Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1942, p. 7

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SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R ONE THENG‘WE WOULD LlKETO MENTION ~~YOU WlLL GET QUITE PROMPT wmATTENTI ON A WOWMMOM COMPANY HALL’S SEEM/@E STAT/ @N Blfimfi Jones Coal Co. Richmond Hill Keep your mind off of mot- or troubles when driving. Be able to think of the joy of real motOring by using Hall’s Service Station gas and oil regularly. Let us inspect your car regularly. It will save you many repair bills. OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME Boom inHome Gardening Anticipahd This Year “Be Ready With Reddy Power” THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1942. Che low ash red-marked hard coal Let us send you RICHMOND HILL mall]? 1L2 @715“? Phone 188 To have a beautiful lawn you must feed that lawn â€" furnish it with all the elements growing grass neEdJs. Many people fail to realize the a- mount of plant food) removed from ithe soil each year ‘by growing grass. iThey do not realize the necessity ocf replacing that plant food. They wonder why their lawn becomes thin, scrauggly and weedy â€" and why re- seeding alone does not solve the problem. The most desirame method 01' feeding is to apply a complete, balâ€" anceti plant food â€" ordorless, econâ€" omical anch easy to appty. Plant food to be of greatest bene- fit to grass, shoula we applied to the established lavm very early in‘ the spring. The most favorablei Spring is a crucial period for the lawn. We realize more each day that Richmond Hill is Torontto’s healthi- est suburlb. We are unable to find housing accommodation for the peoâ€" ple who would! like to take up resi- dence here. Why not aim to make our little village Toronrto"si most beautiful sulburlb? Staan now â€" this spring â€" let’s keep that aim foremost in our minds â€" Make Rich- mond] Hill more beautiful. The first step would: be to join: the Horticul- tural Society and add yOur know- ledlge and help to that group of lovers of nature’s beauty who each year try to make beautiful some un- sightly corner of the village. When you have done this think next of your own surroundings. Gardening, in short, is a mode of life ideally suited? to a nation of prosplerous‘ home owners, with ample leisure. It-s devotees employ their leisure hours in a manner which imh 'proves themxselives and their com~ munities, increases the value of their holdings and which in time, as le-i- s'ure innreaSles, will transform the ugliness of our industrial scene into an ordered beauty unsurpassed‘ any- }vhere in the world]. The place may be a palace,â€"â€"with a flat ,on‘ evtery floor, But it will be a Parkingâ€"space, just that and nothing more, Despite its mxail‘ale corridors and gleaming copper dome; For You’ve Got to Have a Gardlen ' If you Want to Have a. Home. â€"Charles‘ Henry Mackintosh. This spring and summer we Canal- d‘ans are going to have some leisune time on our hands due to the ra- ‘tioning of gas which will mean going I without the pleasure trips to the country and b’eaches. How can we spend this le’sure time? What 'bet- ter way could we answer that ques- tion than by finding aesthetic, in- telllectual and‘ physical satisfaction in recreational gardening. Gardening is no mere recreation; it partakes of philosophy. it ranks as a fine art; it provides material for whatever sort of intellectual ex- ercise one ma}.r be inclined to take, as Well as physical exertion of the most wholesome sort. Home and gardlen are in partner- ship, for the garden, is part of the very fabric of the home. It pro- vides for the children a background of beauty, a playground safeguarded and healthful, and its products are growth-giving foods of supreme im- portance. ‘ Among the dangers of the street, with trudks and honking horns, - Their chil'd‘ren play, instead of having- -broadI and grassy lawns Where trees and shrubs and flow- ering plvanlts leap from the living loam. â€"A house without a Garden is a House but not a Home. YOU’VE GOT TO HAVE A GARDEN IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A HOME I sympathize with city folks who live in little flats; They haven’t. Homes, but merely spots to hang thleif coats'and hats, To sleep, perhaps to eat, to get their letters and their bills; But all the Gardenâ€"space they have is on their winle sills. Plan a Garden Now and Help Make Community More] Beautiful When the Gas Tank is Empty Turn to Your Garden for Healthful and Satisfying Recreation Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynett ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS ‘ For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 9.03 a.m. x 11.28 a.m. 3.03 pm. x 7.25 pm. a 9.48 pm. xâ€"through to North Bay a â€" to Orillia Fri., Sat, Sun. and H01. Eastern Daylight Saving Time Tickets and Information at G. I. HISLOP, Telephone 177 Christmas plants, such as- poinfi ccttias, will be exhausted now, so ‘r‘wav may be put away for a, rest.- Below :1 greenhouse ’belnch on their side is an ideal position. Cyclamen and Christmas be‘gomias may keep growing- for a long time but we. 5 March is the month to do a little lindoor gardening. The geraniums which have bloomed for: your plea- sure all winter, fuchsias, coleus, begonias &c., should he slipped for readiness for those Window boxes you are planning. With a shanp knife or razor blade, cut off branches, remove all but the ‘top leaves and! slice off the lower end close below a joimt. Place firmly in clean sand and kle-ep well wat- ered. The oldI plants may be shaken out, removing the old) soil, and reâ€"‘. potted. This will set them back for awhile but they will1 soon recover and! bloom just as: profusely. If left in the old! pots they are liafblre tq get hard‘ and stunted! and grow or, bloom very little. This column wit! welcome items of interest to gardeners. You may be aible to help some we solve a garden problem by your experience. Early feeding will develop sturdry roots that are resisrtant to summer heat and drought, and that will sup- port a green velweby carpet of grass the whole seaSOn through. A lawn {hat is‘ fed‘ early and given an adfvam'ageou-s; start when all fac- tors are favoralble for the growth of grass; wif'l be able to crowd out wclcds and prevent germination of any weed‘ seed: that may have blown or washed on the lawn. Weeds start active growth late-r than grass, and il‘.‘ the lawn has a hvead‘stal‘t, there will be no bare spots to encourage weed growth. On lar‘ge areas, the job of appli- cation may be. simplified by the use of a plan-t‘ food srpre-amer. ThJe nourishment is available to the roots, just as soon as root ac- tion begins, and! when all conditions are favorable for growth â€" plenty of moisture from spring rains, cool weather, just the conditions that grass likes. Remember that root ac- tivity starts long fbetfone any sign of growth is visible above ground. If water bills are a factor in your garden: budget, by all means take advantage of early feeding, for plant food need not be watered in if ap- plied‘ before mp \gr'o-wmn begins. The early spring rains will take cane of this watering-in process for you. The ground is stiflfl‘ honeycombed from the effects oi freezing and thawing and] the plant food relad'ilry finds its way to the grassI roots. time to apply ii is just as soon as spring thawing lbeginvs 'bmecau-seâ€" BUSES LEAVE Richmond Hill to Orillia THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 7. Less sugar is requiredv to sweet/- en stewed fruit if adrdied just before cooking is completed. 6. Save fat by frying- the bacon rinds‘ separately. Use the fried! rinds for flavouring soups. 5. Peeling potatoes is a peace- time luxury and destroys valuable roughage. 4. The outer leaves of cabbage, if too tough to be served' as: a vege- table, make nourishing soups. It is estimated that approximately 15 per cent of food is wasted in- the normal' process of preparing and cooking. Much of this is unavoidlâ€" abI-e even in' war-time; however, if only one-quarter of this wastage is eliminated) by thoughtful planning and care, the saving would, amount to 3% per cent. Here are seven 1. Use measures and! the clock. Accuracy in cooking prevents waste and produces better results. 2. Food value is lost through: over- cooking. 3. Sodia added to vegetables dieâ€" stroys valuable properties. don"t usually recommend keeping them over, though it can 'be done under proper conditions. examples Star't planning your outside flow- er and vegetable gardens and get your seeds ordered! right away. Care re in the Kitchen Cooks Hitler’s Goose These Combination Offers are the Biggest Bargains of the year and are fully guaran- teed. If you already subscribe to any of the magazines listed, your subscription will be extended. Send us the Coupon TODAY. Monthly). 1 yr. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ] True Story, 1 yr . . . . i . . . . ..... 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Silver Screen. 1 yr. Christian Herald. 6 mos. Fact Digwt. 1 yr. Flower Grower, 1 yr. Family Herald & Weekly Star. 2 yrs‘ Science & Discovery. 1 yr. American Girl. 1 yr. Parents' Magazine, 6 mos. Open Road for Boys. 1 yr. Screenland. 1 yr. J Maclean’s (24 issues). 1 yr. l 1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. ] Chatelaine. 1 yr. ] National Home Monthly. 1 yr. ] Famlly Herald & Weekly Star, 1 yr. [ ] Canadian Horticulture & Home, 1 yr[ l [ This Newspaper 1 year, and Your Choice of ONE Magazine in Group “A” ‘ TWO Magazines in Group “B” GROUP “A” GROUP "B" Liberty (Weekly), 1 yr, [ ] Maciean‘s (24 issues). 1 yr. Magazine Digest 6 m0& [ ] Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. . LL 1 True S‘Ory' 1 yr‘ [ ] Chatelaine, 1 yr. A Silver Screen. 1 yr, . Nat n i H m Monthl . l . Christian Herald. 6 mos. I J 10 a 0 e y yr Fact Digest. 1 yr [ ] Family Herald & Weekly Star, 1 yr. Flower Grower. 1 yr. [ ] Screen Guide. 1 yr. ' Family Herald & Week QFiDn/‘n R. nhvn‘nnun I 13’ 5m- 2 “SI 1 Click (The National Picture This Newspaper 1 year, Subscriptions Taken At Th 3r 1 year, and Your Choice Any THREE of These Publications CHECK THREE MAGAZINESâ€"ENCLOSED WITH ORDER SUPER-VALUE QFFER . . . . . . n .o . 4.UU . 2.25 'r. ....... 8.50 ......... 2.00 ?. 300 ......... 3.50 . ........ 3.00 BIG - FAMELY OFFER Stelco Fence FARM and POULTRY 3.15 8.25 2.00 2.25 3.50 2.00 2.00 FENCING CONTRACTOR Phone 259.] 2 Elizabeth St. Narman Bone All styles of Wire and rail fence erected at reasonable rates. We handle a complete line of farm and poultry fence and steel posts, barb wire and gates. CEDAR POSTS â€" ALL SIZES Monthly). 1 yr. ] Rod & Gun in Canada. 1 yr. ] Canadian Poultry Review, 1 yr. ] Canadian Horticulture & Home. 1 yr [ ] American Magazine, 1 yr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 [ ] Screen]and.1 yr. 2.25 [ ] American Girl. 1 yr. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e... 225 [ ] Christian Herald, 1 yr. . . . . . . i . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 3.00 Monthly). 1 yr. ] American Fruit Grower. 1 yr. ] Screen Guide, 1 yr. ] Canadian Poultry Review, 1 1 ] Rod & Gun In Canada. 1 yr. ] American Girl. 8 mos. ] Click (The National Picture FENCE PM nun-sonoonlsooooo-Icon-uncoo-nu-gnaouo."no. Gentlemen: I enclose $ . . . . . . . . . . .. I'm checking below the offer desired with I year's lubscription to your paper. Please clip list of magazines after checking ones desired. Fill out coupon carefully and mail to you! local paper. 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