Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Mar 1942, p. 6

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2 Sows, bred in February 90 Light Sussex Pullets 3 Young Sows, bred in February HAY AND GRAIN 60 Bus. O.A.C. No. 21 Barley 100 Bus. Victory Oats 25 Bus. Fall Wheart A Quantity of Hay of sale 1 Holstein Cow, 4 years, due time of sale 1 Holstein Cow, rising 4 years, fgll flow 1 Holstein Cow, riding 3 years, milk- i'ng good 1 Holstein Cow, risling 3 years, milk- ing good I Holstein Cow, 3 years, full flow 1 H_olst_ein Heifer, rising 2 years, lbred I Holstein Heifer Calf 1 Holstein Bull, 1 year, registered No Reserve â€" Giving up Farming TERMS:â€"CASH. Sale at 12 o’clock The farm. consisting of 100 acres, will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. 0n the said farm there is a 9-room frame house, two barns and other buildings. The; soil is a clay loam and in a good state of culti- vation. There is on the property a good hard water well and a never failing spring; there is seeded 14 acres of fall wheat, 17 acres of alfalfa, and 50 acres plowed. Terms will be made known on day of sale. Mower, Deering ' Cultivator, 13 tooth, M.-H. -Set Harrows, 3 section, Fleury ‘Fleury Wheel Plow, No. 21 Fleury Wheel Plow, No. 12 Scuffler Spring Wagon Wagon Gears Hay Rack, new 1 Draw Rope. 1 in.. 150 ft. long, new 1 Set Sling Ropes, new 1 Hay Fork 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Scoop Shovel‘ Number of Forks 1 Iron Vise 2 Pipe Wrenches guantity of Tools uantity of Pine Lumber 1 Extension Ladder. 36 ft., near new HNHHHHHHH '{EITH THOMAS, Clerk. CA’I'I‘LE ,1 Holstein Cow, 8 years, bred Aug. 15 I Holstein Cow, 5 yrs., milking good Holstein Heifer, 1 year Holstein Heifer, rising 2 years Holstein Heifer, rising 2 years Jersey Heifer, due time of sale Holstein Bull, 18 months Calves NH HH H'iâ€"s IMPLEMENTS John Deer Binder, 8 ft., with fore- carriage Deering “Ideal Giant" Mower, 5 feet. Frost & Wood 'Hay Rake John Deer Manure Spreader Frost ,& Wood Hoe Drill, 13 hoe Intgrpgtional Spnfng Tooth 4-Horse Cultivator v Disc Harrow 1 Land Roller Set Lever Harrows Set Diamond Harrows, 6 sections, furrow Fleury No. 12 Wallding Plow Scufflers 1 Root Pulper “Twin City” Fanning Mill Set Scares, 1600 lbs. capacity Set Beam Scales Buggy 1 Cutter Bay Gelding, 10 years Grey Gelding, 8 years Chestnut .Mare, 5 years Brown Mare, 9 years Colt, rising 1 year with steel draw bai‘ Mi-H. High Lift Riding Plow, 2 HORSES Black Gelding, 8 years, G.P. Black Gelding, 9 years, G.P. The above team are well matched Grey Mare, 12 years Holstein Cow, Holsteip Cow, Yorkshire Sew Srtore Pigs, about 100 lbs AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, LUMBER HAY, ANTIQUE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. Rear Lot 26, Con. 3, Vaughan Township, 1% Miles North of Maple SATURDAY, MARCH 14th TERMS2â€"CASH. Lot 33, Rear Con. 5, Vaughan Township PAGE SIX HOGS AND POULTRY FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN, FURNITURE, Etc. IMPLEMENTS HARRY REYNOLDS THURSDAY, MARCH 26TH HORSES 100 ACRE FARM ' No Reserve as Farm is rented C. E. WALKINGTON, Auctioneer, CATTLE PIGS J. H. IRELAND DESCRIPTION OF FARM years, years, AUCTION SALE of E. WALKINGTON, Auctioneer, 'KING CITY P.O., PHONE KING 421‘3 The Property of The Property of full due flow time culvert 1 12-11). Steel Sledge 1 Cirosscut Saw 1 Swed 1 Forge 1 Heax 1 Anvil 1 Post 1 Chain Drfll 1 Pig ‘2 Feed Storage Bins Number of Hen Coops 1 Roll Roofing~ new 1 Lawn Mower 2 3-Horse Eveners Number of Doubletrees 2 4-Horse Sbee'l Eveners 1 Stone Boat 750 lbs. capacity 1 Small Vega Separator for 2 or 3 cows 8-Gallon Coal Oil Container with tap 1 Old_Steam Boiler, suitable for Large Number of Bolts About 2'5 Good Cotton Grain Bags About 1 Bus. Red Clover Seed 1 Meat Saw 1 Grind Stone 1 Specullum and Float 1 2-Burner Gasoline Lantern 1 Fair-banks Morse Gas Engine, 1 Pump ‘Jack Quantitv of Good Eating Potatoes Forks, Shovels and other articles too numerous to mention Quantity of Household Furniture Number of Quilts, new Number of Blankets Number of Pillows 1 Vacuum Cleaner Many other articles too numerous to mention Quantity of Hay 15 iBags “Potatoes, Kathgdiqs skids Steel Drums 1 Oak Barrel Coal Oil Heater “L5” Yega Separator, nearly new, Set Single Hlarness, heavy, nearly new Double Sets Work Harness Horse Collars Set Heavy Sleighs Set Light Sleighs and Box Steel Wheel Truck Wagon Low Wagon 2 Hay Racks 3-H.P. <Gasoline Engine Hay Fork Sling Ropes, about 200 ft. Draw Rope, Cbarrier and Pulleys, near- ly new Set Power Cll‘ippers Heavy Logging Chain Extra Heavy Loggmg Chain Wire Cable, 60 ft. Coal Broader Stove and Pipes Breeder House, new, 10 x 12, on Sets Double Harness Set Single Harness Collars Bag-E Seed Potatoes, Kathadins Sale at 12.30 sharp i1 HAY AND POTATOES FU RNITU RE HARNESS HARNESS 1 Swedish Saw 1 Heavy Vise 1 Post Drill l Pig Crate The Ontario Department of Agfii- culIture has just issued a 48 page booklet “Recommendations for Soil Management and Use of Fertilizers” prepared by the Advisory Fertilizer Board for Ontario. This booklet will be of aid to every farmer in Ontario no matter what he grows, because it contains recommendations as to fertilizers best suited to various crops including hay, pasture and cereal grains, all of tremendous im- portance to Ontario’s efforts to in- crease wartime food production to heights hitherto believed impossible. Every farmer, fruit and vegetable grower wants to growthe best and heaviest crops his farm has ever produced. He will find the soil man- agement and fertilizer booklet con- tains practical suggestions that will help him increase production. Fertilizer Booklet ’ Will Aid Farmers Points way to increased war-time production on every Ontario farm. The booklet is the joint and con- sidered recommendations of fifbeem recognized soil and fertilizer experts, based on actual experimental work. Every recommendation has been given a careful consideration by this advisorv board. ' To reach its maximum usefulness, this handy-sized bulletin must be placed in the hands of Ontario farm- ers Without delay. It may be ob- tained free of charge from any county agricultural representative or by writing to the Department of Chemistry, Ont. Agricultural College, or the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, Toronto. Bargain Seed Turns Out To Be Only Weed Screenings and Pedlar Faces Charge in Court Soil tests give valuabile informaâ€" tion to farmers. This service is free to every Ontario farmer. Full de- tails as to how to take soil samples are to be found in the booklet which is profusely illustrated; Write for your copy zo-day. It points the way to increased wartime production. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynets ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS While the salesman claims to have refunded the money to most of the purchasers’ it is reported that two farmers were “prepare: to take a chance an it". If this seed is sown at the rate of say 8 lbs. per acre it would mean sowing 8192 Bladder Campion seeds per acre alone and a total of 2277376 weed seeds of all kinds per acre, and what was sup- posed to be alfalfa was sweet clov- er. Perhaps these men will be com- plaining in a year or so that there is no money in farming and that the government should do something a- bout it. For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District it contained the following weed seeds per 02.: Bladder campiom 64, Night flowering catchf'ly 112q, Dock 48, Field peppergrass 16, Black medick 141656, Sweet Clover 18420, Sheep sorrel 32, Green foxtail 16 â€" 61.1% Weed seeds of all kinds. The farmers oi York County should take a warning from the news of last week's court proceedings at Newmarket where a free lance “seed pedlar'” was hailed \u court by Con- stable Ronald Watt for selling what could only be called weed screenings as mixed clover and alfalfa seed. When " sample of the seed vas analyzed by the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture 5 revealed that (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 2518 YONGE STREET Experience of York County Farmers Emphasizes the Importance of Buying Seed on Grade 65 Yonge Street Furnace Repairs and Eave Troughing GENERAL TINSMITH WORK FINDLAY FURNACE DEALER THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO TIN SMITH PAUL DUBOIS Phone Richmond Hill 147W “Pasture is the mOSt important crop on any farm where a consider- able portion of the cash receipts come from live stock and live stock products, but at present pasture is the weakest link ‘m the cropping system of most Ontario live stock farmers," says Norman M. Thomas, Soil Specialist at the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph. “A well managed pasture produces digestible nutrients at lower cost than any other crop. It will also maintain our live stock for five months of the year Without extra roughage. In fact, a good pasture will produce meat and milk three or four times cheaper than stable feed- ing.” “Good pasture is digested as easily as oilcake and is our cheapest source of protein. It is also hfgh in essen- tial minerals and vitamins which are necessary to maintain animals in healthy growing and producing con- dition.” “Well, can you polish all the sil- ver, wash the dishes and keep the house neat and tidy.” “Say, parson," answered the young fellow. “I came here to see about getting married, but if it’s going to be as much work as all that you can count me out right now.” Good pasture will] produce meat and milk four times cheaper than stable feeding says Norman Thomas of 0.A.C. A minister advertised for a man- servant. The next morning a wellâ€" dressed young man rang the bell. “Can you start the fire and get breakfast by 7 o’clock,” the minister asked. man Incidentally the chap who sold this seed to one farmer at Schomberg, at least one at Colgan in S-imcoe and a number in Peel County appar- ently posed as a cattle buyer but “happened” to have this seed which he would sell at a bargain (7). Now that his racnet has been interfered with in that district, he and his ac- complices might be expected to move to a new territory, so Mr. Farmer, be on your guard. “Since pasture is consumed directâ€" ly by live stock there is little or no cost for labour and little loss of nu- trients in harvesting. A good pro- ductive pasture also prevents soil erosion and adds fibre to our soils.” For detailed hay and pasture in- formation write the Ontario Agriâ€" cultural College, Guelph, or your nearest agricultural representative for a copy of Bulletin number 4106 “Producing Hay of Higher Feeding Value” or Circular number 28, “Pas- ture is Paramount for Milk and Meat Production.” Pasture Week Link In Cropping System Seed Fair prize list which contains this information in a clear and con- cise form. “Better pastures, economucally pro- duced, assure greater live stock pro‘ fits, and conserve and improve soil fiertility,” states Mr. Thomas. Farmers have been warned re- peatedly not to take chances on un- graded clover seed and grass seeds in particular because few men are able to recognize the Impurities in- cluding such bad weeds as Bladder C‘ampion. It is illegal for this seed to be sold ungraded except for direct sales between fanmers and even here the grading is a protection to both buyer and seller. The local Agricultural Represent- ative has always advised farmers to take no chances, and anyone wish- ing to know how the various grades of seeds compare as to purity should apply to W. M. 00ckburn, Newmar- ket for a copy of the York County guess so," replied the young 1 10-20 International Tractor 1 Tractor Plow, 3 furrow, I.H.C. 1 Binder. 7 ft. cut. M.â€"I-I., nearly new 1 Hoe Drill, M.-H. 1 Tractor Cultivator, 15 spring tooth 1 Set DouJble Disc 1 Set Grain Lifters 1 Roller, 3 drums 2 Sets Harrows, 4 section 1 Wagon, 3” tires 2 Wagons 2 Hay Racks 1 Coraninder, M.-H. 1 Corn Scuffler, M.-H. 2 Hand Scufflers l Cultivator. M.-H. 1 Walking Plow, No. 21 1 Walking Plow, No. 21 1 Riding Plow, 1 furrow, sulky McCormick Mower, 5 ft., near new M.-H. Mower, 6 It. M.-H. Binder, 6 ft, good‘ shape M.-H. Horse Rake Stiff Tooth Cultivator Spring Tooth Cultivator Tractor Cultivate) 1 Black Cow, due npi‘il 5th 1 Blue Cow, due June 4th 1 Red Cow, due April 25th 1 Red Cow, calf by Slde 1 White C'ow, calf by side 1 Red Cow, calf by side 1 Red E‘nd White Comcalf by side 1 Holstein Cow, due March 18th 1 Jersey Bull A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer, D. Goulding, Floyd Perkins, Clerks. Gormley P.O., Phone Shouffvilie 7399 Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Cow, due March 19th Holstein Cow, due March 25th Holstein Cow, full flow Holstein Cow, due April 2131: Holstein Cow, due May 11th Red and White Cow, due July Holstein Cow, due July 27th Holstein Cow, due August 5th Holstein Cow, due August 19th Holstein Cow, bred Nov. 26th Holstein Cow, bred Dec. 8th Fat Cow Heifer, 2 years old Heifer, 2 years old Heifer, 17 months old Heifer, 14 months old Heifer. 13 months old Bull, 21/2 years old 'E‘ERMS:â€"â€"CASH. Bay Gelding, 6 years Black Mare, 6 years Black Gelding, 10 years Bay Mare, aged Bay Gelding, aged Brown Gelding, 5 years, H.D Brown Gelding, 4 years, HI Well Matched Brown Gelding, 5 years, G.I Brown Gelding, 7 years, H.I Brown Gelding, 8 years, H.I Grey Mare, 8 years, H.D. Grey Mare, 7 years, G.P. Brown Mare, 9 years, H.D. No Reserve as Farm is sold TERMS:â€"CASH. Sale at 12.30 D.S.T. Lot 27, Concession 1, Vaughan Township 1/; Mile South of Thornhill on Yonge St. Lot 25, Con. 3, Township of North York FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, 10-20 I.H.C. TRACTOR, GRAIN, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS IMPLEMENTS SATURDAY, MARCH let, 1942 Cow, Cow, Cow, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HARNESS; Etc. THURSDAY, MARCH 19th PUBLIC AUCTION SALE 0f HORSES CATTLE CATTLE OLIVER DICEMAN HENRY BRYANT HORSES Sale at 12.30 noon sharp J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer, MAPLE, PHONE 11. calf by side calf by side calf by side calf by side calf by side fresh 1 month full flow AUCTION SALE of THE PROPERTY OF The Property of THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1942. l Chatham Fanning :Mill & Bag'ger 1 Set Scales, 2000 lbs. 1 Horse Rake, I.H.C., new, 12 ft. 1 Mower, '5 ft. cut, I.H.‘C. Sling_ Rope, Draw Rope, Carrier apd Track 1 Root Pulper, Fleury 1 Extension Ladder, 32 ft. . Quantity of Barrels 1 Set Wagon Springs 1 Set Bench Sleighs 1 Flat Rack Quantity of Grain Bags 1 Cement Watering Trough 1 Set Electric Clippers, Stewart 1 Set Hand Clippers, Stewart 1 Separator, De Laval Number of Chains Strainer Pails and Strainers Number of Neckyokes and Double- 1 Dining Room Extension Table Number of Odd Chairs Number of Pictures 1 Kitchen Stove, Triumph, good 1 Couch 1 Kitchen Table 1 Bed Spring and Mattress 1 Washstand 1 Dresser 1 Dresser and Bedstead 1 Toilet Set Number of Dishes 1 3/4 Bed, Spring and Mattress 1 Sideboard 1 Fall Leaf Table, good 1 Piano, Longsdale Quantity of mocks and Sealers Number of Lamps Many other articles too numeroul to mention trees Forks, Shovels, Hoes and other art- icles too numerous to mention 200 Bus. Erban Oats 700 Bus. Seed Oats 2 Sets Team Harness Number of Collars HARNESS 3 Sets Heavy Breechlng Harness 8 Oxford Ewes with Lambs 1 Yorkshire Sow, due April 28th 1 Yorkshire Sow, due May 3rd 1 Yorkshire Sow, due May 15th 1 Yorkshire Sow, due May 20131 10 Store Hogs, 100 l‘bs. new 1 Water Tank 1 Grinder, 8 in. plates 1 International Gas Emginel, 11/2 HJP. 1 Disc Harrow 1 Cutter 1 Ford Coupe, 1929 model 2â€"Furrow Tractor Plow, M.-H., wide bottom Z-Fui'row Walking How, Big Dick 2-Fu1'1'ow Riding Plow, C‘ockshujfl: Single Furrow Riding Plow, Oliver Walking Plows Sets of Harrows Hiay Wagons and fiacks Set of Steel Trucks, good shape Cockshutt 13 Hoe Drill International 9 Disc Drill, nea_r Pair Horse Blankets FURNITU RE HARNESS No Reserve GRAIN SHEEP HOGS

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