Wall Papers for Spring PAGE EIGHT Aurora plans: to join with Richmond H Citizens of Richvale and Carrville cnï¬si to cover their own co} TO Farmers :- (A. R. P.) RICHMOND HILL AREA ENLIST NOW 100 MEN (17 years and up) 100 WOMEN needed REGISTER WITH THE SECRETARY, J. E. SMITH, C-o THE LIBERAL OFFICE _ 0R __ MUNICIPAL CLERK, RICHMOND HILL First General Lecture Thurs., April 16th We haxe a good selection of Sunworthy papers in stock: Come in and 100k LECTURER â€"â€" MAJOR G. R. N. COLLINS Men required as Wardens-â€"POLICE, FIRE, WATCH- ERS, FIRST AID and general service. Women for FIRST AID, NURSING, TRANSPORTA- TION, Etc. A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOOSE WHEAT SUITABLE FOR SEED ALSO ERBAN, VICTORY AND VANGUARD OATS O.A‘L. N0. 21 AND VEL‘LET BARLEY FIELD SEEDS ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND SWEET CLOVER CERESAN FOR TREATING YOUR GRAIN ALSO BONUS ON YOUR FERTILIZERS' ORDER EARLY AT THE ELEVATOR Phone 18 PHONE 10, THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL HAVE YOU TRIED FLITE YET? I. D. Ramer & Son SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS For Interior and Exterior Civilian Defence A casien Waterpaint in many pleasing shades Turpentine â€" Linseed Oil Wallpaper Paste R. EDMUNDS. DUL'IULVU Chairman Bivilian Defence Committee. GOD SAVE THE KING! over the samples. . BRATHWAITE with Riéhmond Hill for_1eqpu§eg, etc. Jarrville are invited to own communitles. We Deliver Instructor John Perry, R.C.A.F.; Pte.‘ N. MacMurchy,, Brantford camp, were callers at G. H. Folliott’s on Sunday. Howard Folliio-tt, R.C.A.F., had a week-end leave at his home here. A party on Saturday evening- was tenydered' Alex Campbell, honouring his acceptance into the Air Force, held: at the home of 'Mrs. Stone Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stone assisted in receiving the friends. An. Air Force ring was presented to Alex, who left on Monday to take up service duties. Mrs. Rï¬th Campbell-Tankard, IMisses Tankardl of Cleveland guests of Mn‘s. Ella Campbell King. 1M}. Bruce Davis and Miss Lillian Davis’ of Stouffville spent the week- end‘ at King. IMI‘S. F.‘ lVIarshall and: Mrs. D. thMurchy are reported progress- ing satisfactorily at, Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton. We are pleased to learn of this. Mr. and Mrs. George Phil-lips 0f Temrperancevillve were rendered a surprise party on March 19th, the occasion of their 40th- wedding anni- versary, 50 guests being present. A ruby wool lblan-ket, u. tilt-top table, a bridlge lamp and: several other gifts were presented" to the cOuple from family anti community friends. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were married at Aurora by the late Rev. Walter Almos. They settled‘ on their pre- sent farm and! have :ound farm lirfe much to their liking and have made a swocess. They have two children, Mrs. Clayton 393mm and' Everette Phillips, and four grandchildren. Mr. and‘ Mrs. Walter Bovair of Temperanlceville celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary last week. Both enjoy good health. The annual meeting of North York Dits‘trict Women’s Institute branches will be held! at Newmarket on May 22nd in the Bugle Banti Hall. A resolution was passed at the Dis- trict executive meeting to adopt the box lunch system! for the annual meeting. The district annual was previously scheduled for Pefferlaw, lbut gasoline rationing has altered the plans to a central point. It is hopedl that as goodl a representation as possible will be present to dis- cuss important questions that con- front each bcranch these war-time d-ay-s Rev. Harry Wilson announces a the-me, “The Cross of Christâ€, suit- able to the Passion week, to be used as subject of services at King, Pot- tageville and Kettleby Baptist churches on Sunday, March 29'th. On Sunday, March 29th, Rev. F. V. Albbott of Slchlomrperg! will ex- change pulpit-s with Rev. E. W. ‘G. Worrall at King. Services locally are: All Saints» King, 11 a.m.; St. John’s, Oak Ridges, 3 p.m.., and’ St. Stephen’s, Maple, 7.30 pH“. Onx Good Friday, April 3rd, ser- vices will be held at Oak Ridges, 10230 aJm.; Mapl‘e, 2 p.xm.; King, 7.30 p.m.. Speaking on the “Migsionary Asr- pect†Ibefore Eveil‘siey W.M.S. last week, Mrs. C. Cohen stressed the long range policy of Missions to- ward‘ Peaice. ; King United‘ W.M.S. will entertain Presbyterian, Baptist and Anglican groups at their annual Easter meet- ing, April 9th, at the church. A monster Red: Cross quilting will be held at Sch‘omflaerg Wednesday, April lst. Several quilts will be put up. One group is turning in 3 tops, so a big all day program is slated. And how they do quillt a1: Sehomberg! King W.I. annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14th at the home of Mrs. Mervin Wilson; eleve- tion of officers. S'chorntberg Agricultural Society will sponsor a reuchre and‘ 9 dlramvs on April 8th. Another all-out effort for Township Redl Cross. - Mr. and Mrs. H-enshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BalIdein, Miss-es Mae Harman and= Millie Umehara of Tem'peranuceville attended the con- vention of the Federation of Agri- culture heLds in Toronto last week. A lovely miscellaneous shower was given for Mrs. Jack Stone, the re- cent bride, in the United Church basement on March 19th. Misses M. Stone, L. Crosrsley and L. Mustard did the honours. The table was tastefully decorated and! the bride received many fine gifts. We are glad to report recovery of Jack Stone from an acute illness. He Will resume work at Scanlon’s‘ Bakery, Aurora. 'I‘wo Red' Cross quiI‘tS‘ were done this week at the home of Mrs. Win! ter. Em‘list in the Red‘ Cross Army Join! your local branch today. Mr-s‘ eleven we ek. month King City LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTAqu Bice ami committee- packed overseas s‘oldie‘rs’ boxes this igarettes will be sent next George Phil-lips 01' the are The Empire Day of Prayer will be Observed in Trinity Church next ‘Sunday morning at 11 o‘clock. Maynardâ€"Perry The marriage of Miss Jean Estelle ‘Perry, daughter of Mr. andJ Mrs. ‘W. M. Perry, Schlomlberg, to Mr. A. (William Maynard, son» of Mr. and ’Mrs. Alfred A. Maynard), Woofl- ‘Ibridge, took place in Trinity Church, l'Thornhdll, on Saturday. G1iven in marriage (by her father, the bride wore an afternoon dress 'of romance blue crepe with white accessories, with corsage of pink roses. Her sister, Mrs. M. Mitchell, gownled in printed blue crepe, navy and whiite accessories and! corsag-e of red) roses, was matron of honor. ‘The groom-simian was Mr. Noman 'Maynard', brother of the bridegroom, antl the usher was' Pilot Officer John ’Perry, brother of the bride. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. H. Colrcloughw an 011% friend of the bride’s family. Mr. and' Mrs. May- nard will resille in Woodbridge. We express our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. Blackburn on the gift of a daughter. g On Monday last 21 members of the Th-ornhill Y.P.U. _ attended the annual Rally for Toronto Centre Presbytery held! at NeWtonlbrook'. Al- though the group didn’t win the shield, given for the largest attend}- ance of Young People from one co:mlmunity, they weren‘t far behind. The shield was presented to Hicks Smith, the president of Newtonfbroo‘k Y.P.C. However, better luck next year Thornhivll. We extend our wishes» for a speedy recovery to Miss Mu‘n'el Dean who recertly underwent a serious opera- tion. of their children and be entertained by a short program. The pupils have worked very hard to make this night a success, and‘ look for the interest and swprport or parents and ï¬riends. On Thursc‘flay evening the parents of the Public School‘ pupils are. in- vited to the sch-00L to view the work On Tuesday last Gordon‘ Weed-en, who is now on his 1215?, leave, visited many of his friends before leaving for his own hometown: On Monday evening many friends of Mr. and‘ Mrs. Roy Wright gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.l T. Findlay to give these two young people a delayed shower. Aifter games the young couple were pre~ .senited! with a lovely briduge lamlp. Other gifts were then bestowed upon the already Speech‘mss cou’ple. At the close of the evening refresh- ments were served. Last, but not least, we wish to remind our readers of the Easter services in all of the churches. Each church has special services both lmvorninlg and night. Do not do your- self an injustice by not attending. Watch for further particulars and plan to attend‘ church Easter Sunl- dlay. The Woman’s; Missionary Auxiliary otf Thomhill United‘ Church will hokl their Easter thank-offering meeting in the church school room April 7 at 3 p.m. The guest speaker will '09 Mrs. Gordon Azg'newv who has just returned from China. A large number of members and friends attended the social evening Thursday, March 19th at Leetchcroft Farms, where Mr. Gordon Lee'tch SO kindly opened his spacious home for the benefit of the Langstacff Willing Workers. ° Mr. Lanthier introduced the guest speaker of the evening“, Mr. Rex Frost, who gave a splendidl talk. illustrated by moving pictures, of his trip across Canada; also recent war pictures in‘ the Pacific. They were enjoyed present. After pictures a lunch was served by the hospitable memlbeps of Leech- croft and the evening extended far into the night with «games and‘ var- ious forms; of entertainment. A draw for a hand-made rug made by Leechcrofb memibers, was won by Mr. Alex Wilson, No. 7 Highway. The winning ticket was sold by Mrs. H. Hamilton. The Willing Workers Fund bene- fitted by $40.75. HOBBY SHOW The annual Hobby Show sponsored by Richmond Hill Lions Club will be held in Richmond Hill Public School Saturday, March 28th. LaGrove Beauty Parlor OPEN EVENINGS All Types of Permanent Waves Thornhill Phone Thornhill 102 LANGSTAFF and appreciated 'by everyone RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, March 29 10.30 a.m.â€"â€"Sundray School. 7 p.m.â€"Divine Worship. The Mini- ister will preach. (Please note the change in time). RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister Passion Week Services Palm Sunday, March 29th 10 ampâ€"Sunday School. 11 a;m.-â€"Morning Worship. 7 p.m,â€"Evening Worship. Monday evening, 8 p.m. â€" Colored Slides, “Jesus on the Way to the Cross.†Wednesday evening is p.m.â€"â€"-Combined’ service in the Anglican Church. Rev. C. B. Brethven will preach. Goodl Friday Service 11 a.m.â€"Ser- ivce in the Unitew Church con- ducted by Rev. Harold: Wellwood‘. All are welcome. Sunday. March 29 Palm Sunday His Majesty the King has designat- ed this day to be observed as a Day of Prayer. 11 a.rm.â€"B'UN’DlLE.S FO'R BR‘ITAIN SERVICE. Choir Boys will re- ceive gifts at door. Will be blessâ€" ed by the Rector. 2.30 p.m.-â€"Sun.d-ay School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and‘ Sermon. All our peorple are unged to observe this day as a d‘ay of prayer as: requested by King George. T'hose unable to attend are asked} to send ‘ their Bundles for Britain to the 1 church. The need 15- great, there is joy and blessing in givimg. W‘EiD., APRIL 1â€"«Last of United Prayer Services for the season, in above church at 8 pm. Preacher, Rev. Brethen. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 10:30 a.m. Preacher, Rev. Hirtle. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. 4 Markham Road The winners at the St. Patrick’s euchn‘e party last week were: Ladies, 151:, Mrs. Watson; and, Mrs. Joe Taylor; consolation, Mrs. ‘Walter Smith; Men, let, Mr. Webb; 2nd, Cpl. Donaldson; consolation, Mr. Joe Taylor. The draw for the centre- piece was won by Mrs. Di‘ckenson and the door prize was won by Ber- nice Bentley. Watch for the lads with the Red Cross rbuttons who on Saturday mornings w'Ll'l‘ collect salvage for the Red! Cross. At the afternoon euchre the lst prize was won by Mrs. Reg. Baker, 2nd by Mns. Joe Taylor, and consoâ€" lation by Miss Marion Buchanan. The next afternoon euchre will be held at the home of Mrs. F. Fenner on Thursday afternoon, April 2. All the ladies are cordially invited. munity. Join the Red! Cross in your com- Richvale Red Cross ST. M ARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) NOTICE OF MANPOWER REGISTRATION ' InSI Renew Unemployment Insurance Books Before April 1 To avoid duplication of e is being combined with the Insurance Books. A supply of new books will be mailed promptly on receipt at your local Employment and Claims Office, of completed registration forms and the old books stamped for the last pay period in March. hFor details, clonsult the Commission’s Local Office without delay. YOUR CO-OPERATION IS URGENTLY REQUIRED Unemployment Insurance Commission The skills and training of every worker in Canada must be known in order that they may be used to the best advantage. This is the first step towards complete registration of man-power. This ls An Important War Undertaking TH]: RSDAY, Ottawa, Canada. March 23, 1942. new books will be mailqu progngfly or! of effort, the above registration the renewal of Unemployment INSURANCE LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE’ GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S A. G. Savage for collection phoneâ€" E. D. Cunningham Richmond Hill 258-J MARCH 26th, 1942. Old Post Office Richmond Hill