Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jan 1942, p. 6

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These Combination Offers are the Biggest Bargains of the year and are fully guaran- teed. If you already subscribe to any of the magazines listed, your subscription will be extended. Send us the Coupon TODAY. Monthly). 1 yr. . . . . . . . . . ] True Story, 1 yr . . . . . . . . . ] Redbook Magazine. 1 yr. ] Screen Guide, 1 yr. . . . . . . ] Parents' Magazine. 1 yr. . ] Magazine Digest, 1 yr. .. ] Physical Culture, 1 yr. . J Popular Science Monthly. ] Child Life, 1 yr. . . . . . . . . ' W owoomwwm v vvvvvvvvvvvv OWOOOO“O mmooooooomowonoubooowouo éAAAoanoa A. 00 Q.“ .0000 “W0.¢OOMOOONO Serving the I. 'WNOQMV i g z 1 yr. ‘ , . . . . ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ . . . ‘ . . . . . . . ] Click (The National Picture ] Liberty (Weekly), 1 yr.. . . ‘ ] Macleans (24 issues). 1 yr. ] Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr.. ] Chatelaine, 1 yr. ‘ ‘ . ‘ . . . , . ‘ . . . . ] National Home Monthly, 1 yr.. 1 [family Herald 8: Weekly Star, }.¢!ow wwoooooowowouwooooooowuuoooooom “own...” m m mmwoowmm 6900660000600606000M909000¢00WM vwoowvoooo k. 1 Liberty (Weekly). 1 yr. ] Magazine Digest. 6 mos. ] True Story. 1 yr. ]_Silver Screen. 1 yr. 'Christian Herald. 6 mos. Fact Dwgaét, 1 yr‘ Flower Grower. 1 yr. Family Herald 8: Weekly Star. 2 yrs‘ Science & DISCOVGI‘y. 1 yr. American Girl. 1 yr. Parents' Magazine, 6 mos. Open Road for Boys. 1 yr. Screenland. 1 yr. nâ€"lblâ€"lhfliâ€"IHHHH PAGE SIX This Newspaper 1 year; and Your Choice ONE other publication at Price Listed ] Maclean's (24 issues), 1 yr. l ] Canaiian Home Journal, 1 yr. I ] Chatelaine, 1 yr. [ [ ] National Home Monthly. 1 yr. ] Famny Herald Weekly Star, 1 yr. [ ] Canadian Horticulture & Home. 1 yr.[ This Newspaper 1 year, :d Your Choice of ONE Magazine in Group “A” and TWO Magazines in Group “B” GROUP “A” GROUP "B" 1 Liberty (Weekly), 1 yr. [ ] Maclean's (241'ssues). 1 yr. | Magazine Digest. 6 mos. [ ] Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. ' :r‘ue Stsory' 1 yr“ [ ] Chatelaine, 1 yr. I, iver creen. 1 yr. , Christian Herald. 6 mos [ ] Natlona] Home Monthly. 1 yr. Fact. Dlg‘éit. 1 yr. [ ] Famlly Herald & Weekly Star, 1 yr. Flower Grower. 1 yr. [ ] Screen Guide. 1 yr. | family Herald 8: Weekly Star. 2 yr5-[ 1 Click (The National Picture n,, This Newspaper 1 year, and Your Choice Any THREE of These Publications CHECK THREE MAGAZINESâ€"ENCLOSE WITH ORDER TELEPHONE 9 Help your home community by being a regular subscriber to the Home Newspaper and making full use of its services. THE LIBERAL The Home Newspaper is the clearing house for making known the articles, merchandise and services which are available or for sale in the district. It makes known the wants of those who want to buy. It records the happenings and lists the coming events in the social life of the community. The greater use you make of your Home News- paper the greater service it can be to your community. The Home Newspaper renders important service to all the communities in its field; Serving the Communlty The Home Newspaper of This District For Over Half a Century Subscriptions Taken At The Liberal SUPER-VALUE OFFER BIG - FAMiLY OFFER $2 so 2.00 Monthly). 1 yr. ] Rod & Gun in Canada. 1 yr. ] Canadian Poultry Review, 1 yr. 1 Canadian Horticulture & Home. 1 yr Monthly). 1 yr. ] American Fruit Grower. 1 yr. ] Screen Guide. 1 yr. ] Canadian Poultry Review, 1 yr. ] Rod & Gun In Canada. 1 yr. ] American Girl, 8 mos. 1 Click, (The National Picture Gentlemen: I enclose $ . . . . . . . . . . . . I am checking below the orfex desired with a year's subscription to your paper. Nam. ... I l All-Family [l Super-Value l ) Single Magazan Please clip list of magazines after checkLng ona desired. Fill out coupon carefully and mail to your local paper. 000.00.... RICHMOND HILL ALL FOUR ONLY THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO .10 .50 3.50 139 Libberal classified) “ads” pay‘ good dfividends. The annual meeting of the East York Plowmen’s Association was held in Heather Hall, Agincourt. The treasurer’s report showed! a balâ€" ance of $73.00 and the directors are pleased that our match was a suc- cess in every way. The following were elected to carry on the work, in 1942: Hon. Presidents, Hon. Geo. S. Henry, Dr. R. M. Jenkins, Jas. Ley, A. E. Jupp, Jas. G. Cornell; Hon. Directors, Frank Weir, W. B. Davidson, W. A. Paterson; Past President, R. F. Sellers; President, Chias. Tapscott; lst Vice-President, Bruce Davidson; 2nd Vice-President, John Jarvis; Treasm'en, W. L. Clark; Secretary, L. A. Kennedy; Directors, Col. Geo. B. Little, C. Young, Bert Kennedy, W. G. Max- well, T. H. Harding, Harris Little, G. Tran, F. Yeamans, R. J. French, L. G. Berrett, Ken. Deacon, Geo. W. Henry, R. J. Stiyer, Fred' Bagg, Rich. Ormez'od, J. A. Macklin, S. Watson. Christmas is a day when families gather once more under the home roof. 'Dhis year there were many such gatherings in many Button'ville 'homes, F. Stephenson's, C. Burr’sv, G. Kelly’s, J. Walker's. W. Craig’s, J. Brown’s. Mr. and Mrs. S. English spent the holiday in! Toronto. Buttonvilnle are opening their new hall on the evening of January 9th and) are having a dance with Russ Creighton’aorchesntra. Lunch willr be provided. Murray and’ Doris Walton were visitors at; their home. Mrs. C. Arsemault and“ children visited with her brother in Agin- court. East York Plowmen Elect Officers The Red Cross would; like the community to become salvage con- scious. Paper is one article of value which we all can save. Fold news- papers and tie them in, large vbunid‘les. Tie magazines in» bundles» Paper cartons or boxes of any kind should! be saved, enrvelopes' anal paper fold- ed neatly. The only paper having we value is carbon or wax paper. Later on in the year, around the beginning of April you will be askedr to bring this pap-er to a central spot where it can be loadeif on a truck. Save and- do your bit to help win the war. Mrs. A. Shenfielwd. Gloria] and A1- fred spent Chfistm'as with friends in Toronto. The Buttonville comm-unity pack- ed boxes for the boys overseas dur- ing the last week of October. In a letter recently received from Corp- ora-l Shen'fieldl andI dated! Nov. 30th he says “Just a line to express to youi and through you to the folk back home in Buttonvill-e my sinâ€" cere appreciation for the lovely b0? I have just receivedt. It certainly does make a [person feel goodl when you’re a long, long way from home to know you are being thought of by your friends back home." At the same time several d'itty bags were sent to the Navy League. Mrs. Craig has receivedr a letter of thanks from a Canadian sailor who had re- ceive-d‘ one (If these. It is dated Dec. 8th from St. John N.B. He says “It would1 be very nice to be back in good old Ontario for Christmas but we will have to make the Ibest of it and hope and: pray that we may be home for Christmas’s to come.” If other answers are received for the ditty bagsl kindly let your cor- respond-em; knoaw. Craig. On Tuesday evening there will be a Community pulblic meeting in the school on- businessI pertaining to the hall. Timeâ€"Tuesday, January 6th, 8 o‘clock S.T. Mrs». Howard Stark of LO'ckport, N.Y., is holid’ayinvg for over the New Year with her mother Mrs. Wm. Royal Richmond Whole Wheat Cereals Feeds for all farm stock ‘and poultry We will buy Oats, Barley and Mixed Grain PURITY FLOUR ROBIN HOOD FLOUR FIVE ROSES FLOUR POLAR BEAR FLOUR AURORA BELLE FLOUR RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL MAPLE LEAF FLOUR BUTTONVILLE Phones: 82W A pamphlet on “Seed: Cleaning” which contains recommemdations reâ€" garding screens for cleaning cereal crops, eleven and grass seed, and' one on “The Operation of the Fann- inzg Mill by Power”, may be obtained by writing the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Bran-ch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Write for your copies new. They are free. The adrvis'albility of two or more farmers purchasing a new mill or reconditioning an old: one has possi- fbilities which should‘ be investigated. The mill) should be set level and solid. The wind» (blast is- regulated' by the speed; and uniformity at which the drive shaft is tum-ed"; When: turnling by handl a uniform speedi is difficult to obtain. Regardb less of what make Olf milll one may have it is possible to operate it with power. The job of turning the crank is out modjed on. many farms and a more satisfactory cleaning job can be accomplished) -by a power hook- upL Johm D. MacLe-od says new is» time to' repair farm machinery needed in all-curt crop production for 19-42. It is goodl farm management dur- ing peace or war to plan: for spring and summer work at this time of the year, says Johm D. MacLeod, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, On‘t. Dept. of Agriculture. The reâ€" pairing of farm machinery is a job which can and! should! be done during the winter months. If the work is delayed: until the- spring rush. time and“ labour which could' have been utilized? during the winter months, will have to be diverted1 from other jolbs requiring immeclia‘te attention. Difficulty in cbtaining parts and re- pairs may Ibe experiench and the all-out crop production program for Ontario farms for 1942 may be seri- ously affected. The fanning mill will (be the first implement to be required' and should therefore be the first to ’be put in working condition. Screens, frames, fan: blades, wind board's, castings, :buckets, chains, etc. should be checked] and) the necessary parts and repairs ordered. and! screen material shoulw be stretched tight and! even; on the frames. When not in use screens shouldj be stored“ in‘ a dry place, pre- feralbly on their sid‘e. A shortage of zinc for screen ma- terial; is anticipated and therefore, orders should be placed early. Each frame should! fit smueg in the shoe, Urge Fanning MillsBe Re-Conditioned Now Phone Thornhill 54 Poultry, Hog, Dairy and Dog Feeds YONGE STREET THORNHILL WALTER BONE & SON Nlaster Breeder hflashes For sale by WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION This represents a high percentage hatch of strong chicks that have the vigor and stamina to live and grow and develop into future profitable producers. It shows what can be accomplished with a combination of good birds â€" good man- agement and good feed.. Here are the hatching results of forty-four Mas- ter-fed flocks last year, made up of twenty-four flocks of Barred Rocks, ten White Leghorns, two each of White Rocks and White Wyandottes and three each of New Hampshires and Hybrids. Total Number of eggs set . . . . . . 521,515 Total Number of chicks hatched .. 392.005 Average hatch of all eggs set 75.17% The above is a summary of a few of the many flocks fed Master Breeder Mash or Master Breed- er Concentrate this past year. Put your breeding flock on Master this year and we are sure you will become another one of the many satisfied Master Feeders. Frost Steei & Wire C0. Products We Giadly Quote Prices Phone Maple 864 W. R. DEAN THURSDAY, JANUARY lst, 1942 J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer Phone Maple 11 Public Auction Sale of First Class Furniture, Garden Tools, Coal, etc. The Property of the Estate of Sale sharp at 12.45 noom ST. 1 Lady‘s Persian Lamb Coat, like No Reserve as everything must be sold in order to close Estate. John Hostraws-er, Nashville RR. 1 Harvey Bagg, Malton R.R. 1, Executors of Estate. 5 1 l extra leaives Dining Room Chairs and» 1 Arm Chair, good China Cabinet, all glass, good Kitchen Linoleum Dining Room Linoleum r-n-uâ€"u-n-AHNH HHHHHIQHHwHHWHHerâ€"‘w Small Tables 1 Fern Stand Living Room] Rug, good Bedroom Rugs Sofa Living Room Table Morris Chair, good Living Room Rocking Chairs Invalid’s Chair Mattress 1' Hall Rack Chairs with new seats in Vacuum Cleaner, new Brass Bed: and Springs Feather Ticks, good Radio Stand 1 Dressing Table Wooden Bed 1 Old Washstand Small Bedroom' Taible Bird Cage and! Stand Dresser 1 BedI and Spring Mattress 1 Toilet Set Wicker Rocking Chairs High Back Rocking Chair Sewing: Machine 01d Chest of Drawers Apartment Electric Range Sausage Grinder Large Lawn Mower A Quantity of Stove and? Furnace MARTHA MELLINGS push button dial 1 Studio Couch, new 1 Whamot, Walnut, good 1 8-Day Clock 1 Kitchen Table 4 Kitchen Chairs 1 Large Sideboard, good ' 1 Large Dining Room Table with SAT., JAN. 3rd, 1942 new Cook Stove Electric Frigidaire, General Elec- tl'ic,\r.-ear13r new. _ Electric Washing Machme . Spart_on_ Radio,_p§arly new, With condition At Claireville TERMSâ€"CASH

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