Auction sale of Dairy Herd, Horses, Hogs, Threshing Machine, Tractor and! a full line of nearrly necw Farm Imrple'menrts, Milking Machine, Seed Grain, Hay, Blacksmith Tools, Furn- iture, etc., the property of Cameron E. Walkington, at lot 1, concession 4, King Township. Terms cash. Sale at ten o’clock. See full list in this issue. J. Carl Saigeon and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. ' SATURDAY, FEB. 14â€"Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Furni- ture, etc., the property of George Harvey Folliott, Lot 3, West half of Con. 4, King" 1/2 mile south of King- horn, 11/4 miles west of King. No reserve as farm is sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. See full list in, this issue. Cameron.Wa1kinrg- ton, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 â€"â€" WElD., FEJB. nthâ€"Auction sale of valuable farm, farm stock, hay, grain, imrp'lements, etc, the property of Ernest Dibb, 10¢ 34, concession. 2, Vaughan, one and’ a quarter miles west of Yonge St., just south of King-Vaughan to'wnline. See- full list in this issue. :1. Carl‘ Saigeon, Auc- tiionreer. A by-Iaw was passed estimating road expenditure for the coming year at $216,000. ’ The appointment of Weed Inspecâ€" tors was discussed at some length' and the appointment of one for the Whole township instead of two as in the past is under consideration. The appointment will be made at the next meeting: Relief accounts totalled $182.58 and general accounts included Hos- pitalization for the month of $96.22 and B. Gayman, constanle, $123.88. Deputy-Reeve Charles Hooper an- nounced at Monday’s regular meet- ing of Markham Township council that licensing of threshing machines in the municipality has been discon- tinued. Clerk Charles Hoover re- ported bounty paid. so far on- thirty- sii: foxes killed in the township. The appointment of Weed Inspecâ€" MARKHAM TWP. COUNCIL ORDERS TAKEN AT ’ THE LIBERAL OFFICE MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL Monday, Feb. 9th Motion PICTURE Show Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. are the best Counter Check Books made in See Your Home Printer First AT 8.30 PM. D.S.T. Lucky Drawâ€"No Charge for Admission Massey-Harris Local Dealer RICHMOND HILL 01V “THE PART WE PLAY †Canada’s Industry and Agriculture In War Time Interesting and Entertaining Program with Special Features Everybody Will Enjoy. eer lef/ Sales Books Harold W. Mortson Sale Register PAGE FOUR Richmond Hill District Cup rinks skipped by A. E. Glass and J. C. Young play in the finals for the Globe and Mail Trophy at High Park Club Friday. The local links are favorites ’30 land the Coveted silver- We must amwary‘s spews-i:th in a slim- cere eff-orb rbo d‘mmeesss upon; every- body the 13am Fhhlait; Fm: emery Lian! must beat, and dbeis ibeam, rflhe heamt of a' good citizen)! ' Thï¬s conduct is what bmimgs- to the good cirtizen tn-we wasting-e; mat a dle- oeivimxg ‘ï¬gl'irï¬beuimng rtï¬mtfoï¬ï¬‚†pms'bilge fhas-ed! om pureflry mualbanial wakes; (but a :pmelshilge thwart mlerams simtoene respect and esteem, emu! hoyallt approval of Itfhe who enjoys irt. It is in this mlamm'err than; Libndusm egntheazr'S itsellrf 130 the peoplLe W'hlo sun-round‘ ovum Cfluï¬as evarywhm. "‘DadL it says here that a certain man was a financial genius. What does that mean?†“That he could' earn money faster than his family could spend it.†In our business and: pmocï¬essflomna-k activities; in our meflta'tï¬uoms, I-e'g‘afl 0-1- of any other rnlaiburre, even: Em Ithe s'ismlplbasvt ‘m‘a‘nifeslhzltbomrs orf ourr dla'i‘l'y Miï¬e, such as wanking on the side- WBUJk, circusIsfmyg the Istveejt, dlvivinrg; a car, ambemudftmg a spectacle, etc†Whiefl“ ever we we, Whatever we le-heme munsvt pmevail irn us all, #5th spirit of spontaneous co-opmmiom which is based on a we‘fl-wmdevsbood heaped: for ovum nights and ï¬he righrhs of our fd‘J‘JOMamem This being true, in; 1's “the duty of every Lieom: to give aflrwuaysl a good exalmrpu‘he of msrple'clt flat the llaws; of the I‘amdL We mruEJb nelflhect thilsx men- rtrafl amtfltu‘die cmshamutfly, prufblllbciy 2:de pmirvmbefl‘y, Iby oo-clptemaltimg irn the com; pID'amoe- of nuonmls aim-ing- aIt the die- velhopmemnt of the 'socilemy in which we live. One (mm-Cl: b:- a «gcmd' erlcn \vritiï¬xuo‘ulb I’bteï¬mg a good» citizen â€" one who its' meadky to same the oomlmrumdw, no‘t only :in purr-eflly mmbemflafl things amid! ways, but move so indeed in those rtlhrfrn‘gls Vthlalt comtmiibmlbe rho buifld' amld' eflJezvame' ch‘amiobe'r amd cfltiizemslhï¬p. ‘tfha‘t above 2111' ax gvolcld' citizen i4s afl- waws obliged to discharge his duties: A complete program is contained in this object of Lionisim. It‘is a complete plan foi: our permanent mental attitude and for our p»e1;se- vering lifeâ€"effort.j It is a very prevailing cry. some- thing very easy and 'common, to voice the demand' for our rights, Nat any cost, as citizens; but it is much too easy to overlook, if not to forget altogether, the duties that go along wl-th our rights. I}: 513‘ vcmv Kilrvu'ei than: a good ciltvimem Of allr Lions oligjects, the one that seems; to rbe most’f‘tranvscendenvtal, the one. that seems to have the l‘oftiesvt civic significance and most. encour- agimg resul'tsi, is contained! 'in/ the clause: “to promote the theory and practice of the principles of good‘ government and good citizenship.†NO MAN CAN BE A GOOD LION AND NOT BE A GOOD CITIZEN CURLING NOTES ; voz'ty (MM be clorumatg' By Juzm Pastor Paredes‘ Panama, RP. ONTARIO rthect a good clltvimem nuts {muculglh 130 de- Dt isl eqmaflfl-y *t'rrue g'o'cld’ citizen i4s afl- On Monday night ocf this week a very Well attended] and‘ successful Congress was held in the Maple United Church by the Young Peo- uple’s Union‘s of the suburban area of the Toronto Centre Presbytery. Sev- eral unions of this area were well represented. After a simg song led‘ (by Miss Margaret Fockler the group was led in worship by Rev. C. E. Fodder. Miss May Plewrm-an‘, the «president, called- on Miss Dorothy Keffer who welcomed’ the many vis- itors to Maple. The session then dri- vid‘ed into several groups who drisâ€" |cussed! their particular problems unâ€" kier Presbytery leaders, Christiap Fellowship, Citizenship, Missions, Re- creation with also a group of presi- dent and one“ of :union secretaries. When all reasse-m‘bled‘ the findings of the groups were presented4 for ado-p- tion. There seems to be a shortage of eggs for export this year. Famers could produce more as well as others who raise poultry. The Barred Rocks and White Leghorns seem to lead in egg production, but there are other varieties that will pay well with good feed and care. Laying mash should :be continually before them. Pens are important. A shanty roofed- pen‘ 10 'feet wide (by 12 feet long will acâ€" commodate 20 layers. The high side should face south with large win- Uow in centre. All ventilation should come from the window. The low side ’requires a tight platform 3- feet wide and 3 feet above the floor full length of pen, and roost built on platform lalbout 7 or 8 inches high. Green feed is important and meat scraps two or three times per week. Clean pens ‘and‘ yards will pay. A lunch was then served by the ‘Young People of the local Union. Ho, hum! Some peqpfle can make trouible withourt expemd'inlg- much en- ergy. Student â€"- I’m handling this plane pretty well. It might help to remind farmers and others who grow good» winter apples that from now on through February is an ideal time to prune fruit trees. All branches and limbs removed should! be cut close and painted and the bark will grow over the cut. All dead wood‘ Should be taken out, brgmches where too thick or growing into another. All fruit trees should be fertilized with man- ure at the roots and‘ sprayed at the proper time. Tall trees should be cut down from the top, but not more than- three feet and. half in any one year. It was announced that in connec- tion with the Sunday School, a Train- ing- Course consisting of two classes will begin February 5th and" continue for five Thursday evenings to which all interested people are invited. The meeting closed with prayer by the lminister. V “ Altogether the church has raised during 191441 a total of $241800 of which $5715.00 Went to missions and: 'benevolences. Dr. F. W. Routley spoke in complementary terms of the work of the pastor and his family and! on motion expressed: the thanks and appreciation, and good wishes of the congregation which was enthusi- astically carried; A motion was passed expressing appreciation :for the splendid: and faithful work of the church choir under the efficient leadership of Mrs. R. Marritt and ‘the assistance of Miss Minnie Line, the organist. menu-erszand friends enjoyed a- beau- tiful supper supplied and served by the Women’s Assoeiation. Following the supper the Pastor, Rev. C. E. Fookler took the chair and Mr. M. J. 'Kin‘nee was elected secretary for the evening. Very fine reports were presented b{y'*the different- depart- ments of the church, beginning with ‘the ch.urc_hr;.treasurer who announced that all bills had been paid and a balance 0-ij $161 remain-ed. Each 01‘- gganization‘ "reported a successful year both in the work of the groups as Well as the finances which in every 'case shoWedx a balance on hand. These reports in-e‘luided‘, with the presiding- ‘oflffeer, Sunday School with Mr. M. ‘J. Kinnee ‘ Superintendent; Women's Association,- Mrs. Dr. Bigiford- presi- dent; Wo-m‘en’s- Missionary Society, "Mrs. L. Laver, president; Mission ‘Band‘, Miss- MargaretF’ockler, super~ inten‘d-ent; ‘Young People’s Union, Miss Dorothy Ket‘fer, president; Mis- sionary and Maintenance, Mr. A. 'Forre‘st,’ treasurer, and the"Trustees who through Mr. I. B. Musseloman reported! on the financial standing of the Cemetery. The énnug‘l meeting of the Maple United Church was ï¬neldl ’las-t Wed; hesday evening. A Iayge group of membersuvand friends eiijéy-ed & beau- Instructorâ€"Yeah. Just keep it up! WAR EFFORT THE LIBERAL, RILHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MAPLE PIGS ' 2 Yorkshire Brood Sows due in Feb. 8 Pigs, 5, months 7 Pigs, 4 months Ready to finish 12 Pigs, 2 months IMPLEMENTS sale :1 Jersey Cow; bred January lst 1 Holstein Cow, 3 yrs, Ibred Oct. m 1 Holstein Cow, 3 yrs, Ibred Aug. 18‘ 2 Holstein Heifers, 2 yrs., due in June 4 Holstein Heifers, rising 2 years 2 Holstein Heifers, rising 1 year 1 Purebred Holstein Bull, 4 years 1 Purebred Holstein Bull, 2 months Bulls from accredited herds. No horns on cattle. Stoc‘k will ‘be cared for until Monday. 30 Tons Alfalfa Hay 5:00 Bushels of Seed Oats 1 Fence Stretcher 3 Post Hole Diggers 1 Emery Knife Grinder 2 Sets Heavy Harness 1 Turnip Drill 1 L01 Forks, Shovels, etc. Some Lumber 1 Cr( 1‘ FleuryUCuttirrg _Box 1 120 Gallon Oil Drum Large and Small Pipe Wrenches 1 Separator and Pails 1 Set Weigh Scales, 6-00 lbs. capacity 1‘ Hay Rake 2 Oak Barrels 1 Couch * 2 Quebec Heaters 1 Oak Bed and‘ Springs 1 Ivory Bed and‘ Springs 3 Dressers 2 Wash Stands 6 Chairs, Leather Seats 4 Kitchen Chairs 2 Rocking- Chairs A Quantity of Stove Pipes Many other articles too numerous to mention NO RESERVE AS FARM IS SOLD TERMS :â€"â€"CASH SALE AT 12 O’CLOCK SHARP Victor Hall, M. Hunter and D. Kyle, Clerks. @yâ€"uâ€"uâ€"nâ€"nâ€"nâ€"A wheels Faiming Mill, Chatham Hand Sprayer for Potatoes Emery Knife Grinder 12 x 4 Face Pulley Set Harrows, 2 sections Pea Harvester and- Buncher uantity o-f Cement Brick and Tile Lot 3, W. Half Con. 4, King, '/z Mile South of Kinghorn, 1% Miles West of King Roads and Large will be ploughed HORSES 1 Purebred Clydesdale Mare, 11 yrs. 1 Purebred Clydesdale Mare, 13 yrs. Good mothers and workers 1 Clydesdale Colt, rising- 2‘ years 1 Percheron Mare. aged 1 Percheron Mare. aged ‘ Several' local ‘boys have joined the army during the past few days and are now in uniform. The Maple contingent, usually reg- ular and always welcome attendantq wefé“not present probably due to the cold weather. Sincere wishes wrere expressed for, the speedy re- coveryof Comrade Bill Eldmunds who is reported ,to be ill at home with nei'vo'ï¬s t-roï¬ble. The Poppy Fund Committee turn- ed ih a good report and received the compliments of the meeting. Satisfaction was also expressed on the ij‘eadin‘g of a letter from the sec- retai‘y of the Central Executive, as- suring them that cases of distress brought to their notice by the local rbranch, were receiving careful at, tention. . r A 7» Chaplain Rev. W. F. Wrixon don- ated several War Saving-s Stamps as a prize for the regular monthly draw. Considerable enthusiasm was ex- pressedat the York County Veterans Association meeting last night over the annual report received from the Women’s Auxiliary of the organiza- tion, a detailed report of which will be published in a later issue of The Liberal. A resolution of apprecia- ti'on, spoken to by the‘president and various private mennlbers was carried unanimously and concluded with a hearty round of applause. Geo. Harvey Folliott SATURDAY, FEB. 14 M.-H. Binder, 6 ft‘ truck Deering Mower, 5 Mi-Ht Seed Drill, International Single Plow, Lever Wheels, Fleury Single Plow No. 21 Fleury Single Plow No. 12 Stiff Tooth Cultivators Spring Tooth Cultivators 1-H0rse Scuï¬lers Corn Cultivator, John Deere Cutting Box, Fleury Whitewash Sprayer, 10 gallons on CATTLE Purebred Ayrshire Cow. 4 years, calf by side Purebred Ayrshire Cow, 4 years, due time of sale . Holstein Cow, 4 years, due time of sale Holstein Cow, 3 years, due time of sale . Brinrdle Cow, 7 years, due time of Seeder M.-H. Hay Rake Cockshutt 2â€"Furrow Disk Plow, near new 2-Furrowe_d Fpot-Lift Sulyky Plow, B-ain Wagon with Hay Rack Tnuck Wagon 4" Steel Wheels Set of Bob Sleighs ‘ AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IM- PLEMENTS, FUR- NITURE, Etc. With The Veterans HAY AND GRAIN The Property of FURNITURE VEHICLES ‘. Walkington, Auct. Logging Chain Cross Cut Saw ft. cut 15 disks, with cut, lifters and ICE CUTTING, and hauling ‘by the ‘block, or estimates girvem on» filling ice houses. Percy Ash, RR. 2 Au- rora, Lalk-e Wilcox, phone Stouffville 4220. APARTMENT, heated. Apply T. H. Trench, Richmond Hill. 6 RJO'OMED H'OUISE 0n Richmond St. near Yonge. Phone 78 or apply 1 Wright Street, Richmond) Hill. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cabinet work, wood Garving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 3 Hunt Avenue. vinatorâ€, 7 cubic feet, Deluxe, light, crisper, leftâ€"over dishes, relbuil‘t, re- finished~ like new, one year guaran- tee, only $179.00. Toronto Rladio & Sports, Ltd, 2411 Yonge St, Toronto. Wa. 4'501. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t! 5 ROOM COTTAGE, h‘yd‘ro, wafer in house, furnace, garage, hen house and garden. Possession March 1st. Apply Liberal Office or 45 Rich- mon-d~ St., Richmond Hill. ELEC’I‘RIC REFREGEERA’I‘OR, “Kel- AYRSHIRES, young bulls and heif- ers. Geo. Spring, Stop 14% Yonge St, phone Thomh‘ill 149. REGISTERED AYfRSIHIRE BULL, 9 stove, complete, nearly new; 1 trail- er, first class condition with large tires, nearly new. Apply W. Morri- son, Oxford St., Elgin Mills, phone 90-R Richmond Hill. FOE SAW, Separator, men's over- coats, women’s dresses, shoes, etc. at sensational bargain prices. Lions’ Rummage Sale, south of Craigie’s Men’s Wear, Richmond Hill, Satur- day' afternoon and evening. GOVT. GRADE No. 1 Cartier Oats, grown. from registered seed, 43 lbs. per bus.; also Victory oats and vel- vet barley. Also Packard sedan. Apply Samuel Winger, Maple RR. 2, phone Maple 1062. LAJDY’S DlRE-SIS, $1400. Lions’ Rum: mange Sale, Saturday afternoon and evening. 9â€"\P‘IE‘.CE O‘AxK dining room suite in: goocl condition, reasonable. Ap- ply phone 53, Richmomi Hill‘. months old, from a R.‘O.-P. qualified d'am.‘ Grand dam, “Grassie Susan". Herd fully accredited. Alvin Wood, Woodlbridg‘e, phene 874. old. Apply W. B. Heise, Victoria Square. EIGHT PIGS seven weeks old, Wal- ter Reaman, phone Maple 281‘11. 2 GEESE AND GANDER, 4 years COTTAGE near Malton, with conâ€" tents. Apply 2 Trench Street-Richâ€" mond Hill. 1 PMIPERJIAL OIL BURNER with Lot 34, Con. 5, Vaughan Township LOGS MAY BE LEFT ANY MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM SAWING THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. R. L. Nelson PHONE 2504 STOUF‘F’VILLE Classified Advs. POSTPONED until THURS., FEB. 5th 8 P.M., D.S.T. RICHMOND HILL ARENA SKATING CARNIVAL EARNEST PHILLIPS FOR SALE Richmond Hill Presbyterian Y.P.S. At the farm of TO RENT ADMISSION 25c. SPECTATORS ,10c. Enjoy an evening’s fun and frolic and help a - worthy cause PROCEEDS FOR WAR WORK. Scheduled for January 22nd THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1942‘ (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) All trains operate on standard'_time. Full information from Agents Used Cars DRIVERS for single horses, 50 cents per hour, steady workr Apply Doâ€" minion Coal, 2605 Danforth Avenue; Howard 2171 or phone Thomhill 149. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1942 1939 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN â€" Heater, Radio, very nice. SMART BIOY, opportunity to learn trade and get promotion. One able to drive preferred. Apuply‘ Box .58 The. Lioeral. ' ' DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- WANTED â€" Dairy Cattle, Grain, Seed, Hay, Straw or what have you to trade on new 1942 Radios, Re- frigerators, Ranges, 'Washers, Frig- idaire Milk Coolers and! DeLaval Milkers. Write for catalogue. B. R. Leech, TORJO‘NTO RAJDII'O' &‘SP‘OR'IS In addition to the advance in time, the schedule of a number of trains will be changed effect- ive 3 am. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€" Edgar, Mill Road, 9th house on north side of road. WANTED â€"â€" Marriedv man wants a position on farm by the year. Chas: Dad-son, Bloomington‘. SIX ROOM HOUSE in Richmomi Hill, all conveniences, a very desir- able home. Can be bought right. Apply at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. chargez. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT. ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636. 241 Yonge St., Wa. 49501 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Sulbnonnal? Want normal pep, vim, vigor, viwa- ity? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Cor.- tains tonics, stimulants, oyster ele- mentsâ€"aids to normal pep after_30, 40 or- 50. Get a‘special introductory size for only 35c. Try this aid to normal pep and vim today. For sale at all good drug stores. WORK BY THE DAY. Apply Chas ed. For free pickâ€"u-p phone RICH- MOND HILL 7 0R KING 24r4 OR MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone A SMALL CUTTER or sleigh suit- able for a pony. Apply Tel. 449 Maple. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 MEN 0f 30, 40, 50 Completely reconditioned. New Paint Job. Heater. Canadiani National $375.00 $850.00 WANTED