Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Mar 1942, p. 5

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BUSES LEAVE RICHMOND HILL TO ORILLIA 9.03 a.m. x 11.28 a.m. 3.03 p.m. x 7.25 p.m. a 9.48 p.m. xâ€"through to North Bay aâ€"to Orillia Fri., Sat., - Sun. & H01. (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) Tickets and Information at A. HISLOP, Telephone 177 [3 {552:3 5:! 0 MG 2mm BOX 467 For ments clerk. Tenders for the regular municipal} collection of garbage will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o’clock noon on April 3rd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. I For full particulars of require-l ments apply at the office of the] ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE 319 AURORA r THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1942 omenv ,GALION WHEN You 00 av Bus! TUESDAY, MARCH 17th J. C. BODFISH St. Patrick’s Day HOT MEAT SUPPER Proceeds in aid of “Lit” funds and school “War Effort” R.H.H.S. School Night Tenders For Garbage Collection Friday Evening, March 13 FOLLOWED BY DANCING AND REFRESHMENTS ONE NIGHT ONLY. EVERY SEAT RESERVED. 40c. Including Tax Tickets and Plan at Austin’s Drug Store till 7.00 o’clock Friday Evening Parents, ex-students and friends, come and enjoy a social evening at the school. Red Cross and Gymnastic Displays, Glee Club, Presentation of Prizes and Scholarships WILL BE SERVED BY The Women’s Assoeiation 0f Richmpnd Hill Presbyterian Church In the SCHOOL. ROOM Village of Richmond Hill, Russell Lynett, Clerk "" A LITTLE FOWL PLAY ” IN THE GYM AT 8.00 P.M. A ONEâ€"ACT PLAY AURORA P.O. FROM 5.30 P.M. ADMISSION 35 CENTS The afternoon meeting commencâ€" ing at 12.30 will leapure an illusâ€" trated address by John D. MacLeod, acting Director of the Crop Branch, Torormo. who will speak on the much discussed Common Barberry which causes thousands of dollars of loss to our farmers. The manager of the Woodbridge Farmers’ Company has invited those attending the Seed Fai_r {0 visit their power seed cleaning plant during the morning or afternoon, This new plant is one of the mos} up-toâ€"date in the province. B’RYERSâ€"To Captain and Mrs. J. W, Bryers (nee Pauline Angle) t the Toronto Geneval Hospital, Priv- até Patients? Pavilion, on Friday, March 6th, 1942, a daughter. The -sixth annual York County Seed Fair is being held this week in the Orange Hall at Woodbridge on Friday, March 13th with judging commencing at 10 D.'S.T. to be com- pleted by 1 pin. when tne exhibits will be open for~inspection. With the Woodbridge Agricultural Society acting as host this year each of the fair "boards in the county will have sponsored the fair, which is conduct- ed by the County Crop Improvement Association of which John'Kellam, Nashville is president and W. M. iCockburn, Newmarket, secretary. 'With' a large number of exhibits of high quality seed that this year in the case ._of cats and barley must be representative of' at ‘ least 20‘ bushels at home keener support 'is anticipated and judging from ~last year‘s auction of the 5 bushel lots of registered seed, farmers welcome this opportunity orf getting‘ a com- mercial Quantity of this high class seed. York Seed Fair, Friday BIRTH An interesting prognam of Motion Pictures will be shown at the Masonic 'Hall Tuesday evening, March 17 by Harold Mortson‘, local Massey-Harris dealer. There is no admission charge and all will be made welcome. There will be lucky number draws. The prize winners at the last St. Mary’s RC. euchre were: Ladies, Miss Agnes Burnett, Miss Evelyn D‘eFerrari, Mrs. Russell Fox; gentle: men, Garfield Horton, Basil Paxton, Bill Horner. Winner of the door prize was Miss Florence Sheardown. The next in the series of euchres will be held Friday evening, March 13th. The local Orange Lodges held their regular euchre Thursday evening, March 5th with a good crowd at- tending, the prize winners being: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. J. Russell; 2nd, Mrs. A. Leech; 3rd, 'Miss G. Austin; Gents, ]st, Mr. Fred Clark; 2nd, Miss M. Ireland (playing as gene); 3rd, Mr. J. Greene. Next euchre of the series will be held Thursday, March 19th. The evening auxiliary of the Unit- ed' Church will hold their thankâ€" offering meeting at one Manse On Tuesday evening, March 17th at 8 o’clock. The guests will be Mrs. Boyd, formerly of China and Miss Nixola Fisher. The aIternoon anx- iLiary and anyone interested is cor- dially invited to attend. A large crowd enjoyed the annual “‘ladi‘es night” of the Richmond Lodge A.F. & AzM. Wednesday ev- ening. The guests were received by the Ruling Master, W. Bro. H. F. Austin and Mrs. Austin assisted by the Immediate Past Master W. Bro. Albert R. Hill and Mrs. Hill. The program included, cards and dancing and dainty refreshments were serv- ed. Art West’s orchestra provided music which delighted the large crowd of dancers. Mrs. George Gee and Mrs. Harold E. Wellwood will be “ht Home”, at 17 Centre St. East, on March 20th from 3.30 to 6 o’clock, in honor of Mrs. N. W‘ellwoovd, who is celebrat- ing h-er 8-0th birthday on that date. Richmond Hill Public Library don; ation of 1200 books and magazines to the Navy League was acknOW- ledged over the air this week by the B. A. Oil Company, sponsors of the camnaiszn to provide readlng‘ for our B. A. Oil Company, sponsors of campaign to provide reading for sailors. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith and family attended the Golden Wedd- ing: anniversary celebration of Mr. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.. John H. Smith, Woodville, Ontario, Mon- day, March 9th. ~gA'large crowd is expected to at- tend the Red .Cross euchre in the Orange HalLMonday evening, March 23rd. Mrs. J. C. Young and Mrs. James Pollard are convenol‘s of the committee in charge of the event. Mrs. next be a bale Pupils of Room IV', Richmond Hill Public School this week collected 60?) coat hangers and realized the sum of $3.15 which they donated to the Richmond Hill Lions' British Child War Victims’ Fund. Mr. and Mrs. R. .5. Colter, Miss Grace Murphy, Toronto. Mr. Anthony Murphy, Dunnville, Mr. Murray Law- s‘on. S'Imco‘e. and'Mr. Douglas Lari}:â€" fo‘rd. Pittsburgh, Penn, \vefe Sunday guests» 61' James E. Skeele. The ladies of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church are serving- a 'Hot Roast Beef supper St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday, March 17th, from 5.310 o'clock. A‘dmlssmn 35 cents. The regular meeting of St. Mary‘s ‘W.A. will be held at the home of- Mrs. W. F. Carter, Church Street, next Tuesday afternoon. This will be a work meeting for packing the bale and quilting. Randolph Phinnrey has completed his period of training at Regina and has now reported for duty with the R.C.M.P. at Yorkton, Sask. .Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hall of 01'- illia were among the out of town guests at Richmond Lodge dance Wednesday evening. - A Mothers Auxikary Boy Scents Association Euchre will ‘be held at .Aircraftsman- Gera’ld Cu‘qtance is enjoying; a short leave at his home here. He expects to go overseas in the near future. 2 pm. March 17th at the home of Mrs. Horrell, 42 Church St. The annual Hobby Show sponsored I! Mr. Ralph E. Paris i by the Richmond Hill Lions Club‘ week in Paris, Ontari will be7he'1d Saturday, March 28th. | â€" THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL,-ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL recital at the United Church Sunday School Room last Friday evening which was enjoyed by we. urge crowd. It was a very delightful program iand all the pupils rendered their numbers in excellent style. Those ltaking. part were Joyce Wilde, Ethel I'and Ruth ~Layzell, Ri'ohard F. Ed- imunds, Betty Wilson, 'Kenneth Moore, Donald Wilson, Doreen Hor- ner, Mary Cotrill, Douglas Hill, Mary Ellen Glass, Mary Idelle and Beverley Ann Charles, Bruce Cham- ney, Eva Elinor Pattenden, Allan lHill, Margaret and Jean Scott, Hea- ther McAllister, QMurlel Charlesâ€" worth, Alverna and Betty Smith, Slhirley Mylks, Eunice Sanders, Marâ€" guerite Hialrl, Margaret Goulding, Mack Clement, 'Patricr'a Devins. Marion Little, Gladys Doner, and Ruth Wellman. I Pupils of Mr. A. Meleccl gave a l GODDARDâ€"In ever loving memory of a kind, dearly beloved husband. and brother-in-law, Levi Goddard, who passed away on March 14, 19410. The pearly gates were opened, The Sa‘viour’s voice said come, So with farewell words unspoken, He passed beyond the vale. â€"Very much missed by his loving wife and sister-in-law, Eva and Vina. Mrs. Bertie Jackson and son Rup- ert wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the flora] tributes, acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. 1 beautiful i i IN MEMORIAM . MA;SLH‘INTE<Râ€"In loving memory of Pearl Mashinter who passed away March 13th, 1940. The world may change from year to year, And friends from day to day, _ But never will the one we loved, From memory pass away. God took her home, It was His will, But in our hearts She liveth still. â€"Ever remembered by sisters and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shields, Richmond Hill, announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Thelma May to Johnl H. Haldane, only son of Mrs. Haldane and the late Mr. J. Haldane, Toronto, the marriage to take place April 4th at 7.30 pm. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. J. T. Pollock and family wish to thank the many mends for their thoughtful interest and sympathy, also the kind neighbours for their assistance at the time of their be- reavement in the 1055 of a loving husband and father. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Dorothy Grace, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, of Woodbridge, to Leslie Daniel, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Glass, of King, the marriage to take place the middle of March. Mr. and Mrs. J'. W. Destury an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Grace Eleanor, to William John Ough, Ithe marriage to take place March 25th, 1942 in the Rich- mond Hill United Church at 7.30 o‘clock. ’ DIED KERSWILL, Alice E. Conkey â€" At her late residence, Elgin‘ Mills, Sun- day, March 8th, 1942, Alice E. Conkey, widow 0: the late Giles K-erswill, in her 815t year. The funeral service was held on» Wednesday afternoon. Interment followed in St. John’s Cemetery, O-ak Ridges. The Lions’ Skating Carnival and Hoc!:ey_.Game between the Old Tim- ers and‘ Young BloodsJr will 'Be held Monday evening next. Clhairman Len Clement says the event will go on this time “rain or shine”. Members of Richmond Hill Lions Club attended the United Church last, Sunday evening and heard an excellent sérmom by the Minlster of the Church, Rev. C. B. Brethen. Aircraftsman Bill V Trenton Repair D‘epw: temporarily at Malton at his home here. The Presbyterian Y ing a crokinole party School Room, tonight CARD 0F THANKS IN MEMORIAM ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT White s spending this Io on business. RS. are held in the Sun-da at 8 o’clock. is station-ed and is living the MOOWWW WWWOMW WWWOWWW EUCHRE 2% Orange Hall Monday Ev’g, March 23, at 8 o’clock CONVENERS : THE GENERAL PUBLIC ARE NOW BEGINNING TO REALIZE THE SCARCITY OF MANY COMMOD- ITIES; WE, HOWEVER, WERE FORTUNATE‘ BY ORDERING WELL IN ADVANCE, IN SECURING A REPRESENTATIVE STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING, AND WHICH CANNOT BE REPLACED. Broadcloths, all colours, 36 in A good range of colored prints, Magog, tubfast, 36 from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c. to 39c. Colored Bordered Towelling, 18 in., per yd. 20c. Colored Bordered Part Linen Towelling, 16 in. 29c. yd. Colored Bordered Tea Towels, part Linen, 16 x 33 in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. each GOOD PRIZES MRS. J. C. YOUNG MRS. J. POLI Phone 124 Phone 88 Proceeds to buy material for Work Room Everybody Welcome Admission Wed. Evening: Adults 15c., Children 10c. Saturday General Admission 25c. SPECIAL OLD TIMERS’ NIGHT EVERY MONDAY ONLY THOSE OVER 16 YEARS ADMITTED. SKATING Richmond Hill Arena MISS E. ORME Richmond Hill Tel‘ avies’ Dry Goods Store ELEANOR POWELL. LIONEL BARRYMORE, ANN SOTHERN, ROBERT YOUNG in General Skating Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening RED CROSS Wednesday & Thursday, March 18, 19 CHARLES BOYER, OLIVIA DE HAVILAND, PAULETTE GODDARD in snows START AT 7.30 RM. AND 9.30 P.M.’D's.TI For full information apply to WES MIDDLETON, Chairman Arena Commission. TYRONE POWER, BETTY GRABLE in “ Yank 1n the R.A.F. ” Monday & Tuesday. March 16, 17 Friday & Saturday, 'March 13, 14 Special rates for Skating Parties Hold Back the Dawn “ Lady Be Good ” ADMISSION 25c. Telephone 119 MRS. J. POLLARD Phone 88 ADMISSION 25c. PAGE FIVE . 29c. in.,

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