IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE 0f REGISTERED JERSEYS 8; GRADE CATTLE Horses. Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture CW, 6 ‘ Cow, 7 Cow, 7 y Cow, 6 Cow, 4 3 Cow, 8 y Cow, 5 Cow, 4 3 Cow, 4 j Cow, 6 y Heifers, GRAIN AND HAY 400 Bus. Alaska Oats 1'00 Bus. Fall Wheat 6 Tons Mixed Hay 1 Brindle Cow, freshened Feb. 20 1 Jersey Cow, milking, bred Feb. 10 1 ’Holstein Cow, full flow 1 Holstein Cow, full flow 1 Holstein Cow, milking, bred Dec. 17 1 Holstein Heifer, 2 years old, bred Dec. 17th FLOYD I’ERKIN S, Clerk. HORSES 1 Bay Clyde Gelding, 5 years 1 Bay Clyde Mare 1 Bay Belgian, 2 years old, fl] About 100 bus. Vicwry Oats‘ About 100 bus. Mixed Gram 4 Good Store Hogs 60 or 60 Leghorn and New Hamp- shire Hers, yearling, laying 3 Pekin Ducks, laying 1 Pekin Drake 2 Full Sets Breeching Harness VTERMSkâ€"CASH 1 M.-I-I. Binder, 7 ft. cut 1 Frost & Wood Mower, 5 ft. cut 1 M.-H. 2â€"fur1'0w Disc Plow comâ€" plete with a 3-horse hitch, prac- Heifer, 2 years I. R.‘ SMITH, Clerk. No. 124961 Heifers, 1 year old Calf, 3 months old Bull, 14 months old, No. 103686 GRADE COWS Com, 6 years old, bred Feb. 23 Cow, 7 years~ old, bred Oct. 21 Cow, 7 years old, bred Jan. 6 Cow, 6 years old, bred Jan. 10 Cow, 4 years old, rresh Cow, 8 years old, bred Oct. 9 Corw, 5 years old, fresh Cow, 4 years old, bred July 10 Cow, 4 years old, bred March 5 Cow, 6 years old, due In April Heifers, rising 2 years old, bred in February plete with a 3-horse hitch, prac- tically new M.-H. Spring Tooth Cultivator M.-H. 13 Hoe Drill Deering Rake, 10 ft. Steel Land Roller, 3 drums M.-H. Manure Spreader Good: Farm Truck Wagons Good 16 ft. Flat Rack Hay Rack, 16 ft. Set Shafts Set Sloop Sleighs Gravel Box for Wagon Chatham Fanning Mill Drill Plow complete with digging attachment :ciw',’ 9 y'Es’ond, _f;'es_h, Na _714_2} TERMS:â€"CASH. Sale at 1 pm. D.S.T. No Reserve as Farm is sold. CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE 0f FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Etc. fed Jackson & Clark Prentice, Auctioneers Lot 2, Concession 1, Markham Township, 1/; Mile South of Thornhill on Yonge St. SATURDAY, MARCH 28th JOHN HAINING 2 Miles North of Lansing Cutâ€"off from Lot 23, C011. 4, North York Township Muirhead’s Cornérs 65 Yonge Street PAGE SIX Furnace Repairs and Eave Troughing GENERAL TIN SMITH WORK FINDLAY FURNACE DEALER HOGS AND POULTRY IMPLEMENTS, ETC. TINSMITH OSCAR EDWARDS HARNESS CATTLE SCASH a ' NO RESERVE Sale Starts at 12 noon D.S.T. GRAIN THURSDAY, APRIL 2ND PAUL DUBOIS old, br’ed Feb. 20, old, filly The Property of The Property of Phone Richmond Hill 147W attachment, DeLaval 1 Root Pulper 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Sap Kettle 1 Stone Boat Several Pieoesr Rubber Belting Millfken P.C‘., phone Agincourt 52W3 3 Sets Team Harness 1 Set Breeching 1 Set Single Harness POULTRYâ€"200 Rock Pullets 6 Chairs and Table 2 Iron Beds 2 1 Dresser 3 1 Table 1 K' with wheels 2 Scufflers» 1 Turnip Drill‘ 1 Alsike Table for Mower, 5 ft 1 Cyclone Seed'er 1 International 11/2 H.P. Gas Eng‘ 140 Foot Good Draw Rope Number Horse F-ork Pylleys 2 Hay Forks 1 Full Set Slings 6 or 7 Hardwood Rack Silks, 16 it. Quantity 2†Plank and 1†Lumber Number 10ԠX 10†Pine Timlbers 2 Large Elm Logs 1 Length of Car Rod“, 80 ft. 1 Brooder House 6’ x 6’ 1 Oil Burn-er Brpoder Stove, 4010' ~ chick cap. 'r 1 Set of Sheep Shearer's 1 Cockshutt Puliper 1 Stone Boat 1 Fence Stretcher 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Pump Jack Quantity 1†Pipe and Couplings Large number of other articles such as forks, shovels, hoes, bars, pails, ladder, piles of scrap iron, ebc., too numerous to mention 1 Acme Kitchen Range, good 1 Kitchen Table 2 Washstandus 1 Iron Bedl and Springs 1 Mantle Bed‘ and Springs Number of Odvd Chairs 1 Extension Dining Table 6 Leather Upholstered Chairs to match 1 Sideboard to match Kitchen Tables and Chairs 3 Good Steel Bed Springs and! Mat- tresses 1 Dresser with Mirror 2 Washstands Also a number of other household effects too numerous to mention Range CLYDESDALE HORSES Brown Mare, 9 years old Bay Mare. 8 years old Brown Gelding, 7 years old Bay Mare, 6 years old Bay Filly, 2 years old carriage Seed Drill, 15 Discs, M.â€"H. Mower, 6 ft. cut, Frost & Wood Hay Loader, I.H.‘C. Side Rake, I.H.C., new Hay Rake 1 Disc Harrow Section Diamond Harrows, heavy Single Plows, No. 7, M.-H. 'I‘wo Furrow Gang Plow, M.â€"H. Sulky Plow, single furrow, Cock- shutt Hay Racks 1 Stock Rack Turnip Rack 2 Wagons Cultivator, I.H.‘C., new Manure Spreader, Frost & Wood Oorn Souffler Gas Engine, 6 H.P., DeLaval Grain Grinder, -8", Joliette Straw Cutter, 12†mouth, M.-H. Set Scales, 2:000 Lbs. Fanning Mill, bagger and power IMPLEMENTS I.H.C. Binder, 7 ft., with fore attacï¬ment Creamy Separat‘orl 669 1b., power Bag Hold-er 1 Bag Truck Melotte Cream Separator M.-H. Cream Separator, 500 lbs Snow Plow Drag- Set Drag Harrows‘, 4 sections Fleury No. 21 Walking Plowsv Milliken, Phone Agincourt 52W FURNITURE FURNITURE HARNESS 3 Washstands Kitchen Cupboard Cast Iron Stove 2 Wooden Beds En gine Details may be obtained by writing Poultry Department, 0. A. 0., Guelph, for circular N0. 54 “Pas- tures for Poultryâ€. Poultry Pasture Helps Cut Costs 0f Feeding “Some materials commonly used in poultry rations are now un'olbtain- alble. There is also a question as to whether the supply of our com.- mon grains will last until the 1942 crop is available, without some sup- plementary feeds,†says Prof. F. N. Marcellus, heml of the Poultry Dept. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. “Pastures wil! be most ‘vital this year in‘ helping out any feed short- age. The problem is' just as impor- tant with poultry as other classes of live stock." “Plan now a regular and] definite programme of pasture productiOn for your flock of chickens. If seine Fall Rye or permanent grass is available this will be fine for a start. Just as soon as seedling time arrives, sow early oats. These should be sown heavyâ€"four 'bushels per acre. Re- peated sowings should follow every two to three weeks until the end» of May, in order to maintain a con~ tinu-ous supply of tender succulent green pasture,†adivisesv Prof. Mar- cellus. “If you haven’t a copy, send to the Poul‘try Department, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, for the circular No. ‘54 “Pastures for Poul- try†which gives this pasture pro- gramme in detail.†' “Remember, good pastures will not omly effect a very material saving in feed cost, but Will‘ enable you to grow very much better birds than is possible on a range that is prac- tically bare or dried up most of the season.†“It is also a well established fact that bird-s on a clean range with plenty of succulent short forage of the right kin-d will show less evi- dence of diseases and parasitic in- festations than where range» and pasture conditions arepoor." Teacher: “Yes wants to play go JUST SUPPOSIN’ Wealthy father (‘d‘iscussing' son's edwation): “Don’t bother to teach him to count over 100 â€" after all he can get an accountant to do all the necessary figurimg.†TOO SOON TO SAY! “Hello,†m‘ied‘ young Mr. Newly- wed, entering the kitchen. “Making some bread eh? Or maybe it's a. cake?†“Oh, dear, I don’t know,†replied the bride with a despairing frown. “I haven’t finished y‘e’t.†“There was a crowd? at the town hall last night,†said' the oldest in- habitant to his wife. “Something- special on?†asked his better half. W3 S HV-‘HHHHHHHHHHHH M.-H. Binder, good I Mower, Frost & Wo‘ Hay Rake Heavy Farm Wagon H‘ay Rack Gravel Box Plow, Fleul‘y No. 1?. Gang Plow Scuffler Cultivator Set Harrows, 3 secti Set Harrows, 2 seem Wheelbarrow Hay Fork 1 Set Breechinrg Harness 1 Set Plow Harness D. GOULDING, Clerk. “Oh. yes! CATTLE Holstein Cow, cal! by side Red' and White Cow, due in June Holstein Cow, due time of sale White Cow, due April 5th TERMS:â€"~CASH. Black Mare, aged Black Mare, aged Bay Gelding, 5 years old‘ Fat Pigs Hens and 1 Rooster E. GAMBLE Lots 55 and 56, Con. 1, Markham Township on Yonge St. MONDAY, MARCH 30TH HOGS AND PUULTRY THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO :: “Yes, but suppose he play golf?â€â€"Sud|bury Star. es! It was burned down replyâ€"Globe and Mail. GOOD REASON IMPLEMENTS AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FURNITURE, Etc. HARNESS HORSES 3 sections 2 sections good repair & Womfl JASH. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer, The Property of Hay And Pasture Cheapest Source Of Animal Feed “Hay and! pasture crops are our cheapest sources of animar feed. Maximum production must 'be at- tained in 1942 if Ontario farmers expect to provide sufficient feed: for their ever increasing flocks and herds," states A. H. Martin, Assist- anrt Director, Agricultural Represent- atives Branch; Ontario Dep‘arbment of Agriculture, Toronto. A. H. Martin cites phenominal hay yield on» heavily fertilizetf plot on farm of Dr. L. H. Newman. “The results of an experiment started in 1939 by W. B. George, Soils Specialist, Kemptville Algricull- tural School, on the farm of Dr. L. H. Newman at Merrickville, gives an excellent illustration of what can: be done by estalblishinig' reasonable fier- tility levels in the soil,â€er. Martin continued. “A 12 acre field! of sandy loam soil was divided into 4 plots of 3 acres each. The rotation was 1939 â€"â€"com; 1940, oats; 1941, hvay. In plot 1 an attempt was made to build up the fertility in the soil to normal levels and heavy applications of chemical fertilizer were applied a- mounting to 1,000 pounds per acre each of the three years, as Well as 12 tons of manure the first year.†“Plot 2 received 250 pounds of 2~12~10 fertilizer per acre each year in addition to 12 tons of manure the first year.†“Plot 2 yielded, 15 tons com, 38 bus‘wal‘s oats and‘ 4 tons hay. The check plot yielded 14.6 tons com, 32 bus."oa’cs and’ 1.8 tons‘ hay." “Plot 1 in three years yielded per acre. 18 tons com, 48 bushels oats and1 7.8 tonsI dry hay.†“It is true that Plot 1 was very heavily fertilized but the phenomenal increase in yield of bay of 6 tons per acre over the check, illustrates what can be done by the addition of ample plant fowi materials to the soil. Plot 2, with nbl’mal applica- tions of fertility yielded 2.2 tons dry hay per acre more than! the check. This was accomplished during a very dry season.†“The 1941 fertilizer application was applied as‘ a top d’tessing to the new seeding in the early Spring.†Pamphlets on So‘l‘ Management, Hay and Pasture Mixtures, Emerg- ency Hay and Pas¢ure Crops may be secured from the office of any Agâ€" ricul’tural Representative. A NEW VERSION “My yolunng nephew Roland’s father has bought a cow, and when I saw Roland a couple of days ago I saidr: ‘Does' your cow giVe‘ much milk?’ †“‘She doesn’t give it,’ he told‘ me. ‘You've got to sort of take it away from her'."’â€"Noth"ng‘ Serious.. "N0 VULGAR HASTE Mr. Henpcok: “Doctor, my wife’s d'flsflocateld her jaw. Fr you're pass- ing out our way sometian next week or the week after, you might drop in and‘ see h-er."â€"â€"Powas‘san Netws. 80‘0 Bpsl 4%; Ton Quantiï¬y Gormley P.O., Phone Stouffville 7399 condition 1 Cook Stove 1 Quebec Heater 1 McClary Heater, self-feeder Quantity of Dishes Quantity Elm Plank, 2 in. 21/2†A's'h Plank, 12 ft. long; 10 in Wide Quantity Basswood! Lumlber 95 Feet Round Track, 7/8 in. iron 1 ChickenI Crate 130 Feet Draw Rope Numlber S‘beel‘ Barreb Forks, Hoes, Shovels, Doubletrees and' other articles too numerous to mentiOn Oak Divanette , Iron Couch Hand Washing Machine Set Bed Springs Kitchen Cupboards Kitchen Chairs Cook Stove, Master Climax, g-oou Dining Oak Dining: Bps. Mixed Grain Tons Baled Hay HAY AND GRAIN MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE Room Buffet, Old English Room Table, Old English 40058 Each tanker that has to be taken off the rum to Canada will cost Carn- ad’ian motorists about 26 million gallons of gasoline. In terms of the average mileage of the Canadian motorist, as indicated} last year in a sample survey by the Oil Con- troller, most Canadian. passenger car drivers used; mp over 500 gallons of gasoline in a. year (an important section burned more than three tilmes that amount). That means that every time a tanker goes down. or has to be switched from ï¬he Canadian rum, something like 52,000 passenger cars have ‘to be taken ofrf the road. And) that figure is on the short side beâ€" cause we are getting less gasoline fcr ordinary dlrivers out of each ’lot of crude. For Canada as a whole, the loss of a. tanker puts roughly 5% of the total passenger car registration out of action. We have slightly more than 1.2 million passenger cars. To save eight ttankers- we thus have to cut our driving around 40%.â€"â€"Fin- ancial Post. When Tanker Capacity Is Cut 1 Set Rope Harness Quantity of Other Harness 1940 Model Ford V-8 Coach DeLuxe, in new car condition About About About About About HAY AND GRAIN About 500 Bus. Mixed Grain About 175 Bus. Cartier Oats About 175 Pus. Erban Oats- About 175 Bus. O.A.C. No. 21 Barley About 20 tons of Clover and Alfalfa Hay, well cured Quantity of Corn Ensilage Quantity of Cut Straw McCormick Deering 1-0-20 Tractor, 2 years old McCormick Deering Tractor Plow, new McCormick Deering Double Disc, néw 1 Cockshutt Grain Grinder, 10 in., near new 1 Drive Belt, 6â€, about 100 ft. long near new McCormick Deering Seed Drill, 13 disc, near new McCormick Deering Manure Spread- er, near new McCormick Deering Cultivator, 13 tooth, good as new Cockshutt Hay Rake, new 1 McCormick Deerng Walking Plow, good 1 McCormick Deering Wheel Plow, new 1 Set Heavy Harrows_ 3 sections, POULTRY & EQUIPMENT 70 Black Minorca Hens 1 Fawn Goose and Gander 2 White Ducks and Drake 1 Electric Chick Brooder Number of Feeders and Troughs McC McC new 1 Set Heavy Sleighs 1 Set Lio'ht Sleighs 1 Turnpf’ke Scraper 1 Road Cart 1 Stone Boat 1 Road Drag 1 Milk Cart 2 Wheelbarrows 1 Tractor Hitch 1 Extension Ladder, 32 ft. 1 Milk Sleigh 1 Pulper 1 Turnip Drill 1 Cutting Box 1 Gas Tank 1 Logging Chain Number of Gas Barrels Several Other Barrels 2 Crosscut Saws 2 Buck Saws 1 Axe 2 Scythes Number of Carpenter Tools Forks, Shovels, Hoes and other art- icles too numerous to mention The farm consists of 100 acres, more or less, situated at lot 2, con. 6, Vaughan Township. It is a clay loam under good cultivation, 24 acres seeded to Red Clover and Alfalfa, 6 acres Wheat, 20 acres Hardwood Bush. There is a 9-room brick house with bath and running water; also a 4~room cottage, new 2 years ago. A frame barn about 40 x 70. Also frame stable with steel stanchions and box stalls. Good horse stable. Will be sold subject to reserve bid. TERMSâ€"10% on day of sale. Terms on balance to be made known on day of sale FURNITURE SOLD AT 1 P.M. TERMS:â€"Chattels Cash Sale at 12.30 sharp Black Mare, 5 years old, H.D. Brown Mare, 10 years old, H.D. Grey Percheron Horse, 9 yrs. old Roan Mare, 10 years old, H.D. _ Black Mare, 7 years old, GfP. HARNESS ' new Set Low Trucks, steel wheels, good as new Set Low Trucks, wooden wheels, good near new Set Light Harrows McCormlck Deermg Héy Racks, 16 ft., good > Land Roller, 3 section, gOOd as AUCTION SALE of 100 Acre FARM, HORSES, IMPLEMENTS, FURNITURE, HAX, GRAIN AND 1940 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDOR TRACTQR & EQUIPMENT ormick Deerin near new ‘ormick Deerin near new Lot 2, Concession 6, Vaughan Township, 1 Mile South of No, 7 Highway SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, 1942 J. C. SAIGEON & KEN LOVE, Auctioneers IMPLEMrJNTS FORD CAR Phone Maple 11 THE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF THE HORSES LATE R. W. H. BROUGH DESCRIPTION OF FARM Mower 3 section Scuffler, THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1942. ft. cut ft. cut 1198.]? BOX 467 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE 319 AURORA chine 1 Universal Milk Cooler Farmers wishing to secure good im- plements should attend this sale. The implements and machinery are all nearly new and in excellent shape. 1 Mc_Cormick Deming-"Milking M391- White Wash Sprayer 1 Coâ€"Op Electric Fence Quantity of Binder Twine 1 Set Scales, 20100 lbs. capacity Number of Sling Ropes 1 New Diraw Rope, 3/4 inch, about 200 ft. Number of Pulleys Quantity of Brace Wire 1 Milk Scale 2 Lanterns -1 Milk Pail and Strainer 1 Brandon Cook Stove Number of Milk Pans 1 Bread Mixer 1 Glass Churn 1 Copper Boiler 3 Cane Rockers 1 Bedroom Suite, complete 3 Lawn Chairs 1 Garden Seeder 3 Wicker Arm Chairs Number of Stair Pads, new Number of 5-Gallon Cans Number of l-Gallon Cans Number of Sheets of Tin 50 Ft. Garden Hose on Reel 2 Iron Pumps 1 Kitchen Table 1 Library Table ‘1 End Table Kitchen Cupboard Mahogany Writing Desk Cogswell Easy Chair Large Sofa, antique Oak Chairs, antique, suitable for UHâ€"uâ€"uâ€"nâ€"t needle point 3 Small Stools 1 Bug, 9 x 9 1 Brass Coal Scuttle Brass Fire Arms and Fender 1 Large Bookcase, Oak 1 Antique Rug, 9 x 4 1. Battery Lantern 1 Encyclopedia Set Large number of other books 1 Metal Reading Lamp_ 2 bulbs 1 Dining Room Extension Table’ 1 Table Leaf Cugboard‘ Number of Blinds Number of Trunks Number of Veranda thairs 1 Large Sideboara. Walnut, antique 1 Side Table 1 Blue Rug, 9 x 12 2 Large Meat Platters, antique Large Number of Antique & Other Dishes 1 Westinghouse Refrigerator, new 1 Beatty Electric Washer, near new 1 4â€"Burner Electric Stove, oven» and warming closet, new Number of Coal Oil Lamps 1 Pair Pruning: Shears ‘3 Cricket Bats One .22 Rifle 1 Golf Bag and Irons 2 Hall Rugs Number of Canes 1 Arm Chair 1 Umbrella Stand ‘1 Oak Hall Bench, Mattress and Cushions _ 1 Oak Chiffonier, antique 1 Mahogany Bureau, antique 1 Iron Bed_ Springs and Mattress 1 Bed-side Table 1 Smoke Stand - 1 Canadian Maple Bedroom Suite. J. C. BODFISH new 1 Large Walnut Shoe Cupboard, antique 2 Large Wicker Arm Chairs Number of Pipe Racks Phone Woodbridge 141‘12 Farm Implements and Repairs Massey-Harris Rite-Way Milkersn Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers and Household Appliances C.I.L. Fertilizer Corn King Mineral "Gem" Milk Coolers and Electric Fencers Viking Grain Cleaners and Graders Harold W. Mortson 11 Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 FARM AUCTIONED AT 2 P.M. Massey-Harris MILKING MACHINE MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE AURORA P.0.