J HATYENTnoN!’ Fr WW LIKETO MENTwN «You WILL GET QUITE PROMPT 'nATTENTIONA iHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R To Farmers :- COMPANY HALL’S g 35/? \WCCZE ï¬ STA TI ©N a Users of Hall’s Service Station gasoline know the thrill of real power. Through high refinement Hall’s gas delivers that power which gives.y0u an easy “z-zip†up a long hill. Use it regularly. “Be Ready With Reddy Power†PHONE 10, THE ELEVATOR OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOOSE WHEAT SUITABLE FOR SEED ALSO ERBAN, VICTORY AND VANGUARD OATS O.A.C. No. 21 AND VELVET BARLEY FIELD SEEDS ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND SWEET CLOVER CERESAN FOR TREATING YOUR GRAIN ALSO BONUS ON YOUR FERTILIZERS ORDER EARLY AT THE ELEVATOR THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1942. r: '~ " (¢\ 2" (B RICHMOND HILL mm mum (9‘, Liberal classified “ -s†pay good dividends. ‘S-ergt. Pilot Ronald Crone, 2.0 year old son of Mr. .and) Mrs. Basil‘ Crone oxf Newtonba'oovk has recently had promotion. For some time He has ‘been pilot on bomIber planes overr enemy teqrm'tory. Pte. Donald Newson has been home 0 ri .t1wo- we'eks leave f rom Winni p e g; The Newtonburook W.M.S. Auxil- iary enjoyed the hospitality of :the Thornhill United Church at their Easter Thank-offering miee't- ing last Tuesday afternoon in Thornhill United Church. Mr. Harold Smith who is taking an. Officers Course in the R.C.A.F. at Mont-real visited‘ his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith last weekâ€" end. His many friends were pleased to see him back to church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. D. Penney, Audrey and Kenneth and Mrs. S. Penney of Port Carling, MT. and Mrs. P. White of Maple, Mr. and‘ Mrs. C. Diceman elf Teston. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hanna orf Barrie and‘ MT. Leonard! H'al'bert of Shelburne were Eastgr guests of Rev. A. H. and' Mrs. Hal» bvert. ‘The Golden Rule Mission Bandé held3 a successful concert in the Unit‘edi Church school room on Eas~ ter Monday evening which inwclud‘ed' two plays. “When Easter Comes!" and “Easter’s- wao Gifts“, presented by tho Mission Band members. There was also vocal and piano solos and recitations. The church school room was beautifully decorâ€" ‘ated' few the occasion with lowly spring flowers. The Sacrament of the Lorst Sup- per will be dstpensed in Newton'- b-rook United‘ Church next Sunday, April 12th at 11 am. with a Tercepâ€" tion of new members. â€"Lair-ge congregations attended» both services in the United Church last Sunday. The choir, under the lead-- ership of the organist, Miss Bertha Srmi‘thi, gave Slpeci‘a} Easter anthems which were very fitting and much appreciated. Rev. A. H. Halbert spoke on “The TFK‘QuInrph of Righ» teousness“‘. At the evening service the sermon was illustrated by beauâ€" tiful‘ly coloredl sflide-s of “Jesus on the Cross to His Ascension". 'The annual Good‘ Friday service which was held in Newtombrook United Church was largely attend- ed. Every available seat was filled and chairs had to be brought in fu‘cm the 5.8. rroom. Loea'l‘ clergy took ‘part in the service and! Rev. J. R. Mubchmou', B.A., B.D., of Toronto, preached from the .text Man]: 15: 39, “Truly .this ,man is‘ the sen of God‘â€. Rev. A. H. Hallberrt presided. The choirs of Lansing andl Newton- brook United Chvulrches led‘ in the worship of praise and! sang two an- ‘thems. The offering which amount- ed) to over $30.00 was given to the Hospital for Sick Chdldtren in Toron-‘ to. The Girls’ Mission Circle will hold their Easter Tkunnk-oflfering meeting next Tuesday, April 14th in the 8.8. hall of the United Church. This will‘ also be the 10th anniversary of the organization. Members who took part at the firs-t meeting will con- tribute to the pro-gram next Tues- day evening. The guest speaker will be Mrs. (Rev.) Franlk Rae of Wil- lowdialve and Mrs. Orph-a M. Hous- ton of the Chinese .Mission in To- ronto. Miss Mary Louie will sing in Chinese. The members of the Women’s Association and1 W.M.S. Auxiliary are cordially invited to this! meeting. A social hour will follow. N ewtonbrook 'slpirit of coâ€"ondxina-tion m the beam is emrphasized_when we say .they only practice when! they .play games, having no rink of their own except 'the far distant Bolton rink Red 'Hrmnem had plenty of complimean ‘to tell! them when he learn-ed ‘this ’fact. Years ago the King City soccer team won distinction on» .sim- ’il‘ar procedm‘e. Kinvg‘ arthiet-es al- ways do an all-ou't effort wherever they coimn‘erbe. ‘ . Scfhowlhenq‘ W. I. Branch maid-e $60 from a Purina hanquet and‘ demonâ€" stration sponsored by Cecil Maynard in the Hail on March 31vst. 10th Kimg: hockey team coveredl itself with glory at Ravina Rin’k on (March 31 in a 6-2; final game over sturdy Pl‘a'btsvil‘le, capturing ï¬che O'nta-rio Rural‘ Hockey Association Intermed- iate A championship. They earned ‘ph‘oto space and' snappy ‘headlines in ‘Toronto netws'paIp-ens. They won the full adminaticm- from a host of town- ship followers. Out-playing 'their opponents all 'the way, the King- ag- gregation .‘had' little trouble winning rth-ei totalâ€"goal series 94. By 'th-e time tlm‘s colmmm is‘ read 'the second series with Milton will have been played at Ravima A:p1’il 7th. The Charles! Cohen will hold a farm sale on April 1’5Ith. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Wallace Jennings vrisited‘ Mrs. J. Jennings of Temper- ainceville: on Sunday. Ndbleton WI. will sponsor an All-n Seltzer entertainment in! ‘the Community Hall on Friday, April 17th. Three valuable draws will "3e made, all local d'onaltions, a regist- ter-ed‘ Jersey he‘izfer from Dr. Charl- ton, Wm. Roger srilver casserole from J. D. Cameron and! a 3‘2â€"piece breakfast set from W. C. Harris. All proceeds will go ‘bo King Town‘- sthip Red Cross. Bolb Rumfble, R.>C.A.F., spent the week-end at his home art Temper- ancevillie. Mr. and Mrs. Art Male 01' Toron- 'to spent the week-end) at Mr. Thos. Anderson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hart sold their farm near Yorkt'on, Sask. and 'are (making their home with Itheir ‘reflative, Mrs. F. Carver. Ma". and; Mrs. Bob Ridden have ‘moved’ into .the Presbyterian Manse. Farm stock, implements, erbc. on Jas.,M‘oCallum*’s farm a‘t Laskay will be sold on April“ 10th. C. E. Walk- ‘inlg'ton. auctioneer. Mr. Colin Sheardownl, West King" Mr. and thws. Wal‘ter Claa‘ksonv of Keï¬tlelby have moved to King to the house formerly occupied by Aubrey Archibald. Mr. Jack Walkin'gton has taken a Government war job in Montreal. He is' well qualiï¬ed! im a special service and Will do excellent work Wherever in: takes him. We wish him all’ success. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Follio‘ot of Montreal spent the week-end at the home h‘ealiths of ‘Mr. andI (Mrs. WCUQSLEV, King and Mr. «and; Mrs. Adlbesrt Folli-o’tt of Texm'peranceville. They make short :Lal‘s om famin frlfendrs. Mrs. Kels-o «Crossley is recovering from a surgical‘ operration. Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman of Gait paid a recent visit to their homes at Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Ed‘- wardts, M‘rs‘. Chapman at Maple and to Mr. Chapman who at that .time was 7m in 'the‘ hospital. R. L. Brurbo'n, son of Rev. W. J. Burton: of Kettleby, and‘ Wm. Pagan of :Schomlberg have received ‘Wings’ the latter att Momcton, B.C. R.C.A.F. Slchool. Mns. McKee and) ‘Mrs. Lal‘k‘i-nl of Eaton H‘allv Farm em¢e:r‘t-ainecr at a musdcale recently, [the proceeds to- ward! Eaton War Auxiliary. Some very fine talent was enjoyed by a Large gathering. M‘iss Jennie Kenswfl‘l, senior in\ the x-my department of Victoria Hos- pital, LOH'dIO‘n, Ont.u is‘ spending some ï¬ime wi‘thl her parents, er. and Mrs. Glles Kemsrwill. It was with 'a sense of pride we noted; that the spring ed‘i‘tiom of “The Qulill"’, the Aurora High School students? publication, was dedicated to the memory of Sgt. Pilot George DavigY killed on acitive service Felbâ€" ru‘ary 11th. A native of King, and an e'xâ€"stud-en‘t of A.H.S., his was' the first casualty in these circles. as'kav Mrs. H. H. Whitney and (Ban-gh- ‘ter Frances Iof Southamrplto'n spent Ea-smcrr holidlayrs wihbh their mother, Mr& S'tone Sr. Mrs. G. H. Stone received word recently ‘that her sister-inâ€"law, Mrs. Wzm. Stone of Toronrto, had passed away. A nephew, Mr. Robert Pow- ell, was also recently buried. IMr. and Mrs. Leslie Glassy were bend‘ered’ a charvfari .party at their hlcrme last week. King City District News THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO he will be held April It pays to use the classified sec- tion of The Liberal. Mr. S. Mashin- ber who adNertised‘ 5 tons clover hay in a recent issue reports he sold' all of it the following day. This is just one of the many good» results obtained ‘by advertising in The Lib- eraL An excellent Easter program was given at Lasfkay Y.P.U. last week. The worship was! based on the theme “Immortality, rthe continuity of s;pi.ro itual forcesâ€. Eversley and Temperantcevil‘lle Young People were guests of King Unï¬tedl Y.P.U. on Monday evening. An excellent varied} theme prognrgm was given. Strange 'Preslibyteï¬ian W.M.S. meet at the home of Mrs. J. S. Lawson this week. Miss Elizabeth McClune visited Toronto foa‘ a day or so this week. Good Friday and’ Easter Sunday services were well attended at all rtownrsh‘ip churches. Greater attend~ anc-e than in former years was quite in evidence. Speciat music in all quarters prevailed, clergy stated. Tarnmeranceville co-ordinaitedl a mus- ical zfe-stival witx'h the Easter ser- vice. Mr. James rendered a vocal @010, Mrs. Watson, a solo, Mrs. Middleton and Miss M. Folrliyott a duet. Mrs. H. J. Anderson spoke to 'La'skay W.M..S. 'on‘ “Thoughts on Easter†on April‘ ‘lst. Mrs. A. McClure andV Mrs. Gell- atly at’tended' Richmond] Hill Pres- byterian WJM.‘S. last wedk. Mrs. >P1ew'man of Toronto will address King United‘ W.M.S. flhis week. Local societies will be guests of the United' fbod-y. received $25 bounty for cap-Luring chicken ‘thie‘vevs on his property last fall. Township council awarded the sum as. per re-sohltion. Eversley Presbyterian W.A. meet- ing at the home of ers. C. Neal and Mrs. F. Armstrong planned to make laye'tt-es for British civilians as- a war elï¬for't. Special means will .be employed to raise the sup- plies. PAYS TO ADVERTISE “m 'de-u‘, Aunofl“ ‘ \ v I “W “‘X- \ L § \\ x ‘ 3.» V \k \W ‘ \\ 9 \\\\ ‘Tix‘ * \ï¬xï¬â€˜x‘mm Sielco Fence FARM and POULTRY Phone 86 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY AUTO WRECKERS Phone 259J Complete Stock of NEW AND USED PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS RECONDITIONED CARS AND TRUCKS CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Norman Bone We handle a complete line of farm and poultry fence and steel posts, barb wire and gates. CEDAR POSTS â€" ALL SIZES All styles of Wire and rail fence erected at reasonable rates. FENCE FENCING CONTRACTOR 2 Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill P’AGE ' SEVEN Richmond Hill