Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Feb 1942, p. 8

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PAGE ELGHT Specials for Week-End at KERR Bros. Grocery Crown Brand corn Syrup, 2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 , p Y 5 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 E. 'D. Smith’s Pure Damson Jam, 32 oz. jar . 27 Kara Coffee, Breakfast Treat, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Choice Peaches, 2 tins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 48 oz. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.”: sunkist Oranges, medium 25c.’doz., large 35c. dc Thrift Soap Flakes, large family size . . . . . . . . . 32 Fancy Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag :2, . . . . . . . . . . 7E Cookiesâ€"Raisinygigger & Coconut: 2 doz. 25 Chocolate Mallow B ‘ uits, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% Choice Variety of Bfififlmâ€"White, Whole Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Tonic and Buttermilk at popular prices. Richmond Hill Phone 77 KERR BROTHERS WE DELIVER THE MENACE of a hateful way of life casts its shadow across our homes. Victory Bonds will raise up a shield against it. So buy Victory Bonds to the limit. We cannot be half-hearted while this danger threatens our veryshores. Let us go full out now and give such vigor to our country’s eflort as to speed the day of victory. Wil‘lowdale Phones 6.15 & 788 24c. 55c. 27c. 39c. 25c. 11c. 23c. 39c. 75c. 25c. 19c. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL: ONTARIO Sunday, March lst. ,, ,LEN'L‘ 1]: a.m.â€"~H01y Comm-union. Sermon Series,- The Life of Christ, 2â€"His 'Sermon. - ‘ '3-0 nun-rSunduay School. 7‘ p.m;'â€"E.vening Prayer. Sermon mon Series, Thoughts for. Lent, 2â€" Love.v Wednesday next, 8 -p.m. â€"â€" United Service of Prayer in the United .Church'.‘ Friday, 3.20 p.m.-â€"Ha1f Hour Lenten Devotions. Subject, School of Prayer, 1â€"The Teacher. - ST. JOHN’S CHURCH, Oak Ridges 10.30 a.m.â€"~Sund‘ay School. 11.10 aJm.â€"â€">Morndng Prayer. ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH, King 11 a.m.â€"4Morning Prayer. V 3 p..m.Vâ€"â€"Sunrd'ay School. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH. Maple 730 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. Lenten Service Thursday, 7.30 p.m. ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglrcan) . RICHMOND HILL )r: iev. W. F. Wrian. I..Th 4 Markham Road This is the least we can doâ€"to lend our money for our country’s defence. Buy a share in victory todayâ€"buyVictory Bonds. HOW TO BUYâ€"Give your order to the Victory Loan salesman who calls on you. Or place it in the hands of any branch of any bank, or give it to any trust company. Or send it to your local Victory Loan Headquarters. 01' you can authorize your employer to start a regular payroll savings plan for you. Bonds may be bought in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000, and larger. Salesman, bank, trust company or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give you every assistance in making out your order form. MENAEE LENT RICHMOND ‘HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brebhen. B.A., Minister ' Sunday, March lst 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"4C‘<>mmunion Service. 7 p.m\.â€"Evening Worship. [Monday Evening â€"- Young People’s Union. _ Wednesday evening â€"- Combined Prayer Service in the United Church. Rev. H. J. MaoKay, sec- retary of Toronto Centre Presby- tery will preach. All are welcome. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, March lst 10.30 a.m.â€"â€"Sumday School. 11.45 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Worship. The ‘ HOBBY snow The annual Hobby Show sponsored by Richmond Hill Lions Club will be held in Richmond Hill Public School Saturday, March 28th. Minister will preach. 8 p.m.â€"Y.P.-S. Service. S‘Iides â€" “Pioneer Work in the New North." National War Finance Commiflee, Ottawa, Canada The Y.P.U. met at the’ home» \f. Elenor Poole at Concord on Sunday night. Good attendance. ‘ ‘ Prize winners at me. last Edge- ley Réd Cross Euchr-e were: Ladies, lst, Mrs. Ray Woods; 2nd, Margaret Humphrey. 3rd, Dorothy Foster; gents, lst, Norman Burns;‘2nd, Reg. Smith; 3rd, James'Fi‘sh’ér.‘ Freezé out winne'rs: 1‘st, Joé Keffer and Margaret Claire; 2nd, Aubrey Srtu- art and Mrs. Grindley. NeXt Euchre March 3rd. ' The W.A. met at the home of Mrs H. Whitmore on Thursday afternoon We are pleased to report that Greta Thompson is able to be up a little each day. We wish her a speedy recovery. DANCE AT VELLORE ‘The annual Dance and Euchre of the Vellore Senior W.I. will be held in the Memorial Hall Friday, Febru- ary 27th commencing at 8.30 p.m. D.S.T. Art West’s Orchestra; Ernie Evans, floor manager. Lunch will «be provided. Admission 1500. Mrs J. Watson is president of the Insti‘ tute and Mrs. E. Harris is secretary EDGELEY A42 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1942. f , ,On Wédnesday, March 4th ther-e y} will be a collectiOn, of.svalvage, pap- ers, rags and 'rfietal for the Thom- hill Branch_of the Red Cross. Any- one yvishihg ;the truck to' call tele- phone Mrs. R. H. Nell, Thorn‘hill 11-2. Please have salvage ready so there will be no time wastedt» as time means money;. ’On Friday,- February 27th there will be a lecture on A.R.P. work at Thornhill Public School. This will be presented by. Mr. Mackey of the staff of .the Earl Haig' Collegiate. This lecture is open to the public and the men of the village are given a special invitation. This is the second last lecture in the course “Emergencies in War", sponsored by ‘the Thornhill Branch of the Red Cross. ‘ l" The March meeting of the W0â€" man‘s Missionary Auxiliary, Thorn- hill United Church, will be held1 on Tuesday, Maâ€"rch 3rd in the church school room at 3.30 p.m. The theme for March, The Lord’s Supper the Covenant of our Faith. Guest speaker. Mrs. Colles, supply secre- tary of Centre Preslbyterial. Special music. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all members of the con- gregation and new comers in our community. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH 7A Place of Christian Fellowship and Happy Memories Rev. Eldridge A. Currey, B.A., B.D., Minister Sunday, March lst S. Floyd' Davies, Organist and Choir Leader Miss Ruth Hicks, supplying 10 a.m.â€"â€"‘Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. Sermon topic, Believing With the Heart. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Men’s Class. 7 p.m.â€"Evening‘ Worship. Sermon Topic, The Freedom of a Yoke. FELLOWSHIP PERIOD Immedmtely following the evening service; we welcome all who choose to come. When Hitler struck for Moscow, The trek was hard indeed; The mud bogged down his men and tanks And somewhat slowed his speed. So he waited till it froze, Then massed his men andI tanks For great and mighty battles Upon the Russian flanks. Then just as he neared Rostof From across a vast terrain, The mighty Russian forces Drove him back again. The Russians, they were coming Just like a solid bank, So Hitler began to run As his heart within him sank HITLER'S MARCH T0 MOSCOW He did not think that Russia Could put up such a fight, But he really found: out different When it came to men and might. Now Hitler knew ’twas best for him To make a sudden flight; ’Twas time for him to count his dead Which was an awful sight. But now that he had turned for home He left there in despair, At first it was the mud, then cold And then the RuSSian Bear. And as he left that cold bleak place His ears did really sting, But he just thought he'd‘ wait awhile And come back in the Spring. â€"Louise R. Elliott. Seeing an advertisement for a young woman to do light housework, a city girl applied for the job. “I think the sea air will do me good,” she wrote, adding, “Will you please say in your reply where the lighthouse is?” LaGrove Beauty Parlor OPEN EVENINGS All Types of Permanent Waves THORNHILL SEE YOUR LOCAL COMMITTEE Phone Thornhill 102

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