We ask you to accept this wrist watch» and‘ may you long be spared to wear it. Signed on behalf of yOur friends of Maple and‘ vicinity. Liberal classified “ads†pay good dividends. To these young men who join our fighting for-ces we extend our sin- cere congratulations. We ‘admire them as they are the saviours of our freedom. We pledge them our support on the home front and pro- mise that everything we can do to make their army linfe pleas-ant we wil'l gladly do. We give them our pledlge that we wil‘l‘ try our best to keep things going on the home front and that they shall not want for the best in supplies and‘ fighting equipment. Harvey has volurxecred to do his full duty in this‘ war. Let’s pledge ourselves to do our utmost. ‘ Marple, March 19, 1942 rOWWWWWW The youth of probably no other age in history had the privilege of living in a day of such challenge and' opportunity. The threat against our Freedom andI our Way-ofâ€"Life by the Dictator Nations is a testing time and' the [burden of this testing time falls most heavin upon the shoulders of our young men. If our civilization is to (be saved, if our way of living is to be preserved‘, it willlbe saved and- p-reserve-d‘ [by our young men who man our air- planes, our ships andI make up our fighting forces on land. No matter how much those of us who do war work in other capacities may help the final test of Victory will be in the hands of our men in the fight- ing forces. Our fighrting forces are made up of just such young men as Harvey Who is with the R.IC.A.F. We kn0w these young men are made of the right kind of stuff, that they are second' to none in the world, and that in the final test they will prove victorious andI in the end Victory will (be ours. In these days of extreme stress and strain, the mast critical in the long history of our Country and Empire, it is a source of pride and satisfaction that our young men in ever increasing numlbers are volun- teering for services with our armed forces. Tonight we gather to 'do honor to Harvey WiLson-, a boy from this community who has voiunteered for service with the Royal Canadian Air Force. D'EAR HARVEY:â€" The address read? by Mr. Saigeon was as follows: A large crowd gathered in the Co .munity Hail, Mapze last Friday evening to do honor to Harvey Wi1'- 'son who is serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Euchre was enjoyed as the firs; part of the evening’s program after which J. Carl Saigeon who acted as Master of Ceremonies read an address and Frank Robson presenzed the guest of honor with a {beautiful wrist watch. Harvey in well‘ chosen words acknowledged the kinuness 'of his friends and thanked them for their good wish-es. Dainty refreshments were served and» the remainder of the evening spent in dancing. THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1942. Harvey Wilson R.C.A.F. Honored By i’viaple Friends Hobby Show Richmond Hill Public School Saturday, March 28th Prizes are offered for Hobby Collections, such as Stamps, Coins, Woods and Handiwork of all kinds, including Art, Baking, Sewing, Knitting, Crochet- ing, Quilts, Rugs, Photography, Etc. Prize Lists May Be Had at the Public School, or at GET A PRIZE LIST NOW AND MAKE AN ENTRY Let the Public See Your Hobby Collection and Handiwork PI'L‘NuntatiDn Held Last Friday Evening Sponsored by Richmond Hill Lions’ Club ANGLE, Chairman MRS. A. UNGER, Secretary For full particulars apply to The Liberal Office. ANNUAL ers. J. W. Dewslbury, Mill St, entertained at tea in honor of her daughter Grace, a :bride of this wee'k, on: Saturday afternoon. Amonig thlovse assisting in “the dining room were \Mrs. Ough, mother of the groom, and his sister Miss Elaine Ough- Others who entertain-ed for the popâ€" ular bride were Mm. Stewart Rum- ble, when her Sunday School class present-ed her with a pyrex set and Miss Muriel Barrow andl Mists Marie Hayden 'who entertained: at a mis- cellaneous shower. Mrs. Sheldon Walk-er also had a miscellaneous shower for her sister. (neny acidon the great majority 01' letters and parcels for overseas reach their destination. Mrs. W. Sayers, Richmond Hill, has for ï¬le past sixty weeks sent weekly par- cels of tea to relatives in' the old“ land and word? this week advised] of the safe arrival of the fifty-second parcel. Of the fifty~two pxarcels sent in a year only three were lost. Evidence of the might of the Brit- ish Navy and‘ the efficiency of the postal service even under war conâ€" ditions is the fact that despite (rainy action the great majority of letters and parcels for overseas Over sixtyvfiv-e relatives and friends from Toronto, Concord, Maple, Guelph and: Richmond Hill called on Mrs. George Reaman at her Elizabeth Street home last Sat- urday to tender her best Wishes and co-ngratulat’ons on 1.2.e occasion of her ninetieth birthday. She received in addition many congratulatory message: and thoughtful gifts from friends in distant points. Tea ar- rangements were in charge of Mrs. Sam Adams of Richmond Hill and Miss Elaine Reaman of Guellpli. The Anglican W.A. will‘ hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. H. A. Nich-olls, 7 Yonge Street on March 3151: at 2.30 p.11}! Will the ladies kindlvy bring theirl c-entâ€"a-meal boxes. I Mr. and Mrs. ChiarIIES‘ Bauer and daughter Lorna visited this week with Mr. and1 Mrs. Ral-ph Wideman, Richmond Hill and’ plan to return to their home in Regina early next week. Mr. Robert Mc‘Taggart who spent fhvé winter at the Wid‘eman home will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Doner. At the regular meeting of the Wo- I’C. m-en's Auxiliary of Veterans a draw me which was postponed from November by took place the winners; being: ls't, lby pair of gloves, Mrs. A. White; 2nd,. Hi wool scarf, Howard White; 3rd‘, wool ‘(Lz rafblbi‘t, Helen Patterson; 4th, wo-ol do duck, Mrs. Deadlman; 5th, 1 .pair 4by pillow slips, MLrs. Donaldson. ‘ed The Easter meeting of the Pres- byterian W.M.S. wjll‘ be held in the church parlor on Thursday, April A eucrhre will be held in St. Mary's RC. Hall on' Friday evening, Manoh 27th. Good’ prizes will be given and a cordial invitation is extended to all. 2 at three O’Cflock. Mrs. M’cC'l‘ure of King, District viceâ€"president, will be guest speaker. Mr. and’ Mrs. J. A. Greente‘ are grandparents to a daughter born Sunday, March 22nd to Mr. andw Mrs. Fred) Greene at Mansfield, Ohio. The name is “Mary Ellen". The Women’s. Auxiliary of Veterâ€" ans are holding a euchre at the home of Mrs. J. Pollard, Centre Street, on Tuesday, March 3151; at 2 o’clock. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL I came to Chepstow to take over a Platoon. I felt very frightened especially when I found that one of the first things I had to do was to move the 30 girls in my charge from a camp to a requisitioned‘ house. We had next to no furniture until the Quartermaster took pity on us and gave the military scale. Comforts we had none and the poor officer had one night when she did not have even a bed because we were so short: The next day Our Group Com- mandant arrivedi by car and in the back was reposimg a box in which were comforts which arrived from Canada and among them your quilt. My N.C.O.s insisted! that this quilt should go on my bed‘ and so I write to tell you how much it is appreâ€" ciat-e‘dn and how at night after perâ€" haps a hard and difficult day I lie rind? think of the people in Canada who are doing so much for us, that we‘ may not miss too greatly the home touchtes which so many have so bravely given up. If any members of your church (men or women) should come to England and: find thumselves in this district we hop’e they will give us the chance to return in part the friendship which you have shown ‘00 We wish to express our sincere thanks and‘ appreciation to our many neighbours and‘ friends who were so kind and sympathetic in our recent bereavement. of the committee thank all‘ who «patronized the even‘dz, d‘onated' prizes 'or in, any way contributed to its success. The quilt which you have so gen- erously sent to this platoon is prov- ing one of the greatest boons which I have ever received since I joined the A.T.S. It is not only warm, but so beautifully worked that it is a decoration to a very bare and mili- tary looking room. “Catholic Church, won by Mrs. Percy Hill; third, donated by Hillbrest Beauty Parlor, won by Mrs. J. O’~ Neil. Men, first prize, donated! by James Pollard, won! by Stuart Kid‘d‘; second, donated [by J. C. Young, worn ()ry K. Blanchardv; third. donated‘ by «J. R. Herrington an-o won by W. Cox. Consolation prize’s were won, by Mrs. C. Patrick and; R. D. Little. Wint- mars of the lucky draw sponsored by Miss Lever were: First, donated 1by Albert Glass, won by Mrs. Percy Hill; second; donated (by Mrs. Mc- (Latchly, won by J. C. Young; thirdz, donated :by Mrs. Shelke, and won CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Thos. Street of Newtonbrook wish to thank their many friend‘s and neighbours for the beautiful’ floral tributes, acts of kindness and expressions of symâ€" pathy during their recent said he- reavement. 1by Mr. Rogers. Door prizes, don|at~ ed by er. Kjrdldl, were won by Mrs. A. CruiJclkshank and1 Frank Graimo- er. The conwenors, Mrs. J. C. Y0un-g and Mrs. J. Pollard and memdb-ers Letter from ï¬verseas St. Maurs, Chepsto-w, Monmouthshire, November 8th, 1941 To St. Mary‘s Church (Anglican) Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. Dear Members of St. Mary’s:â€" CARD 0F THANKS The family of the la-be Mrs. W. F. Nichols are extremely grateful to all the friends who sent flowers and cards and» paid kindly visits to their; mother, for 'the sympathy ex- pressed and floral tributes during- their recent bereavement, especially 'they appreciate the many visits of her spiritual adrvi-ser, Rev. Henry MabKay Thirty-two tables were in‘ pliay at the euchre sponsored) by the Red Cross and held? Monday evening. The receipts from-the euchre were $37.50, from a lucky draw $22.50, and from donations $25, making a total of $85.00. The list of donors: and’ prize winners is as folflowsu L'addesx, first prize donated} by Mrs. J. A. Greene, won: by Mrs. Ed. Rowdem; second, donated by 1-‘ad'ies of St. Mary’s Everyone is invited to attendJ the Helbiby Show to be held‘ at the Pub- l'i'c School Saturday, March- 28 from 4.30 to 9 .p.m. Aircraftsrn‘ihn- Jack Beresxford is enjoying a leave at 'his home here. He is loo-king fine and enjoying life and R.C.A.F. training. Yours gratefully and sincerely, Margaret Evans, 2/swb., O.C. 23rd Wes’t’ern Platoon, Che'pstow Detachment. CARD 0F THANKS THE LLBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO George Cooper and Family man‘of God: in‘ reality UNITED CHURCH Y.P.U. The United! Y..P.U. will hold their regular meeting on Monday, March 30th at 7.30 pm. Easter slides on the “Last Days of Chris,†will be shown. This should {be an interest- ing meeting- s-o please try and at- tend. The oride, given in marriage by her father, were a long white triple sheer chiffon dress with a shoulder length veil falling from a crown of gardenias, trimmed' with pearls. She also wore the groom’s gift, a silwer necklace, and carried. a bouquet of red‘ roses. Her sister, Miss Gladys Hislop as bridesmaid wore a l'Onlg‘ pink chiffon dress with hat to match. Sh-e carried a bouquet of sweet peas and] roses. Mr. W. A. Tornlinson of Islington was “best man. A reception was held at the [home of the bride, where her mother wgar- img ‘a light rose wool crepe and corsage of cama‘tions and roses re- ceived the guests. Assisting her was the mother of the groom in blue crepe with cors-ag-e of pink carna~ ‘tions. The couple left for a short trip, the bride Wearing beige and‘ a cor- sage of roses and' freesia. On their return they will lime in Islington. IN MEMORIAM WOODSâ€"In memory of Neil Woods who dried March‘ 218,, 1941. You are not forgotten Neil, Nor ever sh>all‘ you be As long as Life anal memory last We wilvl‘ remember thee. We miss your coming footsteps, We see your empty chair, Our home is oh, so lonely, Since the one we loved' is not there. â€"â€"Ever and) always remembered by Mother and Dad. IN MEMORIAM W‘OvO‘DSâ€"In loving memory of a dear hueband and) father, Neil Woods who passed away sudld‘enly at his home at Maple, Ontario, March 28, 1941. â€"Ever remembered by Margaret and Billy. IN MEMORIAM ADAIMBâ€"In loving memory of my dear sister, Evely'n Adams of Holt, Ontmwh-o died March 29th, 1939. God knew that she was suffering, That the bills were hard to climb, So he closed her weary eyelids Am! whispered peace be thine. Away in the beautiful hills of God, By the valley of rest so fair, Some time, some day, we know not when, We will meet our I‘oved‘ one there â€"Ewer remembered by her sister Josephine Hunt. The bride amd groom late'r left flor eastern points for their homey- moom and will take up residence in Aurora. - F. W. Harris, George St., Hu‘mlber- side, Ont. The ceremony was soliâ€" emnized by Rev. 'C. B. Bre‘then of Richmond’ Hill United Church in an archway of ferns and flowers. The wedding music was played by Miss- H. Harris, sister of the groom. Plat Show urd‘ay. Following the ceremony a rece'p- tion was held! at the bride’s home, Mrs. Dewslbua‘y wearing a gown: of powder blue creVpe and a corsage of pink carnaati‘ons and Mrs. Ough, mother of the groom, wearing navy blue crepe and' a, corsage of red roses. A very pre‘ctgr wedding was solâ€" emmzized at the United Church, Rich- moan Hill, Wednesday evening at seven-thirty o’clock when Grace Eleanor, daughter of Mr. andI Mrs. J. W. Dewsbury, Richmond Hill, be- came the bride of William John Oughi, of Autrora. Rev. C. B. Breth‘ em! performed the ‘ceremony and! Miss Mamie Hayden played the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was rbecomingly gowned in a white dress of mousse- line de soie, wearing a wreath of "whl‘te flowers and carrying a 'bou- quet of sweet roses' and spring flow- ers. The (bridesmaids, Mi:er Lenore Dewslbury, sister of the bride, and Miss Elaine Oulgh‘, sister of the groom, were gowneldl in dresses of blue and pink mousseline dle s-oie, dupldlcate-s of the bride‘s, and car- riodl bouquets of spring flowers. L.A.C. Wlm. Hos’kimson, R.C.A.F., New B‘.‘UnSthlclk, assisted the groom. The ushers were er. Sheldon W'alk- er, Richmond! Hill and] Mr. Bert Franklin, Schmnlbeng. HARRISâ€"HISLO‘P A pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Roseview Avenue, on Saturday, Mar. 14th, 1942, when Emrma Irene Hislop, daughter of Mr. and’ Mrs. Alfber-t Hislop became the bride of Arthur at Mar OUGHâ€"DEWSBURY WEDDINGS 28th. at H obby on Sat- §Hot Cross Buns 25c. doz. ‘f WE DELIVER g OOMNMOMOMWMWWWOW Specials for Week-End at KERR Bros. Grocery WW Davies’ Dry Goods Store DINNER LUNCHEON BANQUETS RECEPTIONS FAMILY GATHERINGS SPECIAL PARTIES GO: any time Thursday, April 2nd, until 2.00 pm. Monday, April 61h. RETURN: leave destination up to midnight Tuesday April 7th, 1942. Crown Brand Corn Syrup . . .. Pickles, large jar . . . . . . . . . . . . Green Gage Plums, 15 oz. tin, Kara Coffee, 1 lb. . . . . . . . . . . Flour, 24 lb. bag . . . . . . . . . . . Oranges, dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maple Leaf Pure Soap Flakes soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domestic Shortening, Ye Old Favorite . Cookies, Ginger, Cocoanut and Raisin, 2 Richmond Hill Phone 77 MAPLE, ONTARIO Women's Wool Cardigans, novelty stitch style, button to neck, long sleeves, colors, Powder, Navy, Rose, Beige, and Red Berry, sizes 34 to 42, price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Women‘s fine botany wool sweaters, short sleeves, buttoned front. atï¬â€˜active new embroidery trim, colors, White, Red, Pink. Yellow, Beige. Sky Blue, sizes 14 to 20. price . . . . . . . . . A GOOD RANGE OF PULLOVERS, ALL COLORS AND SIZES, SHORT SLEEVES Richmond Hill WEDDING & BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY MONDAY & TUESDAY. MARCH 30, 31 NELSON EDDY, FLORENCE BATES, RISE STEVENS in HAVE YOU SEEN OUR WINDOWS? MANY OF THESE LINES WE ARE ADVISED WHEN DEPLETED ARE NO LONGER OBTAINABLE snows START AT 7.30 PH. AND 9.30 PM. szr. A New Home For Better Meals “ Whistling in the Dark †â€"â€" ALSO â€" FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW, JIMMY LYDON in “ Naval Academy †KERR BROTHERS JACKIE MORAN, MARCIA MAE JONES in “ Let’s Go Collegiate †\VEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 2 LLOYD NOLAN, CONSTANCE MOORE in “ Buy Me That Town †â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€" MAPLE VILLA FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 27, RED SKELTO‘N, ANN RUTHERFORD “ The Chocolate Soldier †$1 59 and $1198 MISS E. ORME 5 lbs. 550.; . . . . . . . 25c. and with free bar of PHONE MAPLE 89 Telephone 119 Wil’lowdale Phones 615 & 788 PAGE FIVE 2 lbs. 2 for 20c. 19c. 25c. 24c. 21c. 17c. 39c. 75c. 35c-