Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Feb 1942, p. 1

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Sgt. Pilot George A. Davis Gives Life In Air Battle Over England on Feb. 11th This district was saddened by another war casualty this week when word was received that Sgt. Pilot George Davis of the R.‘C.A.F., son of Rev. Douglas G. and Mrs. Davis of Stouffville United Church, formerly of King City, had been killed in action. Sgt. Pilot Davis lost his life on active service February 11th. He enlisted in the RJC.A.F. in November 1940 and received training at Toronto, Picton, Camp Borden and St. Catharines. He graduated from Dunnville as a pilot and received his wings on October 7, 1941 and a few weeks later was transferred to R.A.F. camp. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS FIOHT TO VICTORY BUY VICTORY BONDS TO-DAY Sgt. Pilot Davis was born at Birch Cliff Heights in Searboro on No- vember 1.2, 1920. He attended pulblic school at SmOOth Rock Falls and King City and matriculated from Aurora High School. He was a good sportsman, excelling in basketball, softball and hockey. After graduation he was employed in the executive offices of the T. Eaton CO. George was ten years of age when his father became the pastor of King United Church. . Even then his clear eyes and open expreSSion showed purpose. He was fully aware, as he left Canada with the R.C.A.F., that he had a “duty to perform”. None would do that duty with more keennrrs and devotion. He loved his jdb and an early training in the parsonage, to a sense of responsibility and honor added strength to his young life. __ . -p h ,3 I p-__:1__ :..~ J v «"5 A depth of sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Davis and family in their bereavement from a host of friends in this district. The funeral service, we understand, was held in England, with military honorS, on Monday, February 16th, 9 am. Toronto Time. Interment in an English Cemetery. ,, A . . . ~ A n-Ir. vuun. VVA‘, . A public memorial service will be held for the late Sergeant Pilot George Davis, R.C.A.F., England, on Thursday at 8 pm. in King United Church. Local and visiting ministers will takepart. Sgt. Pilot George Alvin Davis, has joined the numbers of those illustrious sons of Canada who have paid the supreme sacrifice in this struggle for the preservation of right and freedom. We pay sincere tri- bute to his sacrifice, we honor his devotion to duty'and we admire his spirit which is ‘aptly expressed in the following lines by John G. Magee: “Oh, I have slipped the surly lbonds of earth, And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climllsed and joined the tumbling mirth 0f sunsplit clouds â€"- and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of â€" wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlight silence. Hovering there, I’ve chased the shouting wind along and. flung My eager craft through footless halls of air, ‘ Up, up the long delirious burning blue- ' I’ve topped the wind-SWept heights with easy grace, Where never lark, or even eagle flew; And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod The high untrespassed» sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.” VOL. LXUI. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 20, 21 (TIIAS. Md ARTHY, EDGAR BERGEN. FIBBER McGEE & MOLLY _ 1N __ “ LOOK WHO’S LAUGHING ” â€" â€"- â€"- AND _ __ _ LLOYD NOLAN, CONSTANCE MOORE in BUY ME THAT TOWN ” PHONE M0. 2172 This week, Feb. 16-21, entire recEipts of every Famous Players Theatre, coast to coast, will be used to pur- chase Victory Loan Bonds. Help the Bond sale by visiting the CAPITOL THEATRE. MON., TUES., WED., THURs., FEBRUARY 23, 24. BETTE DAVIS, HERBERT MARSHALL in “ LITTLE FOXE‘S ” â€"â€" ALSO â€" JOAN PERRY, ROGER PRYER in “ BULLETS FOR O’HARA Home Made Cooking Saturday, Feb. 213t The Presbyterian Church W.A. South Half of Craigie’s Store ADDED ATTRACTIONS FOR SATURDAY MATINEE NEW SERIAL â€" SEA RAIDERS EXTRA CARTOONS AFTERNOON TEA WILL BE SERVED CAPITOL THEATRE 300 Seats All Evening 25c. WILL HOLD A SALE OF AT 3 O’CLOCK IN THE Yonge at Castlefield “Ifissentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity”. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1942. Thousands Attend Walkington Sale Receipts $9000 A crowd estimated at 5000 at- tended the Cameron E. Walkington auction sale in King Township Wed- nesday afternoon and the receipts totalled $9000 to make a record for auction sales in this district. J. Carl Saigeon of Maple and Clarke Prent- ice of Milliken officiated as auction‘ eers and started selling at 10 o’clock and kept up the double-ring action until darkness when everything was sold. A cow with a. calf four days old brought $150 and the nineteen cows averaged $105. The herd sire sold for $135 and heifers rising 2 years old sold as high as $75. Heif- ers not quite a year old were knock7 ed down at $46 each. Sows-sold as high as $50 and horses were around the $100 figure. Early oats sold for 8‘0c. per bushel, barley 88c. per bushel, and wheat $1.06. A mow of hay about fifteen feet high in .the barn brought $180. The M-cCormick-Deering tractor sold for $600, and a cultivator three years old 3121. The price of a new one today is $125. A tractor plow bought in 1922 sold for $50. The iron plow, high' cut, with which Mr. Walkington won the On- tario Plowing championship sold for $16. This plow was imported from- Scotland by John Morgan and was used in winning provincial champ- ionships by the late James McLean of Richmond Hill and James Cam- eron of Vaughan Township. Health Services Subiect of Talk at Vellore Feb. 24 The York County Federation 2f Agriculture in rounding out its plans for three rallies in different sections of the county north, east and west have completed plans for a meeting to be held in the Township Hall at Vellore on Tuesday, February 24th at 8.30 D.S.T. when the speaker of the evening will be Honourable Geo. Hoadley, formerly minister of Health and Agriculture for Allberta. Mr. Hoadley has frequently been heard on the public platforms of Ontario over the air more recently through the Radio Forum program on the subject which he will discuSs, namely “Municipal Health Services.” There is considerable interest be- ing aroused in this work at the pre~ sent time and it is anticipated that there will be a large attendance at Vellore to hear Mr. Hoadley’s dis- cussion of this subject in person. ‘There has been a feeling for a long time in some of the rural commun- ities that some form of health in- surance could be worked out similar to that in operation in mining cen- tres and certain other places where there are large groups of workmen employed. Sickness, particularly in the form of epidemics, always a- rouses people to action and it is hoped that the Federation’s attempt to arouse some interest in health will bring out a large attendance on Tuesday night. SAME TAX RATE LIKELY IN RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill municipal council has not set the 1942 tax rate yet, but the finance committee has had several meetings and indications are that the rate will be the same as last year. Despite the debenture issue of last year and the prospect of considerable outlay in the de- velopment of supplementary water supply members are hopeful of a- voiding a tax increase this year. The annual meeting of the Feder- ation will Ibe held early in March. HIGH COW BRINGS $150 Canvassers Now Working In 2nd Loan Campaign Canada’s second Victory Loan camrpaignswung into high-gear ac- tion this week, and to date the re- sponse has been gratifying. In North York Rlding, our objective is $1,600,- 0010\, and while this is an ambitious objective it must be reached. A can- vass of the p~e0p1eof the county has commenced under the general direc- tion of Capt. Aubrey Davis of New- market and an able and energetic committee of workers. Reports from Vcanvassers have been very satisfac- 'tory and if present enthusiasm con- ‘tinues there is no reason to be pessi- mistic about the outcome. A quick, overâ€"Subscription of this loan is the most convincing evidence ‘that the Canadian people really mean 'business. WHEN you buy Victory Bonds you are lending money to Canada to pro- ‘vide weapons for the. men who are 'doing' the actual fighting. LE‘T us make possible, by Lending our money, weapons that are equal ‘or superior to those of the enemy. . . “Given equal weapons” said Mr. Churchill, “we can beat the life out ‘of the enemy!” One of these canvasser‘s will call on you. Make your subscription as large as possible. There has been talk of “total war”. *Let us as Canadians show by our lVictory Loan Subscriptions that we vi‘eally mean “total war”. Let’s go 'all out to buy the new Victory Bonds. ton. MARKH‘AM TOWNSHIPâ€"A. *G. Troyer, Locust Hill; Alex Mc- Leod, Markham; R. J. Allen, Union- ville; Dalton Rumney, RR. 2 Gormâ€" ‘ley; W. W. A. Trench, Richmond Hill; A. B. Coumans, Markham, Ont.; R. D. Little, Richmond Hill. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP â€"â€" W. Ridâ€" d~ell, Tho-rnhill; Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill; Ernest W. Root, RR. 2 Wood- bridge; W. McCutcheon, RR. N0. 1 Kleinburg; J. M. McDonald, Maple, Ont. WHIT’ClHUROIâ€"I TOWNSHIP â€"-H. West, RR. 3 Newmarket; J. A, Clarke, RR. 4 Sto-uffvill-e; G. H. Leary, Gormley; Reg. Button, A. ‘C. Burkholder, T. B. Rae, Stouffville. KING TOWNSHIP â€" N. P. Kelley, RR. 2 Newmarket; Howard Black, Kettleby; Aubrey Deane, R.R. 2 New- marketj G. E. Lloyd, Schomberg; H. S. Pringle, Nobleton; Geo. Horlings, RR. 2 Newmarket. Leading Aircraftman Wm: A. Todd of the R.VC.A.F. at Trenton is spend- ing some time at the home of his brother Hugh B. Todd at Richvale. The regular meeting of the Hope and Teston Unit Number 6 Red Cross will be held on Wednesday, Febru- ary 25th at the home of Mrs. W. 'Crdok. Quilting commences at 12.30. The World’s Day of Prayer will be held in Maple United Church on Friday, February 20th at 3‘ pm. D.S.T. An executive from the four churches in the community met last week at Mrs. Fodkler's home and assigned the parts to the ladies of each congregation. The Canadian Women's Service Force, Maple, are holding a dance in the Community Hall Friday even- ing, February 27th in aid of the cigarette fund for overseas forces. B/illy Hvole’s live wire orchestra will provide the music. Admission 25c. The next euchre under the aus- pices of the Maple WI. will 'be held in the Masonic Hall, Wednesday evening. March‘4'th. The Vellore Senior Institute will hold their annual dance and euchre in Vellore Memorial Hall Friday ev- ening, February 27th. Art West’s Orchestra. RDCHMOND HILLâ€"J. R. Herring- n. MARKH‘AM TOWNSHIPâ€"A. , Troyer, Locust Hill; Alex Mc- eod, Markham; R. J. Allen, Union- MAPLE A number of the Institute mem- bers met at the work room Thurs- day and‘ quilted two more quilts for war work. ’ Mrs. Frank Nichols, Miss C. Heise and‘ Mrs. Ratcliffe spent Wednesday at Mrs. Bert Sanderson’s. The community join with Rev. Mc- Kay and‘ family in the rejoicing of the safe return of their son from the battlefront. We are all sorry to hear of the death of the son of Rev. D. Davis of Stouffville. While Mr. Davis has not "been very intimate with our congregation, yet a great number of our young people have met him in Centre North Presbytery gatherings, and are very sorry to hear of his sorrow. His son was killed Thurs- day night at Dover Strait. I. 0.----_7.1-- -mmflm-«g - .4-) A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. R. L. Stiver on Sat- urday. Our sympathy is extended to ‘her bereaved husband. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson and Mabel attended the McIMurchy-Rdbinson wedding in Brampton on Saturday, Word has reached us that Mrs. Duncan of White Rose, a former resident in our community, is in Newmarket Hospital. We wish for her a speedy recovery. There were around fifty to ‘both Sunday School and church service on Sunday, but not one in the young men’s class. There are a few in the community, why not come to Sunday School and discuss the lesson with your teacher? Those who have been sick with measles, whooping- cough are nearly all better, and soon our front row in the Sunday School will [be filled again. Don’t‘vforget the War Work under the leadership of the WA. All the ladies are asked to meet the first and third Wednesday of each month over Mr. WiIIOWS store. Have you f...<v.<>.u.u.a.o. -u.u-u- -u- Yonge St. at Clem Rd. VICTORY LOAN BONDS VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. February 23, 24, 25 “ Hold Back the Dawn ” With CHAS. BOYER, OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND BONDS Phone 87 or Residence 11 Dominion of Canada SECOND “ Henry Aldrich For President ” With JIMMY LYDON, JUNE PRESSURE, CHARLIE SMITH NEWS â€" FEBRUARY 23, 24 “ Big Store ” With MARX BROS. â€"â€" ALSO â€"â€" “ Three Sons 0’ Guns ” With WAYNE MORRIS, IRENE RICH NOVELTY â€" NIGHT BEFORE XMAS Friday and Saturday, February 20, 21 R0 Y HERRING TON Official Representative â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" any material to hand in to help make quilts? Have you any old coats, men’s trousers, etc. that could be made over for little children? If so please leave them at the store. If you have time, the committee would! appreciate it if these old articles were ripped, washed and pressed but if you haven‘t time, please hand in the material anyway. Don’t forget the Euchre, Crokin- ole and Dance next Wednesday ev- ening, February 5th at 8.30 D.S.T- at Victoria Square Community Hall under the auspices of the Junior Farmers. Ladies provide. “V” Sgt. R.H. Mackay R.C.A.F. Home From Overseas Sgt. R. H. MacKay of the R.C.A.F., son of Rev. and Mrs. H. J. MacKay of Victoria Square returned home Saturday after seeing action in the Battle of Britain. Sgt. MacKay is a Wireless Air Gunner and went overseas in September 1941. He was already trained and he went into almost immediate action on bombing raids over Europe. Returning from one of the bombing raids he was in a crash and sustained injuries which necessitated his being invalid- ed home. He arrived home Satur- day and while regulations do not per- mit any details we gather it was not entirely an uneventful voyage. Sgt. MacKay has had a thrilling ex- perience, he has rendered- notable service and we join with the come munity in extending him a warm welcome home with our best wishes for his complete recovery. NORTH YORK DID IT BEFORE AND WILL AGAIN. llUdson 5437 Richmond Hi“, Ontario No. 34. BONDS

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