Turkey Supper entertainment at St. John’s Church, Oak Ridge-st. has, so far, received“ no comment or appraisal from the press. It is hoped) that this bel‘at- ed report will serve to show appre- ciation for the excellent work of a truly artistic and dieiig'h‘bful' group. Under the leadership of Mrs. Mc- Cormick, these singersI have an- ex- cellence of tone and) rich beauty of voice and harmony, seldom equalled or exc-elled by any other group. To a large audience they samg the well known: “Early O‘nue Morning", by Dunhilll. Th‘e‘ir rbest piece was Sullivan’s “Brightly Daansa Our Wedding Day”. “The Ash Grove" by Dunhil’l', “Waltzing Matilda” by T. WO'O‘d, “Ma'ton‘a, Loveilry Maiden” ‘by O. La-ssws and the comcludling muntlber, a prayer, “0 Lord: Suppoi‘t Us," made a well rounded program of tasteful. harmonious and boneful singing. LETTER RECEIVED BY RED CROSS FROM I’TE. C. PAXTON ers». G. W. Shore was elected president of the Woodlbridige United Church W.A. at the annual? meeting helld at the home of Mrs. John Wat- son. Other officers nlamed' included vice-presidents, Mrs. L. Watson, Mrs. A. B. Cousins; secretary, Mrs. Levi Elliott; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. George Kellam; treas- urer, Mrs. George Bagg; financial secretary, Mrs. John Kell‘am; pian- isrt, Mrs. A. E. Kearney. - \Mrs. L. Watson read a paper or» the first Christmas in Canada, and also a paper on the topic, “Our faith in] the confirmation.” The meet- ing opened with the singing of Christmas carols under the leader- ship of Mrs. A. E. Kearney. Sincerely yours, Pte. C. Paxton, B94388, No. 2 A.F.W., R.C.O.C., WOODBRIDGE OAK RIDGES HEADFORD Canadian. Army Overseas Sunday, Oct. 27, 1941 i930 FO-R‘D COACH. Apply Frank Beatty, Richmond‘I-Iill. 12 FIGS 8 weeks old. Atpply Kyle Brothers, Phone King 442113. $10’0‘0â€"2 ACRES, 5 roomI house near high/way. R. H. Kane, Richmond Hill. BROWN CLO’DH COAT, with brown fur trim, size 16 year old, in perfect condition, price $4.00. Apply Lib- eral Office. 7 FIGS about 50 llbs. Apply Alnbert Cox, York and Markham Townlline, 3 miles east of Yonge St. 1 FUM‘E‘D OlAK D‘IVAN‘ETT E,,1 OaJk Morris chain, 2 rockers, on-e hall rack. Apply to 25 Church Street, Richmond Hill, Ont. 1 YEARLJVNG AYR'SIHJRE HEIFER registered, will take pigs in: ex- change. W. H. Anderson, Downs- vieiw, phone Maple 13'61. SIX ROOM HIOUISE' in Richmond Hill, all conveniences, a very desir- able home. Can be bought right. Apply at The. Liberal Office. WH'IT’E IRO‘N B‘vED, single, springs and] mattress; 1 steel Walnut finish doufole .bed‘ with springs. These are in. excellent condition: anti will be sold! cheap. Abply phone Richmond Hill 181. A USED CAR BARGAIN if you act quickly. 1935 Plymouth Sedan with radio and heater. This is a good buy. Ca-sh or terms. Norm Chat- terley, 2'5 Yonge St., phone Rich- mond- Hill 251. $18 MONTHJLY, frame house on Yonge‘ St. at Stop 24. This is a 2- family house. Apply Mrs. W. N. Price, 3-9 Olive Ave., Stop 10 Yonge Street. F'IN'D‘LAY OVAL cook stove, warm; FRIDAY, DvaC. 12â€"Auction sale of Carpenter Tools, Implements, Gar- age, Furniture & COIW, the property 01' James McIntyre, lot 22, con. 7, Vaughan, 1/4 mile north of Maple sidveroadV, at 12.45 standard time. No reserve. Terms cash. See full list in this issue. J. Carl Saigeon, Maple, Auctioneer. inug closet, wood and‘ coal grates. Chesterfield! and one chair, blue mohair. .Als'o steel bed‘ and spring. All] in first class: condition. W. N. Price, 39 Olive Ave.,, Stop 10 Yonge Street. ' FOR SALE OR RENT Jae Taylor Wins Fox Fur A euchre and‘ draw was held in- aid of the Red' Cross branch at Rich- vale Monday evening. The principal item of the draw was furnished by Mrs. E. T. Stephens who donated a very fine silver fox fur, which was won by Mr. Joe Taylor of Edgar Ave. The second prize, half a ton of coal, donated by Mrs. Echlin, Thornhill, was won by G. D. Thom- son: of Monigomery Ave” Toronto, and the third! prize, $15 worth of groceries, fell to tne lot of Mrs. Elliott, Oak Ave. The draw was preceded by several tables of euchre, the prize winners being Mrs. E: Rowden, Mrs. G. Al‘l‘isan, Mr. G. Heustis; and Mr. R. Ball. SAT., DEC. fileâ€"Auction sale of 15 acres of land at Concord, part of Lot 6, Con. 3 Vaughan Twp. on High- way No. 7 between Dufferin & Keel‘e Sts. at 2 pm. Standard Time on the property. Termszâ€"M) per cent of purchase price on day of sale, -bal- ance in cash in 310 days. Will be sold to close an estate. For further particulars apply to T. A. Keffer, Concord, phone Maple 1:67‘0, Exe'cutor or J. Carl Saigeon, Maple, Auction- eer. FRIDAY, DEJC. Iiiâ€"Auction sale of farm property, farms stock, imple- ments, etc, the property of Orval Davidlson, lot 12, con. 7 Markham, 14 mile north of No. 7 Highway. See full list in this issue. Clarke Prentice, Millikan, and J. Carl Sai- geon, Maple, Auctioneers. SAT., DEC. 2'0â€"Auction sale of farm property, farm stock, implements, etc, the property of T. O. Nixon, lots 29 and! 30, con. 4, Vaughan, 2% miles north of Maple. See full list in this issue. J. Carl Saigeon, Auc- tioneer. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. Sale Register FOR SALE RICHVALE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1941. - RABBITS wanted, any quantity or size, also rabbit skins. R. Gibga 258 Horsham Ave., Stop 9 Willow- dale. GOOD PLAIN COOK for farm near Concord. Apply Phone Kenwood 8269, W. J. Lawson, 169 Westmoreâ€" land Ave., Tor-onto. - DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pickâ€"up phone RICH- MOND HILL 7 0R KING 2414 OR charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636. MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone OATS 500. bus.; Barley 60c. bus. Straw $10.00 ton and Dairy cattle accepted as 1/3 payment and bal- ance in twelve months on new 1942 Rad‘ios, Washers, Ranges, Refriger- ators and DeLaval Milkers. B. R. Leech, Toronto Rad'io & Sports Ltd. 241 Yonge St. Wa. 4501 STRAYElD on to the property of L. H. Clement, Richmond Hill, known as the Fahey Estate, El‘gin) Mills, a. heitfer. Own-er may have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. DRES‘SM‘A‘KING, tailoring, altera- tions, men’s and: women’s clothing. Coats and suits a specialty. Mrs. Houston, 15 Yongehurst Road, Stop 24 Yonge St“ phone Richmond Hill 1371‘5. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t! ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. APARTMENT, heated, Apply T. H. Trench, Richmond Hill. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lyme“ ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District Used Cars 1939 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"J 1936 FORD V-8 CABRIOLET. Hea‘ er, New Tires, Gobd Value. 1936 FORD V-8 PANEL DELIV ERYâ€"nghly recondifilhed. Little Brother FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 To close an Estate we offer for sale the six room brick house known as 112 Yonge St., Richmond Hi1]. All modern ‘ conveniences. Apply to J. R. Herrington, Administrator, Richmond Hill, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 House For Sale WANTED $725.00 $49500 $375.00 TO RENT

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