The log cabin is over 100 years old and the timbers are all in excellent condition. It is 20 feet wide and 85 feet long. TERMS OF SALEzâ€"Chattels, Cash. Log Cabin, Cash. No Reserve Whatever as Proprietor is Giving up Farming Sale at 12.45 Standard Time. KEITH THOMAS, Clerk. The farm is composed of 96 acres more or less; there is 3 acres of bush, a solid brick house with hydro and outbuildings. There is a frontage of 120 rods on Keele Street, very close to school and church. The land is a clay loam and the farm is located in a first class locality. All fall ploughing is done; 9 acres fall wheat sown. TERMS OF FARMzâ€"IO per cent on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Farm will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Farm will be offered, also log cabin at 2.30 pm. Standard Time. condition Roller. 3 drum Set Fleurry Harrows, 4 sections Stiff .Il‘ooth Cultivator Spring Tooth Cultivator Disc Drill, 13 Disc, M.â€"H. Hay Rack. 16 ft, good Horse Ratke 1 Spring Wagon Separator, Melotbe Farm Wagon 2 Soufflers No. 3 Wilkinson Plough with Wheels No. 3 Wilkinson Walking Plough No. 13 Fleury Plough No. 21 Fleury Plough Set Bob Sleighs. _Singl-e Horse Sleigh July 25 Holstein Cow, milking Durham Cow, full‘ flow, not bred Holstein Heifer, rising 2 years old IMPLEMENTS milking we“, not bred Heg. Holstein Oeifer, No. 494275 Reg. Holstein Heifer, No. 503802 Holstein Heifer, eligible to register lelsteiri Heifer Cow, fresh, cah‘f Binder, M.-<H., 7 ft. cut, good Mower, M.-H., 5 ft. cut Manny: Spreader, M.-H., in A1 thy slide Black Cow, due time of saIe Hgl’gteil Cow, milking well, bred Grey Gelding, H.D., 8 years old Bay Mare, GR, 4 years old Bay Gelding Black Mare Black Colt, (box-n» May 3rd Black Percheron Gebding, rising 3 years 01d Reg. Holstein Cow, No. 351442, full flow, bredI Oct. 16 Reg,†Hol-steiq Cow, No. 438531, Lots 29 and 30, Con. 4, Vaughan Township 21/2 miles north of Maple on highway PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of FARM PROPERTY, LOG CABIN, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN & FURNITURE WALTER BONE & SON Phone Thornhill 54 Poultry, Hog, Dairy and Dog Feeds YONGE STREET THORNHILL WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20th, 1941 For sale by PAGE SIX FOR LONG. STEADY, PROFITABLE EGG PRODUCTION WITH LOW MORTALITY FEED fed by 17 different poultrymen produced 962,934 eggs or an average of 200.7 eggs per year per hen. Frost Steel & Wire 00. Products We Giadly Quote Prices RED HEAD EGG MASH CLO. CATTLE HORSES J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer, MAPLE, PHONE 11. MASTER LAYING MASH DESCRIPTION OF LOG CABIN 4796 HENS O. NIXON DESCRIPTION OF FARM Phone Maple 864 W. R. DEAN The Property of _.OR.._ voir and shelf, nearly new 1 Pandora Stove ‘ 1 CoalJ Oil Stove with oven, Perfecâ€" tion, («k-«burner A Quantity of other furniture too numerous to mention HAY, STRAW. GRAIN AND POTATOES 1 Large Stack of Hay, Alfalfa, this year’s hlay A Quantity of Hay in Bam 1 Large S'tavck of Straw, good A Quantity of Straw inc Barn About 500 Bus. Mixed’ Grain About 300 Bus. OatS About 50 Bus. Wheat About 25 Bags Potatoes 1 Set Heavy Harness; 1 Set Plough Harness 1 Set Single Harness A Number of Horse Collars 9 Ewes, Shropshire, all bred TheAabove are exceptionally good 1 SW, bred 12 Pigs, 14 weeks old HARNESS large ewes 1 Collie Pup, {131305. old, well bred 1 Cutter 1 Buggy 1 Extension Ladder 1 40-Ft. Win-rims“, g00d1 A Number of Grain Bags 1 Set Scales, 1200 Lbs. capacity 1 Separator, Melotte Forks, Shovels, Neckyokes, Chains and‘ other articles too numerous to mention FURNITLRE Large Coughs, over 100 years 011% Bell Piano 1 01d Cod; MiLk Strainer 1 Plunger Milk Pails Findlay Cook Stove, with reser- SHEEP AND DOG PIGS Life is certainly complicated. ~In the 01¢ days one only had to blame Wall‘ Street for all our ifl‘s. The same mam who wonders why a fellow doesn’t have more conï¬d- ence in his fel-lowman is usually the one who hag all his property in his wife’s name. Even where winter pigs are pro- vided with good grains and protein concentrates, crippling sometimes d8- .velops. This condition, the symp- ‘vtoms of which; are stiffness and| sore- ness of the joints, is often caused by rickets), a bone disease. Riekets may result from either a lack of Mme bone 'prodlwcing mineralsâ€"cal- «cium and phosphorous -â€" the incor- rect proportion of these minerals, ‘or insufficient vitamin D for the .a'bsorption of these minerals, in the body. Rickets is most common in winter:- feeding when; the pigs get «very little, if any, direct sunlight. As a corï¬ect'nve for rickets and even rto safeguard! against it, the use of a vitamin feeding oil is recommend- .ed‘. The feeding oils vary in po- llency, but: if a standard quality feeding oil is nused, one tablespoon- ful pier pig dlaily will be sufficient.‘ The legume hays are rich in vi‘t- aminw and minerals, and so a fg'w handfuls of good; quality alfalfa or clover hay given dal1y_t0 the feeder pigxs Help to replace the green feed' which could be given them in sum- First of all, d‘ry, draft-free quart- ers are essential in' order that the pigs may use to advantage the feeds sturp'plied. them. A variety of grains in ¢he feed: mixture â€"â€" oats, barley and! wheat â€" is the basis! of gOod feeding. The grain-9 should be ground and1 mixed in suitable proportions, dlepend‘ing on the size and the age of the pigs. Prot-ein and minerals 'are essential too, and if milk by- p-rodlucts are not available for the pigs, the use of a protein-mineral- concentrakc will make for fasier and .more ecommicall gains. men With suitalble accom‘mothiOn, win- ter feeding of hogs is very little more difficult than: summer feeding. Good feeding practice is the same the year around and», therefore, sueâ€"- cow in winter feeding depends on supplying those essentials not so easily available during the winter, states E B. Fraeer, Animal Hus- bandry Division, Dominion Experi- mental Farm Service. ' On the surface it appears that employees am! employers pay the whole ecst of the unemployment in- surance p-lan. They make the direct contributions except for the cost of administration which is home by the government. The truth is that far- mers pay the cost of unemploy- ment insurance for unban workers in the price of the goods they buy. If the cost of unremplvoy'm-emt insur- ance, which is part of the manu- facturing andJ selling costs of goods, is not included) in the price of the goods employers and employees canmt continue to make them. Thus to the extent that they buy urbanâ€" made goodvsa, farmers pay the invsur- wnnce bill. Likewise, farmers pay the cost 0i workmenrs compensation. The di- In Canada such efforts have re- sulted; in- class privilege and have been an important cause of the dis-- parity between: the earnings of far- m'e'rs' and urban workers. It is not generally realized that farmers pay their share of the cost of unemployment insurance and workmen/s compensation from which they derive no benefit. They are also at a diisadlvantage in the old age pension plan. In the democratic countries ef- forts have bcen/ made to ensure so- cial. security. Unemployment: insur- ance, oidj age pensions, workmen’s cmn’pensatiâ€"om. and] many l‘e‘s-ser schemes have been introduceé in the home that they would) IeSSen the risks; of the in'd'ividual‘ and tend to stabilize the national economy. 'Social security is now the econ- omic objective of democratic peo- ples. The Atlantic Charter, the new democratic creed: wribben by Church- ill and Roosevelt, looks forward' to a time when: “all men in all landls may live out their lives im freedom from fear and wantâ€. "mp-u Winter Feeding of Market Hogs; THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO WRITTEN SPECIALLY FOR C. W. N. A. NEWSPAPERS By JOHN ATKINS, Farmeruloumalist SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WHOM? OUR FOOD SUPPLY good 1 Stand 1 Washing Machine, 1900, Wl'inger and) Rinse Tub 1 Dash Churn I Butter Bowl‘ Pots, Pans ands other articles too numerous to mention No reserve as proprietor is giving up housekgeping. FURNITURE 1 No. 9 MoClary Cook Stove with Reservoir and Warming Closet, good 1 Secretary 1 Iron Bed; 2 3â€"Piece Bedroom Suites 1 Kitchen Clock 1 Carpet Sweeper 1 Kitchen Cabinet 1 Sidelboardl 2 Rocking Chairs 6 Dining- Room Chairs 1 Parlor Lamp 9 Kitchen Chairs 1 Eco Lamp 1 Small Table 1 3-Piece Parlor Suite 1 Singer Sewing Machine, d'rop-heaidi, IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS & COW 1 Jersey Com 1 Cutter 1 All Steel Garage 15 x 16 ft, good 1 Buggy, rubber tires- 1 Light Wagon ‘1 Scuffler 1 Light Bob Sleigh 1 Cow Bell 1 One-Horse Rake 1 Wood-en Wheelbarrow 1 Steel Wheelbarrow 1 One-Horse Plough 1 Set of Harro-ws 1 Cutting Box 1 Root Pulper 1 Hand Scuffler 1 Cutting Box frame 1 Grindiston‘e 1 Can‘t Hook A Number of Fovks ‘A Number of Shovels and Spades ll Extension Ladder, 30 ft. 1 Pick 1 Crowbar 1 Cross‘cut Saw 2 Screen Doors A Number of Screens 3 Storm Windbws A Number of Potato Sacks A Number of Grain Bags 1 Stone Boat 1 Cream Can 1 New Buggy Wheel 1 Set Single Harness 1 Set Traces, Collar and‘ Hal-neer 1 Pair Heavy Hames 1 25â€"Gal. Drum 2 Cow Chains A Number of Pike Poles 2 Scaffold Jacks 3 Screw Jacks 1 Cement Pounudier 1 Adige 1 Broad Axe A Number of Chisels A Number of Planes 1 Large Block and‘ Tackle Cement Tools Gravel Screens Several other tools too numerous to mention. If social security is a Canadian- objective. and! it is, it will be ne- cessary to employ much more Can- adian originality in working out our schemes and experiments. Our at- tempts to ensure security should be directed! to the security of all and should not be exped‘ive'nts which in- crease the privileges of some at the expense of others, thus tipping the scale-s against those who finally pay the bills. FRIDAY, DEC. 12, 1941 At 12.45 noon Standard Time Or in case of bad weather on Saturday, December 13, 1941 Lot 22, Con. 7 Vaughan Twp. 1/, mile north of Maple sideroad 1st house north of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church I4: is unfortunate that most of our attempts at social security have been patterned upon the experiments of highly-industrialized! Great; Britain and: the United States where the national economic problems are quite different. The fact is that farming is so hazardous that the farmer must run all of his own risks while he helps to pay for the urban workers’ com,- pens-ation insurance. A serious ac- cident is disastrous to a farmer and his family, yet he is in more danger of a serious accidemt thaw the great majority of thOS-e for whom wonk- mew’s commmsation is provided. He cannot even buy accidlenat insurance at rates which cover most workers who are protected) by compensation. rect contributions are made by em- ployers and! are charged, as part of the cost of doing business, to their customers. When farmers buy these goods they pay the cost of workmen’s compensation. When far- mers suffer accid’ents they pay ihe cost of medical) services: themselves andl get nothing for nheir lost time. Farming is one of the “hazard- ousf’ occupations and‘ the cost of ac- cident policies» is so high that farm- ers cannot afford- this form of in:- surame. The insurance companies cannot afford to sell] avccitient in- surance to farmers at rates that would] result in 105565 to them. TERMS:-â€"CASH J. CARL SAIGEON, Auct., Carpenter Tools, Im- plements, Garage, Furniture & Cow The >P§qrpeyrt y 49f r JAMES M’cINTYRE PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of Phone Maple 11 Farm is composed of 87 acres more or less. 011- same is a brick dwellirg‘, 9 roomog in good repair; Bank barn 40 x 70 with. srteel roof and silo attached; Implement shed‘ 30 x 60 with steel roof; Sty with Hen Pen above 22 x 55, asphalt shingle roof. The ouflbuildrlnsg's are alll‘ painted and in A1 condition. The 13ml i5! of a good producing clay 1-Day and‘ the fam is sitvated in a first class locality. Fall‘ ploughing is all done. Fall! wheat in. TERMS OF FARMâ€"10 per cent on day" of sale and balance in: 30 da 01 vendor is willing to accept a mortgage if necessary. Farm! will sold subject to a, reserve bidl. More particulars given on day of Scale. Farm will he offered at 2.30 S.T. JAMES SMITH. Gormley, Clerk. CLARKE PRENTICE. Auctioneer, phone Agincourt 52W3. J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer, Phone Maple 1‘1. The above tractor and! plow wave purchased new late in fa“ of 1940; Disc new this £3.11. 1 Mali. Bind'er, 6 ft. cut, good‘, near new canvass 1 M.-H. Horse Bake, 10 ft. 1 M.-H. 13 Disc Drill with grain and! grass: sower box attachment, near new 1 M.-H. 13 Spring Tooth Cultivator 1 M.-H. Hay Tedder, good 1 Mower. 5 ft. cut 1 Steel Landl Rollen 3 drums 1 Inthrow Disc Harrow 1 Manure Spreader. McCormick Deering 1 Gang Plow 1 M.-H. Root Pu‘loer, new knives 1 No. 21 Fleury Walking Plow with wheels 1 Turnip Drill I Dri-llt Plow with marker Hr-uâ€"n-n-uâ€"u-A M..H. Corn. Cultivator Scuffler 1 Harrow Cart Set Drag“ Harrows. 4 sections Steel Wheel Truck Wag-om Set of 81001) Sleighs, goocf Set Light Sleighs Flat Rack, new 250 Leghorn Pulï¬ets, laying 95 Leghorn Yearlings, laying The .wbove birds are of good' produc- ing stock 1 Brood-er House 1.5’ x 12’ 2 Heated! Watering Fountains 9 FeedJ Hoplpeta for Mash, etc. 1 Case Row~Crop Tractor, late 1940 model, R.C., 12-20 H.P.. om ruJb- éber tires, complete with: a power take-off, has done only a sea- son's work. 1 Case Cente'niaalv Tractor Plow, 2 furrows with- 10 in. bottoms, amptalble for 3 funcws, (new) 1 Case onve~way Disc, 4% ft. cut, 7 discs, 22 in. diameter 2 White Scwvs with litters ready to Wean 6 Good! Chunks bum Aug. 23 1 Holstein Cow, milking in: full flow, I‘bredJ Oct. 12 1 Holstein- Guw. mil‘king‘ in full flow, lbredl Oct. 26 2 Hol'srtein: Cowsl, milking in full flow 1 Blue Cow, milking in full flow 10 Good: Hols’cvein Heifers, 11/2 years 1 Red! Heifer, 11/2 year ' 1 Young Durham Stock Bu“ The above cows are a good‘ strong dairy herd. At 11.30 a.m. sharp, Standard Time. 01' in case of bad weather on MONDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1941 _H_ORSE_SI__ .1 Case 12 in. Blower Cutting Box 1 Belgian and Clyde Geld-jug, 5 years .1 Belgian and! Clyde Gel‘dmg, 6 years POULTRY & POULTRY EQUIP- MENT EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE of FARM PROPERTY, STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, NEW TRACTOR and EQUIPMENT, HAY, GRAIN, ROOTS, FURNITURE, Etc. TRACTOR, EQUIPM ENT AND IM PLEMEN TS side Holstein Cow, clue about Jan. 15 Hobstein. Corw, d'ue albout Jan. 19 Jamey Cow/1, due about Jan. 20 Holstein: Cow, due albout Feb. 5 Jgrsey Cow, milking in full flow, HoLs-tein Lot 12, Concession 7, Markham Township 1/1 Mile North of No. 7 Highway Half Way between Markham & Unionville 29 Yonge Street Cities Service Garage FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1941 DAIRY CATTLE Cow, just fresh, calf by TERMS OF SALEzâ€"CHA'I‘TELS CASH ORVAL DAVIDSON EXPERT BATTERY SERVICE SWINE ’Phone 12 PO‘SITIVELY NO RESERVE DESCRIPTION OF FARM The Property of THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1941. HAY. GRAIN & ROOTS 14 Feet of Eusilage in large square ty'pe silo About 3'50 Bus. Oats About 60 Bus. BMIEy , About 170 Bus. Mlxecï¬ Grain 1 Full Mow of Alfalfa Hay 1 Mow of Goodl Mixed] Hay HARNESS 1 Set of Brass Mount/ed Harness, good 1 Set Heavy 3rd Horse Harness Number of Good‘ Collars, Pads, Hal- ters. Combs, Brushes, etc. FURNITURE One 3â€"Bumer «Coleman Gasoline Stove with oven One 3-Burnver Coal Oil Stove 1 Solid) Oak Library Table 1 Oak Arm Chair 1 Oak Extensiom Table 1 Oak Morris Chair . 1 Dress-er with full length: mirror 1 Small Table 9 Wooden: Beds and! Springs T Washrstand Number of Jars, Sealers and other household] effects too- numerous to mlentiom Line 2 Hearvy 1 Large Number Bars, vels, icles stone. new I 40 Rod Roll Hog Fencing, new 10 Rod! Roll 48 in Poultry Fencing Number of Good' Cedar Posts 15 Steel Posts 7 ft. long Numfber pf 27in. Scantling, Planks new) 3 40-Rod Rolls of Babb Wire 40 Ft. Extension Lad‘dwr 40 Feet of Well- Curlbin-g, brick Quantity of Sheet Metal Number of 6 int. Dri’ve Belts, also Line Shaftin'g and“ Pulleys 2 Heavy Logging Chains 1 Large Copper Kettle Number of Carpenter Tools;, Steel Bars, Bin'dlel‘ Twine, Hoes, Sho- vels, Doubletreers and: other art- icles too numerous to mention: grain grinder. almost new 1 Car Trailer 1 Fanning- Mill! 1 Set Farm Scales, 1200 lbs. cap. 1 Pig Crate Trailer 1' DeLaval Cream Separator, 500 lbs. capacity 1 Chum ‘J 1 Portable Lister Milking Machine, complete with 2 single units and 1/2 ELF. gas engine, in gOOd working condition. Number of Milk Pails, Strainers, Plungers, etc. 1 Stone Boat 1 Grind‘stone Number of Steel Drums and Barrels 1 Heavy Power Emery with 14 in. and} Boards 1 Portabla Sprayer, with steel tank. hose and tree boom Number of Fee& and‘ Chop Boxes 1 Draw Rope with Fork and Trip Rape 1 Set of Stewart Clippers 2 Sets of Harm Clippers 1 Electric Fencezt, complete, (near with pipes M.-H. Power Cutting Box McCormick Deering (new style) Richmond Hill