Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Mar 1942, p. 8

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Motion Picture Show Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill Tuesday, March 17th Poultry Needs “Canada’s Industry and Agriculture in War Time” Natural Color Talking Pictures Showing Shells, Airplane Wings and Meghanized HAROLD W. MORTSON Massey-Harris Local Dealer Richmond Hill Phone 93 N 0 Charge for Admission â€"â€" Lucky Draw Transport Equipment in the Making. Interesting, Entertaining Program with Special Features Everyone will enjoy. PAGE EIGHT 70,5474? Phone 18 500 and 1000 CHICK MONARCH COAL BROODERS ROYAL PURPLE TONiCS AND REMEDIES “ THE PART WE PLAY ” Feeding Troughs, all sizes DRINKING FOUNTS Oyster Shell Grit, Etc. r If every one of Canada’s new army of wage-earners saves more, lhe country’s effori loward winning the war will be greatly helped. Every dollar you save means more labour and malerials freed for making the war goods so urgenlly needed. These savings, Ienl lo the counlry in the purchase of War Savings Cer’lificales or Viclory loan Bondsâ€"lenl to intensify Canada's war effortâ€"will bring vicloryâ€" and peaceâ€"nearer. at 8.30 132m. TIâ€"I‘UA !T We Deliver The ladies of the church are bold- ing a St. Patrick’s supper in the church on March 18th. A good sup- per and program will be brovided. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Perring. on Monday evening, March 13th in Buttonville Hall. Prize winners at the Institute ‘eu- chre on Monday night of this week were: Ladies, Mrs. Olson. Mrs. Bur- net and "Mrs. 0. Cox; Men, Ross McMullen, Adam Brown and Jack Young. The running prizes were held by Mrs. J. Allen and Charles Hooper. In- the freeze out the first prizes went to Gordon Riseborough and Mrs. Riseborough w1th the secâ€" ond prize to Heber McCag'ue and Jack Rumney. The lucky ticket on the euchre table was held- by George Kelly Jr. ‘ The death occurred in Toronto on Monday evening of Mrs. Harold Durey, daughter-in-Iaw of Mr. and Mrs. M. Durey. Mrs. Durey felt ill about noon and later in much pain was rushed to the hospital where she died of spinal meningitis. Left to mourn her are her hus- band who is in the armed service and three small children. the young- est a baby five months old. Deepest sympathy ifs,extended to the family in‘ their bereavement. We are glad to report that Mrs. C. Burr is able to be around among us once more. Her many friends join in hOping‘ that Mrs. C. J. Russell has a speedy recovery from the recent serious op- eration she has undergone in the Western Hospital. During the illness of the Rev. R. W. Rumney of Brown‘s Corners United Church the service will be in the morning with Sunday School at 1 o'clock and church at 11 o'clock. The service is in charge of Mr. John Fomataro, a student of Emmanuel College, Toronto. Institute meeting is next week at the home of Mi‘s. A. Newson. Mr. and Mrs. K. Grey of Kirkland Lake are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Emg.ish. Ladies keep in. mind the quilting in Brown’s Corners United Church on Thursday of next week. March 17th. The quilts are being done by the Women‘s Missionary Society of the church. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND 'HILL. ONTARIO Buttonville CA RRVILLE hre Mar The Women‘s Association of St. Timothy’s Church, North Toronto, will present their drama “The Strike of the Ladies’ Aid” in Lawrence Memorial Hall on Tuesday, March 17 at $16 under the ausplces of Trin- ity Women's Club. The lst Thom‘hill Glrl Guides Eu- chre was held at the home of Mrs. Rouxel, Col‘boume S‘t., Wednesday, March 11th, 1942. All proceeds went for war work. On Saturday, March 14th a St. Patrick's Tea and home cooking sale will be held at the home of Miss Lorraine Davidson under the aus- pices of the “Brighten Your Corner” class from 3 to 5 o’clock. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association or the Unit- ed‘ Church was held Wednesday, ’March 11th at the home of Miss Boyle, Centre St., with a splendid attendance, Mrs. Russell presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of “Faith of Our Fathers" followed by prayer for our armed forces. Mrs. Wesley took the devotional period, Miss Baxter reading the lesson. Mrs. Michel led in prayer. Mrs. Cepp, guest soloist, rendered a beautiful selection entitled “'Supplication”, ac- companied by Mrs. Russell. Miss Gertrude Aikenhead, guest speaker, who is Superintendent of the Victor home for girls in Toronto, spoke of her work at the home, also the Unit- ed Church House. Her address was very inspiring and enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Arthur Thompson moved a very hearty vote of thanks to Miss Aikenhead and Mrs. Ellis who is on the board of the home, also Mrs. Copp. This was seconded by Mrs. J. Fisher. Reports were given by the secretaries. A special Easter meeting is being planned for Wednesday, April 8th, to which all women of the community are invit- ed. A social hour was then enjoyed by all present. Mrs. W. Dean poured tea with Mrs. Michel and Miss Boyle as hostesses. The Thornhil’l Women’s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Percy Bone Thursday afternoon, March 19. Mrs. Clayton Jaeger will give a pap- er on “Legislations as regards Wo‘ men”. Material to be cut into over- alls will .be distributed to be sewn for British Bomb Victims. The nomination papers will be given out and it is hoped a good tum out willl be there to do/ their' share in elect- ing the executive for 1942. The Red Cross are arranging "a Bridge Tournament. Ladies or gentlemen wishing to enter please hand in names to Miss A. 30er or Mrs. C. P. Johns 0} on before Sat- urday, March 14th. Leroy, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Heise has been suffer- ing for weeks with a sore knee. Last week he was removed to the Hos- piltal for Sick Children for an examâ€" ination and the x-ray revealed a broken needle which had apparently been there for some time unnoticed until a fall early in January caused a painful swelling. Now that the needle has been removed, he is im- proving very nicely. On Monday evening, March 16th at 8 o’clock Major Watson has kind- ly consented to show us his pictures of some phases of the work carried on .by the Canadian Red Cross.- These will be shown in Richvale school. Everyone who would like to know more about this work is welt come. Admission free. On Tuesday evening, March 17 at 8 o’clock a. St. Patrick euchre will be held at the home of Mrs. C. P. Lord, Spruce Ave. ' Om Thursday afternoon, March 19 at 2 o'clock there will be an after- noon euchre at the home of Mrs. M. F. Fenner, Oak Ave. High score on March 5 was won by Mrs. Hill, 2nd by Mrs. Rowdon, consolation, Mrs. Burr. . Miss Dorothy Phillips, bride-toâ€"be, was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts at a. shower at her home on Saturday evening. The affair was largely attended from near and far. Lunch was served and a social hour spent. Bride-to-Be Honored by Community Teston Y.P.U. met in the church basement on Wednesday evening. The Citizenship Convener was in charge. Teston W.A. members will hold their March meeting on March 18th at the home of Mrs. W. Maginn. Vellore Sr. Institute members met at the home of Mrs. A. Rutherford on Tuesday last. Teston and District Thornhill RI CHVALE GORMLEY in the church The clergy in this district are con- ductfng Religious Education classes weekly, in the school area which in- cludes G. R. Goulding Memorial School, Newtonbrdok, Queen Mary at Willowdale, Duke of Kent at Lans- ing, Baron Renfrew at York Mills and Duke of York on Avenue Road. The death\of Lawrence 0. Brown occurred at Private Patients’ Pavil- ion. General Hospital on Sunday, March lst. He was retired Sergeant of Toronto Police Force and an elder of St. Paul’s United Church; Avenue Road. Toronto. He was well known in this district having lived on the place now owned bp Mr. Wm. Good and always attended the Annivers- ary Services of Newtonbrook United Church every autumn, thus keeping up his friendship with his former associates. The funeral was largely attended last Wednesday afternoon. Interment was in- Thornhill ceme- tery. Gilbert & Sullivan’s famous oper- etta the “Pirates of Penzance" will be presented in Ear] Halg Collegiate vgymnasium' four nights this __week, March 11th to 14th. Mr. Jas. Davies is the conductor of music. A Pot Luck Luncheon featured the monthly meeting of the Woman’s Association held last Thursday in the United Church SLTK‘OI room. Two quilts were also completed. Mrs. W. T. Wells, the president. presided over the business meeting and conducted the devotional. Mrs. A. H. Halbert gave a Lenten talk. Final plans were made for the Irish Supper to be held on Thursday, March 19th at 6.30 p.m. in the church school room. A committee was- appointed to be in charge of the social evening. Don't forget and come to the pop- ular event of the season, the “Irish Stew S‘upper" to be held next Thurs- day, March 19th at 6.30 p.m. in Newtonbrook United Churcn school room. Get practiSed up on your crokinole. A social e6ening will follow with games. The Young PeOple’s Union of Newtonbrook United Church will present a comedy play in 3 acts enâ€" titled “Speed” in the church hall on Friday evening, March 20th at 8.30 under the direction of Miss Gladys Sutterbp. Come and enjoy a happy evening. A cordial wercome to all. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duggan en- tertained the Newtonbrook United Church choir at their home last Thursday evening. Mrs. A. W. Galbraith visited with her sisters the Misses Atkinson at Bethesda last week. The Auxiliary of the WM.S. will hold their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Arnold H. Douglas, {‘54 Pemberton Ave. next Tuesday, March 17 at 3 pm. There will be a Temperance program under the direction of the Temperance Secre- tary, Mrs. Murdie Campbell. All the ladies of the church and community are cordially invited. Visitors wel- come. Lenten services are held in the United Church every Sunday com ducted by the pastor. Sunday School at 10 am A number from here attended the Skating Carnival at the Maple Leaf Garden: in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Halbert and Miss Marion Halbert of Alliston were guests at the Parsonage last Week. Mr. J. T. Monteim of Toronto celebrated his 80th birthday by call- ing on several of his friends at New- tonbrook last Friday, March 6. He still does considerable walking. Mr. Monteith‘s father was a Presbyter- ian minister» serving at York Mills 21nd Ficherville when J. ‘T. was a young lad. ’ The Good Friday service will be held as usual in Newtonbrook Unit- éd Church on April 3rd at 11 am. The guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. J. R. Mutchmor, M.A.. of Toronto. Local clergy will also assist in thé service. Newtonbrook District News THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1942 The Y.P.U. have pxanned ‘to hold a special Lenten service on Monday, March 30th at 8.l5 pm. to which the older members are also invited. Rev. A. E. Owen of Unionville will give the address. A Mission Band quilt was com- ‘pleted last week which will be put in the WJMES. bale. n HESS The Girls’ Mission Circle will meet at the Parsonage next Tuesday ev~ ening' at 8 o’clock. Every member is urged to attend. important busi~ Remember the Mission Band meet- ing next Saturday, March 14th at 2.30 pm. in the United Church school room. This will be a Mem~ bership meeting so bring your 10c. fee, to make you a member for 1942 and get your name on the new memâ€" bership poster. All the girls and boys in the community are invited. The Spring Rally 0: the Young People’s Unions of Toronto Centre Presbytery (Suburban Area) will be held in Newtonbrook United Church on Monday, March 23rd at 8 pm. Misses Frances Schmidt and Ann Wells, missionary conven‘ors, were in charge of the Y.P.U. meeting last Monday evening. After the meeting closed, practise was held for the comedy play “Speed” which will be presented on Friday, March 20th at>8.3|0 p.m. FOR COLLECTION TELEPHONE 9 RICHMOND HILL

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