The Teacher’s Training Course un- der the direction of Rev. C. E. Fockâ€" ler and‘ Miss Margaret Fockler came to a successful conclusion last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kinnee. After regular class period‘ lunch was served by the hostess and‘ a social half hour'spent. There were 13 tables at the Eu- chre held in the Masonic Hall, under the auspices of Maple Women’s In- s‘titurte Wednesday, March 18. The prize winners were: Ladies, lst, Mrs. Alf Jones; 2nd, Mrs. T. Reid; 3rd, Mrs. F. S. Rumlble. Men, 131:, Mr. T. Reid‘; 2nd, Mr. Jim McDonald; 3rd, Mr. Norman Burns. Lucky frames, ladies, lst, Mrs. F. S. Rumâ€" ble; 2nd, Mrs. Harrow; Men, 1st, Harris Mathewson; 2nd, Jim Jones. Freeze out, lst couple, Mr. Hamp- ton, Mr. Daveys; 2nd couple, Mr. Wm. WoodJs, Mr. G. Reid. Rev. F. V. "Albibott of Schomlberg- will! be visiting minister at St. Ste- phen’s Anglican Church next Sunâ€" day at 7.30 pan. Shai‘ting 'on Easter Sunday service in St. Stephen's Anglican Church will be held at 7 p.m. instead of 7.30 pm]. I A.:C.2 Leslie Dickout who is with‘ the R.C.A.F. at St. Thomas and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dickout of Chilliwack, 3.0. and formerly of Maple, spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. andl Mrs. M. J. Kinnee. Sunday they motored to New Lowell to visit Mrs. Cai‘ter, a great Aunt of Leslie’s. Next Sunday, Palm Sunday Comâ€" munion will be servedl at Maple United Church. Special anvbhevms suitable for the occasion will be rendered by the choir. Maple Women’s Institute have just completed quilting a number of quilts, the proceeds to be used in their war work. The comlbinsd meeting- of the W0- men’s Missionary Somety and W0- men’s Association of the United Church was held Wednesday‘ after- noon, March 18th at the home of Mrs. R. Ramsey. Mrs. N. Lund con- ducted! the worship period. The third chapter of the year's Study Book was given by Miss Margaret Fock- ler and was much enjoyed by all present. The United Church Mission Band will .meet Saturday afternoon at 2.30 pm, at the Parsonage. Mrs. H. Norman is back in town utter spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mrs. W. J. Roberts has returned Mr. Bernard DeVries has started work at the Sheridan Nurseries at Olakville. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Cooper have moved- from Maple back to Toronto. Mrs. E. L. Cousins, Mrs. E. J. Cousins and Mrs. G. Miainprize all of Toronto visited Mrs. Thos. Cous- inls this week. The Maple Uni-t of the Vaughan wamshi'p Red‘ Cross will hold‘ a Dance in the Community Hall this' Friday, March 2l7lth. Tickets 25c. Draw will be made on a hand-made quilt and other prizes. Sandwiches and soft d'rinlkls will be availalble at the refreshment, ‘booth. Come and’ help the Red: Cross. Services will be held in St. Ste- phen’s Anglican Church on Good FIi- day at 2 pm. There was a good attendance at the Lenten Services held' in St. Ste- phenl’s Parish Hall each Thursday evening during Lent. VOL. LXIII. THIS PAPER†- It is needed in Canada’s War Effort. Bundle your old newspapers and give them to your Salvage Committee. PHONE M0. 2172 “Please Do Not Destroy MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 30. 31 DENNIS MORGAN, JANE WYMAN, WAYNE MORRIS in “ BAD MEN OF MISSOURI †THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 27, 28 CLAUDETTE COLBERT, RAY MILLAND in “ SKYLARK †_ .â€" _â€" AND _â€" â€" â€" MADELINE CARROLL, STIRLING HADEN in “ BAHAMA PASSAGE †WED., THURS, FRI., SAT., APRIL 1. 2. 3, 4 WILLIAM POWELL, MYRNA LOY “ SHADOW OF THE THIN MAN †â€" â€" â€"- ALSO â€" -â€" â€"â€" JANE WITHERS, COBINA WRIGHT in “ SMALL TOWN DEB †FREDRICK MARCH, MARTHA SCOTT in “ ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN †MAPLE NEWSY NOTES CAPITOL THEATRE ‘é 300 Seats All Evening 25c. â€"-â€"â€"AN‘Dâ€"â€"â€" The Liberal extends congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon who last Saturday celebrated their fiftyâ€"ninth wedding- anniversary. The Maple W.I. will hold‘ a quilt- inlg‘ bee at the Masonic Hall Wed- nesday, April“ 145% at 1.30 o’clock. Alll ladies of the corri’muni'ty are in- vited‘. These quilts are» to be send: to the Red Cross for bomb victims. Ladies who are house cleaning are ask-ed to save their salvage and dur- ing the Easter holidays the Trail .Ranngers will call- and‘ gather same and put it in Mrs. MaRolberts stalble. Please be ready when they call. For any further information call Mrs. 'Collerd, War Unit president or Rev. MJcKay, Trail Ranger mead‘er. The March WA. suvprper will he held on Frid'ay evening, March 27. Everyone in the community is invited to come to this pot 111le luncheon. The program will consist of mixed numlbens along with slide-5* so be sure and' bring the children. . I‘Mrs. Marcus Jarvis, Mrs. John Snider, Mrs. Frank Collins, Miss Irene Beatty, M‘rs. Cecil Nichols and Marion were guests at the home of Miss Mabel Sanderson on Monday at her War Unit vanishing lunch-eon. During the afternoon Mrs. McKenzie of Beaverton discussed the First Aid course outlined Iby the Red Cross while the ladies were busy with their knitting needles. All the ladies of the community who feel they would like to take this course are askedl to be present at the J .W.I. meeting on Tuesday evening, April 7th when this subject will rbe up for discussion. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Oliver and daughter Mary visited Mr. and Mrs. ‘Geo. Merrick of Maple last’ week. ‘Miss Mary Oliver is staying on for ’a visirt while recuperating from a "woken levg. 7Mrs. R095 Nichols spent a few days last week in Toronto andl Thistletown. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bumham ‘of Orillia, formerly of Victeria Square, and parents txf Mrs. ROSS Nichols, celebrated! ‘their 60th wedding .anni- versary on‘ Sunday, March 22nd. Twenty-one members of the United- Church Y.P.U. attended the Spring RalLy in Newton‘brook United Church on Monday evening. Rev. C. H. Dickinson of ‘the United] Church Pu'b- lishring House was the guest speak- er. Lunch was served‘ at the close and a happy time enjoyed‘ by all. This community has (been greatly saddened during this last week in the death of two outstanding memâ€" bers of our community.‘ Re'v. Mc- Causlandi, who has {been a retired Baptist minister in our midst only a short time, but who had shown a great love for 'the United! Chumh and: what it stands for, in doing whatever his health would allow in Mr. and! Mrs. H. ‘T. gaques enter- tained 20 guests at a buffet supper last Sunday in honour of Miss Vivian Routlley and Mr. Frank Comrplrin of Toronto, whose marriage is to take place Easter Monday in Erskine United) Church. Mrs. F. W. Routley presided at the tea table and the assistants were Miss Phyllis Rount- Iey, Miss Helen Complin, Miss Nel'lrie Rou‘tley and’ Miss Marjorie Bailey. Mrs. Fred Hampton visited! m Fergus and attended' the Women’s Institute last Thursday, March 19. to tawn after visiting her daughter- i‘n-I‘aw in Oakville. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES Yenge at Castlefield “I;Essentials, pnity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charityâ€. The annual Hobby Show spon- sxoredi by the Richmoml Hill Lion‘s Club which will3 [be held Saturday, March 28th is attracting wide imâ€" terest and a large emry is an‘tici- patsed. The people of the district are invited to visit the show which will be open from 4.30 until 9 13311. P. E. Angle is chairman of the com- mittee and Mrs.,Unger is secretary. On Friday Mrs. Frank Nichols passed away. Mrs. Nichols was born in the next block south of where she lived and has spent her entire life in this community. Her pres- once every Sunday in the Sunday School and church will be greatly "miss-ed. Mrs. Nichols was in ill health for over a year and her death was not .such a shock to those who lived near. She had been out for a drive in the car on Tuesday, yet one could see she was failing very fast. She is survived by one daughter Elzla. at home, two sons, Louis and Ross, three sisters all in this community, as well as eight grandchildren. Her funeral was held on Sunday when Bishop Winger took a short service at the house. Rev. MtoKay took the [services both at the grave and church assisted 'by Bishop Winger. The pallbearers were five nephews, Rollph Perkins, Lorne Perkins, Willie Wilson, Clare Sanderson, Donald Pickering and Gordon Mortson. .Qmfltzing will go on! as usual in the work room om: Wedmesd-ay and Friday of each week. All those in- terested in this phase of the work are urged to attend. Y.P.U. work, W.A., Sunday School, church or wherever the call came, will \be greatly missed. Mr. McC‘aus- land had been bedtfa‘srt for a few weeks but on Thursday passed away. He leaves tomourn hislosshiswidorw, one daughter an R.N. of Montreal and‘ one son overseas. Also a host of friends from all1 over. The lovely Those having “books: of tickets on the current draw are asked to mike their returns to Mrs. Chavmnney by Saturday, March 28th. The draw will be made at the business meetâ€" inlg‘ on‘ Wedme‘sd-ay next. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1942. ThJe Commit?th cal’letl for volunâ€" teers after the meeting and over ‘20 were secured. In this; issue the committee asked] for 100 men and 100 women as volunteers in the serâ€" vice and announces the first lecture orf insvtruc'ï¬on w-"hilch will be held Thursday, April 16th. floral display-s from former Baptist chunch congregations where'he hvad preached spoke of the thigh esteem in which he was held. Richard Edlmundls was elected chairman of the Richmond Hill Civilian Derfe'n-ce Committee at the public meeting held in the Munici- pall Hall lastFrid‘ay evening. Con- stable Rowe off the provincial p'olice outlined the plant of organization. and’ stressed the importance of A. R. P. work. Although Richmond Hill is outside the designated] vulnerable area he commended the citizens for forming an organization. Other of- ficials elected were: vice-chairman, Reeve T. H. Trench; secretary, J. E. Smith; Controllers: Fire Services, Fire Chief Bert Cook; Medical Ser- vices, Dr. James Lang-staff; Public Utilities, Duncan !M. Chaamney; Transportation, R. D. Little; Police, Rlildhiard Ed-mund‘s. meeting will be held in] the work room on Wednesday next, April 1515 at 3 me. .slharp. Maj‘or E. H. Wab- s<on of Toronto will address the meeting at 3.30 ,p.rm. Mrs. Nichols will be greatl‘y miss- ed by a range number of friends both in this community and the sur- rounding neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Valliere and Jim had tea with Mr. and‘ Mrs. Bert Sanderson on Monday evening. Could we hold an' auctiom sale for our war work? Have you a bag of potatoes, a bushel of oats, a bas- Richard Edmunds Elected Head of Civilian Defence RED CROSS NOTES The rezguular monthfly business HOBBY SHO‘V Reeve T. H. Trench presided) at the meeting and there was an at- tendianlce of almost one hundred. Following C‘amt. M-esley’s address the following committee with power to ad'.d| to their nulnilber was appointed to have change of Salvage work in the municipality: Chairrman, E. D. Cunningham; members, W. W. TrenIch, James Stewart, Franlk Schislsler, Walter Scott, H. Stanford, Mrs. P. C. Hil'l, Mrs. J. C. Young, Mrs. R. D. Little, Miss Ada Mach Kenzsie, L. H. Clement, Richard Evdlâ€" mun'dvs, J. Parisi, ernsl-ey Mididleton, A. J. chLabcth. The committee 10915 no time in getting down to work and announced this morning that the Palmer build- ing on An‘nolvdl Street just weyt of Yong-e Street had been obtained: as a collbctio‘n depot and that slabvage material may [be left there any time. A key to the building may be s'e- curedl any time from the chaivm‘an E. D. Cunningham or at The Liberal. A general salvage coll'ectiOn will he‘ carried‘ out on the first and third Tuesday of every month, and the first collection will be made Tues- day, April 7th. Householders are asked to place their Salvage on the street line to facilitate the work of collection. Citizens are asked to save maga- zines, newspapers, waste paper, papâ€" ,er bags, paper boxes, scra-p iron and steel, wire, aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, zimc, leadt, other met- al, carpets, rugs, wool‘lens, mixed rags, leather, bags, sacking, cork, household “bones, grease and fats» tin- cans, old! times, rubber mats, ruIb- b-er sheeting, rulbfb-er gmves, ru'blbel‘ soled overshoes, ruibfber soledl shoes, rulblber toys, rulblbe‘r balls, bathvlnyg cams, s‘lickers, :barby garments, old rulblbers, s'yrinnge bullbs, hot water bottles, stair tneadls‘, pucks, gwo-ca‘rt tires, carriage tires, baskets, bottles and) glass, coat hangers. l 4. Tim should ‘be clean and flatt- ened‘. 5. Fats must be in\ covered] con-â€" tainers. . BIROWNaOn Sundlary, March 22, at the home» of Mrs. H. Stanford, 11 Yonge Street, Rilchmondl Hill, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvirv Brown, 79 Caroline Avenue, Toronto, bbalby brother for Donna and Sheila. 2. Baskets must be clean and un~ broken. 3. Tie in bundles your newspapers, magazines and wrapping paper, making a separate {bundle for each kind‘ of paper. The lmdky dvraw ior the rugs will [be heldv o'n Tuesday eveninu , April 7 at the join‘rt meeting of the Junior Farmers. Regular Salvage Collection Starts Tuesday, April 7th “In peacetime Canadians threw away material having a saivage value of $22,000,000. Every pound of scrap left lying in our cellars or yards now is sabo‘tage of our ,war effort,†d'ecLa'red Capt. W. F. Mes- lley, Ontario Director of the National‘ Salvage Campaign in a rousing ad- dmess at the public meeting held in Richmond Hill last Friday even- ing‘ to organize a Salivag'e Commitâ€" tee and a Civiliian- Defence Commit- tee. The speaker gave facts and: figures of the immensity of Can:- -adia’.s war production and pointed out in fo‘rceiful manner that if this production is to continue every possible bit of waste must: be saw- aged for industry. 1. Tar paper, wax paper, carbon pap-er, cellophane, window glass and coI‘Ored glass cannot be accepted as salvage. The committee has enu‘meTategd the following rules for the salvage collection: The regular monthly meeting Of the Goforth» Mission Circle will be held Saturday evening, March 28th at 8 p.m. at the home of Miss Vera Boynrton. All the young ladies of the comlmuniity invited to attend. Local Committee Headed by E. D. Cunningham â€" Collection Depot Established ken: of onions, or what have you dbnate for sra’le for this work? 3. Bones should be securely tied sacks or heavy bags. BIRTH STUDY OF BIRD LIFE 15 RECOMMENDED AS A HOBBY For the past three years- a pair of card‘i‘na'ls have wintered' in the garden at the home of Dr. Lillian Langstaff, Church 5t. These birds with their brilliant red! plumage and large red billLs inhabit the southern states m-ostlry but are being seen more often in this district} In. con- versatio-n with Mrs. Langstaff who has taken a keen interest in the study of ’birds for quite a nwmlber of years we learned? that this pair of cardinals came regularly to feed every day quite close to the house. They would go away every evening, probably to the pond, but were black in time for breakfast the next mlorn. hug and- w‘ouldl spend the day among the trees anldl shrufbs. Unfortunate ly, and much to Mrs. Lang‘staf'f’s disappointment and concern, the female bird disappeared around the 1st of January and! the male bird around the 20th of February. Each rbirdl failed‘ to return, after its daily visit and it is thoughrt that they may have been destroy-ed by an owl. rather than by a thoughtless boy and[ his gun. Just in passing may we say, the harming of any bird‘s other than those oonsidered‘ pests, is a serious offeme for which a severe penalty is provided. .Mrs. Langstaff consumers the study of {binds a life-long interest. Heâ€" sides learning to identify the bird by its color, and sltudy its habits, it is interesting also to be able to recognize it by its song. The gar- dienI at the Lanwgstaf‘f h‘ome affords a lovely sanctuary for birds both winter and summer. During the winter the birds are able to obtain berries from! some of the trees and shrubs. Quite near the! living room window in the garden are hung some bags! of wet and peanuts and’ on the outside silfl of the window are two shallow bon-exs containing nut SJW-eerings. Tadkerd up at the side of the windlow is a. piece of log with holes drilled in it. These holes are fillLed‘ with suLt and the {birds perch on the log and enjoy their meal. Whifl‘e we were having this very ink tenesitin‘g chat with Mrs. ‘Langstafct' the chucade‘es came right to the boxes at the window for Some food. Farther dowm in, the garden 3. rpm- ple gracklAe was strub'tinlg aboult. We who live “outside the city†are not getting as much enjoyment out of counlbr'y life as we might -I).0-4>-n-v>-u-0m i-n- D.)- .0 WALT DISNEY’S FULL LENGTH FEATURE IN TECHNICOLQR “ DUMBO †â€"â€" ALSO â€"â€" “ TANKS A MILLION †With JAMES GLEASON, NOAH BERRY JR. THE MARCH OF TIME Richmond Hill Has Many Enthusiasts Who Delight in Observing Birds â€" Two Cardinals Have Wintered At Sanctuary of Dr. Lillian Langstaff For Past Three Years Yonge St. at Glenioresl Rd. it THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 27, 28 MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 31 “ UNHOLY PARTNERS †With EDWARD G. ROBINSON. LARAINE'DAY _â€" ALSO â€" “ WHISTLING IN THE DARK †With CONRAD VEIDT, ANN RUTHERFORD NEWS â€" WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 2 “ WILD GEESE‘ CALLING †With HENRY FONDA. JOAN BENNETT Quality Counts Most “ UNEXPECTED UNCLE †\Vith ANNE SHIRLEY, JAMES CRAIG “ TRUANT OFFICER " THIS PAPER†It is needed in Canada’s War Effort. Bundle your old newspapers and give them to your Salvage Committee. simply ‘becauee we are not suffi- cienï¬Iy aware of the beauties of nature around usâ€"the birds in. par- ticular._ During the last year Mrs. Langstaff has seen 113 varieties of birds and' seventy were in her own garden. Last fall it was necessary for her to stay in- bed' for tw‘o months amd while there identified 31 d'iflf- eren't birds from her Window. Some of the bird‘s identified during the year were two pairs of d’owny Wood‘- hpeckers, one pair of hairy wood- peek-ers, orJe nuthatch‘, 8 chioadees. {1 pair cardinals, 5 pheasants, 1 'jurrico, an occasional tree sparrow. evenling‘ grosbea‘ks, red polilts and blue jays. Up to date Mrs. Lang- staff has seen 23 spring birds and anyone interested may be watching for the foll'owimg which are now here: Robin, son'g srparrow, purple grackle, l‘ed winged! blacldbivd. phoebe, IdflI-dleer, blue birdl, sparrow hawk and! the sharp shirmed horned lark. The latter bird comes in‘ Feb- rmary and is found around fences and! in fields. It is cal‘ded horned Iark because of the black feathers on each side of its head resemibili‘nug horns. Richmond Hill has a number of him enthusiasts and We would ap- prteciate any “bird news†they c0111?7 let us have. The organizaï¬ion of» a Local Naturalists’ Ciuvb often has been suggested, particularly with the aim of imberveislbing chilldrernl o-‘f the community. We wonder if any of the children could! identify more than the 23 birds seen ’by Mrs Lamgstaï¬f this spring? “Water and Game Birds" and “Land BirdIS‘ East of the Rockies" by Ches'ber A. Reed are two books recormman-ded for [be- ginners and Roger T. Peterson’s “A Field' Guide to Bird‘s†is suggested as» a. splendid reference book for older enthusiasts. UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the Woman’s Missionary Society of like United Church will hold: its Easter Thank-Offering meeting in the Sun- dlay School room on inursday, April 2nd at 3 o’clock. Mrs. W. R. MlaKay, who has spent several years in South China, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Walker Hall will be soloist. A special invitation is extended' to the Evening Auxiliary and to all other ladies of the congregation. “Please Do Not Destroy llï¬jdson 5437 No. 39.