fl Cléamhce @512 v f God Save The King! é WNOW“WWW 9=0=O=0 3=o==o=xo ésALVAGE CAMPAIGN “w your COAL Civiï¬ian efence ' IT’S EASY to escape worry and uncertainty this winter. Change now to ‘blue coal‘. Enjoy ALL WINTER LONG . . . the economical heating com- fort and satisfaction only ‘blue coal’ can provide. 0 Let us {ell you just how easy it is to change to “blue coal': also, ask us about the 'bluo coal' auto- matic Heat Regulator. Phone today. lislen 06 “THE SHADOW“â€"Radip's Master Deteeï¬ve. Phone 86 AUTO WRECKERS Paris AutoSupply F ri., Mar. 20th A PUBLIC MEETING SKATING CARNIVAL at 8 p.m. We call upon every citizen to rally to this appeal and attend this meeting. Canada Needs The UtmostrFrom Everyone. of the Citizens of Richmond Hill will be held in the MUNICIPAL HALL, If we are not doing our utmost we are falling short of our duty. A Salvage Committee for the community is to be organized to make very sure that every possible waste material is collected. To consider these two very important items of our War Effort, (4 inch size, each . . . . . . . . 50c. (6 inch size, each . . . . . . . . 75c. General Electric 1-8 H.P. reconditioned motor . . $7.50 Small bench Vises, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 In stock now are over 250 good used tires, sizes from 16†to 21†at moderate prices All Waste Must Be Salvaged For Indus- try at this Critical Time. Grinding Wheels Thoughtful Citizens No Longer Say “It Can’t Happen Here.†A Civilian Defence Committee is to be organized to take the lead in preparing this community for War Emergencies. Chev. Ford, Plymouth and Dodge floor matts from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25 to $1.75 PHONE 10, THE ELEVATOR PAGE FOUR Sponsored by Richmond Hill Lions ADULTS 25c. CHILD] l. D. RAMER & SON Monday, March 26th WELDING,’ REPAIRING & TOWING SERVICE HOCKEY GAME PROCEEDS FOR WAR VICTIMS†FUND Old Timers vs. Young Bloods RICHMOND HILL ARENA THOMAS H. TRENCH, Reeve. Commencing at 7.30 pm. â€"ANDâ€"â€" BC-8 CHILDREN 15c. o=xo==o=6 0=°=°=0 Richmond Hill , . 50c. 75c .. $7.50 . $2.00 sale of Jersey dairy cattle, horses, farm implements, furniture, etc., the property of Oscar Edwards, Lot 2, Con. 1, Markham, 1/2 mile south of Thornhill on Yonge Street. No re- serve. Terms cash. Sale starts at 12 noon D.S.T. See bills. Ted Jack- son and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, MARCSH 28thâ€"Auction sale of 10-0 acre farm, implements, horses, grain, furniture, etc., the property of the estate of the late R. W. H. Brough, lot 2, conceSSion 6 Vaughan Twp. 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. See full list in next week’s issue. J. C. S’aigeon and Ken Love, Auctioneers. SATURDAY. MAwR‘lClH 28thâ€"Auction FRIDAY, MARCH 27â€"Aucti0n sale of Reg. Holstein cattle, Berkshire hogs, Percheron horses, full line of farm implements, dairy equipment, blacksmith, carpenter and plumber’s tools, also greenhouse and gardener’s supplies, etc., the property of the ‘Miller Lash Estate, lot 9, 151; com, Scarboro, at Highland Creek Valley. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 11.310 D.S.T. See bills. Clarke Prent- ice and C. E. Walkington, Auets. SATURDAY, AIPRJIL 4th ~ Auction sale of furniture and antique furni- ture, the property of Mrs. James Churchill at lot 38, con. A Etobicoke, half mile west of Andy Graham’s service station, north of Thistletown. Sale at 1 pm. J. C. Saigeon, Auc- tioneer. THURSDAY, MARCH 23thâ€"Aucbion sale of 1100 acre farm, farm stock, impiemmts, grain, furniture, etc., the property of J. H. IreIalnd, lot 33, rear con. 5 Vaughan. No reserve. Giving up farming. Sale at 12 o’- clock. C‘. E. Walkington, Auct. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 215thâ€"Auc- tion'Sale of farm stock, good dairy herd, implements, threshing machine, household effects, furniture, etc., the propertf of Albert Heise, lot 2‘. con. 3, Whitchurch, at Gormley. Sale 'at 11.30 a.m. Ladies will serve lunch. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. MONDAY, MARCH 23 â€"â€" 50 head of cattle including 4 heifers due time of sale and fresh cow, all Holsteins in prime condition, also 20 young pigs for sale by auction at lot 30, con. 8, Markham, Dickson Hill, the propertv of Wm. Redshaw. Sale at one. Terms cash. No reserve. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SATURDAY, MARCH ï¬stâ€"Auction sale of household furniture, the pro- perty of R. J. Cunningham, Button‘ ville, just north of No. 7 highway on con. 4 Markham. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 2 pm. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. THURSDAY; MARCH '-19thâ€"-Auction SATURDAY, MARCH 2dstâ€"Auotion sale of farm stock, implements, ebc., the property of Oliver Diceman, lot 25, con. 3 North York Twp. Terms cash. Nro reservle. Sale at 12.30. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. sale ‘of farm' stock,“ implements, grain, household furniture; etc., the property of' Harry Bryant, at Lot 27, Con. 1‘. Vaughan, half "mile south of Thornhlll on Yonge Stree't."Tenns cash. No reserve as farm ls"sold. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. tion S; 3 of farm stock, grain, im- plements including a new Case 22-36 threshing machine, furniture etc., the property of Henry Myers, lot 10, con. 10, Toronto Gore, 2 miles north of No. 7 HighWay, half mile east of Castlemore. Sale at 12.30.72»; Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. ’ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18thâ€"Auc- Sale Register THE LIBERAL, RILHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R.S.O. 193‘? c.1053 that all credit- ors and others having claims against the estate of Matthew Pegg, late of the Village of Thornhill, in the County of York, Retired Well Driller, who died on or about the 24th day of December, 1941, are required on or before the 27th day of March next to send to the undersigned solicitors for the Administrators the full par- ticulars of their claims and the na- ture of the securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned day the Administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Administrators will not be liable to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them. ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH, King Minister â€" Rev. E. W. G. Worrall 11 a.m.â€"‘Morm'ng Prayer. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixcn. L.Th. 4 Markham Road Sunday, March 15th LE‘NT 8 a.m.â€"1Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Morning‘ Prayer. Subject, His Last Discourse, 4th in series on The Life of Christ. 230 p.m.â€"~Sund»ay School. 7 p.m.-â€"â€" Evening Prayer. Subject, “Heart Secrets", 4111 in series on “Thoughts for Lentâ€. Wednesday next, 8 pm. â€"â€"- United Service of Prayer In the Presby~ terian Church. Friday, 3.30 p.m._Ha1f Hour Lenten Devotions. All cordially invited ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, Oak Ridges ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH, Maple 7.30 p.m.â€"Service. Dated the 24th day of February, 1942. 10.30 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hil‘tle, B.A., Minister Sunday, March 15th 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11.46 a.m.~Divine Worship. The Minister will 'preach: Wednesday â€" Midweek Prayer Ser- .vice at this church. Speaker, Rev. W. F. .Wrixon. . ' Rev. C. B. Brebhen, B.A., Minister Sunday, March 15th 10 a.m.-â€"Sunday School. 11.,,a.m.â€"‘Morning Worship. 7 p.m.~Evening Worshi'p. Wednesday evening 4- Combined Prayer Service in the Presbyterian Church. r- All are welcbme. 4d Chatsworth Drive at Yonge St TUES. EV’G. MAR. 17 â€" BY THOMAS E. HURLEY. C.S.B. of Louisville, Kentucky- Member of the Board ofLectureship of The Mother Church,‘ The First \Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts First Church of Christ, Scientist, Toronto 41 CHATS\VORTH DRIVE AT YONGE STREET Cordially invites you to attend MACNEIL CLARKE McLEAN and ALBERT JEFFREY LESTER, Administrators, By Clarke, Swabey & McLean, 66 King St. West, Toronto, their Solicitors herein. First class mixed chop, fine or coarse Oats rolled or ground, fine or coarse Dr. Hess Disinfectant Izal, an English disinfectant which will not corrode pipes, non-poisonous to numans. Cartier, Vanguard, Victory and Banner Oats Goose Wheat entitled “CHRISTIAN SCIENCE : The Availability and Supremacy of Dlvine Pcwer A FREE LECTURE Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Church Auditorium THE MILL Christian Science a.m.â€".Sunrday School ‘â€"â€"Servjce. ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL At 8.15 o’clock Doors open at 7.3-0 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH NOTIOEâ€"We have now added Woods Grinders to our line of De- Laval Milkers, Frigidaire Coolers, Century Motors, Refrigerators, Ranges, Washers and Radios. Libâ€" eral allowance on trade-insâ€"Write for catalogue B. R. Leech, TORON- Every chick sired by a son of a Certi- fied R.O.P. hen. Outstanding indi- viduals with a dam average of 260 eggs per bird. Every breeder offi- cially Pullorum :free by the agglut- ination test. Wm. Vandal-Bent, Gormley RR. 2. TO RADIO & SPORTS, LTD, 241 Yonge St, Wa. 4501. OUR 1942 PRICE LIST is ready‘ gallon sprayer $1.00; scythe and Snath‘e $2.0'0;-1' steel bed couch $2; annex stove $1.00; lawn roller $1.00. Thornhill 6'3r11. ELECTRIC RANGE, 4 burner, broil- er, automatic oven control, all porâ€" celain finish, cannot be told from new, regular $169.00, one year guar- antee, a real bargain $119.00. To- ronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Wa. 4501. ' BABY’S SCALE-S and PRAM, $14) each. Apply Mrs. R. C. Dobson, phone Maple 449. ' are to receive a. bonus on your fer- tilizer. Why not take advantage of this? Order early. Phone 21W. Floyd R. Perkins. SIX ROOM HOUSE in Richmond ! PIANO in good condition. Apply Box Hill. Apply at The Liberal Office.]_310, LibemI Office. 15 P'U/LLETES, laying Apply evenings after Lewin, Elgin Mills. heifers for. sale. W11 sell several well bred females to reduce stock. 1 to 6 years old with R.0.P. records behind them. Glenorchy Farm, Rich- mond Hill, Ont. PRESTON “FERTILATORS†and C.I.L. FERTILIZER. This year you Vaughan township, lots 28 and 29, con. 3. Apply Edward Sliney, 132 Vaughan Road, Toronto. HJORSE‘S, work horses, 5 to 8 years old all broken, good to work, a number of young cattle, 1 Durham bull. Apply Livery Stable, Summit Hotel, Oak Ridges. SEVERAL PAIIRS of No. 2 GREY W‘OXOL‘LEN ARMY BlLANxKETS, 60 x 810â€, $5 pair. Appiy Uxbridge ‘Woollen Mill, Joe Gassner, Lan‘gâ€" staff, Highway No. 7, East. REGISTERED H‘OLSTEIN BULL, 3 VICTORY OATS and Velvet Barley Apply Samuel Winger, Maple RR No. 2, phone Maple_1062. BROODEIR STOVE, oil, aimost new, any reasonable offer accepted. D. Askew, Burwood Farm, phone Maple 39.]. 1 B-ERKSI-BLRE BOAR, 1 De Laval Separator No. 16 in good condition. Apply C. Winger, phone 1505, Stouff- Ville. PILANET WHEEL HTO‘E $5.00; ‘31 MODEL LIGHT SIX SEDAN, peppy .motor, clean», six ply tires, good battery and brakes,‘ ‘new clutch, t0p_and timing chain; heater, ptestone, $1150. Thornhili 6‘31‘11. ‘years old, weighing about'1800 lbsâ€. from high producing stock, negative to blood test, reasonably priced at $200. 0. L. Heise, Victoria Square. P’UREBRED GUERNSEY COWS and SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE on Church Street in Richmond Hill. Possession April lst. Apply J. R. Herring'ton, Real Estate and Insur~ anoe, phone 87, Richmond Hill. 1'00 ACRE FARM, lot 34, con. 2, Vaughan Township, 7 room house, ban‘k barn, drive shed and henhouse. In good state of cultivatiOn. Apply Charles Kerswill, Richmond Hill. FOUR ROOM HIOUSE with 2 acres good garden, small fruit and some fruit trees, hydro, large henhouse, good well. C’harles Edgar, Mill Rd., 9th house down from Yo-nge St. LLOYD’S CORN SALVE contains DI'DHER 100 OR 200 AQR'ESS, in Benzocaine. The new local anaes- thetic. Puts corns to sleep immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Scotchmer’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF [T RATESâ€" Fm:- 111*: or less. 25 cents for first insertion am$<15 cents for each subsequent :mertinn. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. 1P CHARGED 7»CENTS.PBR. LINE. Clasgificd Advs. FOR SALE TO RENT PERSONAL weli, 1 rooster 6 pm. to Mrs- THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1942. HAY AND STRAW. App?)y Rose- lawn Farms, Richmond,Hill, Ont. LAD‘ ’S BiI'CYCLE‘~ in"‘gooa condi- tionl. Apply to The Liberal Office. 'I‘O' RENT with option of buying, house near school and in. the vicinity of‘ Richmond Hill». Apply to Box 88, The Liberal Office. for home in village, preferably sleep out. High wages. Apply Box 12m, The‘ "Liberal Office; ' Richmond Hill. MARRIED MAN for farm work, ex- perienced, good- house and good Working conditions. Box 512 The Liberal Office. ' WANTED TO BUYâ€"Buggy, rubber or steel tires; cutter; harness; fur rObe; also riding saddle. Apply with full particulars tovF. Bulmer, 318 Dundas‘ St. West, Toronto. WANTED â€"- Dairy Cattle, Grain, Seed, Hay, Straw or what have you t0'trade' on new 1942 Radios, Re- frigerators, kRa‘n-ges, Washers, Frig- Maire Mil’k Coolers aim} DeLavaI Milkers. Write for catalogue. B. R. Leech, TO'RONTO RADIO & SPORTS 241 Yonge St., Wa. 4501. HOUND, white with one tan ear and black spot on hip. Any information please phone 39 Richmond Hill or Charles Hardchk, Don Head Farms. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars CA‘PA B LE H1O U SiEKEEP’ER wanted LaGrove Beauty Parlor BRITISH ISRAELITES: Any per- son interested in forming a local group are asked to communicate by letter to Box 59, The Liberal Office. MARRIED MAN for farm work. Apply stating a'g'e, experience, na- tionality and salary expected. Only thoroughly experienced man need apply. Box 23-0 The Liberal O'ffice. All Types of Permanent Waves Phone Thornhill 102 HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill '73. ‘ } tf ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cabinet/ work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 33 Hunt Avenue. 1941 FORD DeLUXE TUDORâ€"Heat- er, Small Mileage, Very Nioa. 1938 FORD CONVERTIBLE COUPE â€"~Heater. A nice car. 1935 FORD TUDOR â€" Thoroughly reconditioned. USED FORDSON TRACTORâ€"Good condition. 1932 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCK â€" Overhauled motor. Good value. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 MISCELLANEOUS OPEN EVENINGS $395.00 $950.00 $650.00 $275.00 WANTED $95.00 LOST